Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders offered up a joint vision for how a Biden administration would run the country. It is the vision Sanders and AOC have for the country and Biden has accepted their vision as his own.
This is a link that will take you to the entire document. Here are nine of the most radical proposals in the “unity” document: 1. “Rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement … on Day One.” Even many on the left agree that the Paris Climate Agreement does little to slow climate change. It is a symbolic commitment by the rest of the world to reduce emissions, while most of the burden falls on the United States. Our economy has reduced emissions anyway on its own, thanks to the shift to natural gas and the advent of fracking technology, which the left hates and wants to phase out over time. 2. Shift the entire “fleet of 500,000 school buses to American-made, zero-emission alternatives” in five years. This is among the more wild-eyed proposals in the platform’s climate change section. It is not clear who will produce these buses (presumably to run on battery power), or what is to be done with half a million currently functional buses that run on ordinary fuel, and how local school districts are meant to afford the cost. The platform provides no further details. 3. “End cash bail.” The platform calls for eliminating cash bail across the country — a radical experiment in criminal justice reform that has only just begun in California and New York, with results that are deeply concerning. The idea is to reduce inequities, but in practice the end of cash bail means releasing violent criminals to commit more crimes. One suspect in antisemitic attacks in New York City late last year, for example, was repeatedly re-arrested after her releases. 4. “Stop the practice of arresting children for behavior that ought to be handled in the principal’s office.” The Democrats want to stop what they call the “school-to-prison pipeline,” arguing students of color suffer disproportionate suspensions and arrests (which would mean that liberal teachers are racist). But as Andrew Pollack points out, failing to arrest violent children could allow them to buy guns as adults, which is how the Parkland, Florida, shooting happened. 5. “We will repeal so-called ‘right to work’ laws.” It is not clear how Democrats will actually do this, since these laws are made at the state level. But “right to work” laws — freeing employees from being forced to join unions — have been a huge economic boost to states that have adopted them. Working-class Americans — especially minorities — have voted with their feet, moving from the highly unionized Rust Belt to the “right to work” South, where there are more jobs. 6. “Democrats will recognize unions with majority sign-up—via so-called ‘card check’ processes.” The “card check” violates the right to a secret ballot, and allows organizers to intimidate workers into voting to certify unions. The idea is so radical that even George McGovern, the left-wing Democratic presidential nominee in 1972 who lost to President Richard Nixon in a landslide, came out against it the last time Democrats tried to mandate it, in 2009. 7. “Oppose private school vouchers.” There is growing support for school vouchers that allow students to escape failing public schools in their local districts by choosing alternative schools — including private and religious schools. Vouchers are especially popular with minority families, who are desperate to escape the failing system in which the teachers’ unions have trapped their children. Democrats also want to restrict the expansion of charter schools, too. 8. Provide a “public option” toward universal health care. This idea was so radical ten years ago that Democrats left it out of Obamacare. But it is the beginning of “Medicare for All,” which Sanders wants to impose on everyone, and Biden wants to offer as a choice (for now). There is no thought of achieving universal health care outside government, building on the recent reforms under the Trump administration, such as tele-medicine — just more federal bureaucracy. 9. End the border wall and “provide a roadmap to citizenship for the millions of undocumented workers.” A Biden administration would stop the construction of the “unnecessary, wasteful, and ineffective wall on the southern border” — thus allowing an open border — while also giving voting citizenship to the eleven million-plus illegal aliens who are already here, permanently changing the American electorate and enshrining Democrats in power forever.
It can be called nothing but ignorance and stupidity. Ignorance is lack of knowledge or information. Stupidity is behavior that shows a lack of good sense or judgment. So many on the left are saying that President Trump will end our democracy. We were never intended to be a democracy. Democracy always ends freedom. What we are seeing in the streets of the United States today is democracy.
