Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving. Stay warm, safe, and dry.
Freedom Loving Americans have much for which to be thankful. Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) not so much. After all they are the party of the squad, Sanders, Warren, Biden, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, and all the others. What a lineup. But Marxist/Progressives (Democrats), get over the long faces and be thankful that the coup did not work and you still live in a country where you can aspire and receive the rewards. All Americans should be thankful that Trump is President and not Hillary. The United States has regained its position in the world of being that beacon of freedom and liberty for all. More Americans then ever are working and earning more and more. All Americans still have the liberty to make some decisions with more and more liberties being restored. As you sit around the dinner table, all Americans, including Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) should say a prayer, for Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) it might have to be a silent prayer, for the good health of our President, that the real evil throughout the Obama regime is fully exposed, that the deep state is destroyed, and that President Trump is elected in 2020 to continue to Make America Great. This will help insure that the United States will stay the land of the free and the home of the brave, yes that shining city on the hill. Be sure to thank God that he had Jesus come to earth and be the sacrifice for each of us who would acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord.
The Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party agrees that it has no viable candidate for president. As is typical in any presidential primary, the field begins to narrow as wannabes begin to learn they have no chance of gaining the nomination. This has happened in the current Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) primary. What is not typical is that a candidate for the nomination would enter the primary at this late date. In this situation we have had not one, but three new candidates enter the primary of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) primary. This clearly states that the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have no viable candidates and their primary is in a shamble. Their so-called front runner cannot give a statement with our looking like a bumbling idiot and making a gaff. Furthermore, this so-called front runner is in the middle of one of the most serious investigations the United States has seen for years into corruption and manipulation. The real question would have to be, how long will Biden be able to stay in the primary.
Our congress has become totally inept. We pass a law that states if a person is cruel to an animal, they have committed a felony. This is heralded as earth shattering legislation. Yet, today, the United States government gives funds to the number one murderer in the United States, no the world. The United States government still gives money to Planned Parenthood. In addition, congress refuses to outlaw murder of babies. They hide behind an unconstitutional ruling of the Supreme Court, who has no authority to make law, and refuse to do their duty and vote on whether or not the United States will have a law that legally allows the murder of babies, or will we enforce the Natural Right to life that is declared in the Declaration of Independence. Our congress passed a law that heralded the ratification of the 19th amendment which gave women the right to vote. The amendment was long overdue and reinforced that idea that citizens, regardless of their gender (male or female) should have the right to vote. But our congress refuses to protect that vote. Today our congress continues to allow illegal aliens, who have by definition broken the law and are not citizens, have access to our voting machines. Our congress refuses to enact remedies that would keep registration rolls current and registration rolls that only contain the names of citizens. Our congress refuses to recognize the importance of only allowing legal citizens to vote by requiring some reasonable proof of identification. Our congress is allowing the 19th amendment to become meaningless as it allows and in fact encourages non-citizens, illegal aliens, the dead, pets, and those voting to vote more than once. Our nation is undergoing a coup to overthrow the president and to overthrow the constitution. Yes, this is being done by a political party that places the power of the political party above the good of the country. This particular party has been declaring for years that it wants to nullify the United States Constitution as it has proclaimed the Untied States is a living document that must be changed to meet their demands and that the Constitution is an outdated document that has outlived its usefulness. The fact is that many who would call themselves Republican, which supposedly means that they than support the United States Constitution, are enables of that other political parties or what should properly be called “useful idiots.” These Republicans, who have been referred to as RHINO’s are akin to people such as Chamberlain. Chamberlain thought that by compromising, which was giving Hitler whatever he demanded, he had brought peace. What a fool. Chamberlain had emboldened Hitler who understood that he could demand and receive whatever he wanted. This is exactly what those who are willing to compromise principles do. They enable evil to understand they can receive whatever they demand. This is what RHINO’s do. People such as Romney, Ryan, Boehner, and the late John McCain are perfect examples of RHINO’s. They even have had the audacity to refer to themselves as conservatives, while at the same time enabling the collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats all virtually the same) to demand and receive their main goals of bigger and enslaving government and more and more spending to bring about the classless society that enforces total conformity and so called income equality. Over the weekend the naivety and self-righteousness of RHINO’s which always enables the advancement of evil was once again made abundantly evident. An individual whom I have suspected to be a dedicated RHINO reminded me that he has been a Republican for 50 years. Based on the above documented RHINO’s. that means everything. When I questioned if this meant being a conservative in the mold of Barry Goldwater, the answer was a stumbling non-committal answer. What brought about the conversation was his comment that President Trump has much to fear from the discovery of the impeachment hearing. This was a shock since this individual had earlier stated that he had watched the hearings. Even the most ardent collectivist is stammering and stuttering when asked about the evidence of the impeachment hearings. We are quoted the lugubrious argument of Mike Quigley that hearsay is many times more relevant than direct evidence, which is really a restatement of Joe Biden when he said that facts do not come in the way of their truth. RHINO’s over the years, apparently in their effort to prove how fair and open minded they are, have been the enables that promote evil. Just as this individual, who gave credence to the mind numbing stupidity we saw exhibited these past weeks to try to convince the American public that their claims had any validity, wants to appear to be reasonable, he is compromising to evil in the same manner of a Neville Chamberlain. And we all know the results. Wise people are wise because they will take a step back and review what others from the past, perhaps even wiser had to say about different situations. Let us take a look at why this is so important.
