It is becoming more and more difficult to know what the left is promoting today. The left is consistent in their commitment to divide, to hate, to confuse, to cause chaos, to protect criminals and promote crime, to punish achievers, to reward laggards, to convince people they are victims and need a tyrannical government to correct their woes, to teach to the lowest common denominator, to convince people the lowest common denominator is better than striving to reach the highest level, and to always use any means to achieve their ends of transforming the Untied States to a Marxist totalitarian state. The mistake the people on the right make is that they believe the lies of the left when the left says that they believe in the American ideals upon which our nation was founded, that they believe in science, that they are not communists, and that they want fairness and transparency.
The left, Democrats, are committed to destroy our institutions, to destroy our traditions, to change our history, to eliminate any and all individual liberties and rights, to institute a police state with total control over the lives and the thoughts of people, to place all productive property under the control or ownership of the government, and to place the United States under the control and sovereignty of a One World Communist Order. Members of the Democrat party now openly state this goal. Members of the Democrat party exhibit and voice their hatred of and for the United States on a daily basis. Members of the Democrat party encourage and promote actions that are totally contrary to freedom, to law and order, to achievement and success, and to all that has made the United States the unique and great shining light on the hill it had become. What people must realize is that any support for the Democrat party today is support for the elimination of our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and all liberties we have held sacred. The Democrats told us a few years ago that we who are believers in the Bible, followers of Jesus Christ, that we were right wing. A few years later we were called right wing extremists, and now we are told we are White Supremacists and the number one enemy of the state. We are the number one enemy of the Marxist totalitarian state that the Democrats are professing, and that is why they hate us so much and want to eliminate us. The Democrats told us a few years ago that what happened in the bedroom was private. Today the Democrats celebrate not only all sexual perversions but encourage public announcements and public displays of sexual perversions. The Democrats tell us that we must follow the science, yet they denounce the science of biology and tell us that any who believe we have two sexes, male, and female, are bigots and we should be demonized, ostracized, and ultimately eliminated. These same Democrats claim they support women’s rights and yet today they are telling us that confused or selfish men who claim to be female can compete against actual females despite knowing this is totally unfair to females, they support men competing in women’s beauty contests claiming it brings equality and acceptance despite that fact that these actions are destructive to women’s rights, and they support allowing pedophiles who would claim they identify as women to frequent locker rooms of women and girls. Today the Democrats are telling us that the incredible increase in crime per statistics, is a rise in crime only in our imagination, or the statistics are manipulated, much like the Democrats manipulate vote counts, to create hysteria. These Democrats tell us they support low crime and that their policies bring about low crime. Yet, all Democrat run cities lead the nation in crime. The Democrats want to defund police and now that it is shown crime has risen exponentially in cities that have defunded the police, they make the claim it is the other side that wanted to defund the police all along. Today the Democrats tell us that criminals must be released immediately after being arrested. Those convicted criminals, including murderers, rapists, and terrorists must be released they tell us. District attorneys are telling us that crimes are not really crimes, and they will not prosecute crimes. The Democrats celebrate thugs who were harmed by police while resisting arrest for another crime they were committing. The Democrats have built statutes to honor these thugs while destroying statues of heroes. The Democrats tell us they want fair elections while encouraging, and developing sophisticated methods of voter fraud to the point where they openly stole the presidential election and house and senate elections in 2020. They now are doing all they can to prevent states from doing honest audits and from passing constitutional laws to make it more difficult to commit voter fraud. If you have learned nothing from this writing, just know that the Democrats are committed communists. Communists despise individual freedoms and liberties. Communists despise individuals who dream and achieve. Communists despise individuals who question the authority of a party or a government. Communists are atheists. Communists do not believe in science, in right or wrong, in good or bad, and especially do not believe in the Bible which teaches we are each responsible for our own actions. Communists have always hated America and have always strived to change America. Communists have always promoted division and hate. Communists have promoted sexual perversion in an effort to destroy the core family unit. Communists have indoctrinated, employed propaganda to reinforce the indoctrination, and have used intimidation to enforce their total control over the lives and the thoughts of the people. Communists have always done exactly what the Democrats, or the Communist Party of the United States, is doing today, and that is to employ any means, even if that is to lie, mislead, falsely accuse, to bring about their desired end of transforming the United States into a Marxist totalitarian state.