Joe Biden backer Cher said that if President Donald Trump wins re-election in November, it will be the “end of democracy,” adding that the commander in chief is gradually bringing the country closer to “dictatorship.” Cher has obviously never done any research but has accepted the line fed to her by those wishing to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. This is willingly being indoctrinated and that is stupid. Not doing her own research has resulted in her ignorance. Sadly, many Americans fall into these same categories. Dr. Harold Pease wrote that the Founding Fathers universally rejected democracy and hoped that posterity would never turn the United States into one. The word they used was “Republic,” which is not synonymous with “Democracy.” The word “Democracy” is not in the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights. Even the Pledge of Allegiance is “to the Republic for which it stands.” A democracy is by definition a dictatorship, a dictatorship of the majority over the minority where the minority has no rights or liberties the majority does not specifically grant to it. Plato wrote in The Republic, “And so tyranny naturally arises out of democracy.” Our founders were neither ignorant nor were they stupid. They had studied different forms of government and were educated and not indoctrinated. They chose Republic over Democracy. Madison in Federalist Ten said “democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” Madison goes on to splendidly explain how this very same “erroneous” belief of democracy held by collectivists destroys property rights, which is foundational to any free society as he explained, “Theoretic politicians, who have patronized this species of government, have erroneously supposed that by reducing mankind to a perfect equality in their political rights, they would, at the same time, be perfectly equalized and assimilated in their possessions, their opinions, and their passions.” Thomas Jefferson said, "Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%." Democracy can not exist in a nation that specifically states that Natural Rights and Liberties come from God and not government. In a Republic, a Natural Right such as life can not be denied to the unborn because government states that child’s right to life is a choice. In a democracy, the term choice could be substituted for the action of murder and the right to life of the unborn child could be denied if the majority said it is so. In a Republic, the right to free speech cannot be curtailed or denied because it is deemed by a faction to be politically incorrect or hate speech. In a democracy, if the majority deems politically incorrect speech or hate speech to be undesirable they can deem it to be disallowable speech and any user could be punished in any way the majority would deem appropriate. This same principle of rights endowed to us by our Creator versus government could be applied to all of those rights we hold so dear such as free exercise of religion, peaceable assembly, due process of law, proof of guilt and not innocence, and so many more. “It has been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny, their figure deformity.” Alexander Hamilton What we are seeing in the streets of the United States is democracy. It is for this very reason our founders rejected democracy and chose Republic. Freedom Loving Americans must learn the differences, must stop using the term democracy in a favorable light, and must immediately begin to educate our fellow Americans why the left is advancing he term and essence of democracy and calling for the repudiation and destruction of our Constitutional Republic, which would result in the collectivists not only ignoring the Constitution, but burning the Constitution along with the burning the flag. The conventions have ended. One convention told us how terrible they believe freedom and liberty are, while the other convention told us that the greatness freedom and liberty produced is wonderful, but there is even more to come. One convention told us that mob rule and total government control is the best way to move forward, while the other convention said that law and order and limited government will produce peace and prosperity. One convention told us that the evil of collectivism is the right course for the United States while the other convention told us the course of individualism with individual responsibility and achievement is the best course.
If the course of collectivism is chosen by the American people our future will be a future with more and more government control over the economy and the individual will be told how they are to live their lives and how they are to think. The result of this course is known. We saw the results in the Soviet Union and their satellites. We are seeing the result in Cuba and Venezuela. If the course of individualism is chosen by the American people, our future is unknown. When the individual is allowed to and encouraged to dream and achieve, the future is unknown but exciting. It is the individual and not government who expands the known limits and asks why we should settle for the already discovered. It is this desire to learn and to explore that has taken the United States from East of the Appalachian Mountains to the Pacific Coast, from upstart to world power, and from earth to the moon and beyond. The choice of collectivism is a choice that centers on power and control, power and control for dominance within the government and power and control over the lives and thoughts of the people by demanding conformity and indoctrination. The choice of individualism is a choice that centers on government being only as a servant, serving the people as a protector of their God given Natural Rights and liberties, protector of order and civility, and protector of the borders of the nation. The individual is educated, is encouraged to dream outside the known limits, and is encouraged to live their dream and create. The choice of collectivism is a choice that destroys and enslaves. The choice of individualism is a choice of freedom, challenge, responsibility, adventure, and surprises. The differences between the two political factions in the United States have been dramatically exposed. Last week we saw the one faction exhibiting its hatred for American traditions, history, and culture. This week we are witnessing the optimism and individualism that propelled the American Revolution and has been the driving force of a totally unique nation to reach the pinnacle of greatness.
