We are in a war. We who are Freedom Loving Americans want to live in peace and harmony with government performing the duties of a servant and all people treating each other as individuals. The left is aspiring, as it always has, to have complete dominance over our lives by forcing all to conform to their ideas by using government as the sovereign and enforcer. The left does not believe in the individual but states we all belong to classes and must conform to the beliefs of the different classes as stipulated by the left.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War Unfortunately, many Freedom Loving Americans do not know themselves. This is especially true for those Freedom Loving Americans who were in school at any and all levels in the last 40 years or so when the indoctrination system replaced the education system and the restated history that fits the lefts agenda was being taught. Many of these people are now repeating talking points but have not taken the time to study history to understand the whys and why nots. You must get to know yourselves. Freedom Loving Americans do not know the enemy. The enemy has never been taught in any of our schools. When the enemy is taught it is a fabricated version. What the enemy, which is the collectivist (Marxists, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat, - all virtually the same), who would have us believe that the result of their program brings total harmony through total conformity and equality. This is based on the false premise of so many philosophers that the nature of man will become more advanced and good with each new generation. This has never been shown to be true, but what history proves is that the nature of man, good and evil, has existed since the fall of Adam and Eve, or the beginning of time. True, our tools for communicating and traveling have become much faster, but our human nature has remained unchanged. I am reading Vladimir Lenin’s writing, “State and Revolution”. Lenin was a brilliant person, a conniving person, a user of others, and very evil. I would strongly suggest to all Freedom Loving Americans that you read at least two biographies of Lenin because what he did through the Communist International has had a great affect on the United States even to this day, and the methods he taught and strategies he used are being used by the left in the United States today with the goal of achieving the very results Lenin achieved. The goal of the collectivist is to dominate the lives and thoughts of all the people. The collectivist believes that they are able to make better choices for the good of all and that allowing individuals to make choices will bring about a disjointed society where conformity and equality do not exist. The belief of the collectivist is that bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts who are drinkers of the collectivist nectar are for more capable of doing what they deem to be in the best interest of the collective. All who would deviate are enemies of the state and must be segregated or eliminated. The collectivist states that individuals as an individual is not important but become important to the state only when they fit into the proper slot the state has assigned to them. The collectivist treats all as members of different groups. The collectivist, including Lenin and the Democrats promote hatred and distrust between the groups so that they will bring about chaos in the society in order to gain control. Once control has been gained, any who continue to bring about chaos will be segregated and eliminated because they are now enemies of the state. Major differences between the evil of the collectivist and the good of freedom is placing people into groups (based on characteristics such as social class, economic class, race, sex, and ethnicity) and not treating people as individuals “judging them on the content of their character and not the color of their skin”. The collectivist will deceive, lie, and cheat. The collectivist will accuse those who oppose them of the very evil the collectivist is doing. The collectivist has no standard but a double standard and will use the one that promotes their agenda. The collectivist places no value on human life but believes the individual is no different from that of “any animal”. The collectivist supports the elimination of the core family unit and promotes that all allegiance must be to the state. The collectivist will say, as did Comrade Obama that, “the state is your friend”. President Trump is hated and despised by those favoring collectivism today because he is the first president since Ronald Reagan who does understand that goodness, greatness, and prosperity comes about because individuals are free to pursue their happiness. President Trump understands that the collectivist agenda is an evil agenda that results in a perverted society with poverty and misery for the people and elitism for those heading the state. Samuel Adams told the colonists, “It is high time the people of this country explicitly declare whether they will be free men or they will be slaves”. That is the very choice we have today. President Trump has chosen free and the Democrats have chosen slaves. President Trump knows who he is, and he knows who the enemy is. More than ever, anybody, Republican, Independent, or Democrat who believes we are all individuals and not a tool to be used by the collectivist, and chose free over slaves, must voice their support loudly and clearly that our current election be decided on a fair basis. These same people must then take the time to study and understand who they are and who and what the enemy is.
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