What has been made abundantly clear is that the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party has placed what they believed to be the good of their party above the good of the country. We can clearly see that the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party despises the Constitution of the United States and does not want to adhere to the limitations placed upon the government for the good of the people in that document. We can clearly see that the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party does not want to adhere to the fundamental belief of fairness that is so clearly put forth by the Constitution, that concept in the Constitution we so often refer to as rule of law, that same concept that even proceeds the United States Constitution by centuries. Some stunning events have taken place, and there is every indication that more stunning events will come into play in the very near future. What it is anticipated is that these stunning events will reveal just how deep the “deep state” penetrated our government, especially the FBI, the NSC, the CIA, the DOJ, and yes, the State Department. What is also anticipated to be revealed is how corruption has been a part of the daily activities of government. This will be revealed as the Biden’s are investigated. A very major part of draining the swamp is to shine the light of day on the activities of the deep state and any and all who have used the government to enrich themselves and their families. Here comes my caution. I believe no stone should be left unturned and all, including occupants of the White House if so warranted, should be investigated and rule of law should prevail. What we can not do is follow the same course that the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have used and that is to use the power of the government to advance their own improper or hate inspired agenda. As much as possible, party politics must not be the goal, but the good of the country must be placed first and foremost. We must listen to those wise people who came before us, those wise people who always placed country before their own gain or the gain of their party. In fact, the first person I am going to quote was a person not only without a party but a person who warned us about the danger and evil of political parties. President George Washington warns against political divisiveness written by Dennis Jamison Oct 27, 2017 President Washington argued that political parties needed to be restrained in a free country with a government empowered by the consent of the governed and established through popular elections. He President George Washington conveyed to his countrymen the divisiveness of political parties reveals his genuine wisdom and foresight The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty. Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight), the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it. It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus, the policy and the will of one country is subjected to the policy and will of another. In Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address he stated “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds,” As we proceed, let us proceed wisely. Let us always place the good of the country above politics or revenge and let us always remember to proceed with a sense of fairness and apply “rule of law.” We must remember that the example we set at this crucial time in history, a time when power seeking and revengeful people attempted a coup to overthrow our Republic, will set a standard for future generations to remember; fairness and justice yes, revenge and obliteration of rule of law and the Constitution, no. If we do not follow the wisdom of great Americans, we will be even worse Americans than are the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) who paved the way for the deep state, government corruption, and then attempted a coup to not only protect those evils, but to advance them. They are over for now at least. I am speaking about the hearings that were called discovery hearings for impeachment. What we learned is that the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) said they did not want to hold these hearings which appears to be totally false. This charade has nothing to do with impeachment per the Constitution, but is and always has been a coup. An impeachment is a constitutionally ordained process that is undertaken when treason, bribery, or high crimes and misdemeanors have occurred and the individual alleged to have committed that offense is investigated to determine if they are guilty of the named offense.