The contrasts between these two factions within our country is like the contrasts between the two revolutions of the late eighteenth century, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution. The American Revolution was declared via the Declaration of Independence which laid bare for the world to see that the colonists were declaring their independence from a tyrannical government. To replace the rule of tyranny, these freedom loving colonists would form a nation based on the unique principle that all Natural Rights and Liberties come from the Creator and the only role government was to play was to protect Natural Rights and Liberties for the citizens. Each individual would have an equal beginning and their individual talents, dedication, and wisdom when making choices would determine the outcome. After a long and difficult battle to achieve independence from the tyranny of government, these freedom loving people began to put their dreams of creating a society that celebrated individualism and rejected thy tyranny of government under the limiting evil of collectivism. The French Revolution began with mob rule and chaos in the streets and continued in that same manner. After the murder of the King and the Queen, more mob rule continued as chaos reigned supreme with any who would disagree quickly having their heads and bodies separated. This total refusal to accept any contrarian ideas exhibited in the aftermath of the French Revolution was the exact opposite in the American Revolution. Different ideas were not only accepted, but encouraged. Compromise was the rule of the day. The colonists held a singular goal but different ideas on how to best reach that goal. That goal was freedom and liberty for all as opposed to the goal in the aftermath of the French Revolution which was power and control for the victor and total subservience of the masses to the victor. The contrast between the American Revolution and French Revolution is the same contrast we have witnessed recently but placed on the national stage for all to witness as we watched the DNC and are currently watching the RNC. The DNC was a dark convention, full of hatred for individual freedom while advocating that our Natural Rights and Liberties given to us by God, is wrong and that the government must be the controller of any and all-Natural Rights and Liberties. Just as the mobs of the French Revolution determined the structure of the French government must be destroyed through rioting, arson, and evil, so did the representatives of the DNC. We were told only the murder of babies or what they called choice was acceptable, that children could only attend Teachers Unions dominated schools so the required indoctrination could continue, that any who did not speak in an acceptable manner or used what they defined as hate speech must be ostracized, demonized, and even eliminated, that the use of threat and force was not only acceptable but encouraged in the name of equality, and that we must eliminate any aspect of our Republic and become a true Democracy, which is by the definition of our founders, rule by the mob. The RNC has been a dawning of optimism and encouragement for Natural Rights and Liberties, for limited government and not domineering and controlling government, for the protection of free speech and thought, for education as opposed to indoctrination, for achievement and innovation, for competition and compassion, yes, for individualism and not collectivism. Each individual citizen in the United States will have the privilege and opportunity to vote on November 3rd. The contrasts are evident and extreme. You must choose between these two visions. One vision is the vision of the French Revolution: mob rule and chaos in the streets, all power to the victor and servitude of the masses to that victor, and no room for disagreement, discussion, or free and open thought. The second vision is the vision of the American colonists: the desire to be free from the tyranny of government, to have free and open speech and thought, to always educate and never indoctrinate, to champion achievement and innovation, to thrive on competition while showing compassion to others with private generosity and not the force and demand of government, and to cherish and protect that all our Natural Rights and Liberties are God given and not government given. These are the contrasts. These are the choices. What a great Monday night at the RNC. We saw person after person tell us that opportunity still reigns in the United States. Individualism is alive and well. If you will take responsibility and apply yourself, you can live the American dream. No America is not a racist nation and no Americans do not believe in division based on race, color of skin, religion, or any other characteristic.
