The term “communism” is used often in today’s conversations. We hear those on the right accusing those on the left of being “communists”. We hear those on the left claiming they are not “communists” but are in fact “capitalists”. Both Obama and Biden have made that claim while at the same time advocating for all that is “communism.”
Sadly, most Americans have no idea what “communism” really is. Many say that “communism” is when the state owns all of the productive property. That is true and this is also known as “socialism”. Many say they are not “communists”, as do Obama and Biden, while at the same time advocating for more and more control over the lives of the people, both the choices they make and the thoughts they can have. Many Americans claim they are not “communists” while at the same time supporting total federal control over our education system and all facets of business including demanding more powerful labor unions. Many on the right absolutely claim they despise “communism” and yet they vote for and support more and more government controls over all aspects of our lives and our businesses through laws and regulations, they support more aspects of taking from the individual in the forms of taxes and fees, and they support more welfare programs and government giveaways. Yet, they tell people, perhaps they even believe, that they are a conservative. Communism, is some form, has existed for all of recorded history. Communism is a major aspect of the ideology of Collectivism. Collectivism negates individuality and regulates and controls according to classes based on economics, race, ethnicity, or any other common trait into which people can be placed. This is what made the United States such a unique nation, for the first time a nation said all would be treated as individuals and not relegated to have opportunities and freedoms based upon some group distinction. We find this declaration in our founding documents, as well as in the sentiments and quotes of our founders. We now see the ugly head of collectivism, primarily communism, rear its immoral, its, controlling, and its tyrannical head in our society. We must ask, what is “communism.” I have taken this explanation from the World Atlas, “What is Communism.” An Introduction To The Concept Of Communism A utopian world or perfect place would be one where everyone’s basic necessities of life are fulfilled. In such a world, no forms of oppression would exist. Everyone would have equal financial and social status, equal rights, opportunities, and freedoms. Although the creation of such a perfect society appears to be a distant possibility in today’s world, communism has been proposed by some to be the only way to achieve a utopian society. In very simple words, communism is the idea that every individual in a society receives an equal share of the benefits derived from labor. In such a society, the state would own everything, implying nothing (businesses, produce, etc.) would be owned by individuals. The wealth would be re-distributed and equally divided among all the individuals in a society such that the rich will become less rich and the poor will become less poor and ultimately, all will achieve the same economic status. Also, true communism would be achieved when the practice is spread all across the world to include all the countries of the world, as mentioned by the German philosopher Frederick Engels, one of the founders of the Marxist theory together with Karl Marx. The Father Of Communism: Birth Of Communist Theories And Principles Karl Marx, a Prussian sociologist, philosopher, economist, and journalist, is regarded as the father of communism. In collaboration with Frederick Engels, Marx published several works including the most famous one entitled the “Communist Manifesto” which was published in 1848. According to Marx, a truly utopian society would be achieved only when a single stateless and classless society exists. He even described three phases of action to achieve such a state. First, a revolution was needed to overthrow the existing regime and completely eradicate the old system. Second, a dictator needs to come to power and act as the sole authority on all matters including the personal matters of the public. The dictator would then be responsible for making everyone follow the ideals of communism and also ensure that no property or wealth is privately owned. Finally, the last stage would be the achievement of a utopian state (although this stage has never been achieved) whereby supreme equality would be achieved and everyone would willingly and happily share their wealth and benefits with others in society. According to Marx, in an ideal communist society, banking would be centralized, the government would control education and labor. All infrastructural facilities, agricultural means, and industries would be government-owned. Private property and inheritance rights would be abolished and heavy income taxes would be levied on all. Back to me. I would disagree that Karl Marx is the father of Communism. Marx certainly defined it and wrote about it a great deal, but it existed in various forms prior to Marx. Also, the philosophy of achieving this magical utopia, had been argued by philosophers long before Marx. Marx, and the utopians, argue that their ideal state will arrive when all people are exactly the same. All will have the same things, act the same, and most importantly think the same. Marx said that no government would be needed. Madison said that no government would be needed either if all people were angels. Marx, being an atheist, and requiring atheism as a major factor in communism, does not mention angels. The American left (Democrats and their allies including BLM and ANTIFA, and their useful idiots the RINO’s) are well into the first stage required, that being revolution. They are attempting to move into the second phase, that being the rise of a dictator. Marx refers to this as the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat.” Marx specifically stated that despotic means would need to be used during this time to eliminate or force conformity on any and all who would oppose this movement. It is important for all who oppose the transformation of the United States into a communist state, as promised by Obama, to understand what communism really is. It is exactly what the American left advocates today. Yes, members of your families, your friends, and your acquaintances could in fact be “communists”. If you disagree with this movement, you must actively oppose it. A critical part of your opposition must be “Setting Brushfires of Freedom” in the minds of these “communists”. Many of them do not know any better and will change once they understand what they are advocating. You can become a warrior for individual liberty and freedom. You can get my book, “Setting Brushfires of Freedom” on my website or on Amazon. Get it now. Become a true warrior for individual liberty and freedom, become a true American.
