In the Untied States, we the people still have a meaningful influence unlike the society the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) would have for us as exhibited in nations such as Venezuela, Cuba, and Iran where the voice of the citizen has no influence. That is today we have an influence, but we the people are succumbing to the call for us to abandon that fundamental principle that is required in a nation where true diversity, including diversity of thought, is championed and necessary.
A free press, that is a press that has as its primary goal to investigate and report and not to influence or manipulate the people to conform to an ideology, is also mandatory for freedom and independence where diversity of thought is championed. Our founders understood this principle and declared in the First Amendment that no law could be made that infringed on this principle. The two protectors of freedom and independence, the people and the press, are failing in their role as a primary contributor to maintaining that freedom. The press has blatantly abandoned its role as an impartial investigator and reporter and instead has become the main voice for the overthrow of our Republic and for the installation of a Marxist totalitarian state as promulgated by the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) political party. We see this in the headlines and stories in our news outlets everyday where meaningless headlines become the predominant discussion points. What a mindless starlet or celebrity says is treated as if it were important. A clearly biased reporter or author makes a prejudicial statement with nothing to corroborate it accept that they believe it to be true, becomes a headline and is treated as truth. When proven to be clearly false, no mention of the correction is made. This type of reporting has become the norm and not the exception. This has happened because we the people have enabled this type of manipulation. A person can only be manipulated if they allow it to happen. As soon as individuals notice some inane comment by thoughtless starlets and celebrities or political manipulators, they profess it as truth and do no research. This is not the fault of the mindless starlet or celebrity nor is this the fault of the manipulative press, but it is the fault of the individual who accepts the false and misleading statement as fact and does not properly research. Of course, this is easy and perhaps even entertaining because the individual can pontificate on these meaningless and diverting headlines. Yes, these tactics being employed are diverting the American people from discussing, in any meaningful way, the crucial problems facing our Republic and threatening the freedoms we claim to love and champion. Some of these crucial problems are the promised and in process overthrow of our Republic. Comrade Obama promised this overthrow in the fall of 2008 and it is being implemented by the media and the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party. Other serious problems we face today include the predominantly ignored but threatening national debt that puts the Untied States in the same situation as many third world countries and posses what has been called the greatest threat to our national security. We also have a segment of our nation that promotes wholesale murder by encouraging the death of a certain class of individuals; unborn children. This is also a threat to our national security as it reduces our birth rate. Another immediate problem is our open border policy which Marx said was crucial for the successful implementation of his classless society. Our federal government was formed to be a limited government. The government today is no longer limited but has usurped power granted to both the people and the states. Nevertheless, it is completely failing in one of the few key roles we the people reserved for the federal government and that is the protection of we the people from foreign threats and invaders. Today our southern border is an open border with declared enemies of the people of the United States, people with the sole intent of doing us harm, entering with the blessing of a certain element of our country, namely the element that wishes to end our Republic, the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats). When we were formed, Benjamin Franklin was asked what kind of a government we had, and he responded with the famous remark of a Republic if you can keep it. Our founders believed a Republic was the best form of government to maintain the freedoms they had won for generations to come. They have been proven to be correct. We have also been told that the greatest threat to that freedom was not from without but from within. Today we are seeing that the statement is also proving to be correct. Any American who believes in freedom and independence for all citizens has a choice to make. We must understand that evil exists and that evil dwells within the core of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) and their minions dominating the mainstream media. We freedom loving people must discuss and bring to light the real problems facing us, those mentioned above. Even though it might be fun and entertaining to discus the nonsense of starlets and celebrities, we must realize our battle to maintain our Republic that champions freedom is not a game. Ignore the mindless headlines so predominant today and always turn discussions to the real problems facing our country. These real problems will not go away on their own. We must address them and attack them in a responsible manner and not in the flippant and irresponsible solutions put forth by those very elements that wish to eliminate our freedoms along with our Republic.