We learned that America is still the land that believes in law and order. We Americans believe that our neighborhoods should be safe from those who would wish to destroy just for the sake of destroying or any other reason. Collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats, -all virtually the same), your destruction proclamation is a losing proclamation because Americans are builders and not destroyers. We learned that Americans believe in equal opportunity with liberty, liberty to seek your own happiness without being limited by the dictates of the collective regardless of your race, color of skin, religion, or any other characteristic other than the content of your character. We learned that Americans do not want a false history taught but a true and an accurate history. We learned that Americans do not want our educational institutions to be transformed into indoctrination institutions. We learned that Americans understand the best way to prevent this from happening is to free ourselves from the dictatorial demands of Teachers Unions and open our school system to the great builder, competition. Yes Americans, we learned that you do not have to be shackled by doom and gloom, by hatred and division, by the victim mentality, but can soar once again because you have been emancipated to participate in freedom and liberty, the freedom and liberty given to us and preserved for us by so many. Rejoice in this freedom and liberty and reach for the stars understanding that your fellow Freedom Loving Americans will cheer for you, will aid you, will support you as you pursue your happiness that is achieved by those who shake of the chains of collectivists and relish in the freedom of individualism. You who call yourselves Democrats but still adhere to the principles of freedom and liberty per the United States Constitution, I bring you great news. President Trump has been again nominated to run for President. Yes, he will be on the ballot under the Republican name, but you can vote for him by rationalizing that even though President Trump will have an R behind his name, he should have an A behind his name because he is representing all Americans.
Yes, Donald Trump did not become president because he rose the ranks of a political party. He became president because he promised the American people he would not put his party before America, he would not honor the political traditions but would honor the fundamental principles upon which our nations was founded and built; encouraging achievement, encouraging innovation, acceptance of individuals and not limiting the individual by race, religion, sex, or by modifying American but accepting all who wish to participate in freedom and liberty as Americans. Yes, Donald Trump promised he would put America first. He promised he would not adhere to the globalist movement that had as its primary goal to surrender the sovereignty of the United States to globalist movements including the United Nations. Donald Trump promised that he would protect not only our national sovereignty, but also the jobs of American citizens. Yes, Donald Trump promised he would protect the borders of the United States from being overrun by those who wish to enter our country illegally. Donald Trump promised he would support law and order. He promised he would rebuild our military. He promised he would cut taxes. He promised he would cut red tape and regulations. He promised he would support the American people and not the bureaucracy, and he promised he would drain the swamp which believes the role of the American people is to adhere to the dictates of the bureaucrats and not to serve the people of our country. Yes, you Democrats who still call yourselves Americans, you can vote for Donald Trump who wants to build our nation. You can vote for freedom and liberty and not adhere to the false premise that we must destroy our nation and rebuild our nation as a Marxist totalitarian state as promised by the modern Democrats. You can vote for Donald Trump who places the American people above party and serves as president for all Americans, even if you are an American but still call yourself a Democrat. Yes, Democrats who believe in freedom and liberty, you are welcome and encouraged to vote for a candidate for president who places country far above political party. The Democrats (Marxist/Progressives) just finished their convention. The assessments of any convention on Thursday evening after the balloons (fireworks this year) have fallen or ended and the last waves are made, are never very accurate. The pundits are caught up in the moment and the gushes are extreme. I have learned that the assessments on Saturday and Sunday are generally more accurate.
