Collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats, all the same) have a proven pattern of first taking the guns of the people and then they take the Bibles. The Bible is the real enemy of the collectivist. The Bible is the antithesis of the collectivist beliefs. The Bible is the antithesis of the Democrat party. Read the platform of the Democrat party. You will learn that their platform is a document that is pro-communist and anti-Bible.
The Democrat party promotes all that brought about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Democrat party promotes what brought about the abandonment of both Israel and Judah by God, predominantly the worship of idols and the murder of children for selfish and self-serving reasons. The Democrat party promotes hatred, jealousy, coveting, sexual immorality, and what God says in the Bible is evil and of the Devil. Those who are Bible believing Christians, this excludes many of the mainline denominations in the United States today, are a threat to the tyrannical view, which is total allegiance to the state that requires total dominance and control over the lives and minds of the people. Karl Marx’s philosophy requires the complete extermination of God for the progress of man. According to Marx, atheism is the essence or key to man’s true freedom and his social flourishing in the form of the Political State. Atheism, for Marx, is a positive, actual addition, or evolutionary adaptation in man that forces him to become for himself the Supreme Being. Lenin was a communist and pursued policies to remove the influence of the Church. In January 1918, the Decree Concerning Separation of Church and State was issued. This closed church schools, stopped state subsidies, and nationalized church property. The Decree on Freedom of Conscience separated the Church from state. The Church lost land, religious publications were banned, and religious education was banned. Other Collectivists implemented similar policies as they tried to eradicate God from society. This included Hitler, Mao, Castro, Chavez, and of course now the Democrats. The Obama administration’s Department of Defense was caught training U.S. troops that Catholics, orthodox Jews, and evangelical Christians are to be considered “religious extremists.” Heinous acts against Christians during the COVID-19 pandemic highlight shocking similarities between Democrat governors and China’s atheist Communist Party. As people of faith sheltered in place, both anti-religious groups marshaled their forces and targeted worshippers. The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021 has been unveiled in Congress, and it has some RINO support. It is essentially “the Patriot Act on steroids”, and we are being told that it is almost certain that some version of the legislation will make it to Biden’s desk for him to sign. It appears that this bill is meant to specifically target certain groups, and if you are a Bible believing Christian, you will discover that you are a member of one or more of those groups. Those that drafted this new law say that it will help authorities go after “extremists”, and very few of us would consider ourselves to be one of those. The definition of an extremist has been changed. Tulsi Gabbard described it this way, “What characteristics are we looking for as we are building this profile of a potential extremist, what are we talking about? Religious extremists, are we talking about Christians, evangelical Christians, what is a religious extremist? Is it somebody who is pro-life? Where do you take this?” The American left is taking this attack on Christians and the Bible to the same place all collectivists take it. It is their goal to eradicate Bible believing Christians from the United States. First, they will take the guns, then they will take the Bibles, and finally they will eliminate any who refuse to denounce Jesus Christ.
Collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat, - all the same) Terry McAuliffe stated the other day, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” This has been the long-held view of collectivists. We have been told by collectivists that in order to bring about their goal of transforming the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state, it is necessary that the views of the children can no longer be the views of the parents or the church, but they must be the views of the state.