The press has failed the people of the United States. A free, fair, and inquisitive press is critical to a society of individual liberty and rights and is essential if the people are to remain free from the tyranny of government.
“No experiment can be more interesting than that we are now trying, and which we trust will end in establishing the fact, that man may be governed by reason and truth. Our first object should therefore be, to leave open to him all the avenues to truth. The most effectual hitherto found, is the freedom of the press. It is, therefore, the first shut up by those who fear the investigation of their actions.” Thomas Jefferson “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” James Madison “The liberty of the press is essential to the security of the state.” John Adams The American press has been thought to be the 4th branch of government, essential to keeping the state, or the government, from becoming the sovereign, the controller, or the tyrant of and over the people. That a free press is essential to our free society has become a statement often uttered. This is not universally believed. Vladimir Lenin told us: “While the State exists, there can be no freedom; when there is freedom there will be no State.” “The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.” The argument as to how free a press must be is being waged in the United States today. We Freedom Loving Americans belief the press must be free from the control of government. The American left, which supports the same ideology as professed by Lenin, believe likewise, but only so long as the “free press” supports that Marxist/Leninist thinking. We can have that argument and must have that argument. An argument nobody is having, because both Freedom Loving Americans and Marxist/Leninist’s are guilty, is what is news. Is the love life of a former baseball player and starlet of such critical importance, other than to the people involved, that it dominates both liberal and conservative news outlets for weeks? Is the financial control of a starlet by her father of such critical importance, other than to the people involved, that it dominates both liberal and conservative news outlets for weeks? Some childish, narcissistic, athlete, that finished third, turned her back while the National Anthem was being played becomes the story of the day and week is another example of how the press is unable to determine what is news. What we know is when a spoiled child of three throws a tantrum and receives the attention they are seeking, they will continue to throw tantrums. It will become a way of life for them. When a child is left to their foolishness of tantrum throwing and receives no feedback, they quickly learn that tantrum throwing is useless. But yet, the American press and the American public has rewarded this childish athlete, who has thrown her tantrum, to believe that she, or what she did has any importance or relevance. We just encourage her and all other foolish, childish, narcissists who are seeking attention to do the same. In the meantime, that the American left is using the very same tactics used by all aspiring tyrants, Marxists and otherwise, is not reported nor is it discussed in either the liberal or the conservative news outlets. We learn that Putin in Russia, Lukashenko in Belarus, and the Democrat Party in the United States are using the exact same tactics to intimidate any who would voice opposition to their quests to impose tyranny. All three of these Marxist/Leninist's movements are arresting and imprisoning individuals for voicing their opposition. In the United States we know that over 500 people have been arrested because they were in Washington DC on January 6th. Many of these people have been imprisoned and have been denied bail. The exact numbers and circumstances are difficult to learn because our press, both liberal and conservative, have deemed this story to be of secondary importance to the love story, the family quarrel, and the temper tantrum of an athlete with the maturity of a three-year-old. Freedom of the press is critical to a free society, however, as important is a press that is keen on exposing any and all injustices that threatens individual freedoms. What is reported is as critical to our freedoms as the freedom to report. Please liberal and conservative media outlets, report relevant news, consequential news, and not yellow journalism news. The collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats, - all virtually the same) promised to transform the United States from a nation that champions individual liberty and freedom to a collectivist nation or a Marxist totalitarian state. Comrade Barack Obama promised on October 30, 2008, that he would fundamentally transform the United States. The transformation of the United States had begun years before. Marx had called for the transformation of the United States to a collectivist nation in the “Communist Manifesto”.
