A compliant people that accepts random decrees from bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts is an enslaved people who have sold their souls, their freedom, and their dignity to the evil of big government. This is the essence of Marxism. This is the essence of Communism. This is the essence of the Democrat party. This is the essence of the RINO. This is the result of indoctrination and propaganda. Sadly, this is the essence of a large portion of the American public.
The CDC announced an order late Friday that will require people to wear a face mask while using any form of public transportation, including buses, trains, taxis, airplanes, boats, subways, or ride-share vehicles while traveling into, within and out of the US. Masks must be worn while waiting, boarding, traveling, and disembarking, it said. The coverings need to be at least two or more layers of breathable fabric secured to the head with ties, ear loops or elastic bands -- and scarves and bandanas do not count, the order says. The CDC said it reserves the right to enforce the order through criminal penalties, but it "strongly encourages and anticipates widespread voluntary compliance" and expects support from other federal agencies to implement the order. If the American people adhere to this declaration from the bureaucracy, they are accepting the bureaucratic dictates that are the essence of Communism and rejecting the basis of individual rights and liberties that were the very core of our Republic. The law of the land in the United States had been the Constitution. The Constitution gave only to congress the right to pass a bill that becomes law only if the executive signs the bill that has passed both the House and the Senate. What the CDC states can at best be considered a suggestion. Any law enforcement agency or court that would uphold the suggestion of the CDC and enforce non-compliance would be pronouncing the Constitution to be null and void. Ironically, we have been shown how to be free and declare to our government that we insist on living under the original terms to which we agreed when we agreed to be governed. Our agreement was that we would obey the laws, but those laws could only be made by people we elected to represent us and not by political appointees or hired bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts. We declared at that time, and must remind ourselves, that to do otherwise would be to again accept the tyranny of government. The people of Italy have recently done what our founders did, but many in the United States today abhor, and that is to defy the orders of bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts, who believe they have the authority to dictate to people how they are to live their lives, how they are to think, or that they have the authority to impose the essence of Communism on people. We Freedom Loving Americans must declare to those bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts, that no, we the people will in fact determine how we will live our lives and what thoughts we will have. Thousands of restaurants have opened in Italy in defiance of the country’s strict Chinese coronavirus lockdown regulations. The mass civil disobedience campaign — launched under the hashtag #IoApro (#IOpen) — has seen as many as 50,000 restaurants opening despite evening curfew restrictions. The result: Italy will ease restrictions, imposed to prevent the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), in 16 of its regions from Monday, the country’s Health Minister announced Italy is not the only country where resistance to the lockdown is growing. There is a similar campaign in Poland under the hashtag #otwieraMY. Among the Polish businesses planning to open in defiance of the country’s strict lockdown are those in the ski resorts of the Tatra mountains. America, namely you in the compliant states such as California, New York, Washington, and Illinois, will you uphold the traditions of your heritage and once again be, “the land of the free and the home of the brave”, or will you accept the role relegated to you by those who aspire to impose the tyranny of government on a people by dictating to them how they are to live their lives and what thoughts they can have? Government tyranny, under any name is bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts oppressing the people of a nation by yes, dictating to those people how they can live their lives and what thoughts they can have.
We are close to the cliff. Tulsi Gabbard explains how far we have moved down that road to the Marxist totalitarian state announced by Comrade Barack Obama. It is important Americans understand what Comrade Obama meant when he said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”.