This question is critical. It is critical because the United States will not remain America so long as those who would want us to believe they are conservatives, or Americans, continue to rule the Republican party or what is believed to be the American party. What I means when I say the United States will not remain America is that our nation will not remain the land of opportunity, the land where individuals can dream and see their dreams become reality, the land where people can move between economic and social classes based on their individual abilities and their individual character, and the land of limited government.
An American will protect at all costs their liberties and freedoms, understanding that once they are lost they are gone forever. John Adams said it this way, “But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it.” An American understands that big government is the enemy of individual liberty and freedom. Thomas Jefferson told us, “A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.” Barry Goldwater understood what a Conservative is: “They (liberals) propound the first principle of totalitarianism: that the State is competent to do all things and is limited in what it actually does only by the will of those who control the State. It is clear that this view is in direct conflict with the Constitution, which is an instrument, above all, for limiting the functions of government, and which is as binding today as when it was written.” “Throughout history, government has proved to be the chief instrument for thwarting man’s liberty. Government represents power in the hands of some men to control and regulate the lives of other men. And power, as Lord Acton said, corrupts men. “Absolute power,” he added, “corrupts absolutely.” “Surely the first obligation of a political thinker is to understand the nature of man. The Conservative does not claim special powers of perception on this point, but he does claim a familiarity with the accumulated wisdom and experience of history, and he is not too proud to learn from the great minds of the past. The first thing he has learned about man is that each member of the species is a unique creature. Man’s most sacred possession is his individual soul—which has an immortal side, but also a mortal one. The mortal side establishes his absolute differentness from every other human being. Only a philosophy that takes into account the essential differences between men, and, accordingly, makes provision for developing the different potentialities of each man can claim to be in accord with Nature. We have heard much in our time about “the common man.” It is a concept that pays little attention to the history of a nation that grew great through the initiative and ambition of uncommon men. The Conservative knows that to regard man as part of an undifferentiated mass is to consign him to ultimate slavery.” “The Conservative also recognizes that the political power on which order is based is a self-aggrandizing force; that its appetite grows with eating. He knows that the utmost vigilance and care are required to keep political power within its proper bounds.” The American and the Conservative believe in liberty, freedom, the individuality of humans, and the importance of a limited government so as not to thwart these critical elements to a free and prosperous society. We know the American left despises liberty, freedom, the individuality of humans, and celebrates and embraces the bigness of government. It is their goal to have government control all aspects of the lives of people, including their thoughts. We Americans and Conservatives have for years believed that because somebody would say they were an American and a Conservative, they really were. We constantly learned that these people would support the American left in growing government, but explain it was necessary this time, but this was the last time. We refer to these people as RINO’s, and we must understand they are as big a threat as is the American left to our liberty, freedom, and individuality. This would include the Republican leadership in the Senate, McConnell, and the leadership in the House, McCarthy. Here is another example of how they work. This is from Christopher Jacobs: “A dozen years ago, I sat in a strategy meeting in an ornate suite in the U.S. Capitol. House Democrats were about to bring to the floor a bill that would raise the deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars, one element of their plan to ram through Obamacare. When one person suggested that House Republican leaders rally Tea Party groups to ensure all Republican members oppose the legislation, another aide thought such a move unwise, fearing a whipping operation against the bill would prove ineffective. The response: “So in other words, your strategy is to lose in the most efficient manner possible.” Which pretty much describes Republican leaders’ perpetual strategy—then, now, and most always. That mantra explains news reports prior to the Thanksgiving holiday suggesting Senate Republican leaders were working on an arrangement with Democrats, and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., that would allow Democrats to raise the debt limit in December for the second time in three months. Most Republican lawmakers want to see the debt limit raised, and are perfectly willing to make it easy for Democrats to increase the limit—so long as Republicans don’t have to take public responsibility for their complicity in this corrupt bargain.” If you are an American and a Conservative, you are probably a registered Republican. If the United States is to stop our journey of going down “The Road to Tyranny,” it is critical we remove RINO’s like McConnell and McCarthy from leadership roles. It is time we stop listening to the words and pay attention to the actions. It is time we put Americans and Conservatives in leadership positions, not just at the national level, but in our states, in our counties, in our cities, and on our school boards. The movement has begun. Let us not grow tired or weary in our great and worthwhile cause to restore liberty, freedom, and individuality, while we lessen the role of government to its intended role. The American left is really sick. By the American left I mean primarily the Democrat party which has become the American Communist Party, but we must also include their enforcers like BLM, ANTIFA, the FBI, the DOJ, and we cannot forget their enablers or “useful idiots” the RINO’s. The very first thing we have to understand about the left, and this includes the left from the days of idol worshipers and child sacrifices from ancient times, through the days of Caligula, Nero, and Commodus, and the days of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, FDR, Mao, Castro, Obama, Jarrett, and Holder in the present, is that they denounce good for evil, and they advocate theory for reality. They have all advocated for Collectivism over Individualism or the power of the state to control the ingenuity and charity of the individual.