For years the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have wanted to overthrow our Republic and abolish the Untied States Constitution. Woodrow Wilson championed the parliamentary form of government where the legislative branch of government would be of the same party as the executive branch. He added layers of bureaucracy and nationalized different industries including transportation in the name of national security. He argued against the concept of natural law and declared that government was in control of life, liberty, and property and not the Creator.
This massive repudiation of the very principles upon which our nation was founded (rule of law, limited government, divided government, sovereignty of the people) was augmented greatly under the regimes of FDR and Obama, both dominated by collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats – all virtually the same). Today we have open calls to abandon individualism, the fundamental principle of the United States, for the adoption of collectivism. In order to accomplish this overthrow of our Republic or as Comrade Obama stated a fundamental transformation of the United States from a free and independent Republic to a Marxist totalitarian state under the leadership of the “dictatorship of the proletariat,” certain things must be accomplished. The principle of rule of law must be abandoned so the fundamental principle of “the ends always justify the means” can become predominant. This was becoming reality under the Obama regime as we are learning. The NSA, CIA, FBI, and DOJ had been almost transformed into police organizations for a political party and not protectors of our freedoms as outlined in our founding documents. That the United States was to practice arbitrary law and not rule of law was made abundantly clear when a Secretary of State knowingly and willfully violated laws in her handling of her communications and sensitive and classified materials. Clearly incorrect interpretations of laws were made and offenses for which others had been tried and sentenced were negated for Clinton because of her political, social, and economic status. The Marxist/Progressives have also advocated for big government in violation of the Constitution along with the repudiation of divided government placing the courts as the all-powerful branch of government usurping the legislative and administrative powers granted to the other two branches of government. We are witnessing an overt and massive repudiation of our Republic thwarting the very essence of our freedoms and liberty and that is the denunciation of the sovereignty of the people. Our nation was founded on the principle that the people were the superior and the sovereign and those in government were the servants as so eloquently stated by Benjamin Franklin as he described the very essence of our Republic. The people voted and the servants in government implemented. We were also formed to be a Republic because our founders understood the life spam of democracies. The founders understood the primary role of government was to protect the rights for all including minorities. They purposefully rejected us becoming a Democracy because as they told us democracies had short life spams because they quickly became tyrannical by eliminating rights of minorities until the rights of all were eliminated. This is exactly what the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are proposing and are doing today. They are intentionally thwarting the sovereignty or the people by refusing to accept the will of the people and instead implementing their mantra of “the ends always justify the means” in their quest to reverse the election of 2016. In this endeavor they are also trying to reverse the sacred principle of a peaceful transfer of power that has enabled the longevity of our Republic. As importantly the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are calling for the very form of government our founders rejected, and that form of government is democracy. This anti-American movement of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) has openly stated the purpose of implementing a direct Democracy is because they disagree with protecting the rights of the minorities that are protected in our founding documents. The overthrow was begun over 100 years ago. Our Republic has been strong enough to resist up to this point. The collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat – all virtually the same) movement has gained strength. The plan of Vladimir Lenin to place collectivist agents within the education, media, and entertainment segments of our society is proving to be more than formidable. Yes, our natural rights of life, liberty, and property, and all the freedoms they entail are under great threat today. If you believe in the principles of our Republic and our founding documents, (if you vote for and support Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) you would not fall under this category) then you must adhere to the call made by the founder of the revolution, Sam Adams when he stated, “It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush-fires of freedom in the minds of men.” Your freedom, the freedom of your children, the freedom of your grandchildren, and the freedom of all future Americans depends upon you becoming one of the tireless. If you agree with the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) in their effort to overthrow our Republic and lead us down “The Road to Tyranny” then continue to support this anti-American movement. If you do not care, look at Venezuela because that is the result of indifference. More and more Americans are decrying the insanity of allowing wholesale murder. The idea that we Americans will allow the murder of an individual because they are an inconvenience under the euphemism of choice is being soundly ridiculed and rejected. The idea that the Supreme Court has the constitutional authority to create law is being rejected. Yes, we are witnessing good triumphing over evil and it is sending a message throughout our nation.
