The United States was a unique experiment in government. We were to be a people ruled by law and not by the whims of some autocrat or the majority of some ruling group. In our unique form of government, our Constitution overruled the courts, the executive, the congress, and even the majority. Even so, people would be elected to different positions and people would be appointed to perform different functions. Unlike in a dictatorship, which includes democracy, the character of those officials was critical.
Jefferson said, “the whole art of government consists in the art of being honest.” Washington explained, “It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.” John Adams, observed, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” James Madison wrote that our Constitution requires “sufficient virtue among men for self-government,” otherwise, “nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another.” Government is no longer honest. God and the Bible have been disallowed in government. Our people are no longer moral. There is no longer virtue in those who serve in government. We were told time after time that Russia was the reason Trump was elected in 2016 only to learn that Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and the FBI were responsible for the Russian dossier and all the other Russian stories. Government officials lied, Hillary lied, morality and virtue were cast aside. We were told that the China Virus was a natural virus. We now know the CDC, NIH, and many others knew it was leaked from a lab in Wuhan China. Government lied to us. We were lied to about lockdowns and wearing masks. We were told the jabs would stop the spread of the China virus, and if you took the jab you would not contract it. All lies. We now know that those who took the jabs can and will get the China virus, are susceptible to heart disease and other diseases, that the numbers of stillborn babies are much higher, and that all people who have received the jab have and will have serious health problems. We were told that Ivermectin and hydroxy chloride were dangerous to take and did not cure the China Virus, only to learn that they are extremely effective with no side effects. Our officials lied to us. We are now being told that we must support Zelensky with whatever it takes and for how long it takes, only to learn that he has outlawed his opposition, nationalized the media, and outlawed the Orthodox religion; he is another Putin or Lukashenko. He refuses to give us an accounting for weapons and money. Our government is lying to us. We were told that the Hunter laptop was a Russian hoax only to learn that it is Hunter’s laptop, and that “Big Guy” is Joe Biden. We have learned that indeed “Big Guy” Joe was very much involved in the business of the Biden Crime Family. Again, lies. We learn day in and day out that our government is completely void of honesty, morals, or virtue. This extends to our schools as well. We also know that as we move farther and farther away from God and the Bible, our government becomes more and more corrupt, more and more dictatorial, and more and more tyrannical. The solution to correcting this seems obvious. We must again insist on returning from democracy to republic We the people must be honest and demand honesty from our government. We the people must return to God and the Bible and again become a virtuous people electing virtuous people as representatives, and demanding virtuous people in our bureaucracy. If we the people refuse to repent and turn from our wicked ways, our government will become even more dishonest, more immoral, more dictatorial, and more tyrannical.
Donald Trump and Kari Lake refuse to play along with the political establishment. They both stated that it is their goal to expose and eliminate what has become known as the “deep state”. This would be the technocrats and bureaucrats of government who are not elected but have been in government A long time and believe their agenda overrides all other agendas. We saw this when Alexander Vindman explained that President Trump had not followed the notes that he, Vindman, had given to the President and thus had committed an impeachable offense.
