This is happening in the United States today. State University Tells Students It's Wrong to Say 'Female' or 'America'. Yes, Michigan State University values communications practices that support belonging for all Spartans. In alignment with strategic efforts around diversity, equity and inclusion, the Inclusive Guide provides best practices for communications in gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, global identity, and disability. The guide aligns with the MSU Editorial Style Guide and includes recommendations informing images, web content, speeches, events and more.
Here are some examples from the guide: American-centric or first-world language: “foreigner,” “alien,” “illegal immigrant,” “illegals,” “America” when referring to the United States (refers to North America, Central America and South America), “backward” or “third world.” Avoid the term “female” as a noun for women. The pejorative term reduces women to their assumed biological anatomy. “Homosexual.” Use “gay” or “lesbian.” “Closeted.” Use “not out.” Instead of “women’s/men’s restroom”, use “restroom” or “all-gender,”” family” or” single-occupant restroom.” Use inclusive terms, such as “chair,” “spokesperson,” “parents,” “siblings,” “relative,” “family,” “companion,” “significant other,” etc. Control of language, just as rewriting history is critical to tyrannical takeovers. This is happening in the United States today, just as it has happened in the past. If you adhere to the demands of the tyrants, sometimes referred to as progressives, you are a “useful idiot” and you are a critical part of the tyrannical takeover. Language was a critical tool for Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and it is now a critical tool of the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the European Union, and the progressives in the United States. One example is the use of Climate Change. They no longer say climate warming or climate cooling because they were proven wrong on both counts, so to advance their communist movement, they have switched to the inclusive term, “climate change”. Everyone who believes in freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of association, in freedom of exchange of ideas, must oppose and prevent this collectivism and its accompanying “progressive” linguistic totalitarianism from imposing a new dark age of diminished human discourse. It has been done in the past. We must learn from it and refuse to assist the progressives of Democrats in the United States from doing to us what Lenin and Stalin did in Russia and the Soviet Union, what Hitler did in Germany, and what Mao did in China. The goals of the American progressives or Democrats are no different from what were the goals of Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, or Mao. Those goals, total control and domination of the people by the party or the elitists.
Ukraine's Zelenskyy: Any Russian Victory Could Be Perilous
The question to be asked I would think, is perilous for whom. Would a Russian victory be more perilous for the Ukraine people. Putin attacks and jails his opposition. Zelensky has outlawed opposition parties. Putin controls the press in Russia. Zelensky has nationalized the Ukraine media. Putin is corrupt along with his oligarchs. Zelensky is corrupt along with his oligarchs, the Biden Crime Family, and many in the United States who launder money, including United States aid to Ukraine. Putin has not attacked the church in Russia. Zelensky has outlawed the Orthodox Church and seized their property in Ukraine. Please somebody, tell me are the Ukraine people better off under Zelensky or under Putin? Never forget that it was Biden who pushed this war. Putin had made clear his requirement for the West to honor our agreement and not make Ukraine a part of NATO. Biden refused to do that. Why did Biden want Putin to invade Ukraine? Why did those like Romney support Biden? And why is there no transparent accounting for the dollars that have been sent to Zelensky? Notice, I said Zelensky and not the Ukraine people. People like Biden, Zelensky, and Putin are all made from the same cloth. A crook cares about his power base and not people. The Biden, Zelensky, or Putin crime organizations are crime organizations whether in the United States, Ukraine, or Russia and they have no loyalty or concern for people of any nationality. Their only consideration is their power and their wealth. Our Department of Justice has been corrupted. It no longer is a means to serve justice, but it is a means to use the courts to bring about the ends desired by the Communist Party of the United States which is the Democrat Party. We now have a legal system that is based on arbitrary law and not rule of law. Arbitrary law is used by all tyrants and simply means that the law can be whatever is necessary to bring about the desired ends. Rule of law requires that the law be applied as written and be applied equally to all regardless of political affiliation or desires of those in power.