We have been led to believe that because the Supreme Court issued an abhorrent ruling in 1973 based on some theory they drew out of thin air, that this was the law of the land. The legalization of the murder of an unborn child cannot become the land until a bill that says we the American people support and ordain wholesale murder of a certain class of individuals is passed by both houses of congress and signed by the executive. If this were to happen it would become a law that is in opposition to the very basis upon which our nation was founded and that is that life is a natural right given to us by the Creator and is out of the purview of man and government. We have been led to believe that the child within in the womb of the mother is not granted the right to life but instead the child’s life can be ended based on the whims of the mother even up to and now even after the birth of the individual. This type of thinking is a fundamental part of tyrannical governments where some arbitrary ruling or whim can sentence any class of individuals to death because they are an inconvenience. This is not synonymous with civilized societies that profess freedom for all. The excuse of choice as a reason to murder is barbaric and regressive to the middle ages and before. The American people are speaking and speaking loudly and clearly that we want to progress from the barbaric practices advocated by the mainly Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party who adheres to the teachings of their fundamental leader Karl Marx. Marx and Engels very quickly endorsed the ideas of Darwin that the human is not a creation but the result of evolution from the simplest forms of plants and animals. Consequently, the human, as an individual, has no more value than does any plant or animal and when extinguished can simply be replaced. When an abortion takes place, according to Marx and Engels and the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party, it is no different from extinguishing the life of an ant by stepping on the ant or the life of a mosquito when you slap the mosquito. That was a choice to alleviate one of an inconvenience. The American people are saying no to this barbaric believe. The American people are stating that the Declaration of Independence is correct and that life, even if it is inconvenient life, is from the Creator and protected by natural law and not man’s law or man’s ruling. We have seen state after state protect the life of the unborn child by passing state laws to outlaw the barbaric practice of wholesale murder for the sake of mere convenience. Today we are learning that the last death chamber operated by Planned Parenthood in the State of Missouri will be closed. Of course, the barbarians are claiming that the health of women is being threatened. In fact, the respect for life and the adherence to our Declaration of Independence is being respected and imposed. May the adherence to the advancement of society that respects all life continue within the Untied States and be a shining example to the rest of the world. May the regressive and barbaric principles of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) be placed asunder and buried into the remnants of history as an example of mans cruelty to man to never be revived again. Recent elections worldwide have shown the trend toward globalism has hit its peak and is hopefully coming to a freedom saving end. The predominant reason for this presumed reversal is the globalist call (echoing Marx and Engels) for open borders. The upheaval, chaos, and unrest (again all actions called for and supported by Marx and Engels) that was and is threatening the very core of the different cultures is no longer wanted even in the euphemism of tolerance.
The world has seen this change in Europe as the globalist movement advocated the movement within Europe and the rest of the world which resulted in the influx of Muslims within these cultures. The different countries are rejecting this call for the influx of Muslims for the very reason the globalists are advancing it. The reason the globalists are advancing the Muslim invasion is because they understand that the Muslim doctrine as put forth by the Quran is that Muslims should never assimilate but always conqueror. This has caused upheaval, chaos, and unrest, exactly what the globalists wanted. Throughout Europe we have witnessed country after country rejecting this globalization movement. Recently we saw more rejection of this globalist movement in the EU elections. We also saw a strong repudiation of the globalist movement in India and Australia. This rejection of the leftists is a groundswell of everyday people that are rejecting the self-proclaimed elitists and intellectuals. The underlying of this groundswell is open borders which allows and encourages mass immigration with no restrictions or scrutiny. The same movement that we are seeing worldwide was evident in the Untied