The Russia hoax had not stopped Donald Trump from his efforts to expose the corruption and self-dealing of government officials, both elected and unelected, along with the lobbyists. When the emails of the DNC were exposed, we saw a young man who worked for the DNC murdered on the streets of Washington late one night. The official story is that he was murdered by robbers, yet his watch, phone, wallet, credit cards, and cash were still on him. Wiser people believe the DNC knows who the robbers were. Donald Trump could not be tolerated either, just like Seth Rich could not be tolerated. Donald Trump was not “robbed” on the streets of Washington, but he was the victim of an obvious election steal. He received ten million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016 but it was not enough to defeat Joe Biden who received 50 million legal votes and 30 million illegal and manufactured votes. The proof is overwhelming. However, the establishment including the RINOS, could not survive with another four years of Trump. Kari Lake had the same problem in Arizona in 2022. She had promised that it was her purpose to expose the corruption in Arizona and bring about fair and transparent elections. We are now learning why this promise by Kari Lake was so threatening. We are learning that certain elements in Arizona knew they had to take any and all actions to keep Kari Lake from becoming governor. Maricopa County election officials were up to the task. We are learning why they were willing to openly cheat to make sure Katie Hobbs moved to the governor’s chair. It’s now being reported AZ Governor Katie Hobbs as well as several Maricopa County Supervisors accepted bribes from the Sinaloa cartel in the form of phony mortgages or deeds of trust. The Arizona Senate and House Elections Committees held a joint special meeting and heard an explosive presentation by Jacqueline Breger, which exposed information regarding massive corruption and collusion between American politicians, appointed government officials, and the Sinaloa Cartels. Breger identified herself as a longtime Arizona resident and a forensic investigator with the Harris/Thaler Law Corporation, investigating multi-state racketeering and corruption. She said that she holds a master’s degree in marketing and honors degrees in Finance, Financial Accounting, Business, statistics, economics, and business strategy. She told the legislators that attorney John Thaler investigated money laundering and racketeering in Maricopa County and reviewed over 120,000 documents which included “fake notarizations, fake deeds of trust, fraudulent buyers and or sellers of the real property transactions, as well as other companies used in real estate transactions, such as real estate brokers, mortgage companies, Title and Escrow companies, real estate inspection companies, and service companies.” Breger made serious accusations against named individuals in government positions and others involved in the alleged scheme. This included two citizens of Mesa named Dawna Rae Chavez and her daughter, Brittany Rae Chavez, who are both described by Breger as “principal preparers of the documents necessary to affect the racketeering enterprise.” We are learning that stolen elections are conducted to keep cooperative and participating politicians in office so those who would investigate and expose criminal activity will be silenced. This criminal activity appears to be predominately but not totally within the Democrat party. The RINO faction has their hands out as well. True Americans, true reformers, like Trump and Lake must be put into office. Yes, there is a strong possibility that if elections are again made fair and transparent, these brave people will also face the wrath of “robbers”, but if the “deep state” is to be eliminated brave people will have to step forward despite the dangers. Trump and Lake are aware and yet willing. The DEI group, along with the woke left, and the Democrat party have been telling us that segregation in the name of equity and inclusion was mandatory. The results of this evil and power grabbing program have proven to be destructive, devastating, disastrous, and catastrophic wherever it has been implemented. Most notably these are the results of Biden’s cabinet, which is the most incompetent and ineffective cabinet in my lifetime, in educational hiring, in teacher performance, in student selection, and in the airline industry where pilots that should not be soloing a single prop plane are flying commercial jets with hundreds of people on board.
When factors other than ability and competence are used for selection, the performance will deteriorate and the public will suffer. The common refrain of people who are going to have serious surgery for instance, is that their surgeon is the top surgeon in their field. We do not hear that the surgeon was chosen because of the color of their skin or that they thought they could choose their gender. That would be foolish just like choosing anybody for such factors as opposed to meritocracy is foolish. We have recently learned that two prominent Universities are reversing their policies of segregation and implementing programs of meritocracy and not choosing lesser qualified that posses certain demanded qualities of DEI over individuals who are more qualified but do not possess the demanded qualities of DEI. The board of the University of North Carolina moved to ban diversity, equity and inclusion requirements from its hiring and promotion process. The school “shall neither solicit nor require an employee or applicant for academic admission or employment to affirmatively ascribe to or opine about beliefs, affiliations, ideals, or principles regarding matters of contemporary political debate or social action as a condition to admission, employment, or professional advancement,” according to the decision. Officials at the University of Texas system, which includes 13 campuses and 244,000 students, announced Wednesday that it would pause any new diversity, equity, and inclusion policies after the controversial initiatives received significant criticism. It is now recognized that DEI initiatives have created the opposite of their intended effect and instead "proactively encourage discrimination in the workplace." When a state agency adjusts its employment practices based on factors other than merit, it not following the law. Rebranding employment discrimination as 'DEI' does not make the practice any less illegal. This should be the beginning of a movement to right the wrong that was instituted in the name or righting a wrong that was already righted. For the good of the public, for the advancement of society, merit should always be above the practices advocated by the woke crowd championing DEI. We have been promised for over a century by the left that in order for them to bring about their brand of governance they must transform us to a democracy and ultimately to a left wing or communist dictatorship. The United States today has far more characteristics of being a dictatorship than we do of being a republic that protects individual liberty, freedom, and property.