Left wing advocates denounce self-defense, which is an individual protecting themselves from imminent harm and danger: “After Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges from the Kenosha shooting, Best Buy and Levi Strauss reportedly offered their employees counseling to those distressed over the verdict. Levi's offered a session with a "racial trauma specialist" for workers distraught over the acquittal of Rittenhouse — who is white — shooting three white men who assailed him.” This was a straightforward case. The jury, after hearing the evidence, declared that a person can defend themselves. Exodus 22:2 “If a thief is caught breaking in at night and is struck a fatal blow, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed.” We must also understand that the American Left are self-declared Atheists, a Communist is by definition an Atheist, so the American Left would be Atheists because they proclaim communism, believe the Bible is fiction and do the opposite of what the Bible teaches. The American left also tried to make this a case about racism. The American left is telling America, in order to divide America and bring about their declaration that they will transform the United States into a Marxist totalitarian state, everything is about racism. They are telling Americans that all who are white are evil, and any who are not white are good. This is what Collectivists, yes communists, do and that is to not look at people as individuals but categorize according to some characteristic. They tried to tell us that he who was acquitted was guilty because he was white, and those who he shot were innocent, because they were black, which was a lie. However, so effective was the propaganda of the left, that many in American believed the lie. Some probably still do. The Left will protect evil. Anybody who has done any research into Muslim teachings, quickly understands that they believe rape is justified, and yes glorified. Non-Muslim women can be and should be raped, according to the Muslim teachings. The Qur'an says that a man may have sex with his wives and also with his slave girls, the group says. It cited this particular verse in the Quran: "The believers must (eventually) win through, those who humble themselves in their prayers; who avoid vain talk; who are active in deeds of charity; who abstain from sex, except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess, for (in their case) they are free from blame." (Qur'an 23:1-6) The largest school board in Canada has reportedly banned students from attending a book club event with Nadia Murad, a Nobel Peace Prize winner who miraculously survived being kidnapped by the Islamic State as a teenager and forced into sex slavery. Murad was slated to participate in a book club event with students from the Toronto District School Board in February 2022 upon the release of her new book, "The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity, and My Fight Against the Islamic State," which chronicles her story of being sold into sex slavery at age 14 by Islamic terrorists. However, Helen Fisher, the superintendent at the Toronto District School Board, said students would not be allowed to attend the event, citing concerns that Murad's book would offend students and "foster Islamophobia." Helen Fisher forgot to say that education is revealing truth and reality. The individual must learn to think for themselves. Perhaps it is that Helen Fisher is a Collectivist who profess a school’s role is to indoctrinate. Yes, the Left, be it the American left or any left, has historically, and does today, protect evil and denounce good. This is the difference between Atheists and Godly people. This is the difference between Collectivists and Individualists. So long as the United States continues to support any who advocate for Collectivism, the United States will continue on “The Road to Tyranny.” He who has ears, let him hear. He who has eyes, let him see. Mark 8:18 “Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember?” "We can no longer talk about the past and the past elections," the former governor, a vocal critic of litigating the 2020 election.