States in the election of 2016 with open borders being the primary contributing factor. The globalists, represented, by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats), in the Untied States, had put forth a “deplorable” candidate that was soundly defeated by a non-politician, Donald Trump. These anti-freedom people had taken precautions to ensure Clinton’s victory months before the election by ignoring the protections of an individuals freedom protected in the Untied States Constitution, and employing typical lawless policies. After the election these same lawless factions organized to change the foundation of American freedom by planning an overthrow of the will of the people. This overthrow was begun in the intelligence and law enforcement agencies of our government, namely the NSA, CIA, FBI, and DOJ, and spread into the hierarchy of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) political party. The coup failed. The coup failed because the premise for the coup was manufactured and had no basis of truth whatsoever. This time good did triumph over evil. What is now happening is exactly what the Obama regime and the Comrades from within dreaded and tried to protect through clandestine and covert actions; that is a transparent look at the intended overthrow of American fundamental principles including but not limited to the peaceful transfer of power. Other cherished American principles that the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) intended to overthrow were things such as rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the basic liberties of life and individual pursuit of happiness, and all the principles of freedom within the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights. We in the United States will be facing some incredible exposures in the next several weeks and months. We already know that the unconstitutional actions to ignore and abolish the freedoms of individual citizens reached the White House. We also know that the efforts to protect these un-American, illegal, and un-constitutional attacks were known and protected by Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) within the highest reaches of the legislative branch of government. The revelations will be explosive. What we will learn is that the fundamental transformation of the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state as promised by Comrade Obama in 2008 was entrenched within the NSA, CIA, FBI, and DOJ and only needed a Clinton regime to have it completed. History has proven that those on the left have never and will never respect laws and rules. The only principle they understand is “the ends always justify the means.” Comrade Lenin stated that anything that moves us closer to communism is moral and anything that does not is immoral. It is this very principle that was exercised by Comrade Obama and his fellow comrades that will be exposed through full transparency. This exposure could have and should have the devastating result of a complete repudiation of the anti-freedom and anti-American Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party, even greater than the repudiation of the globalists worldwide. If what should happen does take place, we on the right (correct), must always champion freedom and reject vengeance. We must remember our responsibility is to pass the principles so fundamental to freedom found within the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the Untied States, and the Bill of Rights to future Americans. We on the right (correct) must understand why our founders were so adamant about forming a republic and not a democracy. Our founders told us that a democracy always leads to tyranny because the majority will ignore the rights and freedoms of the minority. We on the right (correct) must remember that laws and rules are established to protect freedoms while the rule of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) and their worldwide comrades of “the ends always justify the means” is destructive to freedom and enhances the movement toward tyranny. YES, WE ON THE RIGHT (CORRECT) MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT THE PRESERVATION OF FREEDOM IS ALWAYS SWEETER THAN THE SHORT LIVED TASTE OF VENGEANCE. We are hearing these clamors, cries, for a constitutional amendment to place term limits on members of the House and the Senate. In fact, our founders placed limitations on how long a member of the House could serve and how long a member of the Senate could serve. They said the limit for a House member was two years and the limit for a member of the Senate was six years. After those respective times, the individual would have to be approved by the voters again. The voters have the right to end the individual’s tenure at that time. The voters continue to re-elect these members time after time. If that is what the voters want, their rights should not be arbitrarily refuted by some arbitrary number.