It is important to understand that Barack Obama is a dedicated Communist. He was schooled in communism from the time he was a child and continued his studies through college and beyond, including going through Saul Alinsky’s school for community organizing. He associated with Communists throughout his career including such noted communists as Bill Ayer, Bernadine Dohrn, Valerie Jarrett, and Eric Holder. The communists believe that their ideology will result in what Marx called a classless society. In this classless society we are told that all will live in harmony. All will conform to the ideology. All will have the good of the collective as their only goal. Each will work to their maximum capacity understanding that in fact the collective will receive all proceeds and that each individual will receive, not based on what they produce, but based on what the collective determines is their needs. There will be no differences, socially or economically. There will be no crime or societal clashes of any kind. Marx explains that to get to this harmonious stage of communism, we will have to go through a transition stage under the “dictatorship of the proletariat”. This will be the stage where any who are not committed to the collectivist ideology must be persuaded or eliminated. Marx told us that this would take despotic means to accomplish. Tulsi, Gabbard explains to us how these despotic means are now being employed and how this ideology differs from the individualist beliefs, the belief system under which the United States was formed. Hawaii Democrat Congresswoman and now Democrat party whistleblower, Tulsi Gabbard, is sounding the alarm against her own party as it continues to tighten the screws on the American people with censorship and surveillance. Gabbard explained, “The very first thing that any President does after they’ve gotten elected, any member of Congress and every one of us who has served in the military is we take an oath, and we swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” “The reason that this is the first thing that we do is because our Constitution is the foundation of this country and who we are,” she continued. “It is what guarantees us our civil liberties, our freedoms that are endowed to us, not by any man or person in government, but are endowed to us by our Creator, and so this is something that we must all unite around.” “John Brennan, Adam Schiff, and others are acting as domestic terrorists because they are undermining our Constitution by trying to take away our civil liberties and rights that are guaranteed to us,” Gabbard said. Gabbard pointed out exactly how the Democrats are undermining our God-given rights. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to just quote John Brennan directly so that people can’t say I’m taking this out of context, directly, John Brennan says: ‘Members of the Biden team who have been nominated or appointed are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements they’ve seen overseas where they germinate in different parts of the country and gain strength and bring together an unholy alliance, frequently of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascist bigots, racist, nativist, and even libertarians,’” she said. “This is the extent that they are going to try to undermine the rights and freedoms that are guaranteed to every one of us, and it is incredibly dangerous,” Gabbard added. In a collectivist (communist) society, all rights and liberties must be controlled by the state. Lenin told us, “It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed.” I hope all of you are as tired as I am hearing how terrible the Democrats are. Of course, they are terrible. Of course, they hate America, our Constitution, our heritage, individual liberty and freedom, and most of all the Bible. Of course, they have only one standard and that is a double standard. Of course, they lie and cheat, after all the only rule they follow is, “The ends justify the means”. Of course, they encourage and enable violence when it promotes their agenda and denounce it when that action promotes their agenda. Of course, they stole the election, did it overtly, and told the nation, in your face. They have been stealing elections for years but were more covert in the past. There are many more of courses, but I think you get the idea.
We Freedom Loving Americans must understand who the Democrats are and if you do not, shame on you. I, along with others, have been writing and speaking about it for decades, and sadly we have been proven to be correct. The Democrats are collectivists and that means they believe in all the evil that is Marxism, communism, socialism, and progressivism. The main wing of the Democrat party has gravitated to the left and today they are full-fledged communist, no different from Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro, and Chavez. All of the “of courses” above are a part of the communist agenda. Karl Marx said, “Between any capitalist society and communist society there lies the revolutionary transformation of the one into the other. Corresponding to this is a political period in which the state can be nothing more than the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat”. Marx also said that despotic means would be necessary during the time of the dictatorship of the proletariat. It would appear this is the period in which we now find ourselves. What we have learned over the last century is that Republicans feel most comfortable when they are in the minority. Have you listened to McConnell and McCarthy complaining about the Democrats and then taking credit because they claimed to have stopped some movement by the left. Of course, when the Republicans had control, neither of them moved the “America First” agenda. They always had some reason why it could not be done. So, what can and should Freedom Loving Americans be doing right now. On a national basis, if you live in a state or a district that has a Freedom Loving American representing that state in the senate, or that district in the house, you should be in touch with their office on a continuous basis demanding the removal of McConnell, McCarthy, and Cheney for sure, and replace them with true America First individuals. On a local basis, you must become involved. Each of us should choose involvement in our local school district, our local city or county, or our local Republican Central Committees. The way to do this is by learning when the next meeting is to be held and where it is to be held, and then SHOW UP. Do this on a regular basis. Do not be surprised when you are one of a small number present. Learn the issues. Start to speak at the meetings. Be ready and willing to run for election and sit on the respective boards. Become involved in different “America First” organizations. Be sure they are truly “America First” organizations in deed and not just in word. One of these organizations I would highly recommend is Republican Women. Yes, they only allow women to be full members, but we men can be supportive by becoming associate members. The Republican women have shown in word ad deed that their primary goal is “America First”. The above actions