It was on October 30th of 2008 that Comrade Barack Obama told the American public that his communist movement was five days away from transforming the United States. What we now know is that the Comrade told us he would complete the effort of the communist movement to bring about a tyrannical bureaucrat dominated government that controlled the lives, choices, thoughts, and speech of all people. The idea that citizens of the United States are a free people whose right to life, liberty, and property is considered to be the primary function of the government is in the distant past. Today, when that idea is communicated, the communicator is ridiculed, chastised, demonized, and arrested and jailed. The next punishment in that line, based on past communist history, is that the communicator will be eliminated. These punishments are all for the purpose of intimidating others into total obedience and conformity to the evil ideology of communism and woke mentality. Yes, this is a part of life in the United States today just as it was in the Soviet Union and its satellites, just as it was in Albania, just as it was and is in current communist nations such as Venezuela, Cuba, and of course China. In the United States today, our lives are being controlled by the demands of the bureaucracy. It is the bureaucracy that dictates how business must be conducted, who must be hired and fired, who must be promoted and demoted, who must be on boards and in management, how investments and expansion can be done, and that all must comply with the demand for equity. Those who are hired, even to perform medical procedures, to do life saving research, to be pilots that fly millions of passengers, and to do any and all skilled related functions, must be hired with equity as the determining factor forsaking meritocracy, or skills and abilities. This is how the current cabinet was formed and their performance is proof as to how detrimental it is to hire based on equity and not meritocracy. It is the unelected bureaucracy and judges who now attempt to control our thoughts and our choices. People are and have been punished, including arrested by the FBI swat teams, placed in gulag like conditions in solitary confinement, denied bail and not even charged with a crime or having a court date set, all against the protected rights in the Constitution, because the individual did not conform to the demands of the communist and woke ideology. The tyrannical government demands that we individuals deny our belief for instance that there are only two genders. We are called a bigot if we hold true to biology and what the Bible has told us, “God created them male and female”. We are called bigots if we do not proclaim the abomination of homosexuality. We are expected to not only protect this action but also to promote it, despite knowing that God has defined it as an abomination, and it does not and cannot procreate. We are called bigots and roundly denounced if we do not conform to the evils of pedophilia, which destroys the child but brings some perverted pleasure to the older person, and we are told we must confirm that the minds and bodies of young kids must be allowed to be mutilated for the pleasure of perverts and to augment the bank accounts of those sick enough to ruin the life of a child. We are told we must make choices that have proven to be far more detrimental to the lives of our children and our own life so pharmaceutical companies can make huge profits and contribute to political campaigns to keep dictatorial politicians in office. These choices must be made despite overwhelming evidence that they have no positive medical results but kill and harm those who succumbed to the public ridicule. Our children are no longer being educated but indoctrinated. Parents who have objected to the indoctrination of their children have not only been ridiculed and referred to as domestic terrorists by the Department of Justice, but they have been arrested and charged with crimes. The hallmark of a free society is private property. In the United States today all property is considered to be the governments and those with deeds or certificates of ownership, have only leases or rental agreements. All land and vehicles today are owned by the government. If the lease payment, commonly called property taxes or registration fees are not paid, the government can and will reclaim its property. We believe we own our income, but it is first subject to any confiscation or taxes by the government before we receive it. The government now has the permission to seize anything we have if they suspect we were involved in some criminal activity, and are not required to return the property if the charges are proven to be false. We are commanded by the government that we must pay our fair share, but fair share is never defined. We are guilty if we claim that confiscation is wrong, especially when the government redistributes what we thought were our assets to others who will not, do not produce but vote for the politicians who promise that confiscating and redistribution will continue and even be increased. The United States is no longer a republic, it is not even a democracy, but it is now a dictatorship and in many cases a tyrannical dictatorship. If we are to reverse this evil, this perverted