All we seem to read or hear from news outlets are stories about some 17-year-old kid or a hooker who has frankly done a great job of promoting herself. If you have any claim or comment that advances the Collectivist movement on their stated goal of leading the United States down “The Road To Tyranny” or you spout some bumper sticker about gun control, the news outlets representing both the left and the right are only to quick to have those stories dominate the airwaves. Meanwhile, in the world, there are incidents that go on reported even though their implications have serious and meaningful consequences.
For instance, because of the much-desired Collectivist welfare system and the open border policies of the Collectivists, Sweden is on the verge of civil war. Hungary, Poland, The Czech Republic, Austria, and other members of the European Union continue to battle with the European Union’s administration in refusing to allow undesirable refugees into their country. These nations have witnessed the results of this foolish program by observing what is happening in France, Germany, Belgium, and the Scandinavian countries. If Americans had a better understanding of the dangers facing any society who has a wide sweeping safety net system and welfare system along with open borders, the Collectivist movement knows the resistance to these policies they are advocating to advance the United States down “The Road To Tyranny” under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat would be much greater and gaining momentum as it is in Europe. In addition, we finally have an administration that is implementing the the promise of controlling our borders, a promise that was made but never kept by so many previous administrations and members of the Republican Establishment. Also, the United States is finally reducing its contributions to the United Nations despite the outcry of those very members of the Republican Establishment who ran for office on that very promise. Here is the latest newsworthy story from Nicki Haley who, just like Betsy DeVos, is truly doing what is necessary if the United States is ever to switch from traveling “The Road To Tyranny” to traveling the road to freedom, independence, and liberty. United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley announced on Wednesday that America will no longer fund more than 25 percent of the organization’s peacekeeping operations. Haley told the Security Council, “Peacekeeping is a shared responsibility. All of us have a role to play, and all of us must step up.” Currently, the US is shouldering roughly 28.5 percent of the UN’s peacekeeping missions. The next-largest contributor is China, which pays 10 percent. The contribution from the US has already been reduced $570 million from last year, at the insistence of the Trump administration. When that cut was made in June, Haley announced, “We’re only getting started.” In December, Haley’s team also negotiated a further $285 million cut from US coffers to the UN’s operating budget. At the time, the ambassador issued a statement saying that “The inefficiency and overspending of the United Nations are well known. We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain unchecked.” She continued: “In addition to these significant cost savings, we reduced the UN’s bloated management and support functions, bolstered support for key US priorities throughout the world and instilled more discipline and accountability throughout the UN system.” The Trump administration has not yielded in expressing its frustration with the UN, namely the governing body’s resolution to oppose President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and their handling of finances. On Tuesday, Haley had further scathing remarks for the UN Security Council for their inaction regarding Syria’s eastern Ghouta region, where innocent citizens have faced devastating casualties. She blamed the situation on the fact that Russian and Iranian troops were working in conjunction with Syrian forces under the country’s president, Bashar al-Assad. Haley stated, “This is a travesty. This should be a day of shame for every member of this council, and it should be a lesson about what happens when we focus on fleeting displays of unity, instead of on what’s right,” and added, “History will not be kind when it judges the effectiveness of this council in relieving the suffering of the Syrian people.” UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Mark Lowcock acknowledged the dire circumstances in Syria in the same meeting, saying “The last few months have been some of the worst yet for many civilians inside Syria.”