Lenin had set the transformation of the United States as a primary target when he established the Communist International and Stalin continued this work. Other communists have made the same promise; Khrushchev, Mao, Castro, Xi, and of course Obama and Holder. The same strategies used in other Communist takeovers, are being employed by the Democrats, The Communist Party of the United States. These policies began in earnest with Woodrow Wilson, they were continued by Franklin Roosevelt, and were put on steroids by Comrade Obama. All Communists understand that a Christian nation will never become a Communist nation. Communists must change the nation to a secular state by eliminating all aspects of Christianity including outlawing the Bible. All Communists understand that a nation with strong families will not become a Communist nation. Communists must destroy the family and take total control of children from an early age so the children will embrace the values of Communism. All Communists understand that what people say and read have a great impact on their belief system so censorship and control over what people say must begin immediately. Here are things Communists do to gain control of a nation. These have been done and are being done in the United States. Unless these are immediately corrected, the United States will become a Communist nation as desired by the Democrats and promised by Comrade Obama. Corrupt the youth and give them absolute sexual freedom. Infiltrate and take control of the mass communication media. Divide the population into antagonist groups; encourage arguments between them over social issues. Destroy the people’s confidence in their leaders. Talk all the time bout democracy and republic, but when the opportunity arises, seize power as a dictator. Cooperate with the drainage of public funds; discrediting the image of the country, especially overseas, and create panics within the population through the launching of an inflationary process. Encourage strikes, even if they are illegal, in the country’s key industries. Promote riots while conspiring to prevent intervention by law enforcement. Cooperate actively in destroying the moral foundations of society and honesty and trust in the government’s promises. Infiltrate other parties with your own people, forcing them to vote for what is useful to your own party’s interest. Register everyone who has firearms, in order to confiscate them when the time comes, preventing them from opposing your revolution. Other actions we have learned the communists do that are being done in the United States today is to indoctrinate the youth that collectivism is sound, socially just, and brings equality. Then support indoctrination with propaganda, and enforce with intimidation. Rewrite the history of the country in a way the divides the country and would have people believe those who were believed to be heroes were racists and evil people. In addition, all communists claim they support fair and transparent elections, but practice the teachings of Stalin who told them that it is not who votes that matters but who counts the votes. Any who will take an honest look at the United States today, can only conclude that the American left, the Democrat party, is in fact a communist party that is putting into practice all the transformation tactics communists before them learned were the means of bringing about the desired end of transforming the country into a Marxist totalitarian state. In all situations, the communists had those who assisted the transformation, even thought they claimed they opposed communism. This is also occurring in the United States as we witness those who are commonly referred to as RINO’s declaring they oppose communism but still assisting the Democrats in bringing about the transformation. It is critical we speak the truth and make people aware of what is happening. This is a critical element of “Setting Brushfires of Freedom”. In woke America today, the Declaration of Independence would be called unconstitutional. The left in the United States, that would be Democrats and RINO’s, would oppose the very essence of our founding document. The United States was founded on the principle of individualism, or the right of the people to run their own lives and make their own decisions as opposed to having a tyrannical or big government dictate to them. More importantly, the founders of the United States appealed to the Supreme Being or God’s blessing in their endeavor.
