Thank you parents who have risen against the communist ideology and have become determined to take back your children from the state. A critical element of communism is to destroy the family unit, which is an essential component of a society based on individual liberty and freedom. The communist understands that they must gain control of the child. The earlier a child is removed from the influence of the parent and is subjected to the indoctrination of the state, more likely is the chance that the child will remain a good communist, who professes that an individual no longer exist as an individual, but only as a component of the community. The devoted communist will always forsake individual rights and succumb to the communist mantra, “for the good of all.”
It is critical that all Freedom Loving Americans understand that when the American Left proposes these programs, when they claim that all must sacrifice for the good of all, when they tell us that universal childcare and schooling beyond must be in state institutions, they are simply moving forward with their transformation of the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state by doing what is necessary to destroy the family. Many in America, who call themselves Democrats, have been indoctrinated to believe that the American left has as its goal to promote liberation of all. At the same time, the Democrats, communists tell these same people that equality is the foundation of liberation. Universal social and economic equality cannot co-exist with liberty. Where there is universal equality there is no liberty and where there is liberty there is no universal equality. Please take the time to study the above statement, it is the difference between individualism and collectivism. This war is being raged today in America. It is the center of two high profile current events. One event would be the Virginia governor race where the Democrat or Communist candidate has stated a critical and universal collectivist belief; the education of the children is none of the parents’ business but must be totally in the hands of the state. The other event is the so called “build back better” bill that is in the process of being revamped. The Democrats or Communists have reduced their demands in some areas, but they seem to have drawn their line in the sand with their demand for Universal Pre-K. This is the official communist position on education and clearly explains both the statement by the Democrat or Communist candidate and the reason for insistence on Universal Pre-K. § 79. Preparation for school life In bourgeois society, the child is regarded as the property of its parents - if not wholly, at least to a major degree. When parents say, 'My daughter', 'My son', the words do not simply imply the existence of a parental relationship, they also give expression to the parents' view that they have a right to educate their own children. From the socialist outlook, no such right exists. The individual human being does not belong to himself, but to society, to the human race. The individual can only live and thrive owing to the existence of society. The child, therefore, belongs to the society in which it lives, and thanks to which it came into being - and this society is something wider than the 'society' of its own parents. To society, likewise, belongs the primary and basic right of educating children. From this point of view, the parents' claim to bring up their own children and thereby to impress upon the children's psychology their own limitations, must not merely be rejected, but must be absolutely laughed out of court. Society may entrust the education of children to the parents; but it may refuse to do anything of the kind; and there is all the more reason why society should refuse to entrust education to the parents, seeing that the faculty of educating children is far more rarely encountered than the faculty of begetting them. Of one hundred mothers, we shall perhaps find one or two who are competent educators. The future belongs to social education. Social education will make it possible for socialist society to train the coming generation most successfully, at lowest cost, and with the least expenditure of energy. The social education of children, therefore, must be realized for other reasons besides those of pedagogy. It has enormous economic advantages. Hundreds of thousands, millions of mothers will thereby be freed for productive work and for selfculture. They will be freed from the soul-destroying routine of housework, and from the endless round of petty duties which are involved in the education of children in their own homes. That is why the Soviet Power is striving to create a number of institutions for the improvement of social education, which are intended by degrees to universalize it. To this class of institutions belong the kindergartens, to which manual workers, clerks, etc., can send their children, thus entrusting them to experts who will prepare the children for school life. To this category, too, belong the homes or residential kindergartens. There are also children's colonies, where the children either live permanently, or for a considerable period, away from their parents. There are in addition the crèches, institutions for the reception of children under four years of age; in these the little ones are cared for while their parents are at work. The Communist Party, therefore, must, on the one hand, ensure, through the working of soviet institutions, that there shall be a more rapid development of the places where children are prepared for school life, and it must ensure that there shall be a steady improvement in the training given at such places. On the other hand, by intensified propaganda among parents, the party must overcome bourgeois and petty-bourgeois prejudices concerning the necessity and superiority of home education. Here theoretical propaganda must be reinforced by the example of the best conducted educational institutions of the Soviet Power. Only too often, the unsatisfactory condition of the homes; crèches, kindergartens, etc., deters parents from entrusting their children to these. It must be the task of the Communist Party, and especially of the women's sections, to induce parents to strive for the improvement of social education, not by holding aloof from it, but by sending their children to the appropriate institutions, and by exercising the widest possible control over them through parents' organizations. If you adhere to the above position, you are a committed communist. If you see the error in this logic, become immediately dedicated to “Setting Brushfires of Freedom” in the minds of others. Your individual efforts are essential. All Freedom Loving Americans, yes each individual one, must understand that the primary component of a free society is the individual and individual liberty.