Karl Marx said, “the education of all children from the time they can leave the care of their mother, must be in state institutions.” One of his ten planks in the Communist Manifesto is to have all children indoctrinated in public schools run by the state. It has been the belief of collectivists that children belong to the state and are not the responsibility of the parent. The collectivist movement calls for the destruction of the core family unit. Collectivist Melissa Harris-Perry put it this way, “We have never invested as much in public education as we should have because we’ve always had kind of a private notion of children. Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility,” Harris-Perry said. “We haven’t had a very collective notion of these are our children.” “So part of it is, we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities. Once it’s everybody’s responsibility and not just the household’s, then we start making better investments.” This is what McAuliffe told the parents of Virgina. He directly stated that in the transformed United States what is taught in the state-controlled schools is of no concern to the parents. The children belong to the state and the state will infuse whatever views it deems best into the minds of the state’s children. You made your communist view very clear, Terry McAuliffe. Soon we will learn if the people of Virgina want the transformation of the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state to be completed. Comrade Obama recently supported that long held collectivist-communist view that a steeply graduated income tax (another of the 10 planks of Marx and Engels in the Communist Manifesto) is proper and good. He said, “tax the rich, including me, to fund Biden spending plan.” He went on to say, “I think anybody who pretends that it’s a hardship for billionaires to pay a little bit more in taxes so that a single mom gets childcare support or so that we can make sure that our communities aren’t inundated by wildfires and floods and that we’re doing something about climate change for the next generation – you know, that’s an argument that is unsustainable.” This has been the standard line of the Comrades, even before Marx and Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto. They have always believed that property belongs to the collective and it is in the best interest of the community if the Comrades determine what is and what is not enough and how the excess should be shared with all. Many people read what Obama said, and on the surface would say that it was reasonable. After all those billionaires have plenty. What history has taught us is that this is a totally flawed concept and can never, and subsequently never has been successful. The implementation of the “share the wealth” concept has always resulted in the masses living in poverty and a crime infested environment while the elite few live in isolation and opulence. The collectivist formula denies the reality of human nature. The Bible tells us, and history has proven that incentive is a critical factor of human nature. The Bible tells us, and history has proven that to minimize or abolish incentive is always destructive to a society. “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it” (Genesis 2:15). The collectivist-communist (Democrat) understands that for them to have power they must make people dependent on the state. This is the only purpose of welfare. The more capital of any kind that the state removes from the private sector, the slower the economy grows, the fewer jobs there are, the lower is the standard of living, and the higher the poverty rate climbs. This is the ideal scenario for the collectivist – communist (Democrat) because it creates a greater government dependent population which eventually gives total control to the government so the government can dictate to all how they are to live their lives and how they are to think; total control or communism has arrived. The lower the tax rate goes; more property is left in the hands of the private sector. Innovation and investment grow. Businesses are built. Jobs are created. People become self-reliant. The less and less is the need for government assistance. The less power the government has. The more people make their own choices and live their own lives. Poverty and crime decrease. The American dream flourishes. The transformation to a Marxist totalitarian state is thwarted. McAuliffe said that kids are the responsibility of the state and not the parent. This is communism. Obama said take from one to give to another. It builds a society dependent on government. This is communism. Obama said on October 30, 2008, “We are about to transform the United States of America.” The transformation is from an Individualist society to a collectivist society; the same type of society called for by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, and Chavez. Is that what you want? If so go along with McAuliffe and Obama. If not, resist with all your strength and energy, the transformation movement in the United States that is being advanced by the Democrat party. The American Left (Democrats and their fringes such as BLM, ANTIFA, Democrat Socialists, and RINO’s) has the same policies as do the autocrats in Belarus and Russia. The American Left, headed by autocrat Joe “Big Guy” Biden, Alexander Lukashenko who is the autocrat of Belarus, and Vladimir Putin who is the autocrat of Russia, are all finding ways to gain more power for themselves, which means the people of their respective countries have less freedom and fewer individual liberties and rights.
Alexander Lukashenko called for changes to the Belarussian constitution that would prevent an opposition movement that rose up against him in mass street protests last year from taking power. Lukashenko has touted constitutional reform as a way out of the political crisis following a disputed election in August 2020. But his opponents have denounced such change as a sham exercise to keep the veteran leader in office. “After last year, we understand that they cannot be allowed to power. Because it is not only we who will be liquidated,” Lukashenko said. “Therefore, the new constitution should take into account these nuances.” He did not specify what specific changes were planned to the constitution, but repeated that a referendum on them should take place no later than February. The American Left has also called for a change in how the elections should be controlled in the United States after it has been clearly revealed that they stole the election in 2020 which resulted in Joe “Big Guy” Biden being the first person ever inaugurated as president without winning the electoral college majority. The stolen election also kept Pelosi as Speaker and placed Schumer as Majority leader. To ensure that the American Left does not have to scramble in the middle of vote counting so the vote counters and not the voters decide the election, they have proposed to put total control of the elections under the authority of the federal government and not the respective