3/28/2018 MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) AGAIN PROVE THEY HAVE NOT READ THE CONSTITUTION OR ITS HISTORYRead NowNancy Pelosi, a useful idiot of the Marxist/Progressive camp since she does not have the intellectual capacity to understand any agenda, condemned the Trump Administration’s announcement that they will be reinstating the citizenship question on the 2020 census to help enforce the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
“The Trump Administration’s late-night announcement of a new citizenship question violates the clear constitutional mandate to provide an accurate count of all people living in the United States,” she said in a statement Tuesday. Of course, a citizenship question is not new but has used in some form or another on far more census questionnaires than not. “This detrimental change will inject fear and distrust into vulnerable communities,” she added, “and cause traditionally undercounted communities to be even further under-represented, financially excluded and left behind.” First of all this is simply conjecture on her part and secondly it gives data that would indicate how many citizens live in an area so there would be some means to measure how many people are illegally registered to vote and how many non-citizens are voting. We know a large base of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) voters are not citizens and are not eligible to vote. She called the decision “disturbing” and said Trump “pushed this decision as a dog-whistle tactic to raise funds for his campaign committee.” Pelosi claimed, “the Trump Administration put politics over the Constitution and, in so doing, ignored the consensus views of former Census Bureau directors of both parties and the conclusions of the Census Bureau’s own recent study, which warns of ‘an unprecedented groundswell in confidential and data sharing concerns, particularly among immigrants or those who live with immigrants.’” This is what the Constitution states about conducting a census: In Article 1, Section 2, the Constitution includes the phrase: [An] Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The final bill that became law as directed by the Constitution, Statute 2 of March 1, 1790, provided that census marshals and assistants be appointed. The marshals were directed to: cause the number of the inhabitants within their respective districts to be taken; omitting in such enumeration Indians not taxed, and distinguishing free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, from all others; distinguishing also the sexes and colours of free persons, and the free males of sixteen years and upwards from those under that age. Indians not taxed were not counted, while slaves and indentured servants were distinguished because even though they could not vote, a proportion of each was considered for purposes of representation. The objectives of this law are in total contradiction to what Nancy and the Marxist/Progressives want which is to have the number of representatives in congress based on people who are in the country illegally and according to law should be deported. Indians not taxed were not counted and illegals should not be counted for any purpose. This is the law that was adopted as per the direction of the Constitution. Betsey DeVos, Secretary of Education has done and is doing what every responsible head of a Federal Department should do. Now DeVos has done the unthinkable and has requested less money to run her department because she says it is not necessary. Of course, Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) and the Republican Establishment opposes this act of courage and responsibility on her part. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) and Republican Establishment oppose any reduction because the only way to accomplish their goals is to spend more money regardless of whether it is wise or necessary.
Here is an article from the Weekly Standard that details the courage and responsibility of DeVos and the hypocrisy and irresponsible reaction of the Washington DC swamp. It’s not often that the head of a federal agency asks Congress for less money than the agency received the year before. So infrequent is it that one might reasonably assume the circumstance would generate some hint of intellectual curiosity on the part of reporters and politicos. If an agency head is asking for less money, not more, surely his or her reasons must at least be interesting. Last week, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos submitted her agency’s budget request to Congress, and her request included substantial funding reductions. DeVos asked for a decrease of $3.6 billion, or 5 percent, to specific department programs; and for an overall decrease of $9 billion, or 13 percent. The department’s budget proposal, the secretary remarked to a House subcommittee, “eliminates, streamlines, or reduces funding for many discretionary programs that do not address national needs, duplicate other programs, are ineffective, or are more appropriately supported with state, local, or private funds.” Rather than excite curiosity, however, the secretary’s requests mostly elicited pro-forma condemnations from Democrats and the mainstream media, and silence from Republicans. Granted, executive agency budget requests are often ignored by lawmakers, but an agency requesting less money than it had the previous year—just think of it!—might have occasioned a moment or two of reflection and debate. It didn’t. The Democrats and media took the usual line that requesting cuts in programs purporting to help low-income students can only mean one thing: indifference to the plight of low-income students. In some cases—for example, grants for mental-health services—the DeVos budget proposed cuts or eliminations because carryover funds from previous years have made further appropriations at least temporarily unnecessary. The secretary proposed cutting some after-school programs on the unassailable grounds that they can’t show evidence of meeting their objectives. Yet the media neglected to mention the agency’s reasoning, leaving the impression that DeVos just doesn’t like after-school programs. Worst of all, perhaps, Democrats and their allies in the media portrayed DeVos’s request of a 1 percent cut to the education department’s Office for Civil Rights as though it were evidence of some nefarious intention to ignore or trample on civil rights. In truth, the department requested the decrease because it is processing civil rights claims at a much faster pace than the Obama administration did, and the new structure requires fewer bureaucrats. But DeVos requested some budget increases, too—a scholarship program for low-income families to send their children to a school of their choice, a grant program that rewards open enrollment policies, and another program allowing states to start new charter schools and expand existing ones. Alas, enough Republicans in both House and Senate joined Democrats to sink