“It is impossible to conquer a nation determined to be free!” Thomas Paine
“Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.” Benjamin Franklin We must ask ourselves, what does it mean to be free, what does it mean to have liberty. “Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’, because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.’ “— Thomas Jefferson Our Declaration of Independence states unequivocally that our rights are given to us by our Creator. These rights are liberty, life, and the pursuit of happiness, or as John Locke defined it, life, liberty, and property. The only role government is to ever play in our rights, is to protect those rights so as to assure they are never infringed. When government starts to infringe upon our rights, taking rights from us for whatever reason, government is becoming more and more tyrannical. The more and more government would dictate to the people how they are to live their lives, how they are to think, the less free are the people and the more powerful or tyrannical is the government. We are told that freedom is given away by the people more than it is taken by government. This happens as people look to government to provide for them, as people believe the lie that government is their partner or friend, or that government has their best interest at heart. The entity that can, does, and has enslaved a people is government. The reality of government is best stated this way: “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.” Thomas Paine "When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." Thomas Jefferson When a people become compliant to the mandates of government, when a people accept the excuses of government for its failures, when a people when denounce other people for bringing to light the failures of government, you have a people who is rejecting freedom and desiring tyranny. That the United States has a certain segment of the population that is desiring tyranny and rejecting freedom was made evident once again to me. I had written on Facebook that when I went to the store to buy bananas and eggs, the shelves were devoid of bananas and eggs. An individual told me this was the fault of the hens, Dole, and Costa Rica and I should not imply that this was due to the political situation in the United States. The person told me I should be a big person, take my tissues, and go to sleep. When people “become a big person, take their tissues, and go to sleep,” they will wake up as slaves to the tyranny of government. This is why it is so critical that we Freedom Loving Americans become even more tireless and keen on “Setting Brushfires of Freedom” in the minds of others. A compliant people will become an enslaved people. A people who trusts government and believe that government is their friend, a people who believe government has their best interest at heart and defends the failures of government, is a people who is surrendering freedom for slavery. They are the people to pity and to fear. It is too bad that the obvious evidence that the election was stolen did not bring this response immediately. Instead, it has taken the deliberate efforts to destroy the institutions of our nation that protect our freedom and liberty by the collectivist or communist dominated illegitimate Biden regime and deep state. The evidence that the election was stolen was obvious by the morning of November 4th. We saw the videos of the communist transformation movement covering the windows and refusing any observation of the vote counters. We saw the dramatic and obviously false numbers after the vote count halts when Trump had locked the election.
Since that day, we have had thousands of signed affidavits validating that the election was stolen. We have had expert after expert proving that the vote counting machines were hooked to the internet and manipulated from many different countries, including China. The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable. And yet, many people, including RINO’s have refused to acknowledge hard factual evidence. It is reminiscent of people calling a male a female or vice versa, despite the biological differences proven by science. And so, we had a clearly fraudulent election and an individual who was declared winner by the vote counters and not the voters, inaugurated. An individual who has been a liar and deceiver throughout his political career, an individual who has benefited from his political positions by using his family to sell influence, an individual who has shown pedophilia tendencies, and an individual who has always suffered from intellectual incompetence that has been exasperated by age, was the benefactor of the stolen election and his policies are destroying our nation and completing the transformation of the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state. As the United States is now the replica of the fall of Rome, the people are recognizing the obvious. Thirty-five percent of registered voters said the results of the 2020 presidential election should be overturned, according to a new poll, nearly nine months after Congress certified President Biden's Electoral College win. The poll, conducted by Politico and Morning Consult, found that 22 percent of registered voters said the results of the 2020 presidential election should “definitely” be overturned, and 13 percent of those polled said they should “probably” be overturned. These numbers will continue to climb, not because more evidence will be revealed, the proof is abundantly clear, but because the policies of the unelected president will continue to destroy our nation, our families, and our lives. If Americans had been objective and honest before the 2020 election, and had been objective and honest on November 4th and the weeks following, the election would have gone to the House of Representatives per the Constitution. That having not happened, we will have to have a complete redo including the house and senate seats. With that action, the president will change, and the house and senate majorities and leadership will change. Let us hope it is not to late to save our Republic. Yes, there is good news. Oh yes, I understand that the United States is very close to going over the edge to outright tyranny. Some would claim that we have gone over that edge, and they have solid reasons to state such. I have been a voice in the wilderness for decades warning that this day is coming, and nobody would listen. In fact, even fellow Freedom Loving Americans would patronize me. I take no joy and will not chide people with I told you so. I will continue to be that voice in the wilderness, however, that wilderness is becoming less and less a wilderness.