are important, and all should be involved in one form or another with those actions. But something we all can do and must do is become a participating individual in “Setting Brushfires of Freedom” in the minds of our fellow citizens. Samuel Adams, the Father of the America Revolution, told us, “It does not take a majority to prevail, but a tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of others”. This is how Samuel Adams was able to keep the flame of individual liberty and freedom burning that ignited the fire with the “Declaration of Independence”. What each Freedom Loving American must do to restore our republic and our American value of individual freedom and liberty is to refresh or to learn on what principles our nation was founded and why these were so critical to freedom and liberty. Understand why it is so critical we honor that our rights and liberties come from God and not from government, why our founders rejected democracy and endorsed republic, and why the Democrats are so insistent that rights and liberties are under the control of government and why we must be a democracy and not a republic. After we each again understand the differences between individualism (individual freedom and liberty) and collectivism (Marxism, communism, socialism, progressivism, Democrats, - all virtually the same) we must begin to discuss these concepts with our family, friends, and acquaintances. Do not argue and debate but discuss by asking questions of those on the left and asking them to explain their positions. It is critical that we all understand we cannot force anybody to believe as we do, but we can reveal to them the fallacy behind their beliefs. Collectivism has never resulted in more liberty and freedom, it has never brought prosperity or reduced poverty, but it has always insisted on total conformity and loyalty to the ruling party. Our nation is on “The Road to Tyranny” because we Freedom Loving Americans neglected to heed the warning of our founders when they told us we would only remain free if we diligently remained informed, interested, and involved. The road back to freedom requires Freedom Loving Americans who believe in “America First” heed that warning and immediately become informed, interested, and INVOLVED. Upfront, I am not a supporter of imposing term limits on United States Representatives or Senators. The United States Constitution sets the limit of a term of a Representative to two years and the limit of a term for a Senator to 6 years. Who will be the next Representative or Senator is then decided by the people. Initially the Senator would be elected by the respective state legislature, but the 17th amendment changed that provision to have the senator elected directly by the people. I would have opposed that amendment as well, and I believe I have proven to be correct.
Also, in support of my position, California placed term limits on members of the California legislature in 1990, and the results have been disastrous. California has become a one-party state and corruption is the natural course in Sacramento. My real reason for opposing term limits is because I believe it is simply a feel-good solution. We are led to believe if we deny the rights of the people to elect who they want to serve them, we will some how bring about a better system that is more responsive to the needs and wants of the people. In our system of government, or our intended system of government, an involved, informed, and interested public is required. As the public becomes less involved, less informed, and less interested in the workings of government, nothing can be done to correct the corruption and self-serving happenings in government. The reasons given by those supporting term limits, (corruption, self-serving, influence of lobbyists) was always a consideration, even in 1787. People have always been people and corrupt people have always sought office, not to serve but to be served. Aaron Burr could be serving right along with Eric Swalwell on the Intelligence committee, and probably would have cavorted with the same Chinese spy that did Swalwell. Nancy Pelosi would probably have rewarded Burr the same way she has rewarded and revered Swalwell. So many of you say, “Well than Don, what is your solution?” My solution is the same solution that our founders had and we the people failed to deliver. “Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights.” Thomas Jefferson “Let each citizen remember at the time they are offering their vote...that they are executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which they are accountable to God and their country.” Samuel Adams What we are being told by these great lovers of freedom, is that who we have serving in our government, that the type of government we have, is only dependent upon how informed the voter is and how much importance did that voter place on their vote. Unless these two problems are addressed, everything else is simply a band-aid. What we have learned over the last many elections, is those who oppose individual liberty and freedom and favor government supremacy, understand this principle. Those who oppose individual liberty and freedom and believe in the bigness and goodness of government, understand that an uninformed voter and a voter who places little to no value on their vote can be cajoled and bribed to vote for those who oppose individual liberty and freedom and favor tyranny. My solution to fix this problem is not simple and it is certainly not a quick fix. We who wish to preserve our Republic and live as sovereign over government and not as servant to government, must understand that only we can correct our situation. The three things we must do immediately is to become informed, to be interested, and to be involved. Many would claim they are informed and interested, and perhaps they are. It is then time to become involved. Involvement means to go to local government meetings of all kinds, to run for local government offices, to participate in local political organizations, to serve on local political boards, to voice an informed opinion which means studying and understanding issues, and perhaps most importantly by “Setting Brushfires of Freedom” in the minds of our fellow citizens. This is certainly not an easy fix nor is it a quick fix, but it is the only long-term fix to preserving individual liberty and freedom. It is critical that we also talk with and listen to our children and grandchildren, who are being taught in schools and colleges that there is no value in freedom, that the correct solution to all problems is the bigness and goodness (tyranny) of government. “Setting Brushfires of Freedom” means to lead people to come to their own conclusion that indeed there is value in freedom. An essential element to transforming any country to a collectivist or communist nation is the need to censor any voice that opposes collectivism. This is the reason our founders stated in the First Amendment that congress can make no law abridging the freedom of speech. This would include prohibiting what one faction would consider to be politically incorrect speech or even hate speech. Freedom of speech is not to be restricted.