A coup is an action taken generally by members of the military or a political faction to take the power from the current government and place themselves in power. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have openly stated that President Trump is not the duly elected president of the United States and therefore must be removed from office. They have therefore, because they believe it is necessary if their coup is to be successful, been in search of some action by President Trump that public opinion can be moved to accept that the action is “an impeachable action.” That this is a coup attempt has been verified. This is not a revelation. When you declare impeachment proceedings before the individual has been nominated, elected, and sworn into office, is absolute proof. Other suspected problems have also been verified. The most crucial of these suspected problems is that a “deep state” does exist. There are many reasons for the creation of the “deep state.” Time is one of these reasons. Over time people become entrenched within the bureaucracy. Labor unions for public employees has been perhaps the main contributor to this “deep state.” Labor unions and left-wing sponsored laws have placed an unreasonable protection of employees who have been proven to be unproductive and deliberately work against directions to be released. We have witnessed a deep state filled with people who have assumed the role of sovereign and not servant as they claim they are indispensable to the good of the country and the national security of the nation. They recite what they consider accomplishments, even though it appears to an impartial observer that they are the definition of the principle of being promoted to their lever of incompetency. Supervisors can not fire these incompetent people, so they promote them to remove them from being under their purview. The attitude and belief of these bureaucrats is that their opinions and “expertise” is proper, and any elected president and administration is obligated to follow their dictates. This has been the overwhelming revelation. Time after time we have heard these people explain their expertise and experience and then denounce the elected and appointed officials when these elected and appointed officials do not adhere to the dictates of the bureaucrats. This is the deep state. Bureaucracy is the enemy of freedom and liberty. This is why the founders were so emphatic that the United States would not be a nation where the government was the sovereign but that the government would be the servant and the people would be the sovereign. This means that the people will elect their desired officials who would be held accountable through elections to enact the policies desired by the people. The bureaucrat would have the responsibility of implementing those policies, not to oppose and/or use those intended policies to support a coup to remove the elected president who had won the election promising to bring change to the very policies the bureaucrats had been championing. If you believe in freedom and liberty, if you believe that government should function as the servant of the sovereign or people, and if you believe that bureaucrats should be accountable to the sovereign, we the people, by not only following our directives, but also to be held to the same standards as to which any employee in private industry is held, than you can only come to the conclusion that public sector labor unions are enemies of the people, and unreasonable protection of bureaucrats through legislation should be outlawed and reversed. If we Freedom Loving Americans will bring about these mandatory changes, then the time and money spent to hold this charade will not have been in vain. If we ignore these necessary changes, the “deep state” will in fact become the “dictatorship of the proletariat” as called for by Marx and desired by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats). We political junkies immediately recognize what we consider these famous words. We all remember these were words uttered by then President Clinton in his absurd denial of having sexual relations with that women Ms. Lewinsky. We political junkies spent many hours discussing the deep meaning of this profound statement. The left declared it was indeed profound, and we on the correct side argued the absurdity.
If only we had looked at the full context and viewed this statement from the eyes of a child, we could have quickly understood that the arguments were certainly of the lugubrious nature by self-proclaimed erudite. The child would have quickly observed that Clinton, like they do, is only trying “to muddy the water” and turn the discussion to something different from the actual context of the question, “did you do this.” Yes today, we political junkies are spending our time listening to some skilled and some pretender questioners. We are fascinated by those who are skilled at asking leading questions and even more fascinated by those who can skillfully restate the answers of questions to reflect a positive implication to the leading question they just asked. It is my opinion that the one thing we all reject are obvious lies for which Shifty Schiff is famous. He is very good at lying, but than he should be because he constantly practices the “art of lying.” For some it appears that people want to overthink even the passing comment of “Good Morning.” Things that were said in passing or are simply small and meaningless comments become a major topic. In these hearings, as is common with congress and government, they really do dwell on the deep meaning of is. Yes, what is is. The real fact is that we political junkies are a very small part of the people. The people are like the child. The people do not want to discuss what is is. They think such a discussion is foolish and a waste of time. This is why the people are not watching, listening, or debating these meaningless hearings. What I am learning is that those of us who are absorbed by these hearings are outnumbered by the average number of people attending a Trump rally. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday expressed annoyance that he’s been dragged into the ongoing impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. After an event in Kiev, Zelensky responded to questions from a CNN reporter about whether he was prepared to announce investigations into the Biden family and events surrounding the 2016 U.S. elections. “I think everybody in Ukraine is so tired about Burisma,” Zelensky responded in an exasperated tone. “We have our own country. We have our independence, we have our problems and questions. That's it." Zelensky did not respond to further prodding by the reporter, rolling his eyes as aides whisked him away. What is in fact happening is that a coup is taking place. The Constitution of the United States is under attack. One political party has placed the ambition of their party above the good of the county. To bring about these results, they have identified an individual and are trying to find a crime as did their Comrade, Secretary General Stalin. They will discuss what is is, but will forgo the real question of who should have the authority to decide who serves as the President of the United States, the political party in question or the people of the United States. Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) 2020 presidential candidates have rejected criticism from Comrade Barack Obama, after he warned the field of White House hopefuls not to veer too far to the left because it would alienate voters.