That is difficult this year in the wake of the Democrats (Marxist/Progressives) convention. The accolades were nonexistent as early as Friday. The reports on numbers of viewers are reaching modern time lows. It is as if the Democrats (Marxist/Progressives) never held a presidential nominating convention. The convention started on a low note Monday and went downhill from there. There could be many reasons for this dismal showing. Of course, the China Virus excuse will be used as the number one excuse, but I think that is again giving the China Virus way too much credence and importance. We have to remember that the Biden enthusiasm number is itself non-existent. His choice for a running mate only reduced an already dismal enthusiasm number. The total convention was a negative convention. Donald Trump is bad. That was the theme at the beginning, the middle, and the end. To a large extent it was the say theme that we have heard from the Democrats (Marxist/Progressives) and their propaganda tools, the media for the last four years. The problem with that theme is that President Trump did what he promised he would do. What he promised as candidate Trump was the reason he was elected, and he did what politicians do not do, he kept his promises. He promised to Make America Great Again, he promised to put America #1, and he promised to bring those companies that had left the United States back to the United States to make their products on our soil. Candidate Trump promised to be an American President and not a World Globalist promoter and that is what he did. The Democrats (Marxist/Progressives) and the RINO’s such as Kasich resent Trump for being pro-America. What we call the swamp, which is compromised of the DNC, RHINO’s, K Street, the media, and the bureaucracy, hate Trump for going against the tide of destroying the United States. There is nothing they will not do or say to try to destroy an American businessman who believes in the principles upon which we were founded, that is individualism. The swamp is comprised of dedicated collectivists. What is surprising is that the Democrats (Marxist/Progressives) would have nominated such a weak presidential candidate and then accepted and even weaker vice-presidential candidate. If you will notice, during the convention the political achievements of Biden were never discussed. The reason for this is because there are not any. The positions he has supported are not positions the Democrats (Marxist/Progressives) now support. Biden has expressed negative and racist sentiments. His other positions have never been consistent. The areas in which he has been consistent were enriching his family by using his political positions. He has been championed as being this great family man but never was it mentioned that he had an affair with his friends wife and broke up their family nor his history of sexually molesting female staffers or sniffing and pawing females, women and girls. The vice-presidential candidate lowers the morality of the ticket while increasing its collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive) values. The voting record of Harris places her to the left of Sanders and Warren. That is as far left as one can go. She is in the same leftist position as was Leon Trotsky, the #2 to Lenin. Harris has literally slept her way into politics with a married man and father. She is less likeable than Hillary. We could go on and on about Harris. One can quickly conclude why the Democrat (Marxist/Progressive) convention was forgotten by Friday morning. Slow Joe and Ho Kamala generate no enthusiasm, no American values, no positive ideas, and represent doom and glum. Republicans, please do not try to just outdo the Democrats (Marxist/Progressives). That bar is way to low. Americans have been a positive people. Positive people achieve while negative people relish in the destruction of the achievements of the positive people. Proclaim loudly and clearly the principles upon which America was founded, the principles which built our nation, the principles which created a country others wish to emulate and which is the most desired destination in the world; yes Republicans sing the greatness in belief in the individual, in individualism. I am an old political junkie. I have for many years enjoyed watching political conventions. I will not say how far back that goes to protect the innocent.
The political conventions have become less and less interesting over the years. The presidential nominee is now known months in advance of the convention and the vice president is known at least days if not weeks before the convention. There is no drama, other than perhaps some floor fight on a party platform plank that has little or no meaning. The other drama that has been a part of the political convention has been the happenings outside the convention hall. What the conventions have become are 4-day political commercials. Sometimes great sound bites would be generated, and we would see the sound bite throughout the fall. Very seldom did we have a convention that did not generate some excitement, until now. The DNC convention has been a total downer. Of course, a part of that lack of excitement and enthusiasm is due to the presidential and vice-presidential nominees. Biden is the definition of the Peter Principle, an individual who has failed at every position he has held but because some people have thought he was a decent person he kept being promoted. Harris is condescending and every bit as difficult to like as is Hillary. Even so, the DNC has called out what are supposed to be the big guns. These big guns have perhaps given it their best shot, but their best shot has been miserable. Yes, it is far easier to generate excitement when speaking to a live crowd, but please. So, the question is, what will the Republicans be able to do. Will we see the same mundane clips of people giving written statements written by somebody else and coming across as unbelievable and boring, because they are. If the Republicans can put together a genuine program, with people coming across as genuine and honest because they are, the Republicans will have gained a huge advantage. The one thing we know is that the bar has been set exceptionally low. An old political junkie is looking forward to next week. We have heard from the old people, close friend and travel companion of Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, and the failed former presidents Jimmy Carter and Comrade Obama. We have heard from the new guard, loser Stacy Abrams and Comrade Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. We have not heard from the stars and current leaders of the Democrat (Marxist/Progressive) party.