States. The States legislatures, per the Constitution, have made the rules on how elections were to be run. The Constitution was ignored for the 2020 election as everybody from county clerks to State Supreme Courts changed the rules, despite what the laws of the individual States said. Russia sharply escalated a campaign against jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, opening a new criminal case against Putin’s fiercest domestic critic. His allies have had their homes raided, their freedom of movement restricted, or fled abroad after a court in June ruled their activities to be extremist and designed to stir up social unrest. The Kremlin and its loyalists have since said they will maintain and in some cases intensify their tough approach to internal and external critics and organizations that they view as a threat to Russia’s stability. “The illegal activities of the extremist group were aimed at discrediting state authorities and their policies, destabilizing the situation in the regions, creating a protest mood among the population, and trying to form an opinion among the public about the need for a violent change of power, (and) organizing and holding protest actions that escalate into mass riots,” a statement said. Over 650 people have been arrested by the FBI on charges such as trespassing. The people arrested were in Washington D.C. on January 6th. Their purpose was to protest the stolen election of 2020. The American Left has called this happening an insurrection and they have said it was worse than the attacks on America on 9/11/2001, even though only one person was killed on Jan 6th and that was an unarmed lady that was murdered by a capitol police officer. These Americans have been labeled as enemies of the people. The FBI has hunted them throughout the country. Many have been arrested and held without bail, placed in solitary confinement, and denied Constitutional guaranteed due process. The escalated campaign against American citizens by the American Left, American citizens they label as extremists because they are political opponents to the transformation movement of the American Left to transform the United States into a Marxist totalitarian state, is no different from what Putin is doing in Russia against Navalny and his supporters. Putin says it is illegal to oppose him and those who do will be punished and treated as enemies. The American Left says it is illegal to oppose them and those who do will be punished and treated as enemies. What is happening in Belarus at the behest of an autocrat is happening in the United States at the behest of the autocratic American Left. What is happening in Russia at the behest of an autocrat is happening in the Unted States at the behest of the autocratic American Left. Collectivists believe the ends justify the means. Lie, cheat, manipulate, deceive, and whatever else it takes to transform nations to a Marxist totalitarian state. They all believe that a steeply progressive income tax rate is fair and just – except when it comes to them. They all believe that it is unfair when estates are passed on to the heirs of the owner of the estate – except when it comes to them. Hypocrisy is one of the few things about which collectivists are consistent.
Marx and Engels said in the “Communist Manifesto” that it is critical that a nation adopt a steeply progressive income tax. This was for the purpose of bringing economic equality to what they called an unfair and an unjust economic system. We have always heard from the collectivists like Obama, Biden, Holder, and Jarrett that the rich do not pay their “fair share”. They never define “fair share”. FDR did define “fair share” and “just” when he sent a letter to congress telling congress that they must put into the tax code that “all taxable income over $25,000 be taxed at the rate of 100%”. He went on to state that this was “fair and just”. Marx and Engels also said in the “Communist Manifesto” that all estates should be taxed at the rate of 100%. That is right. At the death of an individual, whatever they owned would be confiscated by the state and shared with others as the state determined. This was to bring about equality. Marx came from a wealthy family. His mother came from a wealthy family and her dowery at the time of her marriage was substantial. Marx’s dad was an attorney and denounced his Jewish heritage so he could continue the practice of law in Prussia. Economically it turned out to be a wise decision. The Marx family lived in the wealthy district of Trier and owned a vineyard just outside of Trier. Jenny Marx, Karl Marx’s wife, also came from a family of substance, not to the same extent as Karl Marx’s family, but substantial. When Jenny Marx received her inheritance, Jenny and Karl Marx did not give on cent to anybody else. When they received the inheritance from the Marx family, they did not give once cent to anybody else. Engels was an owner of a textile mill in Manchester, England. He was a very wealthy man. He supported the Marx family. When Engels retired and received the funds for the sale of his share of the business, he did give Marx a sizeable annuity. When Engels died, he did not give one cent to charity. He gave much of his estate to the surviving Marx girls, and the illegitimate son of Marx. Marx and Engels practiced, what is good for everybody else is not good for me. This is typical of collectivists. Biden agrees with Marx and Engels on both a steeply progressive income tax and restricting what can be passed to others at the time of death. The record of Biden on both income taxes and death taxes supports this statement. Biden recently urged wealthy Americans to “step up and pay” their “fair share” in taxes. “We have to rehire some IRS agents… not to try to make people pay something they don’t owe — just to say, ‘Hey, step up. Step up and pay like everybody else does’,” Biden said. “Look, I really mean this. If you look at my whole career — I come from the corporate state of America — I just think it’s about just paying your fair share for lord’s sake.” Just as Marx and Engels said do what I say and not what I do, Biden echoes his heroes. Biden avoided paying Medicare taxes on speech and book-sale income in 2017 and 2018 by using a dubious accounting tactic employed by wealthy people to avoid paying for federal health programs. Biden and his wife, Jill Biden routed more than $13 million through “S corporations” and counted less than $800,000 of it as salary eligible for the Medicare tax — exempting the rest from what would have been a 3.8 percent rate. He should have paid the tax on the share of this income that was earned as a result of his own labor, experts say. The Biden’s saved up to $500,000 by routing $13 million they received in book sales and speeches in 2017 and 2018 through S corporations, according to a Congressional Research Service report. There is no record of the Biden’s reporting income, much less paying taxes on income they received as the “big guy” in the dealings of the Biden family businesses including the business of son Hunter and Biden’s brother