evil that now rules us, we must ask, “how did we get here?” We the people were given a Constitutional Republic. A Constitutional Republic requires a virtuous public, it requires an interested, an informed, and an involved public. We are no longer a virtuous public and thus no longer elect virtuous representatives, so we no longer have a virtuous government. All of these must change if we are to regain our freedom. We must, each individual, become interested, informed, and involved in all aspects of government from our school boards to our congress. In many ways our school boards are more critical than our congress. A couple of reforms must take place. A Constitutional amendment that requires sunset clauses on all new laws and places one on all existing laws, is critical. A review of all laws must take place with the elimination of most of them. We must not only have a complete overhaul of our election process, that is an election day, with paper ballots, and voter ID, but we must require that in order to register to vote the person wanting to register must pass the same exam a legal immigrant must pass before they can become a citizen. We require competency tests for other rights such as driving and practicing most work functions. Informed voting is critical if we are to return to a Constitutional Republic where protection of individual liberty, freedom, and property is the most critical function of government. We were established as a Republic. In a Republic it is the law that is the Supreme Ruler of the Land. The law overrides the legislative branch, the executive branch, the judicial branch, and even the people. It is the Constitution that guaranties those liberties bestowed upon us by our Creator from being infringed or abridged. Our Constitutional Republic protects our individual liberties and freedom. It is our transformation to a democracy that has taken our individual liberty and freedom from us and has brought upon us the tyranny of government. We who claim we want individual liberty and freedom must live under our Constitution.
The Constitution of the United States makes very clear the Constitutional qualifications for president. Article II, Section 1, Clause 5: No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy both meet the above qualifications. Ron DeSantis also meets those qualifications, as do many others. We as Constitutional Americans must support their rights to seek the presidency. We do not have to support their candidacy, but we must support their right. This is the same as saying that I do not agree with what a person might say, but I will defend their right to say it. Donald Trump also meets the Constitutional requirements. He has a right to run for the presidency. Those on the left would seek to deny him that right, but those on the left have not and do not support the Constitution of the United States. Those on the left believe in government suppression and control of the people. If we are to remain free, we cannot pick and choose what parts of the Constitution we will and will not follow. We must be different from the left and stand for principle. We had been told that January 6th was an insurrection that had to be investigated.
Rep. Bennie Thompson, the chairman of the select committee investigating the January 6th happening, opened the first hearing of that committee on Tuesday saying the committee would be “guided solely by the facts.” “Let me say a few words at the outset about this Committee’s work and how, as Chairman, I plan to run things. We are going to be guided solely by the facts. The facts of what happened on January 6th, in the run-up to that tragic day, and what has taken place since. That’s what we’re charged to do by House Resolution 503. There’s no place for politics or partisanship in this investigation. Our only charge is to follow the facts where they lead us.” In following the facts where they lead us, the committee members were chosen by Nancy Pelosi which means only those who agreed with Pelosi and Thompson could sit on the committee. No opposing arguments would be heard. The committee never looked at Pelosi’s communications, thus why National Guardsmen that were offered were not accepted was not a part of the facts. People who were on tape encouraging others to storm the Capitol, Ray Epps, were not investigated. The planting of the “pipe bomb” was not investigated. The thousands of hours of tape were not investigated. The facts were not investigated so the committee could be led to its pre-determined conclusions. Now the tapes, or some of them, have been released. Committee members are not happy that facts might be revealed. Adam Schiff, who promised numerous times he had irrefutable evidence that the Russians orchestrated the election of Donald Trump, is claiming that the release of the January 6th footage is a conspiracy. The tapes are the tapes. They would allow us to follow the facts that could lead us to the truth; was January 6th a right wing insurgency or was January 6th an orchestrated event by Pelosi for political purposes. Adam Schiff could be on the wrong side once again, just as he was on the Russian hoax. We all should want to know the facts and let them take us to the truth. A demagogue is defined as a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power.
