Prince Wong, a 23-year-old young lady living in Hong Kong is on trial because she believes people should be free from the tyranny and dictates of government. She faces trial early next year on a riot charge stemming from the anarchic standoff between police and pro-freedom protesters at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University last November. Legislative elections were postponed after she won 23,000 votes in an unofficial protest poll organized by the pro-freedom camp this summer to get on the ballot. And she witnessed friends being arrested and detained – sometimes for little more than a Facebook post – under a new national security law that has raised the risks for those like her directly challenging Chinese Communist rule.
Then this month, a fresh nadir or low point. China’s parliament passed a resolution that will effectively bar any opposition politicians deemed subversive from Hong Kong’s legislature. City Chief Executive Carrie Lam immediately kicked four pro-freedom lawmakers out of office. Soon after that, the city’s Freedom members resigned, leaving the legislature devoid of any opposition for the first time since Hong Kong returned to Chinese rule. “Regardless of whether you are a front-line politician, anonymous protester, in the media, a teacher or in any profession, they are carrying out a serious political crackdown, and they hope to put everyone in jail,” Wong said. This is what communists do. They prevent freedom by subverting free speech, they jail and then eliminate those in opposition, they lie and do not keep promises, and they control the outcome of elections. Communists believe in total conformity and will not tolerate opposition to their ideology. This is what Marx meant when he said there must be a classless society. The communists, in order to survive and control, cannot tolerate differing beliefs. Anywhere and anytime the communists have allowed non-conformists, the communist movement has failed. The communist movement demands total government control over the economics of a society through complete centralized control, and they demand complete control over the lives and thoughts of the people through a singular press, an indoctrination system in their schools, censorship, and ostracizing, demonizing, segregating, and eliminating any who would descent from the strict party line. The Communist Chinese Party has learned this lesson as China was opened for trade and by having a free part of China, namely Hong Kong. The CCP has determined that if they had allowed the people on the mainland to continue to gain more and more freedom, and if they had allowed Hong Kong to exist as a free city as they promised when they took control of Hong Kong, they would face the same fate as did the Soviet Union and Eastern Soviet Bloc. Communists are communists whether they are in Russia, Eastern Europe, China, Cuba, or the United States. The Democrat Party is now the Communist Party of the United States. They will, when they can, force total conformity through indoctrination, censorship, jailing and eliminating dissenters, having a one party press, controlling elections through fraud and deceit, and ostracizing, demonizing, jailing, and eliminating any and all they view as a threat to their total domination. The Democrat Party or the Communist Party of the United States is doing, has done, and will do every single thing mentioned above. Despite the Democrat Party or the Communist Party of the United States not even attempting to conceal these acts against freedom, many Americans are oblivious to these actions, concerned about being viewed as being out of the mainstream and thus enabling the communists, or agree with the Communists and support the classless society or total control of people by the government. If you oppose this communist movement advanced by the Democrat Party, which is no different from the Communist Chinese Party, you must understand what they are truly advancing and then oppose the movement in any and every way you can. You will be ostracized, demonized, and in time perhaps even jailed or eliminated as is happening in Hong Kong. The alternative is capitulation.
To reconcile means to restore friendly relations. It would be possible for two people to reconcile when their differences were because of a misunderstanding, but it becomes very difficult to reconcile when the differences are because the two people now hold completely different ideals and principles; one believes honesty and integrity are essential in all matters and the other believes that you do whatever has to be done to gain your desires and wants.