I write books, write on this web site, participate in radio programs, and speak to different groups, primarily Republican women. The reception when speaking has changed. Years ago, people would comment on the wonderful history lesson they had received and were delighted with the passion with which I spoke. The comments inferred that it is good to be aware of the potential danger, but the collectivist or communist takeover would never happen in the United States. This perception has changed. It was changing during the Obama years, and then subsided during the Trump years. The perception has now become reality in the last several months. The transformation of the United States, which has been happening for over 100 years, is now recognized by all. Freedom Loving Americans are now Lexington and Concord colonists. The realization that government unchecked, will always become tyrannical. The realization is that those founders and authors of the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights knew what they were doing. I have heard stories, stories that the news does not report, of parents saying that they will no longer tolerate their kids being indoctrinated by the collectivist movement. I have heard of people actually attending school board meetings and acting like we see in the Louden School District. People are seeking to learn more about this evil the American Left is proposing for our nation. These people are not interested in the bumper sticker or thirty second sound bite understanding, but they demand a much deeper understanding so they can refute the lies being told to Americans by the transformation movement. It is so encouraging when people today are not making excuses for why they cannot or will not set brushfires of freedom in the minds of their fellow Americans, but they are seeking to learn how they can be more proficient in doing so. The Americans understand that to remain free is not a generation away, but is months, weeks, or days away. These people clearly see what President Trump exposed, and that is that the transformation movement, mostly under Obama, firmly and deeply established a deep state that believes they are the sovereign and Americans are their servants; that Americans must act and think as the deep state dictates. I have become encouraged and hopeful, that in fact, we Freedom Loving Americans of today will have the same resolve and dedication to freedom, to liberty, to individualism, and to abolish all forms of tyranny that our founders had. Like the Revolution, this will not be an easy or a short conflict. We can not shrink but must take to heart the words of Thomas Paine, as did the colonists, when he wrote: “THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.” If you are a Freedom Loving American, ask yourself what you are doing to refute the communist transformation movement of the American Left. If you are a part of the new wave of freedom fighters, always ask yourself what more you can do. Every Freedom Loving American must be a part, “of the tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of all.” The fight for freedom and liberty is a worthy and noble cause which requires dedication, resolve, and action. The alternative is simple, it is evil, and it brings destruction to a nation, to families, and to individuals. Each must ask themselves what they desire, freedom or slavery to the state. If you choose freedom, you must dedicate yourself to that proposition. If you choose slavery, you need not do anything, the tyrants, the deep state will place you in slavery and needs no help from you, just your compliance and apathy is sufficient. The United States has many problems today. However, I cannot think of one that has not been caused by government. Since government has caused the problems, we must immediately begin to reduce the size of government. We must systematically reduce regulations. We must eliminate laws and not create new laws. We must return sovereignty back to the people and place government as the servant with its purpose of protecting the American people from foreign invasion and protecting the rights and liberties endowed to the people by God.