Poland has lived under collectivism, specifically Nazism and Communism. Yes, they are both a part of the collectivist immediate family. Poland led the revolt against the evils of collectivism, namely communism, in the late 20th century. Poland is well aware of what it means to live under a regime that dictates what can and cannot be said and the use of censorship. Poland is trying to save the United States from being transformed into a collectivist (communist) society by warning us. Poland’s Deputy Justice Minister has called on the U.S. to protect “every citizen” from Big Tech censorship on social media, as his own country prepares new laws enforcing free speech standards online. Polish lawmaker Sebastian Kaleta said it was “disturbing” that “Christian or patriotic content” was increasingly being branded as “hate speech” by the Big Tech firms which dominate social media, and that the public discourse should not be controlled by “anonymous moderators”. Polish government officials have denounced the deactivation of Donald Trump’s social media accounts, and said a draft law being readied in Poland will make it illegal for tech companies to take similar actions there. “Algorithms or the owners of corporate giants should not decide which views are right and which are not,” wrote Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki. Yet, the Communist Party of the United States (Democrats) and the RHINOS continue to proclaim the glories of censorship under the guise of truth and justice, per RHINO Romney. Many speculate that it is the irrational hatred toward Donald Trump that is promoting these collectivist or communist tactics. I would disagree. The collectivist movement in the United States has been here for over a century. Woodrow Wilson was an open supporter of communism and hater of freedom and liberty. He believed in government supremacy over the people. FDR had many openly declared communists in his regime including his legal wife, Elanor, and FDR’s top advisor Harry Hopkins. FDR was an avid promoter of Stalin and it is because of the policies of FDR that Eastern Europe came under the dominance of the Soviet Union. Barack Obama, Michele Obama, and Valarie Jarrett are openly committed communists proclaiming that government supremacy or the control of the collective over the individual is essential to “social justice”, “conformity to one ideology by all”, and “social and economic equality”. Freedom Loving Americans heed the warning of Poland, and reject at any cost the demand by the Democrats to enforce censorship and abandoning the call to restrict speech based on the lies that censorship is superior to allowing to what they call politically incorrect or hate speech. This is and always has been an integral part of the transformation of a society to a collectivist society. The misuse of or manipulation of words has been a tool used by collectivists since the beginning of time. Notably, Marx referred to his perfect society as a classless society when he really meant a society controlled by one ideology. An example of this would be the communist’s control in Russia, the Soviet Union, the Soviet Bloc, China, Cuba and on and on. It is also what has happened in the State of California and what Illegal Joe has said should be a model for the United States.