We have seen situations over the centuries where people could not reconcile because their ideals and principles were opposite of each other; Henry VIII wanted to divorce Mary because he desired Anne Boleyn and the Pope refused to allow the divorce under the rules of the Catholic Church, Peter III wanted to rule Russia so as to benefit his hero Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Prussia and Russians wanted a Czar who would put Russia first, and the world is telling Israel to grant the Palestinians land and treat them as an independent nation while the Palestinians say all Jews must be dead. Today we have two factions in the United States with irreconcilable differences. We have what is commonly referred to as the right that believes in the precepts as set forth by the founding fathers of the Untied States who drafted and adopted the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. These founding documents all put forth the ideals and principles that a limited government is best. The Declaration of Independence specifically states that the rights and liberties of people that are essential to freedom come from God and not man nor government. The only role government was to play concerning rights and liberties was to protect those rights and liberties so they could never be limited or abolished. The Constitution of the United States was drafted and adopted because these founding fathers understood government. They understood that government is in fact comprised of people and the natural tendencies of many people is to control the lives and thoughts of others. It was the intent of the founding fathers to always protect the citizens of the United States from their government become a controlling and dominating government but instead that the government would always be only a protector of rights and liberties. The citizens of the United States believed it was necessary to specifically state what many of the rights and liberties were over which they insisted government was to never have any power to restrict, so they insisted many of these rights and liberties be named. Consequently, we have the Bill of Rights. Because these wise people knew they could never list all the rights and liberties over which they understood came from God and not government, they added the Ninth Amendment which states, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” That faction that is often referred to as the left believe exactly the opposite of what our founders and the right believe. The left believes, as do all collectivists, that the role of government is to rule, and the role of the people is to serve. The left believes that people in government, those they call bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts, are better equipped to make decisions that control the lives and thoughts of all the people than are the people equipped to make decisions for themselves. Those that believe in the supremacy of government have existed for centuries. Governments were established and existed on this very premise. The Untied States was a unique situation in that we were founded on the premise that, “government that controls least serves best.” This belief of government control grew in the United States throughout the twentieth century. Today, the belief that big government is best, or total government control over the lives and thoughts of the people, and that the role of the citizen is to serve the demands and dictates of the bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts in government and never question their mandates, is the heart and soul of the left which is the Democrat Party. The beliefs of the right and the left in the United States today are as far apart as were the beliefs of Henry VII and the Pope, Peter III and the Russian people, and the Palestinians and Jews. These differences were never reconciled other than thru a complete resetting of roles. The differences in the United States between the left and the right are so vast today they will not be reconciled, but we will have to have a complete resetting. Those who are most determined generally prevail. My question to the right is will you follow the fickle examples of many who refer to themselves as being for freedom such as the Bush’s, the Romney’s, the McCain’s, and the other Rhino’s or will you follow the firm stand of President Trump who understands and is dedicated to restoring the ideals and principles of our founding fathers that propelled this nation to greatness; or that principle of, “government that governs least governs best”. As you celebrate thanksgiving, I hope you first of all celebrate with people near and dear to you paying no attention to the draconian orders of aspiring tyrants who have no understanding as to what Thanksgiving is. This is a day for civil disobedience so next year and the many years thereafter Thanksgiving can and will be celebrated in a free United States. Civil disobedience is the peaceful refusal to comply with unfair and unjust mandates. Understand, these decrees by governors and health boards are not law. These unlawful mandates were not passed by the legislatures and then go to the governor, but they are simply a statement by a governor. If by some chance an official should be summoned to your house, the United States Constitution requires they have a search warrant granted by a judge because the state convinced the judge there was probable cause to issue the warrant, or you do not have to allow them to enter. If they do they are breaking the law.