That being said, let us look at some immediate problems and how to correct them. High energy costs. The price of oil went over $85 today on its way to $100 plus. The solution is simple. Allow energy producers to produce and make America energy independent and an exporter of natural gas and oil. Inflation. Require government spending to be reduced every year by 1% of GNP until we have reached our goal of no more than 2% of GNP to be consumed by the government. This would mean no spending on illegal aliens, limitations on welfare, limitations on unemployment, and no spending on ridiculous programs like those Fauci promoted. Our open border. We must build the wall. We must enforce our immigration laws. We must enforce the stay in Mexico policy. We must not reward people for breaking our laws by handing them funds and relocating them within the United States. Our broken supply chain. This is very simple to correct. Allow independent owners in California to go to the ports and transport goods from the ports. Do not require that they be employees of companies that are union. Our poor education system which has become an indoctrination system. Eliminate the federal government from having any involvement in education. This would mean that the Department of Education be immediately eliminated. The break down of our election system. Remove the federal government from having any say in how elections are handled. Follow the United States Constitution by leaving election rules to the states. Enforce election laws regardless of the party who broke the law. Encourage all states to use only paper ballots and hand count as is done in every other civilized nation. Racism. Eliminate all mandates on that use race as a criteria. Most importantly, start to stress and educate to follow the dream of Martin Luther King Jr. that all people should be judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Crime problem. Enforce the laws. Allow those who have been harmed because a DA or other government official, including a judge, did not enforce the law, to be sued by the damaged party. The sure-fire way to cure crime, and many other problems, is to remove all restrictions on individuals being allowed to freely worship God. If we followed the Great Commandment as individuals and as a nation and Loved the Lord our God with all of our heart and soul and we loved our neighbor as ourselves, we would be the most crime free and problem free nation in the world. Samuel Adams said, “It is high time the people of this country explicitly declare if they will be free or slaves.” The people of all countries must make this choice. If the people do not explicitly declare, they will become slaves. History has proven that when a people become uninterested, uninformed, and uninvolved, those in government will take more and more freedom and impose more and more rules on the people. Bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts are predominantly collectivists and not individualists. Collectivism calls for surrender of individual rights to the state for the good of all, while individualism calls for freedom of choice by individuals which also requires that each individual take responsibility for the consequences of their choices; positive or negative.
A simple summary is that collectivism is slavery and individualism is freedom. The United States was founded on individualist principles, and flourished as an individualist or free nation. The American left, as do all good collectivists, is calling for a transition of the United States from an individualist nation to a collectivist nation. This is why we see so many policies of the American Left follow the teachings of Karl Marx and practices of nations such as the Soviet Union and its satellites, Nazi Germany, Communist China, Cuba, Venezuela, and the others. History has proven that collectivism has only resulted in a nation of a controlled or enslaved population that is poverty stricken, crime invested, despondent, desperate, and non-productive, while the few elites live a special and privileged existence with riches and power. Individualism has resulted in societies that flourish with a rising living standard for all, low poverty, low crime, a vibrant and innovative people, and a free people to learn and expand their minds without government restrictions or regulations. IT IS TIME WE AMERICANS CHOOSE, will we be free or slaves, will we be individualists or collectivists, will we have less government or more government, will we have more choices on how we live and think or will we surrender more and more to government controls, will we again seek for free and open education or will we support indoctrination, and will we choose to negate the transformation to a Marxist totalitarian state or to follow the lead of the American left and become a Marxist totalitarian state. The American left is trying to put into place some critical criteria to complete their transformation. Understand, that all collectivist despots have accomplished their goals through indoctrination of the public, by propaganda to support the indoctrinated ideology, and then intimidation to enforce their ideology. David Atkins, a newly elected California member of the Democratic National Committee, declared recently that Democrats and liberals should "start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan" in order to "deprogram 75 million people." Several far-left pundits and lawmakers have been making more bold and authoritarian statements about how to deal with President Trump’s base after he leaves office. A “cult expert” discussed how Trump supporters could be “deprogrammed”, such as “coaching” family members to “free” them from the “Trump cult.” The call on October 30, 2008, to transform the United States of America is real and it is happening. The United States can no longer be classified as an Individualist nation or a Constitutional Republic. The United States today no longer protects