The headlines are great, Wray threatened with contempt of congress. Wray seems to say, so what. Because Wray and Garland will put protecting the Biden Crime Family above the nation, for their own political future and the continued transformation of the United States, Wray has nothing to fear. Remember, Eric Holder was held in contempt of congress. He also turned his nose on congress as he and Obama placed politics over honesty and truthfulness.
This information from the Hill explains the rules on contempt of congress. As you can see, Garland would have to be an honest Attorney General who was seeking to protect the United States and not to protect the Biden Crime Family. If not Garland, it would take a Republican Party what had an America First Speaker, which McCarthy is not. Wray has nothing to fear, not even negative publicity from the media. He will receive favorable stories from the anti-American press. “The authority of Congress to cite an individual with criminal contempt is found in Title 2, Section 192 of the U.S. Code. It states that anyone summoned by either house of Congress "to give testimony or to produce papers" regarding any matter of inquiry who "willfully makes default" or "refuses to answer any questions pertinent to the question under inquiry" has committed contempt of Congress. Penalties for violations (a misdemeanor) include a fine of up to $100,000 and a jail term of one to 12 months, which requires prosecution by the Department of Justice (DOJ) or the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia. This means a contempt citation may be a purely symbolic gesture if the DOJ or U.S. Attorney decides not to prosecute. In the case of EPA Administrator Gorsuch, President Reagan -- head of the executive branch -- had declared those documents off limits due to executive privilege. If the DOJ or U.S. Attorney's Office refuses to prosecute a case where an individual has been cited for contempt of Congress, lawmakers may pursue a civil suit in federal court. Generally, these actions claim that the members of Congress requesting testimony or documents were denied the ability to exercise their constitutional duties. The court then decides whether the individual cited for contempt of Congress must comply with the congressional subpoena. The relevant statute (Title 2, Section 288 of the U.S. Code) specifically gives the Senate the power to bring a lawsuit for contempt of Congress. However, federal courts have held that this also applies to House committees seeking enforcement of subpoenas. The third, and least exercised, option is referred to as the inherent contempt power of Congress. This isn't found in statutory or constitutional language but rather is inferred by the courts as a function of Congress's legislative powers. The last time this was exercised was in the 1930s, but this was seen more as a way to coerce compliance than as a means of punishment. The offender, after being cited for contempt of Congress, is tried on the floor of the chamber of Congress invoking the power. If a majority affirms the contempt charge, they may instruct the Sergeant at Arms to arrest the offender and detain them until they comply with the subpoena or until the end of the session. Given the extraordinary nature of congressional detention and its lack of constitutional clarity, it's often seen as a last-ditch -- and unlikely-- effort."
Less than six months ago many of us did not support McCarthy for speaker. McCarthy is a RINO, the same as Boehner, Ryan, McConnell, and Romney we said They are the same as Democrats in so many ways. They also put their own political ambitions above the good of the country. They are “useful idiots” for the transformation movement of the Democrats to fundamentally transform the United States to a communist tyrannical state.
A group of Americans fought against McCarthy becoming speaker. McCarthy, who desperately wanted to be speaker, said and did whatever he had to so he could be speaker. Just like Democrats, RINOS will say today what they need to say, and forget tomorrow what they had promised. After all, that promise is in the past. When McCarthy’s first test came along, he reverted to the RINO he is. The debt ceiling debate was that test. Biden said he would not negotiate, that he needed a clean $1.5 trillion increase in the debt ceiling limit. McCarthy said no, that was a bad deal. McCarthy’s deal turned out to be no limit on the increase for the next two years. McCarthy gave Biden more than he ever dreamed. For that no limit increase, Biden would have to agree to very minor changes like the work requirement for food stamps increase by a couple of years, and $1.4 billion of $80 billion to the IRS to be withdrawn. The Democrats and RINOS support lifting the debt ceiling for two years, no limits no restrictions, for a few token cuts. Reasonable people are estimating an increase in actual debt over the next two years to be from $4 trillion to $6 trillion. That requires a massive number of new dollars printed which means even more inflation. That means higher interest rates, which means a slowdown in the economy. McCarthy placed his political future before his nation. McCarthy wanted to be viewed as a great deal maker. He was. He traded $1.5 trillion increase for an unlimited increase, and this to a White House occupant who was not elected and is suffering from serious dementia. McCarthy proved he is a true RINO. The American Revolution changed the world. The American Revolution was a revolution based on an idea, it was not a revolution for one group to control the government of a nation and thus control the lives of its citizens. Ideas are more powerful than weapons. The powerful idea that drove ordinary men to do extra ordinary things is found in the “Declaration of Independence” when we the American people declared, “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that amongst these are the right to life, to liberty, and to the pursuit of happiness.”