If we look at a summary of the manner in which the law was applied in the Soviet Union, we will learn that it has a striking resemblance to the way the Obama and Biden Department’s of Justice apply the law. It is authoritarian law. The Soviets treated the criminal law in a clearly instrumental way, as a political resource that did not require the consent of the public or officials charged with implementation of the law. At the same time, the work of investigators, procurators, and judges was subordinate to political leaders at all levels of the administrative hierarchy and subject to their direction. The basic traits of Soviet criminal justice were already present under Lenin before Stalin and Stalinist politics had left their mark. Bolshevik leaders fashioned Soviet criminal law to suit their vision and adapted it to reflect their immediate needs. To administer the law, these leaders relied on political trustees, ordinary members of the Communist Party, and effectively subordinated them to local party officials. The strength and utility of criminal law as an instrument of rule, however, was weakened and partially obscured by novelties in the Bolshevik approach to law. Revolutionary fervor also contributed to the popularity of anti-law views. Nonetheless, over time, Stalin addressed most of the contradictions and deficiencies in Soviet criminal justice and succeeded by the end of his life in making criminal law a reliable tool for Soviet rulers. At the core of Stalin's quest to enhance the utility of criminal law was the centralization of power in the justice realm. Obama and Holder used the Bolshevik approach as they transformed the Department of Justice to operate in the same manner as the Soviets. The Department of Justice operates the same today. Equity is an education jargon word that means lowering standards for students based on race. Equity is also an excuse to justify the failure of our public school system. Ideologues have never been satisfied with just one “equitable” change. Instead, they push for a slate of misguided reforms, with the goal of remaking the entire system so no one student can out-compete any other, because students are not allowed to compete at all.
Some schools are offering no honors classes, like Culver City High School in California. For students who excel in any subject, tough luck: They will have no choice but to take classes taught at a level that doesn’t challenge them or develop their talents. To excel is punished. For students who slack off, however, equity will sound like a dream: The school never gives out F grades. A Minnesota middle school did away with F grades in 2021 as part of a plan to confront “systemic racism,” and several districts prohibited teachers from issuing F grades during the pandemic. Teachers who step out of line are punished, like Diane Tirado, a former Florida teacher who says she was fired for giving zero grades to students who did zero work. Administrators dictate top-down policies without regard for teachers, parents, or students. These ideas are a national catastrophe. Equity is dumbing down the overall population and it is teaching that mediocrity, even failure, is superior to effort and achievement. These ideas are destroying minority communities, specifically the Black community. Failure and crime thrive in the Black community despite the efforts of concerned parents and community leaders who recognize the dangers of equity programs. Classrooms are chaotic because “restorative justice” — or ending consequences for bad behavior — has replaced true discipline. In Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland, restorative justice policies led to students meeting in “conflict resolution circles,” where there seems to be no distinction made by adults between right and wrong. Students need not pass a test to graduate. New York and New Jersey are facing pressure to drop their graduation tests, and Oregon and New Mexico used Covid-19 as an excuse to suspend their testing requirements. Students do not have to meet a single benchmark to “earn” a diploma, if such a process could be called earning anything at all. It is entirely possible to graduate from Equity High without ever learning to read, write, or do math, without any grades to reflect the lack of learning that has taken place. The results show American IQ test scores have dropped during a recent 13-year period, a remarkable finding that runs counter to the well-established trend of increasing IQ scores throughout much of the 20th century. Blacks and Hispanics reached historic lows in their poverty rates in 2019. The poverty rate for Blacks was 18.8%; for Hispanics, it was 15.7%. Law enforcement reported information about 7,173,072 known offenders showed that 50.8% of known offenders were white; 29.6% were Black. The Black population comprises about 13.5% or our total population. These are the results when people are taught that there are no consequences for their actions. When we see the so-called flash mobs, they are mostly black kids, when we see teen age misbehavior, it is heavily black. Those of you who believe in lowering standards for both academics and behavior are destroying these kids, the black community, and the nation. There is nothing positive about equity policies. Everything about them destroys our nation, the black community, and the black kids. Treat these kids as kids. Raise your expectations for these individuals. Teach them that actions have consequences. You will be helping our nation, the black community, and the kid. Support black parents who love their children and are demanding the expectations for their children is the same as for all children. If you do not, I declare, you are evil, you hate black kids, and it is your goal to destroy and not to build. Discrimination: Treatment or consideration based on class or category, such as race or gender, rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice.