and sister. The collectivists have always been great at demanding the taking of others wealth. The collectivists have also been consistent in their hypocrisy as they insist on the confiscation of the wealth of others but the retention of their own wealth. Would you expect anything else from those who also advocate that “the ends always justify the means”. The American left (Democrats and their fringes including BLM, ANTIFA, Democrat Socialists, and RINO’s) are advocating that the United States be transformed into a collectivist nation. Collectivism is the age-old philosophy of governments controlling the lives and thoughts of the people. Modern collectivism includes Marxism, communism, socialism, progressives, Democrats, and the American left. Big, centralized government, central planning, a steeply graduated income tax, a massive and enslaving welfare system, massive government regulation by the technocrats, experts, and appointed bureaucrats, an arbitrary legal system, and limitation on individual liberties and freedoms are all critical elements of the domination and control desired and required by the collectivists.
The collectivist has moved forward their movement through massive indoctrination programs of both the youth and adults, propaganda that supports the indoctrination, and they enforce with massive intimidation programs. The collectivist movement is a destructive ideology. Collectivists have promised that society and its institutions must be destroyed so the new perfect society that is totally conforming and totally equal can be established. The collectivist understands that the core unit of a free society, that is the family, must be destroyed. The collectivist understands that in a society comprised of strong family units, children will be raised with values instilled by parents and by churches. The collectivist believes that all children must be presented only with the values put forth by the state or the collectivist movement. This is what we are witnessing in our schools, especially public schools, and why the left is demanding that as Marx said, “the education of all children, from the time they can leave the care of their mother, must be in a state institution.” Lenin proclaimed, “destroy the family, you destroy the nation.” The United States of America is unique and great because it was founded on the core principle of Individualism. Individualism recognizes that all rights and liberties come from the Creator and are not at the behest of the government. This is the very essence of our founding documents. Collectivism is the antithesis of Individualism. This is why we have witnessed and are witnessing the attacks on our founding principles and documents. Marx taught that individuality was antithetical to the egalitarianism he envisioned. Therefore, the “individual” must “be swept out of the way, and made impossible.” Individuality was a social construction of a capitalist society and was deeply intertwined with capital itself. “In bourgeois society capital is independent and has individuality, while the living person is dependent and has no individuality,” he wrote. “And the abolition of this state of things is called by the bourgeois, abolition of individuality and freedom! And rightly so. The abolition of bourgeois individuality, bourgeois independence, and bourgeois freedom is undoubtedly aimed at.” We are witnessing the destruction of individualism today with censorship, with political correctness, with cancel culture, and with draconian mandates tied to the Chian virus. Marx stated that, “all long standing principles must be abolished.” Long standing principles have been attacked specifically by attacking Biblical beliefs. The Bible dates back to creation. Collectivism stresses that God does not exist, or it teaches atheism. The American left today is not only in the process of removing the Bible and everything pertaining to the God of the Bible, but they are also demanding that the history of the United States be rewritten, not to reflect the history of our country as it really happened, but to teach a false history to advance their narrative that individuality is evil. The collectivist believes that all nations must be eliminated, and there must be a one world government that brings total conformity, equality, and harmony to all. Marx said, “The working men have no country. We cannot take from them what they have not got. Since the proletariat must first of all acquire political supremacy, must rise to be the leading class of the nation, must constitute itself the nation, it is so far, itself national, though not in the bourgeois sense of the word.” Nations must be destroyed. We are witnessing this massive movement of surrendering national sovereignty to international organizations throughout the world. European nations have surrendered much of their sovereignty to the European Union. Other nations have surrendered sovereignty to the Untied Nations. In the United States we have had continuous efforts by the left to surrender over sovereignty to the United Nations. We saw Obama attempt to surrender sovereignty through climate treaties such as the Paris Accords and trade agreements like the TPP. Today we are seeing efforts by the Biden regime to destroy the United Staes by enhancing Islamic Jihadists, intentionally bankrupting our nation, and opening our borders to any and all who would like to come. We are witnessing the destruction of local independent law enforcement and our armed forces are becoming a social experiment and not a force to protect our national sovereignty. Many in the United States unwittingly support the destructive collectivist movement. These people listen to the Democrat party and their supportive news outlets. These people refuse to search for truth. These people refuse to study and learn from history. These people refuse to study the facts as to why our nation was founded and the basis upon which it was founded. These people believe it when they are told that government is a protector of rights and liberties. These people have been indoctrinated, their beliefs have been reinforced with propaganda, and they now adhere to any and all phases of intimidation. We Freedom Loving Americans must understand we cannot argue and debate with an indoctrinated, propaganda adhering, and intimidated individual. We can only plant seeds of freedom and independence in their minds so it can resonate as they witness the truth of what we have told them. We are seeing the results of these planted seeds in some areas such as what is being taught in our public schools, and the total irrational demands connected to the China virus. We can only remain a free nation by returning to our founding principles of individualism and a nation founded on the Bible. We must become dedicated to “Setting Brushfires of Freedom.” This is a question we all must ask ourselves. In today’s world we see party allegiance directing all decisions, not just for elected or appointed people, but also for we citizens who go about our daily lives making ends meet and dealing with family matters.