That aside, believing few if any law officers will attempt to disrupt a family Thanksgiving, remember the overwhelming majority of our law officers are Freedom Loving Americans, I have a suggestion as to what could be a topic of conversation. This is a poem attributed to Thomas Paine called Common Sense. It talks about the right to be an entrepreneur, but it can easily be adapted to being a true Freedom Loving American. Read the poem and then discuss it line by line or thought by thought. Allow no argument or debate, but ask people to express their views, understanding their views will be respected and in turn they must respect the right of others to express their views. This exercise is not designed to come to a common conclusion that is right or wrong, but to have different views expressed so people will be able to contemplate and arrive at their own conclusions on Thanksgiving or some later date. This is an exercise in education. Many sitting around the table will have been indoctrinated where they are taught what they must believe. Education is doing the research and then arriving at your conclusion. Common Sense I do not choose to be a common man, It is my right to be uncommon … if I can, I seek opportunity … not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen. Humbled and dulled by having the State look after me. I want to take the calculated risk; To dream and to build. To fail and to succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole; I prefer the challenges of life To the guaranteed existence; The thrill of fulfillment To the stale calm of Utopia. I will not trade freedom for beneficence Nor my dignity for a handout I will never cower before any master Nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect. Proud and unafraid; To think and act for myself, To enjoy the benefit of my creations And to face the world boldly and say: This, with God’s help, I have done All this is what it means To be an Entrepreneur.” ― Thomas Paine, Common Sense The definition of cynical is believing that people are motivated by self-interest, distrustful of human sincerity or integrity. In this ranting I am speaking of the part of cynical per the human sincerity or integrity aspect.
I am a Freedom Loving American. I would place my priorities as Faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God who was crucified and raised from the dead, my family, a Freedom Loving American, and a Republican per the new party definition established by President Trump. I would like to believe that people are honest, play by the established rules, will do what they say they will do, live by a consistent standard, and are truly outraged when they claim to be outraged. You now see why in this rant my cynicism is targeted at the human sincerity and integrity aspect. I have studied history. I have read countless biographies, autobiographies, historical accounts of specific events, books based on the history of different regions and nations, and have traveled to many of the locations which were central to the events. I have studied collectivism (Marxism, communism, socialism, progressives, Democrats, - all virtually the same), by reading accounts of its evils, but mostly I have read books that proclaim its glories. I have done this so I can better understand what and why they do what they do. I have learned that when they proclaim, “the ends always justify the means”, they absolutely believe it and believe it literally. This why Harry Reid would state, “well he lost didn’t he”, when he was directly confronted with lying about having confirmed information that Mitt Romney had not filed income taxes for ten years. Nothing those on the left do, surprises me. That they would not even try to conceal cheating to attempt to remove President Trump was to be expected. That the evidence they cheated is so overwhelming, even having votes counted with 138,000 for Biden and 0 for Trump, or tabulating more votes in countless precincts that exceeded the actual number of votes counted, or refusing to have even a resemblance of transparency, is not surprising. The left has openly cheated in the past and was never punished, why would they expect to have any consequences now? My cynicism is because of members of the established GOP. We are constantly being told how upset and outraged they are and that this time there will be consequences. After the headlines have gone to another story, all the outrage subsides, and these people go back to their old ways of going along to get along. Thus, I question their human sincerity and their integrity. Many of these people are upset with President Trump simply because he says what he means and does what he says. This is unique to many of our GOP politicians today. Case in point is from a story in Breitbart. “In a Sunday interview on New York WABC 770 AM radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” Sen. Todd Young (R-IN), chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, previewed the upcoming January 5 Georgia Senate runoff election. After many allegations across the country of voter fraud in the November election, Young emphasized the importance of having a “free and fair election.” To ensure that, Young said there will be more attorneys and election observers “than we’ve ever had in a U.S. Senate election. We want to make sure this is a free and fair election,” Young told host John Catsimatidis. “Of course, we want to make sure that everyone who wants to cast a vote and is legally eligible to do so does so, that we don’t have dead people voting, that there are election observers allowed into, you know, the various polling places, that there’s integrity to the mail-in ballots that are sent out for absentee purposes and so forth. He added, “We have more attorneys. We have more election observers and on-the-ground election experts than we’ve ever had in a U.S. Senate election involved in this effort. So, the assets of the Republican National Committee, the Republican Senatorial Committee, which I am leading, and various other legal groups, from not-for-profit groups to individual volunteer attorneys, are down there. And we’re prepared to contest any