"No matter where you stand on that issue, it’s over," Christie argued. "Every minute we spend talking about 2020, while we’re wasting time doing that, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are laying ruin to this country. We better focus on that and take our eyes off the rearview mirror and start looking through the windshield again." Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel claimed Biden's electoral victory over former President Trump actually happened, marking the first time she has explicitly said Biden won the contest. "Painfully, Joe Biden won the election and it's very painful to watch. He's the president. We know that" McDaniel told reporters at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast in Washington. McDaniel said that there were "lots of problems" with last year's presidential election. "We have to show our voters we are putting processes in place that will ensure the election is fair and transparent," she said. Christie, McDaniel, and all others who are singing the same tune, mostly RINO’s are wrong. Nobody can legitimately argue that the many decisions to change voting rules, were not unconstitutional. Only the state legislatures can change the rules, and all the changes to allow massive mail in voting, along with the other changes were not made by the legislatures. This alone invalidated the election. All those who want to move on are in fact stating that the United States Constitution is no longer the law of the land. Voter fraud, vote manipulation, duplicate counting, and the breaking of many voting rules and laws are attested to by thousands of signed affidavits. The facts attested to by these affidavits have not been investigated. They have been simply ignored. In addition to the affidavits, video verifying the violations stated in the affidavits exists. This includes the illegal destruction of fraudulent ballots. Verified manipulation of the voting machines by others in foreign countries, predominantly China, are also verified. The machines could be and were connected to the internet, despite the claims they were not. Documentation that proves information was illegally manipulated and subsequently destroyed, has been ignored. The evidence is overwhelming that the election was manipulated, yes stolen. This is not circumstantial evidence, but it is eyewitness evidence, video evidence, and paper trail evidence. If we move on as suggested by the RINO’s, we are stating that any who would steal elections should face no consequences other than to be congratulated on successfully stealing the election. We are witnessing the results of ignoring crimes and wrongdoing in our society today. The same element that was responsible for stealing the election, along with the RINO’s who are congratulating that element for a successful crime, are also stating that crimes such as looting, arson, massive mob robberies of retail locations, should not be punished, but encouraged by claiming these criminal activities are somehow righting a wrong. What Christie and McDaniel are saying is that to prove the wrong, to punish the guilty, and to set a precedent for any who violate election rules and laws, is not worth the effort. They choose to take the path of least resistance. The path of least resistance has consistently been proven to be the path that encourages more and even greater abuses in the future. If we are to resist the transformation movement, the same movement that committed the egregious crime of stealing an election, the crime must be investigated and all responsible made to suffer the consequences. If we do not, and this is what Christie, McDaniel, and the RINO’s are saying, we are accepting the demise of the Constitution, we are accepting criminal activity in our elections, and we are accepting that elections in the future will be won by those who are most clever and most brazen in the future. What a great topic for a conversation at Thanksgiving – what should be the role of government. There is no right or wrong answer. Everybody has an opinion, and there is historical evidence to indicate the results, based on the role chosen by a nation.
The role favored by an individual will be that government is to have a limited role with few controls. Those who favor Collectivism will support a large government with many controls. Both will have their reasons for their beliefs, and to have a belief is not wrong, but to separate the results from the choice, is wrong. What do I mean when I say that it is wrong to separate the results from the choice? When we make a choice of any kind, there are definite anticipated results. For instance, if I am going to sit for an exam and do no preparation, the expected result is that I will do poorly. On the other hand, if I spend the time, make the effort to prepare for the exam, the expected result is that I will do better. If I spend time with my children, read to them, correct them, set a good example, the chances my child will become a responsible person are greatly enhanced. If I spend little to no time with my child, never read to them, never correct or discipline them, and set a poor example, the chances my child will become an irresponsible person are greatly enhanced. If I support a limited government, my freedoms, my liberties, and my responsibilities are greatly enhanced. If I support a large controlling government, my freedoms, my liberties, and my responsibilities are greatly reduced. Once we understand that all choices have consequences, and those making the choices are responsible for the consequences, we as individuals must decide if we want to make choices for ourselves and accept the consequences, or do we want others to make our choices and be able to place blame on bad consequences on others. The United States was formed to be an Individualist nation. This means that we would have a limited government. People would make their own choices and people would be responsible for those consequences. We know this to be true based on the limited powers we the people granted to our government. Those powers are enumerated in our Constitution. They are: Enumerated Powers of the Federal Government The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; To borrow on the credit of the United States; To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes; To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States; To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States; To establish Post Offices and Post Roads; To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries; To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court; To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations; To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water; To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years; To provide and maintain a Navy, To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces; To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions. As you will notice, the powers given to the government were primarily to defend the nation from enemies, and to bring uniformity that would aid in commerce. We the people did not give the government powers to make our choices as to how we would live our lives or how we would think. Each individual was given the power to make choices and the responsibilities for their choices. History has revealed the results of having a limited government with individual responsibility. Collectivism