Saul Alinsky, mentor to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and many other Democrats and some RHINOS, was so convinced that the manipulation of words could be a critical element in “community organizing” he dedicated an entire chapter to the subject in his manuscript, “Rules for Radicals”. Other infamous propaganda notables also understood the significance of word manipulation. “It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.” Joseph Goebbels This next quote by Goebbels is mentioned here not because it refers to word manipulation but because it is so descriptive of what is happening in the United States today as the Communist Party of the United States (Democrats) consolidate power. “We shall reach our goal, when we have the power to laugh as we destroy, as we smash, whatever was sacred to us as tradition, as education, and as human affection.” They smashed any and all aspects of conducting free and fair elections as they built a means of producing votes that guaranteed an election win regardless of the number of votes attained by their opponents and smugly proclaimed, “it isn’t so. This is our definition of a fair election; we are guaranteed to win”. The two words that are specifically manipulated for the benefit of the CPOTUS are unity and democracy. Unity is commonly meant to be in a state of being united or joined as a whole. To unify politically would typically mean that the ideas of both sides would be recognized, and a working relationship would be adopted. What the CPOTUS mean when they say unify is what Marx meant, what Lenin meant, what Moa meant, and what all communists mean. Their idea of unifying is that all conform to the collectivist ideology. Any who have shown opposition to such would be given an opportunity to reform, which means they would “volunteer” to go through a correction or deprogramming session. Any who had refused to “volunteer” or do not show proper remorse will be isolated, and be subject to a cleansing program. This policy has been advocated by many in the CPOTUS. Democracy is a misused and misunderstood term It is a term that fits into the category that if you tell a lie often enough it becomes a fact. The true meaning of democracy is majority rule. A democracy, in its purest form is a dictatorship. Whatever the majority would declare is the law. The rights of the minority are always at risk of being totally eliminated and often times are. If the majority rules that all property owned by any in the minority should be surrendered for the good of the collective, the property is surrendered or confiscated. If the majority rules that certain speech often used by the minority is contrary to the collectivist beliefs, the speech of the minority would be abridged. If the majority rules that sacrifice or murder of the unborn should be the law of the land, the right to life is no longer honored. The collectivists or communists claim they support democracy because they claim they are for freedom of the people. What we learn about collectivism or communism is that once they take power, they manipulate elections, they deny rights to whomever opposes them, they use whatever means necessary to consolidate their power, and freedom takes on a whole new meaning as well; all are free to act in accordance with the dictates of the collective. Unity and democracy are what we are seeing imposed on the United States today by the collectivists or communists that have gained control of our nation. The President's Advisory 1776 Commission released its report. The group was chaired by Churchill historian and Hillsdale College President Dr. Larry P. Arnn. The vice chair was Dr. Carol M. Swain, a retired professor of political science.
The conclusions focused on the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the historical challenges to these founding documents and the need for civic renewal. The 16-member commission was diverse in the widest sense of the familiar adjective. It included historians, lawyers, academics, scholars, authors, former elected officials, and past public servants. The conclusions questioned the controversial and flawed New York Times-sponsored 1619 Project. There was immediate criticism from the left. Yet at any other time than the divisive present, the report would not have been seen as controversial. The commission offered a survey of the origins of the Declaration of Independence, published in 1776, and the Constitution, signed in 1787. It emphasized how unusual for the age were the founders' commitments to political freedom, personal liberty and the natural equality endowed by our creator -- all the true beginning of the American experiment. The commission reminded us that the founders were equally worried about autocracy and chaos. So, they drafted checks and balances to protect citizens from both authoritarianisms, known so well from the British Crown, and the frenzy of sometimes wild public excess, commonly referred to as democracy. The report focused on both the ideals of the American founding and the centuries-long quest to live up to them. It notes the fragility of such a novel experiment in constitutional republicanism, democratic elections, and self-government -- especially during late-18th-century era of war and factionalism. The report does not whitewash the continuance of many injustices after 1776 and 1787 -- in particular, chattel slavery concentrated in the South, and voting reserved only for free males. Indeed, the commission explains why and how these wrongs were inconsistent with the letter and spirit of our founding documents. So, it was natural that these disconnects would be addressed, even fought over, and continually resolved -- often over the opposition of powerful interests who sought to reinvent the Declaration and Constitution into something that they were not. Biden and his comrades understand that an accurate account of American history is detrimental to their goals and ideals. In the document entitled, “Communist Goals for Taking over America”, 45 specific points are listed. Point 29. “Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis”. Point 30., “Discredit the American Founding Fathers, present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the common man”. Point 31, “Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the ‘big picture’. It is the goal of the Democrats to transform the United States to a communist nation. The 1776 Commission gave an accurate account of American history, an account that should be taught in all schools. Because the United States was founded on principles that are in direct contrast to communism, (we were founded on individualist ideals and communists support collectivist ideals) an accurate account cannot and will not be tolerated by the communist movement in the United States (that is the Democrat party and RHINOS). It was critical that this action by Biden be first as he quickly attempts to put the transformation movement back into high gear which includes following, “Communist Goals for Taking over America”. The correct and straight forward answer to the question, is a unified United States possible, is no. Unity is never possible unless both sides want unity and are willing to compromise and accept the rights of the other side. For instance, we have had calls for decades now that the Palestinians and Jews live in harmony and peace. The Jews have said that despite their differences, they are willing to accept the Palestinian people and work for peace. The Palestinian leaders have said the only Jew they can ever accept is a dead Jew. That puts the Jewish people in a difficult position, no compromise on their part is acceptable. Only the Jewish people accepting their total and final demise, is acceptable to the Palestinians.