Though Obama did not mention anyone by name, the message he delivered before a room of Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) donors was a clear word of caution about the candidacies of Comrades Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, who are seen as two of the top-tier candidates in the crowded field. Sanders and Warren have called for massive structural changes and policies that would dramatically alter the role of government in Americans’ lives. The centrist wing of the party has warned for months that a far-left nominee could alienate moderate Republicans and independent voters needed to oust Donald Trump. “The average American doesn’t think we have to completely tear down the system and remake it. And I think it’s important for us not to lose sight of that,” Obama said. This type of disagreement has been a part of the communist movement for years. The ideologue has argued for immediate revolution with a complete demolition of all current institutions and remaking them in the manner that will advance the communist movement. The practical communist has argued that it is important to maintain the sympathy of the public and to be aware of their support or opposition. Marx was aware of this conflict and he took both sides. Marx indicated that many nations would become communist through revolutions while others (Marx specifically named the United States as a part of this group) would travel the road to communism through revolution. Lenin also recognized that in the United States, the road would have to be traveled through a transformation, the same transformation called for by Comrade Obama when he stated in November of 2008 that he would fundamentally transform the United States. Lenin began that transformation through his efforts to plant his seeds specifically in the areas of education, media, and entertainment within the United States. Premier Khrushchev told us that the transformation to communism within the Untied States would also be a gradual transformation. Comrade Obama has assumed this same transformation stance, warning his comrades that the United States is not a good candidate for a revolution, while Comrades Sanders, Warren, and other dedicated collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats, - all virtually the same) are advocating for an immediate tear down and rebuilding or a revolution. This difference between the ideologues and the practical factions of the Communist party are being played out once again as Comrade Obama is taking the practical side. AOC is truly the gift that just keeps on giving. Time after time she reveals who the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) really are and what their intents are. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said impeaching President Trump serves many purposes, such as holding him accountable for violating laws in the Constitution. She added it can also help prevent a "potentially disastrous outcome" in 2020.
Ocasio-Cortez, during a recent speech, invoked Franklin Roosevelt, several times during her 20-minute talk, which was interrupted numerous times by applause from the roughly 1,000 attendees at the 44th annual fundraising Truman dinner for the Boulder County Democratic Party. If Democrats want to “live up to our values,” AOC said, “we are going to have to become a stronger party, a braver party and a more innovative party. We need to earn the right to represent people in this country. The way that we do that as a party is to come home to our FDR roots as a party. We need to come home and make sure that the Democratic Party is the progressive party once more.” We need to become the party of FDR once again they were told. We must explore exactly what the FDR administration was. Cited in an article that Roosevelt was called a socialist and a communist, is an insightful quote. It indicates the true attitude and sympathies of FDR towards the Soviet regime. "The Russian newspapers during the last election [1932] published the photograph of Franklin D. Roosevelt over the caption, 'The first communistic President of the United States,'" said Sen. Thomas Schall, a Republican from Minnesota. "Evidently the Russian newspapers had knowledge concerning the ultimate intent of the President, which had been carefully withheld from the voters in this country. In fact, the voters of the United States were meticulously misled as to such intentions." We found Schall's comments in the book, “All But the People: Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Critics, 1933-1939.” In the brilliant essay, The Friends of Uncle Joe, Joseph Sobran strikes to the core with his analysis. Roosevelt’s eulogists likewise avoid the subject of Stalin, for whom FDR had the highest regard, calling him “a Christian gentleman” during the Yalta conference. He had befriended Stalin from the first year of his administration, when he extended diplomatic recognition to the murderous pariah state. Time and again he chose to help “Uncle Joe” when he didn’t have to, appeasing him from a position of strength. Even Neville Chamberlain never idealized Hitler as “Uncle Adolf.” When FDR asked Pope Pius XII to condemn Hitler, Pius sent back word that if he did so he would also have to condemn Stalin; Roosevelt withdrew the request. Stalin had shown his true colors long before Roosevelt and Churchill took on as their ally the brave, bluff “Uncle Joe.” Had they never heard of the forced famine of Ukraine, the NKVD mass arrests, the Gulag camps, the purges and show trials, the murder of Trotsky, the invasions of Poland (with the Katyn Forest massacre of 15,000 Polish officers), Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania? All these things, and more, revealed not only the brutality of Stalin but the logic of Communism itself, which had begun its reign in Russia with the mass murder of Orthodox priests under Lenin. Communism was in essence a reversion to the principles of primitive warfare, directed not only against external enemies but against its own subjects if they resisted (or were even suspected of a disposition to resist) its tyranny.” Doubting Roosevelt’s involvement, 'The sordid History, lies, FDR, and Stalin" makes a powerful statement: “FDR praised Stalin’s constitution for guaranteeing religious freedom while ignoring the purges, show trials, aggression against countries adjacent to Russia, and the persecution of the Russian Christians. It may sound incredibly today but FDR called Stalin, the Communist butcher, a Christian gentleman. Ever read that in high school? FDR was Stalin’s best friend among world leaders and that is in spite of Stalin killing more people before WWII started than Hitler would kill during the war. Amazing is it not?” When we take the time to understand FDR and his communist sympathies and communist infiltrated administration, including his key aid Harry Hopkins, and we understand the ultimate goal of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party led by AOC, we can clearly understand why she and her party would want to “come home” to the party of FDR. The ultimate goal of AOC’s party and FDR’s party is and was to fundamentally transform the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state as was the Soviet Union. When trying to understand a situation and make some prediction as to what will happen, it is always good to state what we know. What we know is that the United States Constitution was written and intended to be the final authority. Since we would not have an individual as our final authority the founders said that the Constitution is that final authority.