Most people say they are too busy to listen to the news and take as gospel that which they are told by friends, instructors, or sound bites and bumper stickers. The ones who do listen to news, tend to listen to the same commentators over and over and consider that they are being informed. In most situations, this is simply the blind leading the blind. If you want to be an American first, it is critical you search for news. In searching for news, it is fairly safe to say as a blanket statement, you will not get the accurate news listening to the big television news stations. That would include all network stations and most cable stations. The only news station I have found on cable is OANN. They do have news most of the day with stories and no comment. I do not know the political leanings of their news anchors. And yet, to use just one source is inadequate. Search all sources. Search those sources you know lean right and those you know lean left. Search sources where you do not know their political leanings. I have learned over the years one must learn from all sources. For instance, I also had drunk the nectar that Franklin Roosevelt was a great president. I started to read information that was pro FDR and anti FDR. I had to adjust my thinking and now can state unequivocally that FDR was destructive of our Constitution and advanced the communist movement. He listened to his communist advisors and not to Churchill and because of that gave Eastern Europe to Stalin. Search, search, search, should be every Americans motto. Put aside your Republican hat, put aside your Democrat hat, and wear your American hat. You are not searching to confirm your present belief, but you are searching to be informed, not influenced. Situations we must all search. Was the 2020 election a fair and transparent election or was it manipulated and stolen? Was the Constitution violated? Were the voting machines connected to the internet and altered? Why was the voting stopped? Why were observers prevented from observing? Were the 2020 elections a good or a bad precedent for future elections? How did the China virus come about? Did China conceal it initially and if so, why? Was Fauci aware and a part of the development of the China virus, and if so why? Why did health officials inflate the number of cases and the number of deaths that were the direct result of the virus? What has happened to the common cold and the flu? Why were schools closed for over a year and why are people demanding that children be masked? Do masks stop the China virus from spreading, and if so, why in some situations and not others? Why are the health officials and some of the medical industry refusing to allow therapeutics to be administered that are documented to cure the virus? Why is natural immunity being ignored? What is climate change? Will it cause increased warming, increased cooling? Why have no predictions of the devestation of climate change happened? Why are those who disagree with the politically correct narrative on climate change not given a forum to voice their opinion? How does the transfer of wealth from the United States to other countries save us from the devestation of climate change? If it does, why is there no demand that China also transfers wealth for the same purpose? What caused the climate to change when the ice age ended? Are the proposed solutions for climate change more political or more scientific? Why did Biden not continue to build the fence on the Southern Border when it was proven that it helped control the flood of illegals into the country? Why did Biden change the Trump policies on the Southern Border even though they had virtually ended illegal immigration? Why does the Biden regime and the left promote illegal immigration? Is illegal immigration in the best interest of America or is it in the best interest of a political party? There are many more questions concerning these topics and there are other topics that also need to be researched. As an American, you must research these questions and the others, and arrive at your own logical conclusion, a conclusion that you can defend. If you support a political party over the good of your country, there is no reason to do any research on your own. You can, and probably should continue to get your news from one source, that source that promotes the party line and at the same time promotes prejudice and ignorance. The choice is yours. Biden has been an unmitigated disaster. No one can illustrate where the United States is in a better position today than it was on January 20th, 2021. Our border is nonexistent, we have not only emboldened terrorists, but have given them the equipment and financial means to attack anybody they choose including us, our economy is sputtering at best, we are more divided than ever, and our rights and liberties are being shattered. We now have in the United States, as they have in every collectivist state, political prisoners. We now have in the United States, as they have in every collectivist state, the government mandating how we are to live our lives and how we are to think.