Demagoguery is defined as the action of winning support by exciting the emotions of ordinary people rather than by having good or morally right ideas. Demagoguery correlates strongly to authoritarianism. It is difficult to find any demagoguery that doesn’t appeal to authoritarianism. Authoritarian submission is one’s willingness to comply with established authorities placing very narrow limits on people’s rights to criticize authorities. Second, authoritarians advocate sanction against those whom they deem detrimental to established authorities. Authoritarian aggression is enhanced by the belief that established authority at least tacitly approves it or that it will help preserve established authority. Thus, the theory of authoritarianism is closely related to the theory of social dominance. This is an example of a demagogue using demagoguery for the purpose of promoting authoritarian polices to further his control and power. It is shameful and morally corrupt. Nevertheless, many people in the United States would support this evil because they will also gain wealth and power because of it. Biden recalled the history of lynching at a White House screening of a new movie about Emmet Till and celebrated the passage of a bill making lynching a federal hate crime saying "some people still want to do that." Remember, this same Biden praised and glorified Robert Byrd who was a leader of the KKK. Biden recalled black people "lynched for simply being black, nothing more." "With white crowds, white families gathered to celebrate the spectacle, taking pictures of the bodies and mailing them as postcards," Biden remembered. "Hard to believe, but that's what was done. And some people still want to do that." Lynchings ended in the 1950’s and even then were rare. Lynchings have always been wrong and were always condemned by the vast majority of all people, black, brown and white. The use of lynchings in the manner that Biden is doing today is to bring about hate and division. It has done just that. Saira Rao, a self-proclaimed leftist, has claimed that all Republicans, as well as their significant others and their friends, are all fascists. "If you are a Republican in 2023, you are a fascist. If you are married to/in a relationship with a Republican in 2023, you are a fascist. If you are friends with a Republican in 2023, you are a fascist. At some point, your actions need to match your memes. It's a low bar," Yes, demagoguery is self-serving, it is evil and hateful, and it brings about destruction, devastation, and division. This is what the communists have used to gain power. This is what aspiring tyrants use to gain power. This is why evil hates the Bible and Jesus Christ. Jesus told us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, and then told us the second greatest commandment is to love our neighbor as our self. If we are following the commands of Christ we will not fall prey to the evils of demagoguery, to the evil of those who have promised to transform the United States into a nation of communism, into a nation of hatred and division, into a totalitarian state. You can see why the left is also waging a war against the Bible and Jesus Christ. Have you taken the time to learn about the presidents and which ones honored individual liberty and freedom and which ones were determined to transform the United States? Initially, we had Washington’s Birthday and Lincoln’s Birthday. This made sense. Both of these individuals were true to individual liberty and freedom and represented American ideals. Both were moral and honorable and certainly deserve the acclaim they receive.
Sadly, our education system, that is now an indoctrination system, has not taught accurate history and in many cases has not taught history. Many people could not tell you who Washington and Lincoln were, and yet these people are encouraged to vote. How sad. We have had many presidents who despised our unique system of governance. They did not agree with us being a republic, they despised our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights. Yet, they like the great presidents are supposed to be honored on this day. Woodrow Wilson had attempted to change our form of government to a parliamentary form of government where the president would be like a prime minister who is chosen by the members of their party who are seated in parliament and not by the people. Franklin Roosevelt did not believe in our republican form of government either. Franklin Roosevelt said that the Constitution can be changed to fit the whims and wishes of some group when it was in the best interest of that group. This is democracy which is government by the mob. Barack Obama despises individual liberty and freedom, as does the party he represents, and believed that the people are meant to serve the government as opposed to the government serving the people. Obama augmented the deep state and believed in governance by bureaucracy and not elected officials. Then we have Biden, a person who lacks in conviction and morality but makes up for it in corruption. Biden, or “The Big Guy” believes in crime and using government to enrich himself and his family. I would strongly propose we no longer have Presidents Day, but we go back to Washington’s Birthday and Lincoln’s Birthday, two individuals who exemplified the meaning of American and the meaning of honorable people. Freedom can only exist when we have fair and transparent elections. Voting must be taken seriously by informed citizens. Voting is not mandatory but must be regarded as a right and a privilege. Samuel Adams called voting "one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country." A solemn trust that is accountable to God and country is not something that is done flippantly, but with consideration and dedication.