Revolutions prior to and subsequent to the American Revolution have been about one group of people controlling the government and thus the lives of others. It would be the winning group that would declare that certain people were of a higher or a lower class at birth. It would be the winning group that would determine how each individual could live their life, the liberties each individual could or could not have, it would be the winning group who would determine the pursuits of each individual. The idea that the role of government is to serve the people of a nation and not to control the lives of the individuals of a nation is often referred to as individualism. The idea that the purpose of each individual is to serve the desires of the controlling group by surrendering their ideals to the ideals of those who happen to be in control of government, is referred to as collectivism. This is how the American Revolution changed the world; that government would not be the sovereign over the lives of the individual, but government would be a servant to the people, that government’s role would be to protect the rights of the people and not determine which rights the people could have. Collectivism was predominant in the world prior to the American Revolution. The United States became a symbol of hope, of freedom, of liberty to the rest of the world. The American Revolution came to an end in October of 1781 at a place called Yorktown. We learn that the British Army surrendered to General Washington and the American Army. That battle for individualism was over, but we now know that the desire of some to control the lives of others had not been eliminated. Those forces who would seek to have government control the lives, choices, and thoughts of the individual have risen in other areas of the world since the time of the American Revolution and are again rising in our nation. The idea of collectivism, or the individual being subservient to a dominant government determining the right to life, to liberty, and the pursuit of happiness has been taught in our schools and has been championed by our media and entertainment for at least the last century. With each generation the idea behind the American Revolution has become less and less revered while the revisionist idea of government control has become more and more dominant. This trend toward collectivism, which is nothing more than an all-encompassing term for the other isms such as progressivism, socialism, and communism, has grown in the United States. It was openly declared to be the goal of a candidate for President of the United States of American. It was on October 30, 2008, that a candidate for president of the United States, a candidate who had been raised to be an advocate for communism, Barack Obama declared, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America. Dear President Trump,
Please do not lose the nomination. You have no opponent for the nomination other than the opponent you promote. It is quite clear that well over 50% of potential primary voters will cast their vote for you unless you drive them away. I am a voter that could be convinced by you to not vote for you. I am not concerned about your cute quips about any other candidate. I am concerned that the United States is abandoning the Constitution, I am very concerned that the Democrat Party, which is now a communist dominated party, is concentrating all power in the bureaucracy, or unelected officials. I am very concerned that the United States will no longer be a nation that protects my individual rights and liberties, but it will be transformed into a nation where the bureaucracy dictates how I must live my life, choices I must make, thoughts I can have and if and how I can express those thoughts. You now have my support because you have demonstrated that you have those same concerns, but more importantly you have proven that you have the fortitude to stand against those whose desire it is to transform the United States into a communist tyrannical state. Communist tyrannical states have always been controlled by unelected bureaucrats and technocrats who believe they know how all must live, choices all must make, thoughts all must have and if and how those thoughts can be expressed. Please President Trump, bring awareness to the dangers our nation faces as only you can. Please President Trump concentrate on your accomplishments of fighting those dangers. You brought about fantastic economic growth, you closed the border, you stood against foreign enemies including the CCP, and you made tremendous inroads in exposing the deep state. You have done it. The Democrats, who are really communists and have built the deep state, are the enemies of individual freedom and liberty. You will have the nomination secured before Iowa if you treat any other candidate for the GOP nomination with respect. Acknowledge them, but immediately turn to your accomplishments and more importantly to your answers as to how to restore our nation to a nation that honors our Constitution, champions individual liberty and freedom, and is respected as a beacon of light and hope to the world. Our nation needs you, perhaps more than you understand. Take a page from Ronald Reagan who was a master at turning the conversation to exhibit his optimism and his solutions. You have the nomination unless you choose to lose it. You, perhaps more than anybody understand that in the general election your opponent will not be the Democrat nominee, but the deep state. The deep state has proven they are experts at stealing elections. You, Kari Lake, other candidates, and the American people have been victims. Your margin of victory in the general election will have to be even greater than it was in 2020. Every vote is critical. Win them all. Do not give anybody an excuse to not vote for you. A concerned Freedom Loving American. As the evils of Hell rise within a society, the forces of tyranny follow soon thereafter. Today, in the United States, we are being told that good is evil, that evil is good. We are being told that perversions are natural and normal, and each of us has not only a responsibility to protect these perversions but we must also promote this evil. We are being told that crime, sexual immorality including pedophilia, are normal and natural. Any harm that might arise from the actions of a perpetrator are not the responsibility of the perpetrator, but are the responsibility of society and now we are being told it is the responsibility of the victim.