This is the concluding paragraph of the Declaration: “We, therefore, the Representatives of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of our Intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly Publish and Declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political Connection between them and the State of Great-Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.” It is the appeal to God that would now be ruled unconstitutional by the American left, many members of Congress, the Biden regime, and 5 to 7 members of the Supreme Court. In perhaps the most often quoted statement of the Declaration, the founders once again endorsed the concept of “individualism” and the “Supremacy of God”. “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Our rights are given to us as individuals by God, and these rights can never be taken by nor surrendered to government. We are being told today, by the American left, many members of Congress, the Biden regime, and 5 to 7 members of the Supreme Court, that all rights are given by government to groups and not individuals. These rights can be given to certain groups, or taken from certain groups, as the government deems it to be in the best interest of government to do so. The Declaration of Independence goes on to state that power flows from the people to government. “That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.” The American left, many members of Congress, the Biden regime and 5 to 7 members of the Supreme Court believe that power is inherent to government and that power flows from government to the people. The Declaration of Independence goes on to list several things the big tyrannical government from whom they were declaring their independence did to warrant this declaration to be free from the tyranny of big government. Some of these specifics are: He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing Importance, unless suspended in their Operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. (The tyrant or king opposes laws passed by the states to insure free and fair elections.) He has endeavored to prevent the Population of these States; for that Purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their Migrations hither, and raising the Conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. (The tyrant refused to protect the sovereignty of the state by refusing to enforce immigration laws or protecting borders.) He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers. (The tyrant calls for the defunding of police, a double standard in enforcing the law, and a general support of criminals’ freedom as opposed to citizens protection.) He has erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their Substance. (The tyrant has established agencies and departments that restrict the rights and freedoms of the people including but not limited to the EPA, IRS, Education, and Homeland Security.) He has excited domestic Insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the Inhabitants of our Frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known Rule of Warfare, is an undistinguished Destruction, of all Ages, Sexes and Conditions. (The tyrant is encouraging division and hatred amongst us and has enabled those who would wish to destroy our Republic, groups like BLM and ANTIFA, to attack our people and destroy our cities.) The American left, many members of Congress, the Biden regime, and 5 to 7 Supreme Court members would rule against the Declaration of Independence because of its recognition of God and the importance of God’s blessings on our nation, and because the document is based on individualism, the rights of the individual, and not collectivism, the supremacy of government over the right of the individual to control their own life and their own thoughts. Parents are attending school board meetings. Parents now know what their kids are not being taught in our public schools and what our kids are being taught. Our kids are not being taught to think, to read, to write, and to do math. Our kids, yes as young as kindergarten, are being taught there are multiple genders and they must choose the gender they want for themselves, they are being taught that sex perversions are normal and how they than can be normal, and they are being taught to hate people because of the color of their skin.
Everyday we are hearing about parents going to school board meetings and telling the school boards they want their kids to be taught to think, to read, to write, and to do math. They are telling school boards not to confuse their children with the lie that there are more genders than male and female, and not to confuse their children that sexual perversion is normal, and that it is proper to hate another simply because their skin color is different. This is good and should have been done years ago. The school boards are telling the parents that they do not have to listen to them and besides the parents have no say in what their children are taught. The school boards are telling he parents that it is the role of the state to direct school agendas and not the parents. The parent uprising is great. Now we will learn how serious the parents are. They have several choices. They can choose to recall the school board members or attempt to force them to resign. They can organize and run candidates that favor education and not indoctrination in the upcoming elections. They can withdraw their kids from the public schools and educate them in another manner such as home schooling, pod schools, charter schools, or private schools. Thank you parents for taking this initial action. Be warned, it will be a waste of time unless you follow through to correct the problem by taking control of your kids’ education. Brooklyn Borough President and former New York police captain Eric Adams was leading in the first round of counting in the city’s Democratic mayoral primary after a campaign focused on law enforcement. With almost three-fourths of the precincts reporting Tuesday, Adams had about 31% of the vote, followed by former Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia and civil rights lawyer Maya Wiley with about 21% each.