most of these ideas and instead boost funding for most of those programs to which DeVos requested cuts. That’s unfortunate. From its creation during the Carter administration, the federal Department of Education has tended to impinge on state prerogatives in education in deleterious ways, mainly by using federal money to bribe and cajole states into doing the bidding of federal education mandarins. The results haven’t been impressive. Nationwide, academic performance has not notably improved in the department’s nearly four decades of existence. Betsy DeVos, as Peter Boyer explained in our February 19 issue, has vowed to change that by returning power to the states and local school districts. Rolling back federal power over education will necessitate rolling back the federal education department’s massive budget. Even if lawmakers have policy disagreements with DeVos, her proposals deserve to be heard—especially at a time when the federal debt has surpassed $21 trillion and Congress limps along from one shutdown crisis to the next. At such a time, the news that a government agency says it needs less money to meet its goals, not more, should have commanded attention. That it didn’t tells you all you need to know about Congress’s fiscal appetite. What the Marxist/Progressives of today are advocating is a return to the days of sovereignty by government which means it is government that dictates what the individual must do and think. It is the doctrine of the Marxist/Progressive to protect those who would limit the speech and thoughts of others, to persecute those who would practice their faith in the God of the Bible, to punish those who would strive to achieve and to realize success, and to demonize those who have thoughts and beliefs other than what the Marxist/Progressive says is acceptable. It is for these reasons the American Colonists risked everything including their lives, so they could form a truly progressive society where all people have equal opportunity, have the right to worship freely, and are encouraged to think for themselves; a society and government that is exactly the opposite of what the Marxist/Progressive element in these United States today are falsely claiming as a progressive agenda.
The Marxist/Progressive element is advocating we should become a Collectivist (Marxist, Communist, Socialist, Progressive) society. A Collectivist society by definition must have a government that controls and dictates the lives and thoughts of the citizen. It is only in a Collectivist society that a government is tyrannical. Our founders said we would be an Individualist society. Freedom and liberty can only exist in an Individualist society. Government is a servant and does not have the power to control the lives and interests of the people and therefore can never be tyrannical. This is the very reason the colonists signed the Declaration of Independence. In the Declaration of Independence that colonists specifically stated our rights come from God and not from man or government and therefore cannot be limited or nullified by man or government. Our founders believed the individual has the right and perhaps the duty to achieve to strive to fulfill his dreams and potential without regard for what the collective might believe would be in the best interest of the collective. Here is just another example of the Marxist/Progressive Party (Democrat) showing its true anti-American beliefs as its Deputy Chief, Comrade Keith Ellison openly states how wrong our founders were when they said all individuals are free to pursue their happiness. Comrade Ellison would have us belief that the individual must only pursue what the collective dictates and what the collectivist believes to be in the best interest of the collective. This is the very essence of Marxism or Communism. During a recent conference attended by many who advocate Marxism, freelance journalist Sarah Jaffe, writing for the website the Progressive, interviewed Ellison, who recently assumed responsibility for the Medicare for All legislation that was formerly under the guidance of the now-departed John Conyers. In the course of a rather friendly interview, Jaffe questioned Ellison about the Medicare legislation, racism, and income inequality. With "economic justice" being one of the issues addressed at the summit, Jaffe mentioned to Ellison that the congressman had "made a joke about a maximum wage." Ellison quickly interrupted Jaffe, saying: "No, I did not make a joke about maximum wage, I made a statement about maximum wage . . . If you were to say, look, if you make more than twenty times more than the people who actually make the products and do the services of your company, then we're going to tax you more—we're going to tax you at all. "This idea that you can leave people in poverty as you are stacking up dead presidents like nobody's business has got to come to an end. I mean the CEO of McDonald's makes [$9,000] an hour and they're fighting people getting $15 an hour . . . "Not only are they screwing over workers, they're screwing over the environment, they're clear-cutting forests so they can graze more cattle and we all know that like beef production is extremely abusive on the environment. They're bad actors, you know?" And then Ellison reiterated that he is dead serious about instituting a “maximum wage”: "I wasn't joking about having a maximum wage. Why shouldn't there be a maximum wage? I remember when Ford, GM, and Chrysler came for $25 billion to rescue the American auto industry. Okay, well how much does the guy who runs Toyota make? $28 million a year. "OK stop right there. Where did you get that greedy? And how did you create a philosophy that says [it’s right] to protect your greed, so that if I say you shouldn't be that greedy, you get to call me a name? Because they do . . . If we say your incalculable greed is not acceptable, we get called communists. Why not call them what they are, which is avaricious and greedy?" Though Jaffe elides it from her transcript of the interview, Ellison then waxed scatological about his view of CEOs and their attitudes towards their companies and their workers, saying that CEOs treat them "like toilet tissue, you wipe yourself with it and throw it away when you don't need it." This is truly a regressive agenda that promotes a return to the days of tyrannical government where the sovereign government dictates the lives and interests of the people while declaring the individual cannot achieve based on their individual abilities but must conform to the wishes and dictates of the collective. This is pure, unadulterated Marxism or Communism. After our founders, against all odds, won the War for Independence they set about forming a nation and a government. The nation was to be a nation built on the concept of Individualism where the rights of the individual is championed over the good of the collective and where all individuals had the freedom and liberty to reach for the stars. These were people who were true Dreamers.