As these evils of Hell have arisen in the United States, the forces of tyranny are following closely behind. Today, in our nation, we are being told that it is the responsibility of government to tell each individual how they must live their lives, choices they must make, and thoughts they can have and how and if they can express those thoughts. We are being told that we must hate each other because we have differing opinions, or because we have differences in skin color. We are being told in the United States that we all must conform to the Marxist doctrine professed by the Democrat party. If we do not we are white supremacists or racists, we are enemies of the people, or we are insurrectionists or terrorists. The Democrat Party is telling us if we do not conform we will be arrested by a massive FBI force, placed before a kangaroo court, and sentenced. This is known as intimidation. Political prisoners have become common place in the United States. We are now a nation under arbitrary law, the legal system of tyrannical governments, and we have abandoned the rule of law. The rule of law requires all citizens to be treated fairly and equally under the law. In the United States today, if you are or you are not investigated, indicted, and tried before a kangaroo court will depend on your political persuasions, or your compliance with the demands of the Democrat Party. The way to turn from tyranny is to refuse to comply with the demands of the Democrat Party which is now the Communist Party. Do not comply with their demands to use politically correct language but speak directly. Do not use misleading terms like undocumented, use illegal, use proper pronouns like he or she, do not agree to groom our children, and stand for right and not evil. We must as a nation return to the founding principles of our nation which is returning to the teachings of the Bible. The WHO is attempting to push through changes to a treaty that would give them global control over health worldwide. This helps fulfill some of the goals of the WEF’s Great Reset. It is a massive power grab that takes away a nation’s sovereign rights to determine its own health standards.
The World Health Assembly is meeting right now in Geneva. They are attempting to manipulate wording in their agreement so only a majority of our senate would have to approve. This, according to them and the Biden regime would make the United States subject to any health edicts of WHO. How do we know the Biden regime favors surrendering our sovereignty? They told the assembly and thus they told us. They wanted the assembly to understand that the Biden regime is in full accordance with WHO, but they do not want the American public to know. Remember, Trump said the United States would not surrender our sovereignty to WHO or anybody else. These are the remarks made by HHS Secretary Becerra to the assembly. Do you agree with me that these are remarks of total capitulation? “Excellencies, esteemed colleagues. In the resolution that anchored U.S. membership in the WHO in 1948, President Harry Truman declared that it is “mutual helpfulness among nations…[which] alone can lead to peace and security for all peoples.” That call for nations to work together for the health and wellbeing of all people is as important today as it was 75 years ago. The United States is proud to be both a strong partner and a leader in global public health. We believe in the importance of science, research, expanding knowledge, and embracing innovation. We recognize the wisdom of preparation; the necessity of inclusion; the value of building core tools and platforms that save lives, and the urgency to invest in the health workforce that is central to all. We understand and witness the benefits of building strong health systems based on equity, inclusion, and opportunity. To build that equitable and inclusive world, we must ensure sexual and reproductive health and rights for all. We must include the voices of women, minorities, and LGBTQIA+ populations in our decision-making. And, at this pivotal time for health, we also stand to condemn Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, in violation of the Charter of the United Nations. Russia’s attacks have destroyed numerous health facilities, maimed, and killed civilians and health workers. And Global food system are being disrupted. That risks increasing poverty and malnutrition for millions. The international community must, and the United States will continue to, stand with the people of Ukraine. We have common health problems worldwide that require shared solutions. Maternal mortality. Cancer. Infectious disease. Behavioral health and substance use disorders, especially from synthetic drugs. Climate change. The next potential pandemic is never far away. We have come together before in pursuit of audacious goals, to face down threats, and we have succeeded. We can do it again. That “we” includes constructive stakeholders who have a role to play. The United States continues to strongly support Taiwan’s meaningful participation at the World Health Assembly and in the WHO’s work more broadly. The WHO embodies our shared values and remains vitally important to the global struggle for health and well-being. President Biden and the United States are fully committed to the WHO. Together, let’s commit to reaching agreement both on the pandemic accord and targeted amendments to the International Health Regulations in this coming year. Let’s seize this moment and regain momentum towards achieving our global goals on health. And let’s embrace mutual helpfulness and collectively work towards peace, health, and equity for all. Thank you.” When many of us were in high school and college, women’s athletic teams did not exist. That did not mean that girls were incapable of participating, but because women do not run as fast, jump as high, were not as strong, and were not as big, they were unable to compete with boys. Title IX was passed and women’s teams in high school and college were formed. Men competed against men and women competed against women.