Our nation was also founded on the principles inherent to the philosophies of Natural Rights and Individualism which greatly diminished the role of government in the lives of the citizens as was common in the late 18th century. To emphatically state these intents the founders specifically listed the powers we the people would grant to the federal government and then reinforced this concept in the 10th amendment. To reinforce our beliefs in Natural Rights coming from the Creator and not government, we added to the Constitution the Bill of Rights including the 9th amendment. The concept of Individualism was embedded in our society by our framers as they endorsed the free enterprise system, adopting our Constitution with no direct taxes on the citizens or their assets or incomes, and establishing that the individual citizen was not, could not become a ward of the state owing to the state. In fact, Madison specifically stated the government was not to provide welfare. We also know that Woodrow Wilson stated his discontent with the Constitution and the framer’s concept of government when he tried to convince the American public to adopt the parliamentary system of government where the legislative branch and the executive branch would be of the same party. Remember, nowhere in the United States Constitution are political parties referenced or implied. George Washington warned us of the dangers of political parties when he warned us against the dangers of political parties and people placing the good of the party above the good of the nation. FDR and Obama furthered challenged the legitimacy of the Constitution. They opposed Natural Rights being under the full purview of the Creator, and the concept of individualism or self-responsibly. They supported and advanced government reliance and the state becoming a welfare state with individuals becoming more and more reliant on government for their subsistence based on the declaration of Karl Marx, “From each according to their ability to each according to their need.” Today we are witnessing a direct attack on our Constitution once again where a political party that was dissatisfied with a presidential election, the only nationwide election provided for in our Constitution, is challenging the right of the people to elect the President of their choice. This political party is doing exactly what George Washington predicted and that is to place the needs and wants of a party above the good of the country. What is being learned during this inquisition are some startling realities that when fully realized will shake the very core of our nation. Another nationwide election will be held in less than a year. The outcome of this election will determine much. If President Trump is not elected, our government will go back to the normality it had achieved. What we have learned that normality is, is to continue to limit our Natural Rights, to enlarge our government until the government is the final arbiter it all areas as to how the individual lives their lives and what their thoughts are to be. That normality includes canceling all parts of the United Sates Constitution and truly declaring it a living document so discarding it completely will be justified. If President Trump is re-elected, our nation will through a very dramatic crisis, but one that is probably unavoidable and necessary. It will be a time when the self-righteousness of the left will ring like the noise of sharp strikes on evil symbols. It will be necessary and mandatory that the Trump administration continue the investigation and uncovering of the unlawful actions of the CIA under Brenan, the NSC under Clapper, and the FBI under Comey. This should expose not only the unlawful actions of these individuals but also uncover what is known as the swamp or the deep state within these bureaus. The Trump administration must also uproot the bureaucratic deep state in the State Department and the Defense Department who have come to believe that the President serves at their pleasure and it is them that determines the foreign policy of the United States. We have witnessed the arrogance and self-righteous attitude of this danger this past week. What will have to be investigated, and it must be investigated with no hesitation or any limitations, is how long-time government employees, elected, appointed, or hired have used their positions to enrich themselves through corruption. The Clinton’s use of pay for play during Hillary’s time as Secretary of State must be totally revealed including her selling uranium to the Russians for millions of dollars given to the Clinton foundation and her husband. The full story on how she and Obama sold arms to terrorists through Libya and then allowed our ambassador to be murdered to cover up their wrongdoing must be fully investigated. Hunter Biden being paid and used by the Chinese to acquire access to technology must be exposed. The use of Ukraine to enrich the Biden’s, Kerry’s, Pelosi’s, and associates of Romney must be totally investigated and exposed. There can be no political limits on these investigations. As more is exposed it must be investigated as well. Yes, this type of exposure will bring about a crisis for sure. Yet it must be done. Those have been promoting communism for our country will resist with anything and everything they can. Never forget that they live by the rule, “the ends always justify the means.” This exposure will deliver a detour as they take us down “The Road to Tyranny” like they have never experienced before. But, never forget that collectivists do not give up; they just keep coming and keep coming. The more they are exposed during the next four years of President Trump, the longer it will take them to regain the control they had. Let us hope that takes hundreds and hundreds of years. We can hope but I doubt it. President Trump made many promises to the American people. Because of these promises President Trump was elected. We could list all of these promises, but they have been listed so often and the results are so abundantly clear I will dispense. The most important promise President Trump made was that he would drain the swamp. What we are witnessing at this time is the result of President Trump attempting to fulfill that promise and that promise was that HE WOULD DRAIN THE SWAMP. This is the reason President Trump was threatened with being removed through a coup, commonly referred to as an impeachment, even before he ever took office.