Non-discrimination: the practice of treating people, companies, countries, etc. in the same way as others in order to be fair. I am going to assume for our purposes, that we can stipulate that these are proper definitions. I had the opportunity, the privilege, to visit with two ladies who were both officials in the highest echelons of college football. The one lady gave a talk on her experiences. She is also a mother of a four-year old. After her talk, she was asked if having her son had changed her priorities. Her answer was absolutely; her son had become her number one priority and not her career. This answer just increased my respect for her as a person. After her talk, I was asked what my thoughts were about having a female officiate football. My answer was and is, I think it is great, so long as the same standards were used to choose her that would be used to choose anybody. The choice should not be based on what the individual must do to keep their hair under the hat (she had commented that this was something she had to learn to do), but it should be based on the ability to preform the duties of an official. In the United States, we no longer use that criteria. We now use some class or category as a criteria and have forsaken merit. We do this when choosing individuals applying to the armed forces. We do this when choosing individuals for entrance into colleges and universities. We do this when hiring in different workplaces, and Biden did this when choosing cabinet members. We are witnessing the disaster this has created and is creating every day. When standards are lowered to accommodate certain categories, it is damaging to all. The performance of the company, the group, the team is now lower and the category of favored people do not strive to meet the higher standards when they realize they will be chosen based on their category and not their ability. When any society begins to lower expectations, to lower standards, to purposefully lower performance, they have agreed to damage their society. The naïve or those championing discrimination, might believe they are indeed helping those in the assisted category, but they are in fact damaging them the most. The ladies with whom I visited, would never have accepted the positions they were offered if they thought they were hired because of their gender and not their ability. This is how the United States developed. These ladies are true Americans and deserve the love and thanks of us all. Sadly, the left, doing what they claim is correcting an injustice, is in fact destroying our society and creating victims as opposed to achievers, achievers like the ladies who continue to raise the level of officiating for all. Conservatives are at a disadvantage because they do not understand how a liberal thinks. The conservative believes all people think like they do. I am here to tell conservatives that that liberals do not think the same. I learned this by learning about communism by reading those who favor communism and not those who oppose communism. Yes, I struggled through the writings of Karl Marx. I learned that nothing was ever his fault. I learned that loyalty must be a one-way street. I learned that rationalization is the way to explain failure. But most of all I learned that no matter what, “the ends justify the means.”
Communists think like all tyrants think, and that is that there is no other way to think but theirs. They believe they can change their minds, they can deny the obvious, and they can declare that failure is in fact success and a lie is the truth. They believe that any means that advances their goal to dominate and force conformity to their ideology must not be questioned, and if it is there must be dire consequences even to the total elimination of those who question. Justice to them is when they win. The only standard they have is a double standard. The conservative’s natural tendency is to be fair and follow the rules. The conservative believes that all must be treated fairly under the law regardless of their political position or any other position. The conservative believes in rule of law where justice must be rendered on the facts of a situation, they believe all seek justice, they believe the goal of the court is to learn the truth, and they believe all will always adhere to these goals. This is why we hear conservatives denouncing the double standards of the left. This is why we hear conservatives compare one situation to another situation like comparing Trump and his NDA to Clinton and his NDA with Jones. The liberal will ignore the comparison, they will claim Clinton must be exonerated and Trump must be indicted because Clinton thinks like they do and Trump does not. The conservatives will honor not leaking classified information because it is against the law. The liberal will leak whatever they need to leak because the “ends justify the means.” The conservative believes that the Biden Crime family must be given all the protections that are given to all criminals, while the liberal will deny following the requirement of the Constitution that all information the prosecution has must be shared with the defense, even videos that prove the defendant is innocent. Our Republic requires fairness, virtue, and adherence to the law. Our Republic was made for Conservatives. Democracy is dictatorship where the majority of some ruling body declares what is or is not fair. This is called arbitrary law. The law can be changed to meet the demands of those in power. The liberal understands this mentality because it allows them the means to have their double standard, it allows them to use any means necessary to gain their ends. Conservatives must understand who liberals are, how they think. If we do not, we will lose our Republic with individual liberty and freedom to democracy which is dictatorship and is a sure way to communism. Agent Bezmenov escaped the Soviet Union and the KGB. He told us how communists work. He explained how the transformation that was later promised by Communist Obama would happen.