Women’s teams developed a vibrant and loyal fan base. No, they still did not run as fast, jump as high, were not as strong, and were not as big as men, but they competed against each other and proved they were very capable and very good athletes. Their fan base appreciated their skills and their effort, and deservedly so. Those who fought for Title IX were often referred to as feminists, or people who wanted a fair playing field for females who wanted to compete in athletics. Now for political purposes, these feminists are claiming that it is only fair if a male who calls himself a female be able to compete in women’s sports. The reason for Title IX was because it was obvious that women did not run as fast, jump as high, were not as strong, and were not as big as men. This was not conjecture, this was and is fact. The so-called feminists and others who are promoting a woke agenda are now in the process of destroying women’s sports. They are claiming that it is fair for men to compete against women because the man is willing to wear women’s clothes and put on make-up. It is difficult to understand who is more devious and sick; the man claiming to be a women or those supporting his claims. No ladies, it is not fair. Unfortunately, the solution to correct this madness is also not fair. But again, as in any woke culture, it is the victim or the innocent who must correct the insanity. All women must refuse to participate in any event where a man is allowed to participate. The sick and devious man would be forced to compete against himself, or if there were two sick and devious men entered, they would be competing against another man. When those like the NCAA who have support this woke sickness, find that only men are competing in what is called a women’s sport, and there are no or few people who have purchased tickets to the event, it would seem that the woke officials would understand the error of their way. We do know with most woke people; principle is non-existent. The loss of revenue would overrule the insanity and again men would compete against other men and women would compete against women. What a wild and novel idea. Comrade Obama promised that the United States would be fundamentally transformed. The transformation to which Obama referred had been underway for the last 100 years, but Obama openly declared that it was his intent and the intent of all communists to transform the United States into a tyrannical communist state.
Communism is where the Communist Party, in our situation that would be the Democrat Party, dictates how all must live their lives, choices they must make, and thoughts they can have and how and if those thoughts can be expressed. Nothing but total conformity to their evil ideology is accepted. A communist state must be atheist. A communist state must have strict control over the thoughts of the people. The regulation of speech is critical to the transformation and to the continuance of communists remaining in control. Our founders understood that freedom of religion and speech were critical to a free society. A free society is what the Communists (Democrats) desire to end as they transform us to a communist society. The First Amendment states,” Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,…” This is very direct. Nevertheless, the Communists (Democrats) continue to prohibit Christians from exercising their beliefs and they continue to abridge or restrict the freedom of speech. Communists Sens. Michael Bennet and Peter Welch are seeking to form a new federal agency to regulate speech and behavior online. The Communist (Democrat) senators introduced an updated version of Bennet's 2022 "Digital Platform Commission Act", which would grow the state, further interfere with Americans' interpersonal engagements online, regulate speech, and altogether police digital platforms. Comrade Bennet said in a statement, "We should follow the long precedent in American history of empowering an expert body to protect the public interest through common sense rules and oversight for complex and powerful sectors of the economy." This is generic communist rhetoric. "It’s time to establish an independent agency to provide comprehensive oversight of social media companies," added Comrade Welch. Comrade Bennet outlined some of the digital problems he reckons tomorrow's unelected technocrats could remedy, including "the collapse of trusted local journalism"; "harms to the mental health of the people of the United States"; "disinformation and hate speech"; and digital platforms "radicalizing individuals to violence." The First Amendment did not become a part of our Constitution to protect speech that conformed to some ideology, but to protect speech that did not conform and was controversial, or the speech of those like Samuel Adams during the 1760’s and early 1770’s. The British King tried to control Samuel Adams for the same reason the Communists or Democrats seek to control speech today: both the King and the Communists (Democrats) belief they are all powerful and all knowing and ought not, can not be challenged. That is the belief of every tyrant including Lucifer. The reasonable conclusion is obvious. What is sad is that 75% or more of the American people have paid no attention to what is happening. Of the 25% that have paid attention, half are Democrats and support the actions of the Department of Justice and the FBI.