Garcia appeared to be the establishment candidate and was endorsed by the New York Times. Wiley was endorsed by the collectivists including Ocasio-Cortez. Neither was associated with law and order. The streets of New York are no longer just a place for gun fights between gangs anytime of the day or night, but are also home for all sorts of attacks, day, and night. This began as the collectivist movement not only welcomed, but encouraged all sorts of disrespect and attacks on police. From the open attacks on police, the call for chaos by the left brought that chaos, as we have witnessed innocent people walking down the streets being hit by those the left has convinced are societal victims. We witnessed beatings and stabbings in anytime of the day that are filmed by bystanders. Attacks on subways and the streets have become an accepted way of life in not only New York, but in every Democrat run and controlled city in the nation. Citizens and police do not attempt to stop these mostly random attacks. Democrat officials defend these attacks claiming they are a result of white supremacy and oppression. It would appear, and we can only hope this is the case, the people of New York City are saying enough is enough. We want our police to do what police are supposed to do and that is to mitigate crime and thuggery. We want police to patrol the streets and be a real presence. We want our elected officials to support and defend our police and to stop making far left leaning excuses for crime and thuggery. We want to feel safe on our streets and in our homes. The Democrats call for division and chaos to bring about their desired Marxist totalitarian state must end. We the people want to live in a free and safe place where law enforcement protects the honest citizens and no longer protects and encourages the criminal and thug as called for by the collectivist movement that has taken control of the Democrat party. Let us only hope that this is the message of the New York City mayoral race. Let us only hope that this will be the message of the 2022 midterm elections. Let us only hope that this will be the message of the 2024 election. Let us only hope that this is the first of the many rejections of the collectivists as they seek to transform the United States into a Marxist totalitarian state through division, hatred, and chaos. Former Republican Party chairman Michael Steele called for nationalizing elections and ending the filibuster in the Senate.
Steele argued that states are stripping away access to the ballot box and “putting hurdles” in front of voters. He added that removing the Senate filibuster and putting the federal government in charge of election laws makes “common sense.” Michael Steele used the big lie to advance tyranny. States are not stripping away access to the ballot box. States are in fact attempting to enforce the one voter one vote rule and prevent our elections from becoming the type favored by all Communist countries, which is that the important element of an election is not who votes but who counts the votes. We are seeing in the United States a regular recurrence of obvious massive voter fraud. Votes are mysteriously found under desks, in garbage cans, and in voter machines. Michael Steele is advocating placing ballots in open forums, sending multiple ballots to the same address or made-up addresses, and having no controls on who completes those ballots and on who returns the ballots. Michael Steele, along with the Democrats are simply saying that the results of an election should be in the hands of those who are the most creative and not in the hands of the people. Michael Steele is also calling for tyranny by advocating that more and more power be placed in a centralized government. All tyrannical governments are centralized. The more we centralize power, the closer our government will be to becoming a tyrannical government. We have seen this as more and more aspects of American life are placed not only under government, but under centralized government. Health care, education, The Department of Agriculture, the EPA, Homeland Security, and the IRS are just a few on the list of federal government agencies and departments that control every aspect of our lives. As the power of the federal government increases at the expense of the states and the citizens, and honest citizens who simply want fair, honest, and transparent elections, are in prison, not allowed the privilege of bail, but placed in isolation because the tyrannical government has deemed them to be white supremacists or terrorists, the closer we are to tyranny. Federalizing elections, as called for by Michael Steele, will help complete the transformation initially called for by Marx, and reiterated by Lenin and Obama; that is to transform the United States into a Marxist totalitarian state. Centralized power is mandatory for this transformation. We have had the lies about climate warming, climate cooling, or let us just call it climate change. That way we can go either way.