The founders understood that government was necessary, but only in a limited capacity. The role of government was to provide safety from outside threats and to provide an atmosphere where all individuals could, indeed were encouraged, to pursue their happiness. Our nation would be a nation of individuals achieving, not government picking and choosing winners and losers and punishing those who achieved for the good of the collective. When our founders formed our government, “THE FOUNDERS COMPLETELY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE GOVERNMENT THEY WERE FORMING WAS THE SINGLE BIGGEST THREAT TO THE FREEDOM THEY HAD JUST WON.” We know this because of what they told us and what they did. Patrick Henry explained that the “CONSTITUTION WAS AN INSTRUMENT NOT FOR THE GOVERNMENT TO RESTRAIN THE PEOPLE BUT FOR THE PEOPLE TO RESTRAIN THE GOVERNMENT, LEST IT (THE GOVERNMENT) SHOULD COME TO DOMINATE OUR LIVES AND OUR INTERESTS.” The founders purposefully set up our nation based on rule of law where the law would apply to all and the government had no control over the rights given to the people by the Creator, the government was to be a limited government, the government was to be a divided government where power was to be divested not only between the three federal branches but also between the states and the people, and the sovereign of our nation was to be the people and not the government; the government was to be the servant. We have been witnessing the reversal of all the provisions the founders instituted to preserve freedom and liberty from the “SINGLE BIGGEST THREAT TO FREEDOM, THE GOVERNMENT.” We are no longer a nation of law but of government dictates through regulation, executive orders, and rulings of the courts that are unconstitutionally treated as and regarded as law. We are no longer a nation of limited government but have a huge government that is dictating the lives, interests, and even the thoughts of the people. We no longer have a nation with divided power, but power has been concentrated more and more in the Judicial Branch of our government, the branch that was intended to have the least power. The people are not sovereign but have become slaves and serfs to the government who is no longer a servant but a domineering and tyrannical sovereign. This is the nation in which we live. Karl Marx told his followers that they must eliminate all prior principles in their quest to take a nation down the path to his desired classless society that is totally conforming, totally equal, that proclaims, “hope and change,” and that uses social justice as their excuse to bring about the tyrannical rule of the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat.” The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) and many within the Republican Establishment have told and are telling the American public that the principles of the “Declaration of Independence,” “The Constitution of the United States,” and “The Bill of Rights” are no longer applicable to our society. They are telling the American people these principles of freedom and liberty are outdated and we live in times where it is critical that government dictates the lives and interests of the individual for the good of the collective. Americans, this is the same “hope and change” that was promised to Russia by Lenin, to China by Mao, to Cuba by Castro, to Venezuela by Chavez, and to the United States by Roosevelt and Obama. Roosevelt and Obama both did everything within their power to destroy all long-standing principles of the United States that were instituted by our founders to protect the freedom they had just won from the single biggest threat to that freedom; government. I listen to pundits, politicians, and Freedom Loving Americans, who advocate for freedom. I hear them as they unwittingly defend the arguments put forth by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) and their useful idiots who proclaim as truth the insidious and memorized statements. These useful idiots, such as talking heads, professional athletes, actors, musicians, and “celebrities,” who when questioned have no idea what they just said other than it eliminates all the protections our founders instituted to protect their freedoms as well as ours. This is frightening. We are on “The Road To Tyranny.” What is perhaps most frightening, is that those who claim to oppose this road, do not really understand it and are unwilling to take the time to truly understand it. Until those who prefer to live in a nation where a government does not dominate the lives and the interests of the people are willing to become fully engaged in the battle, we will lose our freedom. It is up to you fellow Freedom Loving Americans. Become fully engaged. To win any battle you must understand the enemy better than the enemy understands themselves. To win any battle you must understand when an attack is fabricated or real. So often I hear that the intent of the enemy is admirable and most of the enemy are really good people with only a few bad apples. Freedom Loving Americans, you must understand, those people want to take your freedom and lead us down "The Road To Tyranny." Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) and many within the Republican Establishment have as their goal to control your lives and your interests. To a Freedom Loving American this should not be tolerated. This is the very reason the founders fought the “War for Independence.” We are fighting the same war today. Do you have the same hard-core desire to be free our founders had? If you do not, you will not be free. Educate yourselves in this war between Individualism and Collectivism. It is real. A good way to educate yourself is to read, “The Road To Tyranny, Individualism to Collectivism.” Another way is to do the same work and research that was done to write the book. Either way, please do fully understand this enemy. Your freedom depends on it. The Republicans do not have control of either chamber of congress. The Collectivists control both houses. The way legislation is done today is no different from how it was done when Obama was in office. The deficits and debt continue to grow. Planned Parenthood, an organization that makes the numbers of people murdered by the Soviets, the Nazis, and Mao pale in comparison, continues to be funded. The promise to close our borders goes unheeded. Bills are drawn behind closed doors and released when there is no time for anybody to digest what is in the bill. Now it is Ryan who is saying that the bill must be passed so we can learn what is in it.
Freedom Loving Americans, the Republican establishment of Ryan, McConnell, McCarthy, Cornyn, McCain, and Flake must go. They dishonor the Constitution and despise limited government. Our nation cannot remain free when we have these politicians in charge. They do exactly what the Marxist/Progressives want and tell them to do. Here is what Pelosi said about this horrible budget bill that was passed by both houses of congress passed: “Democrats fought with great integrity, strength and unity to secure vital middle class priorities in the omnibus spending bill. We are grateful to Ranking Member Nita Lowey, our appropriators and staff for delivering progress on critical priorities, while successfully removing many dangerous poison pills. “Thanks to the leadership of Democrats, the omnibus proposal contains bold investments in our veterans, the NIH, community health centers, and families fighting opioid addiction. These job-creating, life-saving investments stand in sharp contrast to the Trump Budget. “Democrats won explicit language restricting border construction to the same see-through fencing that was already authorized under current law. The bill does not allow any increase in deportation officers or detention beds. We are disappointed that we did not reach agreement on Dreamer protections that were worthy of these patriotic young people. We will continue to ask the Speaker to give us a vote to protect Dreamers and honor our values. “House Democratic Members will now assess the whole package and weigh its equities. Again, we thank our appropriators, their staff and the House and Senate Leadership staff for their commitment to getting the job done.” This is reminiscent of the budget Ryan constructed with Obama when Ryan first became Speaker. Everything Obama wanted was in the bill and supported and pushed by Ryan. Yes, the Republican establishment is more dangerous to our freedom than are the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats). The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) tell us they despise the Constitution, freedom, capitalism, and Individualism. The Republican establishment say they believe in the Constitution, freedom, capitalism, and Individualism and yet their actions are no different from the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats). The United States Congress has very few statesmen. Ted Cruz comes to mind as does Jim Jordan. I can think of none in the Marxist/Progressive Party (Democrats) and none that represent the Republican establishment. These two groups are comprised of politicians. Our founders were statesmen and often stated that in order to remain a free and independent nation, the American people would have to elect statesmen and not politicians. We, the American people must recognize the differences between statesmen and politicians and elect only the former. These are the definitions and characteristics.