The factions in the United States are in a similar situation. The collectivists (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrats, - all virtually the same) have told us individualists that the only compromise they are willing to accept is for us to renounce our core beliefs and join them in transforming our nation into a collectivist nation. The collectivist faction is demanding that any who would disagree with their ideology be censored. This censorship takes place many ways including silencing us by removing us from communicating on radio, television, in print, or on social media, demonizing us and ostracizing us through the means of enforcing what the collectivist deems to be politically correct, and canceling any who do not adhere to the collectivist line socially and economically. The collectivist is also declaring that unity can only come about when we individualists are deprogrammed, are cleansed, or are imprisoned because our beliefs are different from theirs. Of course, this is not striving for unity but is demanding total conformity. What has happened in the United States is that the two factions no longer have the same goals. The collectivist has as its goal to make the government the sovereign of all by dictating to the individual how they are to live their lives and what their thoughts can be. This is how collectivism believes you bring unity and harmony to a society. The individualist believes that the supremacy of government is detrimental to the existence of a society in which the liberty and freedom of the individual is the very core of the desired outcome. The individualist believes that governments purpose is to protect freedom of speech and not curtail it through any form of censorship, that the role of government is to protect the sanctity of life and not destroy it by wholesale murder of the unborn, that government is to insure freedom of opportunity and not guarantee equal outcome, that government is to view each citizen as an individual and not as a part of a class to be punished or to be granted special privileges, and that the role of government should be to respect the importance of the core family unit to a free society as opposed to promoting all elements that destroy the core family unit such as immorality, sexual perversions, pornography of all sorts, the enabling of pedophiles and child trafficking, and that less government is always the best government. For unity to come about, both factions must understand that people are individuals and as such are unique. Both sides have to understand that individuals being encouraged to dream and then to strive to fulfill those dreams is what has always brought about the advancement of society and is the greatest factor in reducing suffering of all kinds including poverty. The situation in the United States is not much different from that in the Middle East. The one side, the collectivist, is telling the other side, the individualist, we can only accept you as a memory, you must be eliminated. I do not see that as a call to unity. “In five days, we are about to fundamentally transform the United States of America,” Comrade Barack Obama, October 30, 2008.
“Between any capitalist society and communist society there lies the period of the revolutionary transformation of the one (capitalism) into the other (communism). Corresponding to this is a political transition period in which the state can be nothing but the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat,” Karl Marx, 1875 from the Critique of the Gotha Program. In “The Communist Manifesto” Marx and Engels stated that it would be necessary for despotic means to be used during the period in which the state is nothing but the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat. The Communist justifies using any and all means desired by the dictatorship of the proletariat because they believe this will bring about the complete transformation to the utopia, which is the final state of communism when all of society will operate in total harmony. It is in this final stage that the Communist has achieved transforming society into a one class society or as Marx said a classless society. All people will be equal in all aspects, financially and socially, and all people will conform to the communist ideal of “from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.” Many proponents of this transformation movement, those who support the false claims of social justice, economic justice, of supporting organizations like BLM, and supporting the collectivist policies of the Democrat party and the RHINOS, are not aware that in fact all of these factions are promoting the transformation called for by Comrades Obama, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Holder, Jarrett, Axelrod, AOC, Sanders, Warren, and on and on, or the transformation of a capitalist society to a communist society. We are seeing the means being used by the proponents of this transformation to achieve their desired ends. Any who would support these means in any way are supporting the transformation from a capitalist society to a communist society. Some of these means of which I speak are censorship of any kind. There is a call for deprogramming those who disagree with the transformation program. Deprogramming is a common term used by the collectivist movement to force those who would disagree with them into submission. We were told for instance that the Gulags in the Soviet system were used for deprogramming dissidents. The Communist Chinese Party, a brother to the Communist Party of the United States (Democrat Party) is telling us that the education camps in Western China are used to deprogram dissidents. Comrades in the CPOTUS are advocating the same for Freedom Loving American. We are hearing that cleansing must begin in the Untied States. Cleansing is a term that is used by despotic regimes, including times when nations were under a dictatorship of the proletariat, and it means to eliminate those who would or could not be deprogrammed. The