irregularities that might happen.” WOW!! That is great. Sorry Todd Young, but based on past actions, I would say so what. The Democrats will cheat and manipulate in front of you and your attorneys and poll watchers will capitulate the minute a little pressure is placed on them. You will then declare that the will of the people has spoken. I know this because this is what you have done in the past, in the very recent past. Never in my lifetime is voter fraud, voter manipulation, and outright cheating been so obvious as it was in this presidential election. Even you cannot rationalize all of the discrepancies. The Republicans picked up 12 or so house seats, not one incumbent lost, and yet President Trump lost. The irregularities in the voter count, the countless affidavits, and filmed accounts to block any and all transparency, to name a few of the outrageous acts, and yet many of the Republican are saying that President Trump should not challenge this obviously corrupt election raised my cynicism beyond any point in the past, even beyond when the Republican party believed McCain and Romney that they represented the values of conservatives and Freedom Loving Americans. So long as the Republican party retains the practices of their past, voicing outrage and putting on shows with no consequences for the wrongdoing of the Democrats, people like me will continue to be cynical. At least the Democrats tell us they are going to steal an election and then they do it. Yes, we who have taken the time to learn who the Democrats really are, and have become cynical of the old GOP, have longed for the day when a person will tell us what they will do and then they do it. We also understand why that person will be and is so hated by Washington DC, which is the swamp. Democrats, GOP, and Washington DC understand President Trump set a brushfire of freedom in the heart and soul of us who are Freedom Loving Americans. He set a standard for us of how to be strong and fight for that freedom in the same way Samuel Adams did leading up to the American Revolution. We Freedom Loving Americans will not capitulate, we will not conform, and we will prevail because we now refuse to surrender. We are in a war. We who are Freedom Loving Americans want to live in peace and harmony with government performing the duties of a servant and all people treating each other as individuals. The left is aspiring, as it always has, to have complete dominance over our lives by forcing all to conform to their ideas by using government as the sovereign and enforcer. The left does not believe in the individual but states we all belong to classes and must conform to the beliefs of the different classes as stipulated by the left.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War Unfortunately, many Freedom Loving Americans do not know themselves. This is especially true for those Freedom Loving Americans who were in school at any and all levels in the last 40 years or so when the indoctrination system replaced the education system and the restated history that fits the lefts agenda was being taught. Many of these people are now repeating talking points but have not taken the time to study history to understand the whys and why nots. You must get to know yourselves. Freedom Loving Americans do not know the enemy. The enemy has never been taught in any of our schools. When the enemy is taught it is a fabricated version. What the enemy, which is the collectivist (Marxists, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat, - all virtually the same), who would have us believe that the result of their program brings total harmony through total conformity and equality. This is based on the false premise of so many philosophers that the nature of man will become more advanced and good with each new generation. This has never been shown to be true, but what history proves is that the nature of man, good and evil, has existed since the fall of Adam and Eve, or the beginning of time. True, our tools for communicating and traveling have become much faster, but our human nature has remained unchanged. I am reading Vladimir Lenin’s writing, “State and Revolution”. Lenin was a brilliant person, a conniving person, a user of others, and very evil. I would strongly suggest to all Freedom Loving Americans that you read at least two biographies of Lenin because what he did through the Communist International has had a great affect on the United States even to this day, and the methods he taught and strategies he used are being used by the left in the United States today with the goal of achieving the very results Lenin achieved. The goal of the collectivist is to dominate the lives and thoughts of all the people. The collectivist believes that they are able to make better choices for the good of all and that allowing individuals to make choices will bring about a disjointed society where conformity and equality do not exist. The belief of the collectivist is that bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts who are drinkers of the collectivist nectar are for more capable of doing what they deem to be in the best interest of the collective. All who would deviate are enemies of the state and must be segregated or eliminated. The collectivist states that individuals as an individual is not important but become important to the state only when they fit into the proper slot the state has assigned to them. The collectivist treats all as members of different groups. The collectivist, including Lenin and the Democrats promote hatred and distrust between the groups so that they will bring about chaos in the society in order to gain control. Once control has been gained, any who continue to bring about chaos will be segregated and eliminated because they are now enemies of the state. Major differences between the evil of the collectivist and the good of freedom is placing people into groups (based on characteristics such as social class, economic class, race, sex, and ethnicity) and not treating people as individuals “judging them on the content of their character and not the color of their skin”. The collectivist will deceive, lie, and