A politician is a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office. The politician is a person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization. They are someone who is active in party politics and primarily concerned with party politics. A politician is a seeker or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favor or retaining power than about maintaining principles. A statesman is a person who is experienced in the art of government or versed in the administration of government affairs. The statesman exhibits great wisdom and ability in directing the affairs of a government or in dealing with important public issues. A politician and a statesman are not the same thing. A statesman is the free leader of a free people and they must possess four critical qualities: a bedrock of principles, a moral compass, a vision, and the ability to build a consensus to achieve that vision. Our typical person in congress today has no principles, no moral compass, no vision, and no ability to build a consensus among their peers or among the public. In congress today, votes are taken for political purposes and not for the good of the country. Legislation is now done in huge bills encompassing topics that have no relevance one to the other such as a budget bill that will encompass policy on immigration, gun control that violates the constitution, health care, and many more unrelated topics. This is the bill that a politician would support. The politician can then manipulate the public, so they can remain in office and accumulate more power and wealth. A statesman will oppose doing the business of congress in this manner. The statesman would support debating each of these issues and then voting on them separately, so the public could not only better understand, but also know the position of the individual. The politician wants to be able to deceive the public with as little transparency as possible, and the statesman desires total transparency. We have a congress of politicians. Freedom can only endure when statesmen are elected. 3/20/2018 THE VENEZUELAN COLLECTIVIST MOVEMENT WAS PRAISED BY MANY IN COMRADE OBAMA’S REGIMERead NowMany of the devoted communists in the Obama regime noted what they called the progressive thinking of their fellow comrade, Chavez, who was leader of Venezuela. Comrade Obama himself went to his fellow communist’s domain, the Castro’s in Cuba, and extolled the virtues of the Marxist dictates that leads all these countries that have bought into that communist lie of “hope and change” down that road to tyranny.
This is the result of “hope and change,” “social justice,” “elimination of the evils of greed and competition,” and the results of the elimination of “income inequality” in what was the hallmark of collectivism during the days of Comrade Obama’s regime. Caracas, Venezuela – A mother cries for her child and a family member has just passed away due to malnutrition. There are many children who have lost their lives because parents do not have enough money to feed them, or in the worst of cases, some have chosen to abandon them to their fate. The economic crisis in Venezuela has claimed thousands of innocent lives, especially the most vulnerable, children. Venezuela, a modern-day holocaust, has become a country in desolation, many people have decided to leave the country and other people less fortunate have been forced to endure extreme shortages due to the economic impact suffered by the country. To understand the current economic crisis that Venezuela is going through, it is key to understand that the minimum monthly wage in Venezuela is the equivalent of $7 USD or about €5.5 Euro. This amount represents only 1 package of eggs and 1 kilogram of cheese per month. Can you imagine spending $7 a month, the equivalent of getting two cups of coffee? Malnutrition in Venezuela has increased dramatically. Many families have left aside one or two of their daily meals to be able to have more food for the next day. Protein in the Venezuelan diet has drastically decreased. All sectors of the country have been affected by this terrible crisis. There is a shortage of antibiotics, drugs for cancer, anticoagulants, among other medications necessary to sustain life. Venezuelan hospitals have become chaotic, the diet for patients consists of only rice, birth mothers are unable to feed their babies properly, and newborns have died due to lack of proper medical supplies. Those who have managed to survive are abandoned in garbage dumps or at the doors of orphanages. Many orphanages have accepted more children than they can handle. The Venezuelan government has not given the necessary help to appease all the needs to face this crisis and have not accepted the humanitarian aid offered by other countries. The government has also tried to filter Venezuelan current news. We have read for the last year or so about the assault on free speech in the United States by Marxist/Progressive (Democrats) supported groups like ANTIFA and BLM. They have made a concerted effort to allow only speech that conforms with theirs and the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) Marxist agenda by not allowing anybody they believe might not sing the Marxist song on our college campuses; areas that have in the past been a bastion for free speech.