The Founders believed that American citizens have a duty to vote with thoughtfulness and intentionality. If we are to be a nation with individual liberty and freedom, we must protect the integrity of the vote. The American left has destroyed the integrity of our vote. They have done so for power and control. For fair and transparent elections with only responsible voters participating, the mail voting method must be eliminated, only paper ballots counted by humans so recounts have validity, and proof of citizenship is required. The left detests fair and transparent elections. They have learned that they can retain power only when elections are easily manipulated through fraudulent votes, fraudulent counting, and no means of verifying results. If you agree with the Democrats that the United States must be transformed into a communist nation, you will support their idea of making elections even easier to control the outcome, or make it even easier to cheat and steal elections. If you believe our nation must be a nation where individual liberty and freedom prevails, you will insist on election reform where voters understand that voting is, "one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country." The American communist movement or the Democrat party is following the directives of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Mao, and the others as the Democrats continue their relentless move to transform the Unted States from a republic to a democracy to socialism to communism. Communism has claimed that it is a liberating movement that brings prosperity, equality, and unity. Despite these consistent claims, what the programs desired by the Democrats have brought is ruined lives, ruined economies, poverty, and misery. That is the reality of communism.
Communists, as do all aspiring tyrants, understand that they must confiscate any and all arms. Our founders understood that this was a necessary requirement for tyrants as well. That is why we have the 2nd amendment that protects the citizens rights to bear arms, or the means to confront tyranny. Lenin said, “One man with a gun can control 100 without one.” This is what the Democrats understand as do all aspiring tyrants, and why the Democrats continually infringe on the rights of the citizens to bear arms. The American communist movement or the Democrat party is also taking more and more control of children. The communist movement believes that children must be the property of the state and not the gift of God to a married man and women or a core family unit. The communist movement has considered the task of raising or bearing children to be an “unproductive activity” that women must be emancipated from so they can equally contribute to mankind’s economic security. Also, the communist movement has also understood that it is easier to indoctrinate children when they are young. Lenin said that if he had control of a child for four years he would have that child for a lifetime. Karl Marx said that we must have a classless society to have total harmony. In order to have a classless society there must be total conformity in thought and there must be total equity. All people must conform to the Marxist doctrine, any who would not conform must be eliminated. All people must receive according to their needs and not their abilities. Needs would be defined by the state. The Democrat movement, which is a communist movement, is the opposite of the principles upon which our nation was founded. Our nation was founded on the principle that “we hold these truths to be self-evident that all are created equal.” Our founders understood that we are created as individuals with different talents, drives, and desires. Outcomes will always be different. The founders also properly understood that we are individuals who have different ideas and thoughts. It is this diversity in thought that brings about innovation and advancement in all areas. Conformity, as desired by the Democrats, communists, can only, and has only lead to stagnation in all areas of society. It is this stagnation that has brought about the decline including economic decline and decline in morality and virtue. These truths are self-evident. Nevertheless, the Democrats, like all communists, believe that total control of all people is superior to individualism. The Democrats, communists believe we are not individuals that make up society, but that the individual is simply an unimportant clog to be controlled to conform to the dictates of society, even though this system has proven time and time again to be a total failure. |
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