those liberties and rights endowed to us by our Creator. The United States today more closely adheres to the “Communist Manifesto” than it does to the United States Constitution. All of the above is irrefutable truth. OK you say what can be done. In times of great crisis, bold and decisive action must be taken. When the American Colonist chose freedom over slavery, they conceived of, drafted, and adopted the Declaration of Independence. Within that document declaring independence form the tyranny of government, they had the foresight to understand that the evils of tyranny, the evils of collectivism were not just an evil particular to their situation, but was an evil that had existed long before them and would exist long after them. They told us, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” That time has arrived. It is time to call for national elections, that is the executive and legislative branches of government. The choice must be if we will remain free or become slaves to government. The result of that election will determine our course. Remember it is not an election necessarily between Republicans and Democrats, but between Freedom Loving Americans and the American left which is comprised of the Democrat party and their surrogates such as BLM, ANTIFA, and RINO’s. If the Americans choose freedom or individualism, it will require a complete revamping of our executive and judicial branches of government with a replacement of those supporting the American left with Freedom Loving Americans. It would require that rule of law be reinstituted and adherence to the Constitution, which will result in limited government. If the American people choose slavery or collectivism, nothing will have to change. The course we are taking this very day has us on the path to slavery or collectivism. Biden, yes, but this is between Fauci and Buttigieg. OK
Fauci Dr. Anthony Fauci dismissed his critics Sunday as people who embrace "conspiracy theories" and "deny reality." Fauci was asked why he has become "so controversial," and urged Fauci to introspectively examine whether he has contributed to becoming a polarizing figure. Fauci, however, did not take the road of humility. Instead, Fauci said he could not think of a single reason why he is polarizing. "Well, I'm not so sure I could answer the latter because I can't think of anything," Fauci said, "but I'm sure some people will." Buttigieg Pete Buttigieg said that the supply chain backups at America’s ports were a product of President Joe Biden guiding the economy “out of the teeth of a terrifying recession,” which caused incomes and demand to rise. Buttigieg said, “Certainly, a lot of the challenges that we have been experiencing this year will continue into next year. But there are both short-term and long-term steps that we can take to do something about it. Part of what’s happening isn’t just the supply side. It’s the demand side. Demand is off the charts. Retail sales are through the roof. If you think about those images of ships, for example, waiting at anchor on the west coast, every one of those ships is full of record amounts of goods that Americans are buying, because demand is up, because income is up, because the president has successfully guided this economy out of the teeth of a terrifying recession. Now the issue is, even though our ports are handling more than they ever have, record amounts of goods coming through, our supply chains can’t keep up. Of course, our supply chains – that’s a complicated system that is mostly in private hands and rightly so. Our role is to be an honest broker, bring together all of the players, secure commitments, and get solutions that will make it easier.” These are answers and explanations fit for Pravda. Collectivists are masters at rationalization and justification, actually fiction and lies. This is an article I wrote that was published in the PPJ Gamete on November 14, 2014
THE MESSAGE OF THE VOTERS We were told by Obama that even though he was not on the ballot, his policies were. Yes, they were and the message of the election was loud and clear; America does not like the Marxist policies of the Obama regime. Even though the message was clear, the question is did the leaders of the Republican Party hear and understand the message. We already know Obama did not hear, did not understand, or chose to ignore the message.What really was the message? It was very simple. The American voter said now that we see how this fundamental transformation that was promised looks, we do not like it. The American voter said we prefer the type of government and society our founders established. They established three basic principles that are excellent for a prosperous, free, and great country and we want these reestablished. The three basic concepts the founders instituted had never been tried before the founders said we think this type of government and country will allow individual citizens to flourish and prosper and by being individuals they will establish a great and powerful nation. How correct the founders were. Unfortunately, others came along and said what the founders had established needed to be fundamentally transformed. They said what the founders did created a selfish and greedy people who refused to conform to the concept of subjugation to a government and community, as opposed to being a unique and non-conforming individual; the very essence of American greatness. The three concepts that have been so criticized, ridiculed, and used as scapegoats for anything the Marxist/Progressive have found objectionable are the primary principles of: Rule of law as opposed to arbitrary law Limited government as opposed to large centralized and controlling government The governed being the ruler and the governors being the servant It is these principles the voters said needed to be restored. If the Republicans truly heard this message, we will see real and immediate actions to reestablish these