The swamp includes but is not limited to career bureaucrats, the permanent congressional staffs, long time politicians, members of the entrenched media, and long-time lobbyists. It is these mostly non elected and even non appointed, but hired people that have come to believe the government has been established for them to influence, control, and manipulate for their own power and enrichment. It is this very government to which Thomas Jefferson referred when he stated: "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience [has] shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce [the people] under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security." Thomas Jefferson It is this very entrenched government long established that President Trump promised to throw off and to provide new guards for future security. What Thomas Jefferson did not tell us was that those who had become used to continuing their train of abuses and usurpations would be adamant about retaining their evil and self-serving practices. Thomas Jefferson did not warn us, perhaps because he never envisioned that a political party would in fact have as its goal the overthrow of the Constitution, the freedom, and the liberty his generation gave to future Americans. That this determination of the swamp, and this commitment of this political party to replace our freedom and liberty with tyrannical rule enforced by the “dictatorship of the proletariat” was not predicted or perhaps even predictable. Although George Washington did warn us that it was very probable that a political party would in fact place power of the party over the welfare of the country. What is now on display for all to see is that the swamp who hates the Constitution, freedom, and liberty, and the political party that places party above country, will do anything to bring about what was referred to as a “fundamental transformation of the United States.” Freedom Loving Americans must understand that we our freedom and liberty is being reduced, per design, as Jefferson stated it would. When President Trump promised to drain the swamp, he told us he would throw off the despotism that had become so prevalent, and provide the new guards for our future security. The result of the attempted coup will determine if we in the Untied States live with freedom and liberty, or will we live under the tyranny of the “dictatorship of the proletariat.” “You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright, but we'll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you'll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won't have to fight you. We'll so weaken your economy until you'll fall like overripe fruit into our hands.”
Nikita Khrushchev This is the message of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats). This is the platform of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats). This is what is being taught in our schools as they have become indoctrination centers just as Lenin intended. This is what is being printed in our media, just as Lenin intended. This is what is being shown in our entertainment outlets, just as Lenin intended. Those who vote for Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) and who contribute to them are enemies of all the principles upon which our nation was founded; the principles of individualism. This question must be asked of all Marxist/Progressives (Democrats): Why do you hate freedom, why do you hate the Untied States Constitution, why do you hate liberty, why do you support the enslavement of the people to the dictates of government which is the result of the policies you support???? Not just Khrushchev, but so many others have warned the United States that it will be from within that we will be destroyed, and yet, you Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) continue to promote all the policies that have destroyed nations. And yet, you Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) continue to be “useful idiots” for all those who place power and control above freedom and liberty. Please, please, put aside your destructive pleas for conformity and equality and understand that it is these demands that destroy the fiber of liberty and freedom. Please, Please, Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) read history with an open mind and understand that it is you who are fulfilling the prophecies of the United States being destroyed from within, Yes, Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) it is you are the enemy of the United States, the enemy of freedom and liberty, the enemy of the very nation that protects your right to advocate for its destruction. Please Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) let this be a match that would ignite a brush fire of freedom in your indoctrinated mind. |
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