Furthermore, and perhaps more importantly, with what would these members be replaced. The voters of California thought the idea of term limits was a great idea and today the California legislature is dominated by Marxist/Progressives who truly have as their goal to make California another Venezuela. Prosperous companies and individuals have clogged the exits leaving this future Venezuela while free loaders have clogged the entrances to this Marxist haven while the term limited legislature proposes more and more ridiculous taxes including taxes on water. Term limits in California have been a total waste. We had a Marxist/Progressive takeover in the House of Representatives in 2018. Members were elected for the first time. Let us look at some of those new members. Ilhan Omar from Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib from Michigan are both new members who openly advocate for American support for those who have vowed Death to America and for the destruction of our ally Israel. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from New York has called for a complete overthrow of our free enterprise system and the implementation of a centrally controlled economic system. Lauren Underwood of Illinois accused the Trump administration of intentionally killing immigrant children at the border. All of the above advocate for the murder of unborn children and even murder of the child after birth and all of the above believe the borders of the United States should be open to all including terrorists who wish to destroy the United States. These are first term people. No, a term limit amendment is not the answer. We must then ask if there is an answer and what the answer might be. The term limit amendment is only a feel-good action that refuses to address the real problem, which is the American voter. Over the last many decades the movement that elected Omar, Tlaib, AOC, and Underwood has been groomed by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) to vote for those who despise the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights; for those who in fact believe the Untied States should be a collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat – all virtually the same) nation and not an individualist nation as our founders intended. Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and all the other collectivists including those in the United States, understood that the key to implementing collectivism is through the indoctrination of the youth of a nation. Public education was essential and then the public education system had to become a public indoctrination system. The collectivist movement within the United States has accomplished this goal as did their fellow comrades in different nations. This indoctrination system must be ended immediately. The immediate steps would be to eliminate the Federal Department of Education immediately, to eliminate any federal control over the public school system or any schools system, to outlaw any and all public sector employee unions, and for all who believe in freedom and independence to become involved in local control of our schools and once again place education under the control of those closest to the school, the local community. Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and all other collectivists also understood that the key to implementing collectivism is through intimidation or what is today referred to as “bullying.” The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have implement this intimidation or “bullying” through the method of “political correctness.” If you do not agree with the beliefs of the collectivists, the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) call you an ism or an ist with the intent of shaming you so you will become submissive to their demands. The attitude of those who believe in individualism must be emboldened. First, Freedom Lovers must understand what is the collectivist mentality and what are their goals. We must then converse, not argue or debate, with all. Our best method of conversing, if our goal is to persuade, is by asking penetrating questions. This is why you must understand the collectivist mentality and my friends true understanding is not reciting bumper stickers or 30 second sound bites. We must take on the attitude of our founders who were told by the father of the revolution, Sam Adams, "It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” This my friends is how we will make America once again “the home of the brave and the land of the free,” not by restricting the choices of the voters by placing artificial limits on the number of terms an individual can serve, but by reestablishing in the minds of our fellow citizens why our founders truly understood what they were doing. Those who advocate for and believe in a controlling government
SOCIALISM IS government by the vast majority both through economic planning and management and through social development. Working class communities in the first instance would be involved in preventing sabotage and disruption of the new socialist society by any disaffected group in the former ruling class. Anti-social behavior would not die away overnight. This is not just a question of material conditions such as poverty, which we could begin to tackle immediately. It's also a matter of repairing and then preventing the psychological damage done by capitalism and the power relations and abuse it promotes. Increased equality will reduce much crime. An end to capitalism as a social system which, for example, has discriminated against and condoned the treatment of women as the property of men, will undermine crimes of violence such as rape and domestic violence. Karl Marx To Lenin, the provisional government was a “dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.” He advocated instead for direct rule by the workers and peasants in a “dictatorship of the proletariat.” Accounting and control – that is the main thing needed to achieve the ’smooth working,’ the correct functioning of the first phase of communist society [socialism]. In every socialist revolution . . . the principal task of the proletariat, and of the poor peasants which it leads, is the positive or constructive work of setting up an extremely intricate and delicate system of new organizational relationships extending to the planned production and distribution of the goods required for the existence of tens of millions of people. Vladimir Lenin The liberal party is a party which believes that, as new conditions and problems arise beyond the power of men and women to meet as individuals, it becomes the duty of the government itself to find new remedies with which to meet them. Franklin D. Roosevelt "Unfortunately, you've grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that's at the root of all of our problems. Some of these same voices do their best to gum up the works. They'll warn that tyranny is always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices. Because what they suggest is that our brave and creative and unique experiment in self-rule is somehow just a sham with which we can't be trusted." Comrade Obama Those who advocated for and believed in a limited government “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.” Thomas Paine “Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master.” George Washington “When all government little as in great things... shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power; it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.” “A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities.” Thomas Jefferson “When our founders set about the onerous task of forming a nation, they knew they must also form a government. While forming that government, they understood they were forming the single biggest threat to the freedoms they had just won. Because of that truth, they limited the role and power of government in Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. They then reinforced their intent to have a government limited to these enumerated powers with the Tenth Amendment.” Don Jans McConnell and McCarthy are a part of the Republican Establishment. The Republican Establishment has made promises and then uses political expediency as their excuse to renege on those promises. Boehner and Ryan stand out as the most egregious of these liars. Ryan was even viewed at one time as a fiscal conservative, but he like Boehner quickly exposed their true big government beliefs as they both gave Obama and his fellow comrades everything they wanted as the deficit continued to climb. Anybody who has followed these negotiations over the years knows that Boehner and Ryan are now McConnell and McCarthy.