calls for government that controls the lives and the thoughts of the people. Karl Marx has defined the role government would have. In the Communist Manifesto he lists ten requirements. Karl Marx's "10 Planks" for government under Collectivism: Abolition of Property in Land and Application of all Rents of Land to Public Purpose. A Heavy Progressive or Graduated Income Tax. Abolition of All Rights of Inheritance. Confiscation of the Property of All Emigrants and Rebels. Centralization of Credit in the Hands of the State, by Means of a National Bank with State Capital and an Exclusive Monopoly. Centralization of the Means of Communication and Transport in the Hands of the State. Extension of Factories and Instruments of Production Owned by the State, the Bringing Into Cultivation of Waste Lands, and the Improvement of the Soil Generally in Accordance with a Common Plan. Equal Liability of All to Labor. Establishment of Industrial Armies, Especially for Agriculture. Combination of Agriculture with Manufacturing Industries; Gradual Abolition of the Distinction Between Town and Country by a More Equable Distribution of the Population over the Country. Free Education for All Children in Public Schools. Abolition of Children's Factory Labor in it's Present Form. Combination of Education with Industrial Production. In the Critique of the Gotha Program, Marx also explains how, under Collectivism, the proceeds of all labor or the GNP would be distributed. Wages for labor would be nonexistent because Collectivism lives by the Maxim, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” All revenue or proceeds would go to a central authority or the state. The central authority or state would then: First, allocate what is necessary to replace the means of production, Next, allocate an amount necessary to expand the means of production, Next, allocate a reserve or insurance fund for unplanned occurrences, Next, allocate for administrative costs, Next, allocate for communal needs such as schools and health care, Next, allocate for people unable to work, Finally, give what is left to producers based on some formula that defines need. History has revealed the results of following the Collectivist theory of having a large government that determines how each individual should live their life and what each individual can think. Now you know the differences and history has revealed the results. Discuss what should be the role of government. Remember, there is no right or wrong answer, however the results are defined by your choice. We claim to be a nation that prides ourselves on fairness and justice. We like to quote an incorrect statement about our justice system that people are innocent until proven guilty. This is not found anywhere in our founding documents and is factually incorrect. God and the accused individual know if the accused is guilty or innocent. Innocent until proven guilty distorts the real intent of our judicial system. A nation will distinguish their judicial system by defining where the burden of proof lies.
In a free nation, the burden of proof lies with the state or the prosecutor. The state or the prosecutor must proof to a court or a jury the guilt of the defendant. The defendant may or may not present a defense. The assumption of guilt is not to be assumed just because the defendant does not testify or even present a defense. In a tyrannical nation, the burden of proof lies with the defendant. The position assumed in the court is that the defendant or accused is guilty unless they prove their innocence to the satisfaction of the court or jury. If neither side presents a case, the defendant or accused is sentenced based on the accusation of the state or prosecutor. The United States judicial system places the burden of proof on the state or the prosecutor. The primary function of the prosecutor is to seek truth, and to not obtain a conviction at any cost. It is stated as such: The first thing that must be understood is that the duty of the prosecutor is to seek justice, not merely to convict. It is crucial that his obligation is to protect the innocent as well as to convict the guilty, to guard the rights of the accused as well as to enforce the rights of the public. The prosecutor should have the most knowledge of the work of the police in the investigation of crimes and in the enforcement of law. The prosecutor has tremendous amount of desecration as to what charges will be brought against an accused person or whether to even dismiss charges based on lack of evidence. Since his decisions account for a large share of cases that are taken into the courts, The character, quality, and efficiency of the whole system is shaped in great measure by the manner in which he exercises his broad discretionary powers. In the recent Kyle Rittenhouse case, we witnessed a prosecutor whose purpose was to convict, apparently for some political purpose, and not to seek justice. This was also the purpose of much of the media. Facts were totally distorted, all for the purpose of swaying the public. The jury heard the facts and placed truth above politics. This case became a race case. It was reported that people inside and outside the Untied States believed that the people who were shot by the accused were black. A friend of mine, after the jury had rendered the not guilty verdict, said that they had believed those who were shot were black and had just learned that was not correct. In a court of justice, a court that is seeking truth, that truth being, did the accused act in self-defense or did the accused commit an act of aggression, what difference should it make as to what race any of the involved were. The truth and justice answer to a court seeking truth for the purpose of justice, and any party interested in truth for the purpose of justice, is that the race, or color of skin of any of the involved parties should be irrelevant. I would certainly hope that the jury would not have rendered a different verdict if the only fact that changed was that any party involved was of a different race or had a different color of skin. What we Americans, we Americans who believe in our judicial system, that being that the burden of proof lies with the state or the prosecutor and not the defendant, must be alarmed. We must be alarmed because both the prosecutor in this case and much of the media believed that the burden of proof must be placed on the defendant. Both the prosecutor and the media took this stance because they concocted this case to be a race issue. Even if the case was a race issue of some sort, if we are to remain a free nation, we can not change our judicial system, formally or informally, to become a judicial system placing the burden of proof on the defendant. That is the judicial system of all tyrannical nations. If we Freedom Loving Americans do not recognize that to allow our judicial system to be transformed, we are allowing the transformation movement to move us even closer to becoming a Marxist totalitarian state. In this instance, it is all three. It is propaganda because Biden wants people to think it is not his intent to raise gas prices. We know this is a lie because the Democrats have stated many times, many ways, that all energy prices related to any sort of fossil fuel must increase. The Democrats rationalize that if they can force energy prices to rise and rise, they can transform to their New Green Deal.