Bexmenov explained that there are four steps to the transformation. I will tell you what he said they were and then you decide if they have happened or are happening. The first step is demoralization. This when people no longer think for themselves but are trained to conform to group think. Once the pattern has been established in the people’s mind, exposure to facts and irrefutable evidence does not matter. The second stage is destabilization. This is when the society or essential structures such as history, culture, economy, foreign relations, patriotism, and belief in good vs evil, right vs wrong, logic vs illogical is targeted and upended. The third state is crisis. This is when fear is used to bring a public into total compliance. Intimidation is used to reinforce compliance. Remember, the purpose of intimidation is to use force and violence against one person or a group to produce fear in the masses. The fourth state is normalization. This is the stage where the public accepts the rule of the tyrant as normal. Total compliance to the demands of the tyrant are viewed as a normal way of life. To think and do as is demanded, is being a good citizen. To accept government control over every aspect of life and then be thankful to the government for the little one is given is normalization. Where do you think the United State is in this process? Do you agree that the results are good, or do you believe the results are bad? If the latter, what do you think should be done to oppose this movement? Are you willing to do what is necessary to be a part of the opposition? In June, the Netherlands unveiled a world-leading target to halve emissions of the gasses, as well as other nitrogen compounds that come from fertilizers, by 2030, to tackle their environmental and climate impacts. The government said it was leading an “unavoidable transition” for agriculture. Farmers can reduce the release of nitrogen compounds by changing how they manage their cows: feeding them less protein, or using water to dilute manure, for example. But the target is expected to require a 30% reduction in overall livestock numbers, and experts say many farms will have to shut down. Farmers are demanding that the government rethink the plan before it becomes law later this year.
‘Great Reset in Full Force’ — Dutch Govt Plans to Shut Down Up To 3,000 Farms to Meet EU Green Goals The globalist government of Prime Minister Mark Rutte finally spelt out its plans to cut nitrogen emissions to fall in line with the EU’s Natura 2000 program, which seeks to stamp out agriculture near supposedly at-risk wildlife regions across the bloc. In the plans laid out by Rutte’s cabinet, the government will seek to buy out between two and three thousand farms with a one-off payment, starting by as soon as April of next year. The results of this war on agriculture in the Netherlands has shown that people do not believe the globalist lies. Populist Win: New Anti-Globalist Farmers Wins Even More Dutch Senators Than Expected, Are Largest Party. The anti-Great Reset, pro-farmer BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB) movement appears to have won even more seats in the Dutch senate than expected, with the globalist coalition government losing heavily. As the results of the election become clearer, it now appears to scale of the Farmer-Citizen Movement’s success was greater than polls initially suggested, with it being due to claim 17 seats in the Senate and become by far the largest party there, according to pro-farmer campaigner Eva Vlaardingerbroek. The precarious four-party coalition government of the supposedly “centre-right” Prime Minister Mark Rutte, meanwhile, appears to have suffered somewhat worse losses than expected, with Vlaardingerbroek suggesting they will be unable to achieve a majority even with the support of the Labour Party and the Greens. Is this a beginning of sanity prevailing over insanity??? The comment of a globalist, “The farmers have also won support from the global far-right, who allege, without evidence, a sinister "globalist" plot to rob farmers of their land.’ The reality is that sane people no longer believe the global far left. The evidence of the “sinister plot” is that the government said they are taking the farmers land. John 14:15 Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.”