So called budget negotiations are now underway. Congressional leaders face an uphill battle in selling President Trump on a two-year spending deal when they meet with his top advisers at a meeting scheduled in the Capitol on Tuesday. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) hope to break the budget stalemate when they meet in Pelosi’s office at 10:30 a.m. McConnell and McCarthy are eager to strike a deal to avoid the prospect of another government shutdown, even if it means giving Democrats an increase in domestic nondefense spending, which most Republicans would otherwise oppose. “It’s better politically, but it’s bad for the responsibilities we have of fiscal conservativism,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (Iowa), the Senate’s most senior Republican, said of a two-year spending caps deal, which Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell and McCarthy hope to iron out. Grassley explained the political benefit would be to eliminate the danger of another lengthy government shutdown like the one that shuttered federal agencies for 35 days earlier this year. Asked why a two-year deal is better politically, Grassley responded, “So we don’t shut down the government and you don’t have a continuing resolution that Pelosi is going to have go through [the House] every three months just to remind the people that Republicans can’t govern.” The Republicans control the Senate and the Executive branch. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) control the House and yet it appears they are setting the agenda. But then that has been typical until now, let us hope. President Trump does not have to be backed into a big spending corner again by signing a big government budget that pays no attention to what many have called “the biggest threat to our national security” an out of control deficit. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and acting White House budget director Russell Vought will represent Trump’s position and enter the meeting skeptical of a two-year deal that will draw criticism from the GOP’s conservative base. They will push for sticking to the 2020 spending caps set by the 2011 Budget Control Act, which would effectively cut spending compared to 2019 levels, or for a one-year spending deal, which would cause less sticker shock than a two-year agreement, according to sources familiar with the White House position. In an interview with The Hill last month, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said, “The president has indicated, if the spending caps going all the way back to the 2011 deal are not met, then we will sequester across the board, both defense and nondefense, excluding entitlements, but we will run by those rules. That’s tough stuff. I think that’s appropriate.” But here come the big government favoring Republican Establishment when Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) met with Trump, Mnuchin, Mulvaney and Vought Monday afternoon to make an appeal for not letting the automatic cuts known as sequestration take effect. Let us only hope that President Trump will stand against big destroying government the same way he has stood for not accepting the murder of children and not accepting an open border. 5/20/2019 MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) FOLLOW THE LEAD OF COLLECTIVISTS BEFORE THEM AS THEY SUBSTITUTE THE WORD CHOICE FOR MURDERRead NowA collectivist is a term that encompasses the leftist movement. Those included in the definition of collectivist would be Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats – they are all virtually the same. They have many things in common including their ability to use euphemisms to try to disguise their many acts of evil and hatred. They have stated that a woman has a right to choose, but they avoid stating that the real choice of the women is to choose a perceived convenience for her, or in reality to choose to murder a baby. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are revealing that the Supreme Court ruling of Roe vs Wade is not and has never been law. They are proposing a way to rectify this fact and pass a law based on the dictates of the constitution to enshrine the right to choose (murder).