The hype we are hearing is that the 2022 mid-term elections will be a disaster for the collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats, - all virtually the same). This prediction is coming from Republicans, Democrats, those on the right, and those on the left. Supposedly, the GOP will win the House and the Senate. That would mean both Pelosi and Schumer would be gone. Let us assume that happens. That does not put the House or the Senate under conservative leadership. With McConnell and McCarthy as the leaders we would have RINO leadership. That is they talk like they are conservatives but their actions have proven they are just “useful idiots” for the communist transformation movement. They both believe in continuing down “The Road to Tyranny”, just at a slower pace than the communist transformation movement would like. The current hype about the Republicans gaining control of the House and the Senate also assumes that we would have fair elections in 2022. That is something that has not happened in decades. The 2022 election was clearly stolen by the left. The evidence is overwhelming. The left became desperate on the evening of November 3rd, 2020, and stopped vote counting, imported more votes, manipulated the voting machines, and openly declared that vote counting is not for the public to observe but forcing people out of the vote counting areas and covering any windows that would have allowed observation. Despite the overwhelming evidence, the RINO faction of the Republican party, has declared we should ignore this evidence, and just move ahead. This is the same as telling people in California that they will not be prosecuted if they steal merchandise from retailers that has a value of less than $1,000. People now walk into retailers with empty garbage bags, and walk out with those bags full. As they leave the store they tell store employees, “in your face, we have been told we should steal, we have been told we are victims, we have been told to steal is our right.” The RINO’s have told the Democrats the exact same thing about elections. The RINO’s have enabled and emboldened the Democrats, who are collectivists and absolutely believe that any means necessary are justified to attain their desired goal, which is to transform the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state. Those means include changing elections so that it is not the voter who decides the outcome, but it is the vote counter who decides the outcome. The RINO’s actions have insured fair elections will no longer be conducted in the United States. The collectivists are now telling the Supreme Court, in your face, we will do what we must to attain our goal. Arizona’s Democrat Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs, is refusing to follow the Supreme Court’s election integrity ruling. Hobbs is proposing rules for Arizona elections that directly contradict the Brnovich vs. DNC Supreme Court ruling, which upheld a state statute that bans ballot harvesting, as well as a policy that “throws out votes cast by persons in precincts in which they do not reside.” Why not? There are no consequences, other than her means brings about the desired result of transforming the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state. The only way this wrong will be corrected is when there are consequences for the illegal and immoral acts committed by the collectivists. That would mean complete and total forensic audits would be conducted in all states after every election. This must be done for the 2020 election, and when the fraud is revealed the election must be declared invalid. The election must be redone in a totally transparent format. All who were involved in stealing the 2020 election must be prosecuted, and if found guilty, they must pay the consequences. To do this will require that all people place our Republic above their political parties or their own political ambitions. If bold action for this grave injustice is not taken, the 2022 elections will also be manipulated, fixed, stolen, and determined by the vote counters and not the voters, despite what we are being told the polls are saying. The collectivists have committed the crime. The RINO’s have enabled the commitment of these crimes, and have stated they support the collectivists in their efforts to steal all future elections. The RINO’s mean McConnell, McCarthy, Graham, and every other Republican who has said we must move on for the good of the country, there was not enough fraud to overturn the election, or even that the 2020 election was a fair and open election. That is hype, and not reality. I wonder if Fauci understood when he was helping to fund the China Virus at the Wuhan lab, that he was helping to fund arguably the most brilliant virus ever. Yes, we know that the intent in gain of function is to create an even more deadly virus, but did we know that it apparently also increases the intelligence of the virus. Did you now that Fauci?