The price of oil is hoovering mostly between $80 and $85 today. On November 20th of 2020 the price of oil was between $35 and $40. The price of gasoline has also doubled. The price of gasoline is a function of the price of oil. What that means is that when the price of oil increases the cost of gasoline increases. The price of oil is a direct function of supply and demand. As more oil is produced, assuming a constant demand, the price of oil would decrease, and gasoline would decrease. Of course, when less oil was produced, assuming a constant demand, the price of oil would increase, and the cost of gasoline would increase. These basic fundamental economic principles have been in existence since the beginning of time. We must remember that Biden has claimed to be smart, and yet his transcripts and his documented history say the opposite. Stupidity has always been evident with Biden. Forgetfulness seems to be a function of age. When the current cost of gasoline was called to Biden’s attention, this was his response: Joe Biden on Wednesday asked Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan to examine oil and gas companies and their role in rising gasoline prices. Citing “potentially illegal conduct,” Biden said pump prices are rising even as industry costs are declining. Was this reaction of Biden, propaganda, forgetfulness, or stupidity? You decide. Here is some additional information that must be considered in your analysis. On his first day in office, Biden immediately moved to rejoin the Paris Agreement on climate change, placed a temporary moratorium on oil and gas leasing in the Arctic and revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. He also paused oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters. Biden’s irrational approach on the oil-and-gas industry is being driven by a sense of urgency around the “climate crisis” — especially after four years of gutting environmental regulations during the Trump era. The International Energy Agency warned in May that the world needs to stop drilling for oil and natural gas right now to prevent a climate catastrophe. The Biden regime is doing all they can to stop drilling, they agree with the climate catastrophe theory. In reaching your conclusion, ask yourself if less production, under the rules of economics, would increase the price of oil, does the price of oil have a direct impact on the price of gasoline, have the policies of the Biden regime impacted the supple of oil? Do we know why the price of gasoline has doubled in the last year? Your answer please. So many voters listen to slogans and miss the real issues. We hear slogans like Black Lives Matter. People regard this as a phrase that is meant to stop discrimination when in fact Black Lives Matter is a front to help bring about the transformation of the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state as called for by Barack Obama on October 30, 2008. It was Obama who gave this Marxist group notoriety. Obama invited them to the White House often.