Mark 10:18-19, “18 So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. 19 You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery,’ ‘Do not murder,’ ‘Do not steal,’ ‘Do not bear false witness,’ ‘Do not defraud,’ ‘Honor your father and your mother.’” Matthew 19:4-6, “4 And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who [a]made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? 6 So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man separate.” Matthew 19:13-15 “13 Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” 15 And He laid His hands on them and departed from there.” Mark 12:29-31 “29 Jesus answered him, “The [k]first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ [l]This is the first commandment. 31 And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” The New Testament says that homosexuality is a “shameful lust” (Romans 1:26), a “shameful act,” an abandonment of “natural relations” (Romans 1:27), a “wrongdoing” (1 Corinthians 6:9), and “sexual immorality and perversion” (Jude 1:7). Homosexuality carries a “due penalty” (Romans 1:27), “is contrary to the sound doctrine” (1 Timothy 1:10), and is listed among the sins that bar people from the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9). Despite the attempts of some to downplay these verses, the Bible could not be clearer that homosexuality is a sin against God. Deuteronomy 22: 5 “A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God” These are some of the commandments of Christ he his followers will obey. The Democrat party it is alright to murder the unborn child and to murder even the born child if the abortion was not successful. Jesus specifically stated that marriage is only between man and woman, male and female. Jesus said not to hinder children from coming to him. Taking them to drag shows, telling them they can change genders, encouraging them to engage in sex before marriage, and other wokeness taught our kids are hindering them from coming to Jesus. Jesus said to love our neighbor as ourselves. The parable he used when he described a neighbor is, was the parable of the Good Samaritan. The Samaritans were hated by the Jews and were considered to be less than human, but the Good Samaritan looked upon the hurt person as an individual and ignored his race. CRT is the exact opposite of this teaching. Homosexuality is contrary to the commandments of Christ. However, the homosexual can still be saved and forgiven of his sin, but he must turn from his sinful ways. That a woman can be a man and a man can be a woman is an abomination in the eyes of Christ and is contrary to his commandments. These are only a few of the Democrat policies that are the antithesis of the commandments of Christ. The Democrats follow the teachings of Marxism, which is communism, which is collectivism. These teaching are first and foremost based on the belief that God does not exist. They teach that the core family unit, which was established by God from the beginning, must be destroyed. They teach that man is in total control of everything and denounce the sovereignty of God. Anybody who believes in the philosophy of the Democrat party is denouncing the very existence of God. If you denounce the very existence of God, you cannot be a follower of Christ. John 1:1-5 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. The Word is Jesus Christ. It was on October 30, 2008, that Comrade Obama declared. “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
What we know now is that the Comrade meant when he took office, the transformation of the United States from a Constitutional Republic to a Communist dictatorship would be fundamentally complete. The transformation had been taking place for about 100 years. It was greatly enhanced during the Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt regimes, but it would be Obama who would fundamentally complete it. Obama made much progress. It was under Obama that the bureaucracy became thoroughly politicized. It was under Obama that the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the other enforcement agencies were transformed to be the enforcement arm of the Communist Party of the United States or the Democrat party. When Obama left office, although he had made great progress, there were still areas that needed transformation. When Marx described how the transformation would take place, he said that the first step in the transformation would be to have the proletariat become the ruling class and to win the battle of democracy. This is one of the reasons our founder’s rejected democracy. They understood what Lenin would later declare and that is that democracy is indispensable to socialism and socialism is the gateway to communism. Marx had also said that during the transformation the proletariat would use this political supremacy to wrest by degrees, all capital from the bourgeoisie, and to centralize all instruments of production under the control of the state. Marx then went on to list things that would have to be done including a steeply graduated income tax and inheritance or death taxes. Number 5 in this list of ten was “Centralization of credit in the hands of the State by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. The headline read, “Former top Treasury official has stark warning about banking system after Biden regime guarantees deposits at defunct banks.” Roger Altman warned that government intervention in Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, two now-defunct financial institutions, "effectively nationalizes" the U.S. banking system. The warning came after Biden said the U.S. government would guarantee the deposits at SVB despite the FDIC providing a maximum guarantee of $250,000. Speaking on "CNN This Morning," the former deputy secretary of the Treasury Department said what the Biden administration did was "absolutely profound." "They guaranteed the deposits, all of them, at Silicon Valley Bank. What that really means, and they won't say it, is that they have guaranteed the entire deposit base of the U.S. financial system, the entire deposit base," he said. Obama said that we were to be fundamentally transformed. Marx said the communists must wrest by degrees control. Nationalizing the banks is one major step toward the United States being fully transformed to a Communist dictatorship as stated by Marx and Obama. |
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