The investigations, the congressional hearings, the Durham Report, and now the hearings on the whistleblowers prove that in fact the FBI has become the enforcer of the of the Democrat (Communist) Party to transform the United States from a Republic to a communist tyrannical state. The FBI placed getting license plate numbers of parents attending school board meetings above investigating child traffickers. The priority of the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the Biden regime is not crime, but it is to arrest those who oppose for instance the murder of the unborn, those who are Christians, those who attend rallies that celebrate freedom, and parents who are concerned about their children being indoctrinated. We learned in the whistleblower hearings that the Democrats (Communists) support the Department of Justice and the FBI actions of intimidating any who would report on the unconstitutional activities of the left. The good news is that we are seeing a different reaction from the Republican party than what we had become accustomed to in the past. The new breed of Republican recognizes what the Democrat party has become and what the RINO wing of the Republican party is. These Freedom Loving Americans who place nation above party are now willing to acknowledge and address that the Democrats are indeed Communists, and the RINO wing of the Republican Party is indeed a group of “useful idiots” to the Communist movement of the left. It is now a proven and recognized fact that the Department of Justice and the FBI are enforcement arms of the Democrats as they transform the United States to a communist tyrannical state. For those of us who are Freedom Loving Americans, the only reasonable conclusion is that the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the total bureaucracy must be completely rebuilt. To do this, the public sector unions must be eliminated and all government employees must be able to be removed for detrimental activities to freedom and for non-performance. The bureaucracy must be greatly curtailed with many agencies and divisions completely eliminated. This would include the Department of Education, the EPA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and so many others. Freedom Loving Americans must become interested, informed, and involved in government. We must thoroughly understand that government is never, can never be our friend. We must thoroughly understand that government that governs least always governs best. We must understand that government is the enemy of individual liberty and freedom. This is the only reasonable conclusion. The Durham Report was released the other day. There was nothing reported that was not known years before. What was confirmed was that the two parties who had nothing to do with scandal were Trump and Russia. We have known for years that the Obama White House, the Clinton campaign, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and so many others knew this was a hoax.
What also was confirmed was the Obama had deepened the deep state. Obama had placed fellow communists into positions in the executive branch that would not be able to be fired by any honest president. Obama had promised that we would be transformed and his building the deep state was necessary to bring about this transformation. Remember, Obama’s transformation is a euphemism for total destruction of the American culture and replacing it with a communist culture. Durham confirmed this in his report when he stated, “the answer is not the creation of new rules but a renewed fidelity to the old.” Ultimately, he continued, justice “comes down to the integrity of the people who take an oath to follow the guidelines.” And “the promulgation of additional rules and regulations to be learned in yet more training sessions would likely prove to be a fruitless exercise if the FBI’s guiding principles of ‘Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity’ are not engrained in the hearts and minds of those sworn to meet the FBI’ s mission of ‘Protect[ing] the American People and Uphold[ing] the Constitution of the United States.’” The solution seems to be simple. The solution is simply having the executive branch adhere to the Constitution and the laws of our nation. What has happened is what our founders feared, and that is that people would be in the bureaucracy who place self and party above nation and the people. This has become so prevalent that in 2023 we now have in the White House an individual who was not elected by the people but was declared winner because of a stolen election. In addition, this person is the head of the Biden Crime Family who has become wealthy because they have received millions of dollars in exchange for betraying our nation. The solution is simple. The real question is, how deep does the deep state run? It is as sure that the deep state and the Biden Crime Family are guilty of betraying the American people as it was that the Russian scandal was a Democrat hoax. |
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