In 1989, the Associated Press relayed a warning from a U.N. official: "A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000." In 1967, a best-selling book came out called “Famine 1975! America’s Decision: Who Will Survive?” It predicted mass starvation around the developing world due to increasing population. “Today’s crisis can move in only one direction – toward catastrophe,” it warned. Global cooling was once a worry to many, such as University of California at Davis professor Kenneth Watt, who warned that present trends would make the world “eleven degrees colder in the year 2000 ... about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.” British science writer Nigel Calder was just as worried. "The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind,” Calder warned in International Wildlife magazine in 1975. The same U.N. official who predicted the loss of entire nations by the year 2000 also claimed: "the most conservative scientific estimate [is] that the Earth’s temperature will rise 1 to 7 degrees in the next 30 years.” In 2006, while promoting his movie “An Inconvenient Truth”, Al Gore said that humanity had only 10 years left before the world would reach a point of no return. Ocasio Cortez: ‘The World is Going to End in Twelve Years If We Don’t Address Climate Change’ Some of the lies about the China Virus. Fauci warned of an apocalyptic coronavirus pandemic — then just weeks later he compared the coronavirus to a bad flu. Fauci based all of his predictions on models that were OFF BY MILLIONS and then later told reporters, “You can’t really rely on models.” On March 20, 2002, Dr. Fauci jumped in and during a press briefing on hydroxychloroquine treatment for coronavirus “corrected” the president saying, “You got to be careful when you say, ‘fairly effective.’ It was never done in a clinical trial… It was given to individuals and felt that maybe it worked.” Exactly two weeks later hydroxychloroquine was deemed the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus in an international poll of more than 6,000 doctors. And yes there are more and more lies. The United States is a racist country. There is such a thing as systemic racism. Our police want to kill black people. Something called white supremacy exists. White supremacists are the biggest threat to our national security. And now the truth. The Democrats are communists. Communists have gained control of other countries by spreading lies and causing division. Communists will double down on their lies and tell an even bigger lie when questioned. Communists understand that the ends always justify the means, and any means that bring them closer to their ends will do. The communists from Marx, to Lenin, to Obama, have promised that they would transform the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state. You can fight this transformation by illuminating these lies to family, friends, and acquaintances. This is a way by which you can be about “Setting Brushfires of Freedom”. Remember, the Democrats, Communists, have used indoctrination, propaganda, and intimidation to bring about the transformation promised. We must reveal the truth so the transformation proponents will begin to have doubt in the lies told by the Democrats, Communists. The left, commonly referred to as collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats, - all virtually the same) stand in direct opposition to all that is taught in the Bible, and they stand in direct opposition to the principles of the United States Constitution. This is not a huge revelation since the Constitution was written by people who also held strong Judeo/Chirstian beliefs. The opposition to the Bible and the Constitution should also not be a huge revelation since the left is a collectivist organization, and collectivists such as Marx and Lenin stated that communism is an atheist-based belief.
The attack on the Bible continues in the deep state dominated IRS as we read this: “A Christian non-profit is challenging the Internal Revenue Service after the agency denied them tax-exempt status saying, “the Bible’s teachings are typically affiliated with the Republican Party and candidates.” This is a ruling that is directly in contrast with the First Amendment. That the IRS would openly state that the Bible’s teachings are typically affiliated with the Republican Party would also be saying that the Bible’s teachings are typically in contradiction to the Democrat Party and their candidates. The Bible teaches that murder, whether the person is born or unborn, is wrong. The Bible teaches that marriage is between a man and a woman. The Bible teaches that we are male or female. The Bible stresses the importance of a mother and a father in the family unit and emphases the importance of a strong family unit. The Bible teaches that there is right and wrong and good and bad. The Bible teaches that we should not lie or mislead. The Bible teaches sexual perversions are wrong. The Bible teaches that we are not to teach and promote hate. The Bible never teaches collectivism, or group inclusion, but it teaches individualism, or that God looks at each of us as individuals regardless of skin color or nationality. The Bible teaches each of us is responsible for our transgressions and that there are consequences for transgressions. These are some of the core teachings of the Bible. The number one teaching of the Bible is that the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ as a result of his crucifixion and resurrection. Salvation is a result of the Grace of God and not any works that we have done. I see no place in the Bible where we are told that God favored the Republicans or the Democrats, or that God leans right or left. The Bible does not equivocate and say that its teachings adapt to different times or to different political or social philosophies. The Bible is the word of God, and the Bible tells us that God is