The brothers of Comrade Obama, the Islamist's are now attacking free speech in Great Britain at the very spot where free speech has been protected for centuries; speakers’ corner. Speakers' Corner is a traditional site for public speeches and debates since the mid 1800's when protests and demonstrations took place in Hyde Park. Historic figures such as Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and George Orwell were known to often use the area to demonstrate free speech. In 1872, an act of parliament set aside this part of Hyde Park for public speaking. Even today, on a Sunday morning, it's not unusual to find crowds gathering at Speakers' Corner to listen to enthusiasts expounding their views. Anyone can turn up unannounced to speak on any subject. Not any longer. Islamist's stormed this last vestige of free speech in the UK, Speakers’ Corner, the one area where open-air public speaking, debate, and discussion are allowed. Or I should say was. The last corner of freedom in the UK isn’t, and the pretense that the UK is a free country is shattered. Abdul Hamid and his devout Islamic friends assaulted people with weapons, at speakers’ corner in front of the police. Not one of them were arrested, but the real telling thing is the police did not put one hand on the rioting Muslim protestors, and instead manhandle the people being attacked by the Islamists by continuously pushing them away from the Islamist's. This is London today: “London is more Islamic than many Muslim countries put together”, according to Maulana Syed Raza Rizvi, one of the Islamic preachers who now lead “Londonistan“, as the journalist Melanie Phillips has called the English capital. No, Rizvi is not a right-wing extremist. Wole Soyinka, a Nobel Laureate for Literature, was less generous; he called the UK “a cesspit for Islamist's”. London Has 423 New Mosques & 100 Sharia Law Courts and several no-go zones. London, The United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Sweden and much of Western Europe are now havens for the brothers of Comrade Obama; the Islamist terrorists who are running these places. Government will either be a sovereign or a servant. Those who want government to be the sovereign oppose freedom for the individual. Those who want government to be the servant support freedom for the individual. When our founders formed our government and drafted the United States Constitution, they did so for one purpose and that was to protect freedom. The founders fully understood that the government they were forming was the single biggest threat to the freedom they had just won.
The founders understood that the evil that is government is a necessity. This is why they wrote the Constitution the way they did. Patrick Henry explained that the Constitution was an instrument for the people to restrain the government so that the government does not come to dominate the lives and the interests of the citizen. These are the ideas of a true Individualist. A Collectivist favors a controlling government where the government restrain the people and controls the lives and the interests of the people. Our one major political party has openly and often explained their desire for government to control all of the activities and thoughts of the people. The stated goal of the Communists was to take control of at least one of the major political parties in the Untied States. The Democrat Party is now under the firm control of Communists and has truly become the Marxist/Progressive Party or the Communist Party of the Untied States. This is documented and is no longer even arguable. They support the communist principles as enumerated by Marx. They believe government is instituted among men and is the source of all rights granted to the people. The Democrat Party opposes the principles upon which the United States was founded; individualism, rule of law, limited government, divided government, and sovereignty of the people. They are an enemy to freedom and liberty as defined by our founders and outlined in the Declaration of Independence, The United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. What has been made more and more clear is that the Republican Establishment supports much of what the Marxist/Progressive Party supports. The Republican Establishment favors many of the precepts of Collectivism while opposing the basic principles upon which our nation was founded. Members of the Republican Establishment like Ryan, McConnell, McCain, Flake, Cornyn, and others claim to be proponents of the principles of freedom or limited government. They even campaign on that precept, but they have continually supported the advancement of Collectivism and support the road that is “The Road To Tyranny.” Once again, the Republican Establishment is betraying all Freedom Loving Americans, including President Trump. The Republican Establishment will be joining the Marxist/Progressives in bringing about bigger and bigger government as they vote this week on a funding bill that has been defined as essential. Since the bill has now been defined as essential, the enemies of freedom, including the Republican Establishment, will justify their votes for voting to create a bigger and bigger government that more and more dominates the lives and the thoughts of Americans. “House and Senate leadership has rolled over and played dead on border security. When it comes to a border wall, they say it is not our problem. When it comes to funding sanctuary cities, they say it is not our problem. What they are essentially saying is we are going to pass bills with more Democrats than Republicans,” an aide stated. “This is a sign to (the Trump) administration that leadership doesn’t care what the White House wants. Even though GOP members ran on these issues. Conservatives mean it. The administration means it.” Funding sanctuary cities is not the only thing that will rile up Freedom Loving Americans in the omnibus bill, which lawmakers must agree on by the hard March 23 deadline. Early drafts of the spending bill, which are being kept under “lock and key,” a GOP aide said, include Planned Parenthood funding, Obamacare subsidies, gun control legislation, a large tax on internet sales, and a host of other policies completely against Republican campaign promises. The Republican Establishment has adopted the primary principle of the Marxist/Progressive Party; and that is the art of deceit, untruthfulness, lying. Make no mistake, the Republican Establishment is an enemy to the freedom and liberty our founders tried to defend when they purposefully limited the role of a government so that freedom could exist. The Republican Establishment also believes that government is the solution and not the problem. Freedom and liberty is under attack on two fronts; the desire for a communist takeover by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) and big government for power and control by the Republican Establishment. The end result is the same. The end result is exactly what the founders wanted to prevent and that is a government that would dominate the lives and the interests of the people. |
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