A growing number of Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) presidential candidates say Congress should pass legislation protecting abortion access in case the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. “Congress should do its job and protect their constituents from these efforts by establishing affirmative, statutory rights that parallel Roe vs. Wade,” Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts wrote in a Friday Medium essay. The Constitution’s supremacy clause gives federal law precedence over state law where the two conflict. Warren and Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York say Congress should adopt a sweeping legislative package that would displace state restrictions on abortion in favor of a permissive federal regime. Both criticized targeted regulations on abortion providers, or so-called “TRAP” laws. “I would ensure that no state can pass laws that chip away at access to reproductive care or criminalize reproductive healthcare providers,” Gillibrand wrote Thursday. “Federal law would supersede those harmful state restrictions.” The collectivist history is replete with the act of murder for convenience sake. Peter the Great “choiced” his son because he was unhappy with the actions of the boy. Lenin “choiced” those who opposed his Bolshevik takeover including Nicholas II and his family. Stalin continued the “choiced” tradition by “choicing” Trotsky and anybody else he considered an inconvenience. Mao was a champion “choicer” with wholesale “choicing.” Hitler “choiced” the Jews in his quest to have the entire Jewish world “choiced.” Mob bosses have “choiced” any who would threaten their supremacy which they regarded as an inconvenience to them. Rumors that have more than shreds of truth behind them indicate the Clinton’s have determined “choicing” certain people was in the national (meaning their) best interest. The DNC apparently had a young employee by the name of Seth Rich “choiced” because he had information that would implicate many within the hierarchy of the DNC. Now the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) want to place into law (understanding that a Supreme Court decision is an opinion and not law) the Constitutional right of a woman to “choice” her baby because that baby is perceived to be an inconvenience. What a slippery slope they desire. Especially since one of their presidential candidates, Robert O’Rourke, has already proposed that the elderly and wounded returning soldiers should also be “choiced” because they are an inconvenience to society. The collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats, - all virtually the same) have historically placed convenience over life. They have, according to Marx and Engels, placed humans in the same category as animals and insects. This is however their evaluation of everybody else’s life accept their own. We have seen what happens in societies that accept that the lives of others, even an innocent baby, have no value and should be “choiced” when they present an inconvenience or a threat. The woman’s right to “choice” is a standard collectivist belief that has been a major contributing factor to the tyrannical collectivist regimes of the past. History has proven that when we place no value on the lives of others, our lives have no value to others. Conversely, when society places value on the lives of all, the society becomes a better and more loving and giving society. In case you are wondering, yes, the former is a definition of a collectivist society while the latter is a definition of an individualist society. 5/19/2019 MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) DEMAND TESTIMONY UNTIL THEY KNOW THE TRUTH WILL BE TOLDRead NowAfter Attorney General Barr testified and explained the letter and phone call he had with Mueller, the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) heard what they wanted to hear, as is typical, and called Barr a liar and demanded immediate testimony by Mueller. What a difference a couple of weeks and some sanity make.
This was the immediate outrage. Marxist/Progressives Democrats) anticipation for public testimony by (special counsel Robert Mueller is building by the minute. The demands for Mueller to testify before Congress reached a new level of urgency this week, after internal correspondence was revealed to show Mueller objected to Attorney General William Barr’s handling of his investigative findings in late March. The revelations prompted Democrats to amplify their distrust of Barr over his disclosures about the Mueller report’s remarks on obstruction of justice while whetting the appetite for testimony from the special counsel that now appears likely in the House later this month. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) stressed that the testimony is vital, given Mueller’s evident frustrations with Barr's summary assessment of the 448-page report. "I hope that he is desirous of testifying so that he can, from his perspective, talk to the American people, and to the representatives of the American people, on what his views are," Hoyer told reporters this week. "Clearly, this letter indicates that they are not being represented by Attorney General Barr." "This is a two-year effort, a little short of that, [and a] major investment," Hoyer added. "And I think the American people are justified in hearing his view as to what he found and the interpretation he put on it." Other Democrats suggested Barr’s testimony cannot be trusted on its own. "Mueller has to testify," said Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.). "I think that will be determinative. No one in this country, no one in this body, has more credibility than Bob Mueller. He's the one person who's been circumspect. He's showed humility. I think the American people are going to hear him and make a determination." Democrats are angling for Mueller to testify on May 15, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) told reporters this week, though no formal agreement had been reached as of Friday. A little later. House Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are backing away from plans to hold a blockbuster hearing this month with Robert Mueller after talks stalled out with the special counsel and his representatives. Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) and a senior Democratic committee aide told POLITICO on Friday that there’s no Mueller hearing planned for next week, though that could also change at a moment’s notice if the special counsel said he’s ready to testify. “I would assume not,” Nadler replied when asked whether Mueller would be appearing before the upcoming Memorial Day recess, which starts next Friday. A Judiciary staffer later added, “Mueller could always call us and say, ‘The heck with it, I want to come in Wednesday,’ and we would make time. But at the moment, no Mueller planned for next week.” Attorney General William Barr just the other day said he’s not preventing special counsel Robert Mueller from testifying before Congress. “It’s Bob’s call whether he wants to testify,” Barr said Wednesday while traveling to El Salvador for a meeting about gang violence. “I’m trying to break away from Washington and do the real work of the attorney general.” Two quick observations. Marxist/Progressives (Democrats), although they never have, should learn to think before talking, assessing before reacting, and placing the good of the country before the needs of a political party. 0% chance of that happening. Collectivists are determined to bring about chaos so they can bring about their Marxist totalitarian state. President Trump made a real mistake when he named Jeff Sessions to be his Attorney General. It was obvious at the time the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats), who despise our constitution, would attempt to overthrow a duly elected President, or attempt a coup despite the fact that it could end our republic. Sessions had been an indecisive and accommodating senator for years. If Sessions had been a courageous and strong-willed senator willing to stand on principle, things might have been different. If a strong, non-political, and principled person like Barr had been initially named Attorney General, the witch hunt that took place and has brought about such division would have been avoided. The proper investigation of Brennan, Clapper, Comey and the rest would have been instigated immediately and the country would now be in a state of repair as opposed to the continued division we have. Thank goodness Trump is as strong and determined as he is and that he found Attorney General Barr. That the fundamental transformation from a free United States to a Marxist totalitarian state as promised by Comrade Obama was halted and is now being exposed is even more critical than we knew. What we now know is that the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and other national security agencies were being politicized and becoming agencies for the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party and not the nation is evident. We are learning that this transformation was being orchestrated by the White House.
The investigation that Attorney General Barr had begun several weeks ago must be an open and honest investigation, unlike the political investigation of the contrived charges of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party secret police instigated Mueller investigation. That there was a conspiracy to prevent Trump from being elected and then to overthrow the election has been revealed. Who was the instigator and driver, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, or Obama, is not yet known. The investigation must go to wherever the evidence leads. This investigation and the results are only a part of the bad news facing the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party. The desperation of this collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat – all virtually the same) group is being revealed in their inane activities. The American public not only rejected Hillary but is rejecting many of the core objectives of this party that has truly become an anti-American party. Much of the degeneration that has occurred within the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) is reflected in the pathetic group of presidential candidates. The degenerate level was lowered, if that was possible, when the latest, Mayor and collectivist Bill de Blasio joined the group. The level will go even lower when Stacey Abrams joins this pathetic group. What the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are learning is that their vision for the United States is not the vision of the American people. The American people want free elections without government manipulation. The American people want a peaceful transfer of power and do not want their elections overthrown by a group of sore losers. The American people believe in the right to life, even life that has not been born. The American people believe that we should not have open borders. The American people understand that socialism always fails and does not want socialism to replace free enterprise. The American people do not want to be divided based on sex, race, religion, or any other demographic but want to be judged on the “content of our character and not the color of our skin.” The American people believe that indeed the United States is a shining city on the hill because we are a nation who believes in individualism and has rejected collectivism. The collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats – all virtually the same) are being exposed. What history has taught us is that these people have no sense of fair play and will resort to their typical activity; the ends always justify the means. Their thirst for power and control knows no limits as to what they can and will do. President Trump has shown that he has the strength and character to stand against this evil force of collectivism. We, the American public who understand and believe in individualism, must show the same resolve as we have seen in President Trump. |
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