We have the slogan “Climate Change.” What supposedly is climate change? We have been warned for years that the world would end in ten years if drastic action was not taken. Many of the people making the claim have become wealthy, Al Gore as a prime example. None of the predictions have come true, in fact many of the claims have reversed. Remember, we first had the claim of climate cooling, then climate warming, and now it is the all-purpose climate change. We have been told that cows are a primary contributor. To correct this injustice, the socialist ‘human infrastructure’ bill will force cattle farmers to pay $2600 per cow and $6500 a year for Dairy cows. This is simply insanity, but insanity is a part of the American left as they strive to complete the transformation promised by Obama. We hear the slogan about being a responsible citizen and get the jab. This jab is euphemistically referred to as a vaccine, but it meets none of the criteria of a vaccine. We have seen lies in reporting of cases and deaths relative to the China virus. Studies that prove that the natural immunity is real, as it always is, are censored and demonized by the left. Children, who do not get, nor do they transmit the virus are now supposed to receive the jab. We have documented evidence that certain therapeutics are very effective at curing the disease, but these therapeutics have been demonized and outlawed by the government and the AMA. The only plausible explanation for these lies that are telling us we must be responsible citizens for the “greater good” are to assist in bringing about the transformation called for by Obama. Lenin told us: "Socialized Medicine is the Keystone to the Arch of the Socialist State." Now we are hearing the slogan that is always used by Communists attempting to bring about a transformation as called for by Obama: “The rich must pay their fair share.” The only leftist to define “fair share” was Franklin Roosevelt. FDR said that fair share is 100% of all taxable income over $25,000. I have never heard anybody on the left disagree with Roosevelt. Perhaps that is because communists believe, as Marx stated, that 100% of GNP should go to the government and then the government would distribute based on need. Marx stated this in his critique of the “Gotha Program.” Biden has often stated the “rich must pay their fair share,” and yet we know this is simply a slogan with no real purpose, other than to assist the left in bringing about the transformation of the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state. The hypocrisy of the Biden slogan was revealed when David Sirota, the founder of The Daily Poster and a former senior adviser to Sen. Bernie Sanders’s 2020 presidential campaign, said a full repeal of the cap on the state and local tax (SALT) dedication is ‘completely ridiculous.’ Sirota’s comments come as lawmakers on Capitol Hill are considering including a five-year repeal of the cap on the SALT tax deduction in their $1.75 trillion spending package, a prospect that has angered some members, including Sanders. Sanders has argued that such a move would hand a significant tax break to wealthy individuals, calling it "beyond unacceptable." The so-called Build Back Better proposal being demanded by transformation proponents is to what Sirota is referring. Freedom Loving Americans, that is those of us who reject the call for the United States to be transformed to a Marxist totalitarian state, must search the news to learn what these slogans really mean, or how misleading they really are. After we understand what is behind the slogan, we must reveal the true purpose to those Americans who have bought the slogan but oppose the real purpose. This is a means of “Setting Brushfires of Freedom.” Simply reveal the real purpose and ask your family, friends, neighbors, and anybody else their thoughts on the slogan and their thoughts on the reality behind the slogan. You can not tell anybody to change their mind, but you can plant the seed that what they think they are supporting is in fact the opposite. The United States is no longer a nation that protects individual liberty. Individual liberty was the reason we fought the American Revolution. Individual liberty was paramount when the United States Constitution was written and ratified. Individual liberty was the reason the American people insisted the Bill of Rights become a part of the United States Constitution.
James Best wrote, “Today, liberty and freedom are used almost interchangeably. In fact, a modern American hears the term freedom more frequently because liberty has become somewhat outmoded. The Founders viewed these two concepts as very different. In their minds, man granted freedom to his fellow man, but liberty came from a higher authority. Every human was endowed with natural rights and the free exercise of those rights was called liberty. On the other hand, a person released from slavery or indentured servitude became a free person.” Our founders also understood that liberty, despite liberty coming from a higher authority, would be attacked by ambitious men who would use the mechanisms of government to threaten liberty. This threat would be constant and never-ending. [A] dangerous ambition more often lurks behind the specious mask of zeal for the rights of the people than under the forbidding appearance of zeal for the firmness and efficiency of government. History will teach us that the former has been found a much more certain road to the introduction of despotism than the latter, and that of those men who have overturned the liberties of republics, the greatest number have begun their career by paying an obsequious court to the people, commencing demagogues, and ending tyrants. — Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 1 Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’, because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. — Thomas Jefferson There are again two methods of removing the causes of faction: the one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence; the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests. — James Madison, Federalist 10 Thomas Jefferson told us how liberty would be lost when he told us that liberty is lost gradually from an uninterested, uninformed, and uninvolved people. “Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.” Thomas Jefferson As the people become less and less vigil in guarding and protecting liberty, the aspiring tyrant becomes less covert and more bold in using government laws and mandates to violate both the liberty and the rights of the individual. This has happened in the United States. We see it as parents surrendered their responsibilities of raising their children and