We have learned much about the intelligence of the China virus. We know that the China virus understands that when a person is wearing a mask, that person is not to be attacked. Even though it is very simple for the virus to pass through masks, the virus understands that because a person is wearing a mask the person is saying no, and the China virus understands that no means no. We have learned that the China virus knows that six feet is six feet, and even though nobody has any idea from where the magical six feet came, the virus stops at six feet, unless you are at a function approved by the CDC, WHO, or Democrat party such as riots, then it becomes totally inactive. We have learned that the virus understands whether people who enter our nation illegally are going to stay in the nation for awhile or not. Circle back Psaki reveled this startling information. The White House conceded Monday they were not requiring border crossers to show proof of vaccination, even though the government requires proof of a vaccine or a negative coronavirus test for other travelers into the United States. When reporters asked about the apparent double standard on vaccination requirements, White House press secretary Jen Psaki argued that illegal immigrants and migrants crossing the border were not intending to stay in the United States. Makes you wonder if the China virus has an unwritten rule that the length of time it will give the illegal immigrants is one week, a month, a year. Would be great to know. The China virus is also able to detect the political affiliation of those attending an assembly. We have learned that if the political function is to support the communist transformation movement in the country, the virus will stay away and no restrictions are necessary, but if the function is to oppose the communist transformation movement, all restrictions must be in place because the China virus will be present and will be looking to spread. We have to admire the intelligence of the China virus when it comes to restaurants. The China virus says I will get you in all restaurants until you sit down at a table. Once you have sat at your table, the China virus understands that you are there to eat or have a conversation, and it does not attack people who are eating or enjoying the company of another, so long as they are sitting at a table or booth. The China virus likes the making of movies more than it likes watching movies. If you are gathered with others watching a movie, you better have on your mask and be the proper distance from each other or the virus will get you. Now, if you are making a movie or participating in a function that can be defined as being necessary to the entertainment industry, the China virus will leave you alone. Perhaps the Chain virus is a great fan of movies. We should ask Fauci if that was one of his intents when funding this brilliant virus. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has issued a statement saying that while mask-wearing is mandatory indoors, there is an exception for film, TV, and music productions, and the Emmys represent a television production. People in the industry were unmasked at the 73rd Emmy Awards. But the LA County Department of Public Health website plainly states that people must wear masks at indoor public settings, regardless of their vaccination status. When people reached out to the department for a comment about the lack of masks at the Emmys despite the indoor mask-wearing requirement. Here is the department's response: LA County's Health Officer order requires everyone to wear a mask indoors, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated. However, exceptions are made for film, television, and music productions, as additional safety modifications are made for these controlled interactions. The Emmy Award Show is a television production, and persons appearing on the show are considered performers. They went on to explain that all politically correct prevention care was taken. Even though the “strict rules” would apply in other situations, the movies industry is important to Hollywood, and the China virus knows this. After all, the China virus understands what is and what is not politically correct, the China virus knows if the political leaning of a function is good or bad, and the China virus understands that its purpose is to help impose draconian rules. I still wonder if Fauci was aware what a brilliant virus he was helping to create. We have so many labels being used today. People call themselves progressives, liberals, Democratic Socialists, conservatives, Compassionate Conservatives, Fiscal Conservatives but Socially Liberal. And on and on. In the 18th century, people also had labels for themselves and others. In days gone by, any who advocated for the advancement of individual rights and liberties to replace the common practice of promoting the rights of a group or community before the rights and liberties of the individual were labeled Liberals. Our founders, those who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence, fought, and won the War for Independence, wrote, and ratified the United States Constitution, and added the Bill of Rights to that Constitution were called Liberal. Everything these Liberals professed was to limit the power and control of government and expand the rights and liberties of the individual.