sound principles. In the case of rule of law versus arbitrary law we will see the congress insist on that the arbitrary changes the Obama regime has made in Obamacare, immigration, tax law, EPA regulations, IRS regulations, and all other arbitrary law be rescinded immediately. For instance, with the EPA and the IRS, the congress will establish that a citizen does not carry the burden of proof but the burden of proof be placed on the government as the constitution requires. The congress will insist that the border be protected and all the arbitrary immigration dictates cease and be rescinded as current law dictates. Congress will require that all laws passed and all future laws apply to all citizens regardless of position. All elected officials and government employees must adhere to and live under the same law as citizens; there will be no exceptions including health care. This will certainly be a start to reestablish rule of law as opposed to arbitrary law. The concept of limited government was crucial to the founders and crucial to the growth of our country. The constitution enumerates the powers of the central government and the tenth amendment reinforces that it is those powers and only those powers the central government has. Immediately we know the federal government was never given the power to be involved in any way the health care of the citizens. If government was to be involved it would be only the state government. Obamacare should immediately be abolished as should the Department of Health and Human Resources, which is unconstitutional. The federal government was never given the authority to be involved in agriculture; to tell individual farmers what they could plant or raise or how much. In a free enterprise system this would be determined by the market place. The Department of Agriculture is unconstitutional and should be abolished. Any government involvement in agriculture would be in the province of the state. The federal government was never given the power to be involved in the education of the citizen. The founders were strong advocates of education and we saw this belief in education continue on through our history. The United States had for years been recognized as having the finest educational system in the world. This educations system was under the province of the states and the people as the founders intended. It was not until the federal government became involved in education and the advent of teacher unions became prevalent that our education system started on its downward trek. The new congress, if they heard the voters, would abolish the bloated and unconstitutional Department of Education and restore all facets of education to the states and the people. The states should then follow the leadership of Scott Walker in Wisconsin and make membership in a union and payment of dues to such union an individual choice by the individual teacher. The congress should also require a new concept of budgeting where budgets of all agencies must be submitted and substantiated. We would no longer have automatic increases in budgets. Congress should also immediately follow the same path Scott Walker took in Wisconsin and make any membership in a union for a federal employee to be an individual decision along with payment of dues. The individual member would submit his dues to the union directly and there would be no government assistance in the collection of dues. These would be a sound start to a limited government and we the voters would receive the message that we were heard. The third principle that must be restored is that the people are the rulers and the government is the servant. This was a primary reason the Revolutionary War was fought. The idea that the government could control the daily activities of the citizen was reprehensible to the likes of Sam Adams, Nathan Hale, Paul Revere, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock, James Madison, Patrick Henry, and we can go on and on. They were willing to risk fortune and life for individual liberty and self-determination. A great and free society requires this concept; a Marxist totalitarian society must abolish this concept because it cannot exist under it. What this idea of a government ruled by the people means is that the government be open and transparent. The bureaucracy must fully and totally disclose to those who control it, much like the documents of an employee are the property of the employer, so the documents of the government bureaucracy are the property of the people. When the representatives of the people ask for those records they wish to review, those records must be surrendered immediately and entirely. When the servants in the government are asked questions, they are expected to and should be required to give complete and honest answers. If they do not, congress must insist these people be treated as the liars and traitors they are. Yes, they are traitors. A traitor is a person who betrays a person, a cause, or a trust. This bureaucrat who misled or deceived his sovereign would have betrayed his sovereign, the cause of rule by the people, and the trust of the people and is therefore a traitor. These concepts and ideas are fundamental to the essence of the United States of America. The voters said we want these fundamentals restored; we do not wish to be fundamentally transformed to a totalitarian Marxist state as Obama and the Marxist/Progressives promised and are doing. Did the Republican Party hear? It is our duty as Freedom Loving Americans to constantly remind them and hold them accountable to the voting public lest they forget. During the Q and A portion of my talk the other day, the question was asked as to how we avoid the ostracization and demonization of the left when we oppose their enslaving principles. The answer is simply that we do not. This has always been a tactic used by the collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat – all the same) movement.