unchanging. If the IRS is correct that the Bible favors Republican candidates, Democrats might want to take that to heart. Nobody will be saved because they are Republican or Democrat. Both parties have changed their beliefs over time. Each of us must make sure that our belief system is based on the teachings of the Bible and that we have received that gift of salvation given only because of Grace and the shed blood of Christ. If you are a Democrat or a Republican, you would want to be sure that your beliefs are in line with the Bible. That your beliefs are in line with the Bible is far more important than if you are Republican or Democrat. On a less serious note, the Constitution specifically limits governments control over the people. The purpose of the Constitution is to protect the citizens of the United States from an overreaching government that takes away individual liberties that our Declaration of Independence states were “endowed to us by our Creator” and are “unalienable”. If a political candidate is running on the platform that government should have more programs, take more from one group to give to another, to favor people because of some group to which they belong, restrict the rights of people, or in any way become dictatorial or tyrannical, (that means to implement collectivism over individualism) that candidate is running on a platform that is in direct opposition to the Constitution, both the letter and the intent of the Constitution. We as a people, we as a nation, are at a crossroads where we must decide if we will adhere to the principles of our founding. Those principles came directly from the Bible and are the basis for our Constitution. The alternative is to accept all teachings in direct opposition to the Bible and the Constitution. Other people, other nations have followed this course, which is the course of collectivism or the course the Democrats are advocating. History reveals the consequences of these decisions. It is important we understand the differences between “rule of law” and arbitrary law. The United States was founded on the principle of “rule of law” with the Constitution of the United States being the ultimate law. Under “rule of law”, the law can not be changed simply because somebody disagrees with it. For instance, the Constitution states in the 1st amendment, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances,” and the 2nd amendment states, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The laws states in the first amendment that no law can be made that restricts in any way the five liberties specified. The law states in the second amendment that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. The Constitution also says that the only branch of government that is allowed to make law is the legislative branch. The Constitution does provide a means by which it can be changed and that is through amendment, and the Constitution provides the means by which it can be amended. Any time a restriction is placed on the five liberties in the first amendment, other than by amending the Constitution, we have violated “rule of law” and replaced it with arbitrary law. Any time any of restrictions are placed on the right of the people to bear arms, we have violated “rule of law” and replaced it with arbitrary law. Yes, Chief Justice Marshall did apply arbitrary law when he stated that freedom of speech does not allow a person to yell fire in a crowed theater. The Constitution does in fact allow this action and the Constitution directly prohibits the Supreme Court, Congress, or the Executive branch from denying that right. That does not mean that the person who yells fire in a crowed theater, cannot and should not be held responsible for the consequences of their actions. The only way, under “rule of law” that this action could be against the law would be to have the Constitution amended to say that yelling fire in a crowed theater is not allowed. Likewise, congress, the Supreme Court, and the executive branch are employing arbitrary law and negating “rule of law” any and every time they place a restriction on gun ownership. The Constitution clearly states that the right to bear arms cannot be infringed. The only way, under “rule of law”, that background checks could be used would be if the Constitution were amended to allow that infringement. Many people will say that what I have said is simply not reasonable. They would state that people should be restricted from yelling fire and background checks must be used. It is not my purpose to necessarily argue for or against these policies. It is my purpose to argue for strict adherence to “rule of law” and against the acceptance of “arbitrary law” in any form. Because we have accepted the declaration by Chief Justice Marshall that it is unlawful to yell fire in a crowed theater, we are now accepting that it is against the law to be politically incorrect or to use hate speech. Politically incorrect and hate speech have come to mean it is against the law to say anything that does not conform to the Marxist Doctrine. If Chief Justice Marshall would have been held to the strict interpretation of “rule of law” and insisted that the Constitution be amended to enforce this restriction we would not have people being ostracized and demonized for simply following their constitutionally protected right to speak freely. Because we have accepted executive actions that infringe on the constitutionally guaranteed right to bear arms, and have not insisted that the only restrictions that could be enforced were those that would be allowed through a constitutional amendment, we would not have reached the point where we are told that guns can be confiscated. If we are to remain a free nation with individual liberties protected, we must strictly adhere to “rule of law” and reject any and all applications of arbitrary law. |
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