Today, those who advocate for placing limitations on individual rights and liberties for the greater good of the community, and expanding the power and control of government for the greater good of the community are labeled liberals or progressives. They are what we call the Democrat Party. Those who would like us to believe they advocate for promoting individual liberties and rights with restrictions on government power and control are most often identified as Republicans. What history would teach us is that labels are used to mislead. The term democracy is used in names to indicate the party is for rule by the people which connotes freedom. Democracy is in fact dictatorship. In a democracy the majority dictates to the minority with no protection of individual rights or property. When a label begins to have negative connotations, the party will choose another label as when the Democrat party changed their label from liberal to progressive. When we review history, we learn that we have had two basic philosophies that have transcended all the other misleading descriptions. These two philosophies are individualism and collectivism. Individualism is the philosophy upon which our nation was founded and adhered to up until the 20th century. In the early 20th century, the philosophy of collectivism became a force in our nation. Collectivism places what is termed the “good” of the community or group above the liberties and rights of the individual. Collectivism always becomes totalitarianism and is controlled not by elected representatives but by party appointed bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts. Marxism, communism, socialism, progressives, and today’s Democrat party all advocate for the collectivist philosophy. Individualism believes the liberties and rights of the individual are not to be restricted or limited for the common “good” of the community or the group. This is why our Declaration of Independence specifically states that our rights and liberties are endowed to us by our Creator. Government is to only protect those rights and liberties, not to limit or abolish them. This is why our Constitution limits the powers of our government to only those listed in the Constitution while expanding the rights and liberties of the individual beyond those listed or specifically named. Individualism is promoted by conservatives and libertarians. Notice, I did not say that individualism is promoted by the Republican party. The elite of the Republican party tells us they are conservatives and promote individualism, but it is critical to look at actions and not words. First we must define what a conservative is. To do this we will look at how he who penned the “Conscience of a Conservative”, Barry Goldwater, defined conservative. Mr. Goldwater explained that a conservative always believes in limited government. Throughout history, it is government that has thwarted individual liberty and rights. History has proven that the goal of the collectivist, they advocate for big government, is to place power in the hands of a few for the purpose of controlling and regulating the lives and thoughts of the people. A conservative will always support limited government, both in numbers of people in government, and amount of financial resources it takes from the private sector. This means a conservative supports lower taxes and less government spending. A conservative will always support fewer laws and less regulation. A conservative will always support having a necessary function of government done by government that is closest to the people. The less power in the federal government, the better says a conservative. A conservative will always support a free-market economy and oppose central planning. What we have learned, is that in the Republican party, the power elite may voice support for these conservative values, but their actions do not support their words. We have many in the Republican party who are much closer to the collectivist philosophy than they are to the individualist philosophy. These people are labeled RINO’s. Rockefeller and Lindsay from times gone by. More recently the Bushes, Dole, McCain, Romney, McConnell, Boehner, Ryan, Graham, and McCarthy. They have claimed they support less government, lower taxes, fewer regulations, and all that a conservative would support; they have even tried to label themselves conservative, but their actions speak louder than their words. If you identify as a conservative, not your words or wishes but your core beliefs, you must support conservatives based on what they do and not what they say. Collectivists and RINO’s support a more powerful centralized government taking more and more financial resources form the private sector, and taking more and more freedom and liberty from you. They support a totalitarian government where the bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts tell each individual how we must live our lives and how we must think. Those who founded the United States, a unique nation at its founding, understood the necessity of open and unrestricted dialogue and information if it was not to become a totalitarian government.
“It is favourable to liberty. Freedom can exist only in the society of knowledge. Without learning, men are incapable of knowing their rights, and where learning is confined to a few people, liberty can be neither equal nor universal.” Benjamin Rush “If virtue and knowledge are diffused among the People, they will never be enslav'd. This will be their great Security.” Samuel Adams The American left today, despises freedom and has embraced totalitarianism. The actions of the American left, in order to transform the United States, now emulates other despotic autocrats as they follow the actions of those whose goal it was to transform their nations to a despotic totalitarian state. Lenin On 25 October 1917, the day after the Bolsheviks seized power, a resolution temporarily forbidding the publication of bourgeois papers and counterrevolutionary publications was issued. On 27 October the Council of Commissars published its Decree on the Press, which gave to the Council of Commissars the right to close down newspapers which advocated resistance to the new authorities or were “sowing confusion by the obvious distortion of facts”. In January 1918, the Constituent Assembly was suspended, non-Bolshevik political organizations were outlawed, and a strict censorship was imposed. The new regime was forced, due to circumstances, to not to tolerate freedom of criticism, nor repudiate terrorist methods. The new government was firmly on its way to a long period of one-party control in Russia. Censorship was critical. Hitler One of Goebbels first acts was to supervise the burning of around 20,000 books by Jewish or anti-Nazi authors by the SA on the evening of May 10, 1933. The Reich Press Law of Oct 4th, 1933 banned all Jewish or liberal editors and journalist. The government could now ban newspapers in order to force owners into bankruptcy. Newspapers had to print views which the Ministry agreed with or face the consequences. Newspapers had to print views which the Ministry agreed with or face the consequences. Journalists were given press briefings with information the government wanted public. University researchers and lecturers were directed by the Ministry to support Nazi views or face dismissal. Between 1933 and 1938, 3000 academics were dismissed. Senior professors and rectors were Totalitarianism= A political system in which the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life whenever necessary. |
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