instilling within those children the values of both the Creator and our founding documents which reflect our founding principles. For decades, public schools have encroached on some basic parental responsibilities — from feeding kids to health care to helping with homework, as the schools assumed the parents’ role of instilling values in the minds of the children. Sadly, it was the parents’ who encouraged these programs which enabled the schools to become indoctrination centers. Madison warned us about the dangers of a society where citizens are forced to have the same opinions, same passions, and same interests. Karl Marx told us that conformity was a critical element to bring about the transformation of a free society to a Marxist totalitarian state. Gradually, through laws, mandates, and court opinions, the freedom of speech, which is also the freedom of thought, has been restricted. Conformity to government demands in both our life decisions and our thoughts is being enforced by our government and by the American Left. We, who are Freedom Loving Americans, must understand that those liberties endowed upon us by our Creator have been greatly curtailed. If we do not rise up with the same fervent dedication to individual liberty that brought forth the United States of America, all liberty and freedom will be gone for generations. What we must do is become interested, informed, and involved. To be interested means that we do not shirk our duties by feigning disinterest so as not to become involved in controversy and risking disdain by the transformation element, but that we learn and understand the topics of the day, those very topics that are threatening the extermination of individual liberty for all. We must become informed. That means we learn or relearn why our founders were so determined to bring forth a nation that was dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that amongst those are the right to liberty, to life, and to the pursuit of happiness. We must also become informed as to why the American Left is so adamant that all rights and liberties come from government and government has the right to regulate or eliminate any right, any liberty, it believes is in the best interest of government. We must become involved. It is the area of involvement that gives this Freedom Loving American so much hope. To see people all around the country becoming involved in our schools, in our local governments, and in our national government, is very encouraging. To see this involvement not done in the name of a political party, but in the name of individual liberty and freedom is even more encouraging. A citizen dedicated to the cause of liberty, as opposed to a party platform, is a citizen that is truly a Freedom Loving American. When the next great phase of being interested, informed, and involved, happens, we can be assured that our nation will once again be that “shining city on the hill” bringing hope to the world that liberty, freedom, and opportunity abound when a people are interested, informed, and involved. That next essential phase is our nation again truly being that nation which is “under God”, where we elect God fearing individuals to office, where we take responsibility for our children by taking them to Sunday School, and by us being an example to them by exhibiting what is a good and God-fearing citizen. It is then and only then that our nation will again be the recipient of the blessings of the Almighty, and where our individual liberties are restored. There are many reasons the American left hates Donald Trump. Trump closed the border with Mexico. Trump cut taxes. Trump reduced regulations on businesses and individuals. Trump exposed the politicization of the DOJ, FBI, and the courts. Trump revealed beyond question that indeed the deep state existed with the intent of transforming the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state.
PERHAPS THE NUMBER ONE REASON THE LEFT HATES TRUMP IS THAT HE MADE THE UNITED STATES ENERGY INDEPENDENT. This lowered the cost of energy for everybody. With lower energy costs, it is more difficult for the left to convince the people that we must adopt their Green New Deal plans to support their hoax of climate change. Remember, the reason for the Green New Deal is because it is a critical part of their wealth redistribution strategy, it is a critical part of their plan to transform the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state. This is what Obama and Obama’s Secretary of Energy said about energy costs. "Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket, regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad, because I'm capping greenhouse gases," Obama said. "Coal power plants, natural gas, whatever the industry was, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money onto consumers." Obama said under his energy plans; gas prices must necessarily go up. And they have. His Energy Secretary has said he wanted to see European style gas prices here in America. Gas in Europe is around $10 a gallon. The illegitimate Biden regime has followed the same pattern of the Obama regime. Both ended and prevented oil pipelines. Both ended drilling and placed more and more regulations on energy. The result is the inevitable rise in energy costs. Both used the price increases as a reason to transfer energy production to the expensive and unreliable means of wind and sun. Both have used the created increase cost of energy as reasons to be a part of Climate Change conferences and agreements, never getting the required Senate confirmation for treaties. The American left intentionally wants every American to pay much higher costs for energy. It is unnecessary because the United States not only has the reserves to be energy independent, but we have the reserves to be an exporter of energy. This negates the reason to be a part of any Climate Change agreements that commit the United States to transferring our wealth that also increases hardship on the American middle class and the poor and makes us less safe. The American left, as do all collectivists who are committed to bringing about a communist state, understand that they must create a crisis so they can convince the people that it is the left that can solve the problems. Nero burned Rome. Hitler burned the Reichstag and Obama and Biden made the United States energy dependent. The American left understands that it is critical they raise the cost of food, health care, and mostly energy in their transformation efforts. THE AMERICAN LEFT HATES DONALD TRUMP BECAUSE HE EXPOSED ALL THEIR LIES AND SHOWED AMERICANS THAT INDIVIDUALISM TRUMPS COLLECTIVISM EVERY TIME. |
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