Intimidation is a critical part of the collectivists enslaving the American people to their demands and mandates. The collectivist believes that it is their policies that will bring total harmony to society. This harmony is achieved when all people are not only compliant to but enthusiastic about all people surrendering their individual liberties, rights, and desires to the dictates of the Communist (American left) party for the good of the community. The elites of the party, that being the academics and oligarchs, understand what is best for all. What is best for all is total conformity to the ideals of the collectivists. Collectivists believe that all people being slaves to the state will result in total harmony. The Individualist believes that all people must be encouraged and enabled to live their own lives, to have their own thoughts, and to pursue their own happiness. This is being free. Samuel Adams told the American Colonist, “It is high time that the people of this country explicitly declare whether they will be free or slaves.” This is the very situation in which the American people find themselves today. Will we be free and follow the ideals established by our forefathers that all rights and liberties come from God and not government, and that we will be a republic and not a democracy. The Democrat party is at the forefront of transforming the United States from a Constitutional Republic to a Marxist totalitarian state. They have in fact made great progress. They have done this negating and diminishing their two primary enemies; the Bible and our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States. We are witnessing today, some repudiation of the American Left’s policies. Several things have encouraged Americans to declare that they choose to be free. The great failure of the illegitimate president is at the forefront of this rejection. As the American people exercise their Constitutionally guaranteed rights, those rights that are given to us by God and not government, the proponents of the transformation movement have and will continue to become even more desperate. Cancel culture, imprisoning opponents, demonizing and ostracizing, and verbal attacks will become more and more severe. If Freedom Loving Americans capitulate to this increasing intimidation, we will surrender to the American Left and we will become slaves to the state just as have all people who have succumbed to the desired Marxist totalitarian state. Freedom Loving Americans will suffer as have all peoples who desired freedom. History has taught us that to be slaves to the state is very simple, just capitulate and conform. To be free, however, requires constant vigilance and sacrifice. Patrick Henry told the American Colonists, “They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.” Thomas Paine told the Americans at a very low time during the American Revolution, “THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.” And in Matthew 5: 11-12 we are told “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.” And Ronald Reagan explained to the American people that, "Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom, and then lost it, have never known it again." Yes, when we declare that we choose freedom, we will be demonized, ostracized, and intimidated by those who want to transform the United States from a Constitutional Republic with its foundation being the Bible and our founding documents (the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution) to a Marxist totalitarian state. We cannot be a summer soldier or sunshine patriot, but must be firm and strong striving for the reward of withstanding the persecution, insults, and false attacks. I choose freedom, and you??? All aspiring tyrants imprison opponents. Putin is an aspiring tyrant. Putin puts his opponents in prison. The Democrats are aspiring tyrants. Democrats put their opponents in prison.
Russian prison service designates opposition leader Alexey Navalny a terrorist Russia's prison officials have labeled jailed Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny an extremist and a terrorist. Navalny, who has now spent nearly nine months behind bars in Russia, has been previously regarded as a flight risk and was subject to constant checks, including nighttime raids by guards. He said on Instagram that he recently had been summoned before a committee that voted unanimously to change his status. "Now there is just a sign over my bunk bed saying that I am a terrorist," Navalny said in the post. Russian prison service designates opposition leader Alexey Navalny a terrorist Russia's prison officials have labeled jailed Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny an extremist and a terrorist. Navalny, who has now spent nearly nine months behind bars in Russia, has been previously regarded as a flight risk and was subject to constant checks, including nighttime raids by guards. He said on Instagram that he recently had been summoned before a committee that voted unanimously to change his status. "Now there is just a sign over my bunk bed saying that I am a terrorist," Navalny said in the post, published with the help of his lawyers. He made fun of the announcement, saying that he welcomed the decision as his new status means he will no longer be subjected to stringent checks. "I counted that I've said the phrase 'Alexey Anatolyevich Navalny, born in 1976, illegally held on the territory of IK-2' to a video recorder 1669 times as they check every two hours that you haven't escaped," the post said. "And I'm terribly tired of it." "And with the extremism label, it's a bliss. Nobody checks me. I was afraid that they would demand that I kiss Putin's portraits and memorize Medvedev's quotes, but this is not necessary either." Democrat Coup: January 6th Political Prisoners STILL In Solitary, Mistreated, Abused – Only Given Nation Of Islam Newspaper To Read. One of the political prisoners, who was arrested in February and is reportedly being held without bond, claimed in a letter that the Justice Department is trying to break him. “In the last 7 months I have experienced and witnessed the most inhumane and hateful treatment of my 34 years of life,” he wrote. “The DOJ and the Biden Administration are doing everything in their power to break me.” While 650 people have been arrested and charged with crimes related to the events on Jan. 6, the FBI has yet to charge anyone with insurrection. In fact, it was reported last month that the FBI found scant evidence that the storming of the Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result. Most of those arrested face charges like entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds without lawful authority — essentially trespassing — or disorderly and disruptive conduct. Both aspiring tyrants, Putin, and the Democrats, defend their actions. They claim their actions have been taken against extremists and enemies of the people. I can not think of one aspiring tyrant or tyrant who did and does not make the same claim as they jail any who dare to oppose their dictates. |
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