collectivist understands that their philosophy cannot survive in a society where people are free to and encouraged to seek any and all ideas and philosophies. We are hearing that those who are in influential positions and oppose the collectivist movement must be demonized, ostracized, and now we hear calls that they must be imprisoned, not because of a law they have broken but because they have different political beliefs. We are also hearing that those with different political beliefs must be removed from holding elected office, must be removed from any governmental position, and cannot serve in the Armed forces. We are hearing all of the same demands made by the proponents calling for the United States to be transformed to a communist state that were heard in nations that were transformed such as Russia, members of the Soviet Bloc, Albania, China, Cuba, Venezuela and all the rest. Some of those common demands are indoctrination of all children in state-controlled institutions, registration of firearms so they can be more easily confiscated, and the destruction of the core family units by promoting the murder of unborn children, adultery, pornography, sexual perversions of all kinds, children and teens encouraged to participate in sexual activities of all kinds and any and all acts of immorality. None of what I have shared is speculation, it is reality. Sadly, many in the Untied States would state that they believe in individual freedom and liberty, that they believe that collectivism (Marxism, communism, socialism) is not a desirable course for the United States, and yet, because they believe the lies of the media and the lies of the left, they support candidates and policies that are moving forward the promised transformation of the United States of America to a collectivist (communist) nation. Transparency and honest investigations are critical in a free society. It is in a totalitarian state that we are told to shut up and not question the happenings and accept the answer it did not happen. This is why our founders were so adamant that the government is the servant, and the people are the sovereign. A sovereign must know everything, good, bad, and indifferent. The servant must be totally transparent or in a totalitarian state, that servant is eliminated.
We can know that the roles in our society are no longer as designed but today the government is the sovereign and we the people are the servants. We are no longer a free society but in a totalitarian state. Today the government says to the people, you will do this, or you will be punished. When we the people ask for transparency and an honest investigation we are told we do not have a right to know and if we insist on transparency or an investigation we will be punished or eliminated. There are two issues in the United States today that are totally off limits for we the people. I want complete transparency and an honest investigation into the murder of Seth Rich. That he was murdered by a random robber has no basis in fact. The sovereign government has told us that we are to believe them and ignore the evidence that is contrary to what we are told. The second issue is the 2020 election. The evidence is overwhelming that fraud took place. We know that dead people, non-citizens, and non-residents voted. We know that ballots were created, that observers were prevented from observing, that coordinated dumps of Biden votes took place in at least 6 states, that the Dominion machines were programed to change votes and to create votes, and that all of this took place in Democrat controlled large cities already known for voter fraud and corruption. Yet we are told that there was no voter fraud. And then when this explanation is so obviously absurd, we are told that the fraud was not sufficient to change the election. This is as absurd as the first argument. You admit voter fraud took place. How can you possibly know if it was enough to change or not change the election. In many states the difference was exceedingly small, and it would not have taken much fraud to change the election. Nevertheless, the sovereign government is telling we the servants that they the sovereign do not have to be transparent and they do not have to conduct any kind of an investigation, much less an open and honest investigation. This explanation is not only coming from the Democrats, but it is also coming from the RHINOS. These people obviously are willing to do anything to remove President Trump from office. It would appear both the Democrats and the RHINOS have a good reason to remove President Trump. President Trump is a true outsider to Washington. President Trump promised to drain the swamp that is Washington. President Trump did much to expose how deep that swamp is. President Trump revealed that the swamp includes members of both political parties. The swamp members, regardless of whether they have a R or a D behind their name have much to keep concealed. Consequently, we the servants are told that honest elections will no longer be held and that there will never to be investigations into overt or covert voter fraud. President Trump and fellow Freedom Loving Americans, this is not the time to bend the knee to our sovereign government, but it is the time to do exactly what our Declaration of Independence demands when it states that, “But when a long train of abuses and usurpation's, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.-“ We go about accomplishing this by becoming soldiers of freedom committed to “Setting Brushfires of Freedom” and supporting only candidates to office that are known to support that the proper role of government is to be the servant, that would be committed to a totally transparent government, and that would insist on a full and open investigation into the murder of Seth Rich and the fraudulent election of not only 2020 but previous voter fraud as well. Will you join the forces for freedom, or will you accept your role as servant? |
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