cheat. The collectivist will accuse those who oppose them of the very evil the collectivist is doing. The collectivist has no standard but a double standard and will use the one that promotes their agenda. The collectivist places no value on human life but believes the individual is no different from that of “any animal”. The collectivist supports the elimination of the core family unit and promotes that all allegiance must be to the state. The collectivist will say, as did Comrade Obama that, “the state is your friend”. President Trump is hated and despised by those favoring collectivism today because he is the first president since Ronald Reagan who does understand that goodness, greatness, and prosperity comes about because individuals are free to pursue their happiness. President Trump understands that the collectivist agenda is an evil agenda that results in a perverted society with poverty and misery for the people and elitism for those heading the state. Samuel Adams told the colonists, “It is high time the people of this country explicitly declare whether they will be free men or they will be slaves”. That is the very choice we have today. President Trump has chosen free and the Democrats have chosen slaves. President Trump knows who he is, and he knows who the enemy is. More than ever, anybody, Republican, Independent, or Democrat who believes we are all individuals and not a tool to be used by the collectivist, and chose free over slaves, must voice their support loudly and clearly that our current election be decided on a fair basis. These same people must then take the time to study and understand who they are and who and what the enemy is. Freedom and liberty can only be preserved by winning the hearts and minds of our fellow citizens. The collectivist (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats, - all virtually the same) have understood this concept from perhaps the beginning of time. The collectivist has been much better at changing hearts and minds. There is a reason for their success and that is that they are so committed to controlling and dominating it is all consuming. They genuinely believe and practice the only rule they have and that is that the ends always justify the means.
Those who believe in individual freedom and liberty are not consumed with controlling anybody but champion the idea that all people should be self-reliant and free from government dominance. These people go about their business of providing for themselves, taking responsibility for their decisions, and playing by the rules. They do believe in the good of people and that when people say they will do something they believe it will be done. This is why the collectivists are able to gain control, they lie, they cheat, they deceive, and they take pride in doing so. When Harry Reid when on the floor of the Senate and declared he had it from good sources that Mitt Romney had not filed income taxes for the last 10 years and then was called out for his outright and intentional lie, his response was, “well, he lost didn’t he.” This exhibits the mind of the collectivist such as a Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro, Obama, and Holder. Today the collectivists in the United States have been able to capture our education system and have changed it to a system of indoctrination just as Lenin set into motion under the Communist International and what the Frankfurt School did when they came to the United States. The collectivist movement now dominates the media and the entertainment factions within the United States just as Lenin intended and Stalin was able to accomplish through the workings of the Communist International. These are not some radical right-wing theories as people like Cliff and Mary would have you believe, but they are clearly documented and cannot be denied if a person will simply look at the facts. The collectivist is winning in the United States and every day we who champion individual liberty and freedom are losing more and more liberty and freedom. What the collectivist advocators like Cliff and Mary do not understand is that they also are losing their freedom and liberty and one day, perhaps soon, will also be forced to conform to ideas with which they could very possibly disagree or be segregated or eliminated. If we who champion individual liberty and freedom, even for those like Cliff and Mary, wish to once again live under a government who realizes what it is to be a servant and not a sovereign, we must understand what must be done. True changes are made when the hearts and minds of the people are changed. This has been proven time after time. Tyrants have been overthrown and free people have become dominated because the hearts and minds of the people allowed it. In the United States today, if we who believe in American principles wish to have these principles again become dominant, we must understand what those principle really are and why our founders were so adamant to have these principles as the basis for the founding of the new country they just founded. The founders said that less government was always best, and the government must always function as servant and not sovereign. If you are concerned about your individual liberty and freedom, you must go about doing what Samuel Adams did to change the hearts and minds of the colonists by “Setting Brushfires of Freedom”. If you are dedicated to keeping our country a country that values individual liberty and freedom and not become a country ruled by bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts, you will get a copy of the book “Setting Brushfires of Freedom” by Don Jans. You can get this this book on Amazon or on the website, I have often stated, and yes I do fervently believe, that those who are in leadership positions of the Democrat party are not Americans. My definition of American is simply a belief that government is the enemy of freedom and liberty. The reason for my belief is that America was founded on this principle. People who would support the Democrat party are not advancing American principles that place liberty and freedom of the individual as their highest priority.
Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet that in 1776 sold 500,000 copies in a population of 2,500,000. It was this pamphlet that was the driving force behind the Declaration of Independence, adopted in the summer of 1776. In this pamphlet Paine argued that the colonists should be independent from England because the English government was placing tyrannical demands and controls on the American Colonists. I have listed 13 statements by Thomas Paine that defines principles upon which government out to be built. As you will notice, if you will take the time to read, and I highly recommend that all people read regardless of your political beliefs, that the Democrat party proposes the opposite position of Thomas Paine. The Democrat party has assumed the role of the English government by demanding that government is better at running the lives of people by controlling the actions and thoughts of the people. "Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one." "Governing has always been monopolized by the most ignorant and the most rascally individuals of mankind." "Some writers have…confounded society with government…[but] Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices...The first is a patron, the last a punisher." "An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws." "Governments...pervert the abundance which civilized life produces...It affords to them pretenses for power and revenue, for which there would be neither occasion nor apology, if the circle of civilization were rendered complete." "We still feel the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry, and grasping at the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised to furnish new pretenses for revenue and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without a tribute." "All power exercised over a nation...must be either delegated, or assumed...All delegated power is trust, and all assumed power is usurpation." "He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression." "Government...[has] no other object than the general happiness. When, instead of this, it operates to create and increase wretchedness in any of the parts of society, it is on a wrong system, and reformation is necessary." "The American constitutions were to liberty what a grammar is to language: they define its parts of speech and practically construct them into syntax." "The original principles upon which [America] resisted…to remember them rightly is repossessing them." "What are [other things] to the inestimable blessings of 'Liberty and Safety!'" "I become irritated at the attempt to govern mankind by force and fraud, as if they were all knaves and fools." Every American who believes in rights and liberties can only hope that President Trump serves the second term he legally won. That President Trump won the election when we remove illegal votes and adjust for voter fraud is beyond question. The only reasons President Trump would not serve a second term would be because the voter fraud machine about which Joe Biden bragged, is not totally revealed and because the deep state is so engrained that it is able to withstand the revelation of truth.