California is controlled by the Democrats (Marxist/Progressives) and yet we did not see Gavin Newsom, Eric Garcetti, Xavier Becerra, Eric Swalwell, or Maxine Waters. Washington and Oregon, the remainder of the West Coast have also championed the Democrat (Marxist/Progressive) party and have showcased the future of cities in American under a Democrat (Marxist/Progressive) regime. Yes, we had no Jay Inslee, Kate Brown, Jenny Durkin, or Ted Wheeler. The State of Minnesota has certainly been at the forefront of the Democrat (Marxist/Progressive) movement and has showcased how to enable what has become the mainstay constituency of the “progressive” movement, looters, rioters, and arsonists. Yet no Tim Walz, Keith Ellison, or Jacob Frey. We can not forget those formerly great American cities who have shown us what a great American city will become under the leadership of Democrats (Marxist/Progressives. Where is London Breed, Mayor of San Francisco, Lori Lightfoot, Mayor of Chicago, Bernard Young, Mayor of Baltimore, Muriel Bowser, Mayor of Washington D.C., and of course the one who wrote the book on how to quickly destroy a great city Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City. This is a brief list of the rising starts in the Democrat (Marxist/Progressive) party. They hate capitalism. They hate individualism. They hate the Bible and the United States Constitution. They hate free speech, freedom to peaceably assemble, freedom to pursue happiness, education, and all that made the United States a great nation. These rising stars of the Democrats (Marxist/Progressives) proclaim the glory of collectivism (Marxism, communism, socialism, progressivism) They support a one world government and deplore the sovereignty of the United States, they are advocating for complete defunding of law enforcement, they support racism, they support the destruction of the family, and they call for indoctrination to supplant education. Yes, these rising starts are better known for the polices now supported by the Democrats (Marxist/Progressives) than are the old guard. Yet, we saw the old guard and not those who are the Democrats (Marxist/Progressives). Perhaps, just perhaps that is because Tom Perez, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the other powers (notice, I did not include Joe Biden simply because he is no longer cognitively capable of discerning what he does or does not believe) do not want the American public to know that the Democrat party is now the Communist Party of the United States. “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are CREATED equal are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable rights, among them the right to LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.”
We have a political movement in the United States that profoundly differs with the above statement. That movement is telling us that all men have the right to equal outcome. That movement is telling us that the rights are not given by the Creator but are given by government. This movement is telling us that entitlements, or benefits granted by the government to a segment of people and provided by the government taking from other segments, is right and proper because it brings about the equality of outcome they promise. This movement would also have us believe these entitlements are rights, just as are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In fact, these entitlements, or quasi rights are a direct assault on liberty and bring enslavement of the people by the government. “It's not an endlessly expanding list of rights — the 'right' to education, the 'right' to health care, the 'right' to food and housing. That's not freedom, that's dependency. Those aren't rights, those are the rations of slavery — hay and a barn for human cattle.” ― Alexis de Tocqueville This same movement is telling us that our nation is a democracy. It is not a democracy and was never intended to be a democracy. You will not find the word democracy in the Constitution of the United States, but you will find Republic. A Democracy is a dictatorship of the majority over the minority. “Democracy is 51% of the people taking away the rights of the other 49%.” Thomas Jefferson In a republic, an official set of fundamental laws, like the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, prohibits the government from limiting or taking away certain “inalienable” rights of the people, even if that government was freely chosen by a majority of the people. Today, in the United States, this movement that is saying we are a democracy, is also telling us that government can take away the right to life of the unborn child, that government can take away the liberty of speech if the speech is determined to be politically incorrect or hate speech as the movement defines hate speech, and the movement is telling us that the liberty to peaceably assemble is conditional and can be denied if the assembly does not proclaim the position of the movement. The movement is also telling us that if the assembly supports the movement than peaceably can be defined to include riots, looting, and arson. This movement is telling us that we are a democracy and the majority can define life and liberty and deny life and liberty if the majority so decides. Why we who are Freedom Loving Americans must oppose this call to become a democracy and forsake all aspects of a Republic, is best stated by Alexander Fraser Tytler. “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.” This movement of the left, with all their promises and proclamations, is following the path to slavery outlined by both Alexis de Tocqueville and Alexander Fraser Tytler. Yes, we are living in different times, but the forces of evil, just like gravity, works the same in the 21st century as they have in every previous century and will work in all future centuries granted to mankind by the Creator. |
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