If in fact Biden and the collectivists are able to put into place a Biden regime, it will put into place a full democracy that will replace our republic, it will bring about a government of bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts, that will run the country as opposed to people elected by others to represent them. What we have learned is that government by bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts is a dictatorial government since these bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts, are not accountable to anybody but a department or agency head who is also a bureaucrat, technocrat, or expert. The proven mentality of these deep state people is that what they declare must be the policy of the United States. We have seen this mentality during the China Flu crisis with Fauci and Brix. We saw this same mentality when Alexander Vindman caused an impeachment hearing with the help of the Democrats, because President Trump ignored the talking points Vindman had written for President Trump’s conversation with the President of Ukraine. You Democrats, who for whatever reason support the Democrats, must understand, that unless you remain a loyal party member who rises in the ranks of the party to an elite position such as a bureaucrat, technocrat, or expert, your rights and liberties will be limited and eliminated just as mine are being and will be. You will be viewed as just another clog in the machine that is dispensable if the party elite so deem it. You who are marching in the streets rioting, looting, and destroying, will be totally eliminated when the party has assume complete control because at that time your anarchy will be a threat to the dictatorial power demanded by all collectivists. As you who have supported the Democrat party will come to realize, what you now value as freedom to express ideas and thoughts that do not conform to any political party, your expressions will be deemed to be dangerous to the greater good just as my thoughts and ideas are now viewed. Just as my liberty to express these ideas that are not conforming to the demands of the party, so will your liberty to express your thoughts and ideas because they will be deemed to be a danger to the greater good. You have been supporting a movement that has as its goal the total elimination of ideas that do not conform to the strict ideology of collectivism. This is what Comrade Obama meant when he stated that he was five days away from transforming the Untied States on October 30th of 2008. You who have been voting for the Democrats will be surprised to learn that we who cherish individual liberty and freedom, we Trump supporters, view you as necessary to preserving the freedom and liberty we so cherish. We Trump supporters understand that when we or anybody place restrictions on your freedoms, we are paving the path to place restrictions on our freedoms. We Trump supporters understand, and will do whatever is necessary to live in a nation where those who make the laws and rules are accountable to the people and are not protected through the anonymity provided by the deep state for its bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts, You who have been voting for the Democrats will also be surprised to know that we Trump supporters, even though we have differing ideas, we do not view you as just a clog in the machine but we view you as a unique individual that has all the rights and liberties just like any other citizen. We welcome your participation in the workings of government. As a participant whose rights and liberties we will protect, we only ask that you respect the rights, liberties, and property of all citizens, even if they disagree with you. We Trump supporters understand that this is the very meaning of our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights. If you Democrats will attempt to understand that freedom means protecting your liberties and protecting my liberties, we can all live together as Americans. Yes, you too can be an American. The evidence overwhelmingly said that OJ was the murderer. It was evident that many on the jury would have voted for acquittal even if a video showed OJ in the courtyard stabbing his victims. For some reason, the jury and many of the public viewed this vicious crime as race related. They even found a cop that was involved as a racist who fixed the evidence. This was an impossible claim, but an official, the judge caved to pressure and allowed this nonsense as evidence.
The evidence that the DNC and so-called leaders of the Democrat party have an anti-American agenda is overwhelming. These people are Marxists by any and every definition of Marxist and as such are in the process of transforming the United States into a Marxist totalitarian state. They have clearly and falsely labeled President Trump as a racist. They have run a four-year hoax bringing forth an investigation over a document they contrived and financed that was filled with outlandish and false claims. They contrived a totally false claim to instigate a politically contrived impeachment. Now they have manipulated an election while disallowing any transparency and violating election law. What is sad is that any individual with a sense of fairness would view the evidence and can only conclude that the DNC and so-called leaders are guilty. The only evidence that is missing is that video showing the crime being committed. As in the OJ Simpson trial, the evidence is overwhelming. However, Democrat voters are so filled with a misguided ideology and hatred and contempt that they are willing to surrender their freedoms and liberties to satisfy this misguided ideology and their hatred and contempt. The OJ jury was willing to damage the jury system to make some contrived and foolish statement which is exactly what the typical Democrat voter is doing; that is they are forsaking Constitutional protections so they can feel that their anger has been satisfied. How foolish were the OJ jurists. How foolish are the Democrat voters. That we were founded as a Democracy is a myth the left has been selling for over a century. The United States was founded as a Republic. All aspiring despots need a democracy to gain power and this is why the left has been touting democracy. The left despises freedom. Yes, you who vote for Democrats today are voting against freedom. I know you think this is an outlandish statement, but sadly it is true.
A democracy operates on the core principle, as does every dictatorship, that what I say is the law of the land because I have the power. Democracy and dictatorship believe that might makes right. That the founders understood the fallacy of this argument and knew that attitude cannot and will not foster freedom is why they said the “United States of America will not be a democracy, but it will be a Republic.” Furthermore, the founders said not only will we be a Republic, but we will be a Constitutional Republic. In other words, the founders doubled down on their core belief that individualism is the path that leads to freedom, to independence, and to greatness. They put it in writing. They rejected the ideology of collectivism, which dominates the Democrat party of today. Remember, individualism is the belief that we are all individuals with different dreams and desires and that all individuals must be respected and allowed to pursue their dreams and live as free from the demands and constraints of government as possible so long as they are not violating the rights and dreams of others. Collectivism is the belief that the individual must always subjugate their dreams and desires to the demands of those in power, or government, for what they are told is the good of the state, community, or collective. Being individualists, the founders wanted to establish a framework that promoted this belief that the individual being free of the demands of bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts, could build the most free, prosperous, and morally sound society because as they strove to better themselves, the net result is a better society for all. The founders were achievers and doers and knew that when people reach for the stars it builds a staircase that makes it possible for others to climb higher as well. They understood that when government places a cap on the stairway, for the good of all we are told, the net result is that the cap on the stairway goes lower and lower and all of society descends with it. My phrase for this concept is nobody can push a string up a hill, but all can pull the string up the hill. The founders understood that to have a free and individualist society rights, and liberties must be protected for all. They knew when the majority was able to restrict the free practice of religion, the freedom of speech, the freedom of assembly, or restrict due process of law for one, the few, the many, or for all, the society was no longer free but was now under the dictatorship rule of the many. We became a Constitutional Republic when these same founders understood the necessity of having these restrictions on the majority in writing and not just verbal. The founders also understood that people are created differently, they have different beliefs, goals, and desires, and these different people could only be forced to be alike when that conformity was forced upon them by the ruthless supremacy of a tyrannical government. The founders were very much aware that to maintain freedom and independence, the people must remain committed to these principles and must be a moral people. We were told by these same great thinkers that we will know if we have remained a moral people by those we elect to office because those we elect to office reflect our beliefs and our character. If you want to know if we have remained a moral people, all you have to do is look at the morals and character of those in the congress and you will have your answer. Today’s Democrat party champions democracy or dictatorship and denies individualism. The Democrat Party is telling us that the majority has the right to control how, where, and when we worship God. They are telling us that how we speak, or think is only acceptable so long as it conforms to their belief system. They are telling us that our right to assemble or the strict application of due process as law can be applied differently to different people depending on if their individual beliefs conform to the collectivist ideology. Karl Marx stated that to bring about the transformation desired by the Democrat party or collectivist movement in the United States, “we must abolish all long-standing principles, all religion, and all morality.” The result of this action would be that society would then be controlled by the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” as it was transforming to the utopia of a communist society. This is exactly what the Democrat party is advocating. They are stating that we must forsake the longstanding principles of our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, The United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. The Democrats are telling us that they have the right to establish Secularism as our national religion and all other religions must bend to the knee to Secularism. And the Democrats are insisting that we abolish any and all elements of morality or even attempts to remain a moral society. We have seen this exhibited most recently when the Democrats have openly scoffed at an open and honest election and then refused any facsimile of transparency. So long as our country accepts democracy and acts like a democracy, our freedom will continue to erode. We must, if we are to be free, understand that conformity is only attained under a despotic tyrant, that freedoms and rights must be protected at all costs including accepting the risks of flu like illnesses, that we must insist on a moral society by being a moral individual, and that we must be tolerant and accepting of individual differences while protecting the rights of all. Those of us who believe in individualism, freedom, rights, and liberties, must never lose hope, we must never accept collectivism as inevitable, and must always remember that just as God promised that he would always have a remnant, so freedom and liberty will always have a remnant. Those of us who are part of that remnant must understand the great responsibility with which we are charged; we must never cease to put forth the effort to grow the remnant. For these individuals, that means that we must always be about “Setting Brushfires of Freedom”. We must understand that these brushfires are set not only by the words we speak, but also by the lives we live which are the examples we set for all including our family, our friends, our associates, and yes even Democrats. |
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