This week on Thursday is the day we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The American Colonists signed that declaration to let the whole world, including King George III, know that this group of people will no longer be subjugated to a government telling them how they were to live their lives and what they were to think. From July 4th of 1776 on the American Colonist and all future Americans would be free and independent from the dictates of government running their individual lives.
The Declaration of Independence states among other great declarations that we are all created or born equal, that our Creator, yes God, gave us certain rights that are never to be taken from us. These rights include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Upon these great truths, and yes on the rights given to us by God, these American Colonists built a nation that truly did become that “shining city on the hill.” This nation was built on allowing and encouraging the individual to become the best they good become. This nation was built on the individual making their own choices and then that individual accepting that it was their choices that were responsible for the consequences, be they good or bad. In that same Declaration, these American Colonists chastised the tyrannical King for many of the policies they rejected because they were confining and controlling. These people said they were willing to lose all they had, including their lives, to free themselves from the shackles and bonds of government. This was why we celebrate July 4th. It represents the day a people said that less government is better government. "Our legislators are not sufficiently apprised of the rightful limits of their power: that their true office is to declare and enforce only our natural rights and duties and to take none of them from us. No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him; every man is under the natural duty of contributing to the necessities of the society, and this is all the laws should enforce on him." --Thomas Jefferson We heard it reiterated time after time on the debate stage this week and we have heard it proclaimed more and more by those in the Marxist/Progressives (Democrat) party, “the role of government is to take from those who would work and give to those who would not, the role of government is to restrict the natural rights of people, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to bring about some concept of social justice, the role of government is to punish those who pursue happiness and achieve because they are greedy and evil, the role of government is to control the lives and thoughts of the citizens so all conform to the dictates of the collective, the role of government is to become like the government headed by King George III, the government from which the American Colonists revolted. My question was what will the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) celebrate on July 4th, Independence Day? They cannot be celebrating that we are all created equally because they believe certain people should be given priorities because of an unequal status at birth. They cannot be celebrating our natural rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, because they want to take the life of the unborn, they want to restrict our liberties, including but not limited to religion and speech, and they wish to punish and demean any who pursued their happiness and were successful in achieving their happiness by taking from them, punishing them, and demeaning them. What the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) want is to revert to the time of tyrannical government where government reigns supreme and the people are the subjects of that government. This is what we heard last week and have been hearing more and more. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) should be vehemently protesting July 4th, Independence Day as did the tyrannical government of King George III. Many of them will. Those who are not and who do participate in the festivities are doing so because it is fun or because they have never read the Declaration of Independence and do not understand that it refutes the very principles of the party they support; the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party.
We heard in the “debates” many different answers as to what was the greatest threat the United States faces. “Climate change,” or weather seemed to be the most common. That is also the most politically correct answer because these candidates are pandering to a base that believes “Climate change” or weather is the best excuse to force the United States to redistribute wealth to countries. This same base would argue these countries have been victims of the evil imperialist empire, the United States. These are concepts that have come from the writings of Karl Marx and taught in the indoctrination systems, schools from preschool through universities, in the United States.
On Sept. 22, 2011, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Michael Mullen warned: “I believe the single, biggest threat to our national security is debt.” Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told lawmakers that the growing national debt is the biggest internal threat to US national security. The Brooking Institute said in 2012, “we are headed for a level of debt that within a decade could require us to spend the first trillion dollars of every year’s federal budget servicing that debt. Much less money will be left for other things. That is a prescription for a vicious cycle of underfinancing for our infrastructure, national education efforts, science research and all the other functions of government that are crucial to long-term economic growth. Robust defense spending will be unsustainable too. Once we get in this rut, getting out will be very hard.” From CNBC, “The debt has increased 123 percent over the past decade as the nation sought to break free of the financial crisis and the tepid growth that followed. Total debt is now nearly 105 percent of gross domestic product, just shy of its highest level since World War II. The most recent Congressional Budget Office projections have the trajectory leading to a debt-to-GDP ratio of 150 percent by 2047, well past the point where financial crises typically occur.” From USA Today Opinion, “Senator: Rising debt is greatest national security threat. Here's how to fix it. Great nations fall over time when they allow fiscal and economic issues to spiral past the tipping point of a crisis. We're already knee-deep. The single greatest threat to our national security is our national debt. Last month, the debt topped $20 trillion. (It now is over $22 trillion and well on its way to $23 trillion) This should have sounded alarms throughout Washington. However, it went largely unnoticed and today it’s still business as usual. All we heard during these "debates" were plans that would increase the national debt at an even quicker pace. No, the crisis of our national debt was not mentioned one time. 6/26/2019 AS WE ENTER YET ANOTHER ELECTION CYCLE, WE SHOULD TAKE TO HEART THE WORDS OF NOAH WEBSTERRead NowBefore you commit your allegiance and your vote to a candidate, step back and reflect upon the wisdom of Noah Webster.
Noah Webster In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate - look to his character. . . . When a citizen gives his suffrage to a man of known immorality he abuses his trust; he sacrifices not only his own interest, but that of his neighbor, he betrays the interest of his country. When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, "just men who will rule in the fear of God." The preservation of government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty; if the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the laws; the public revenues will be sqandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded. If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws. The most perfect maxims and examples for regulating your social conduct and domestic economy, as well as the best rules of morality and religion, are to be found in the Bible. . . . The moral principles and precepts found in the scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws. These principles and precepts have truth, immutable truth, for their foundation. . . . All the evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery and war, proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible. . . . For instruction then in social, religious and civil duties resort to the scriptures for the best precepts. This has been true of the Marxist/Progressive movement since the days of collectivist Woodrow Wilson who never allowed facts to get in the way of his racist ideas and policies. Franklin Roosevelt never allowed economic facts get in the way of his continued push toward big government becoming sovereign of the people and controlling their lives and thought. In 1938, after six years of Roosevelt’s failed policies, the United States economy was in a serious recession with unemployment as high or higher than when Roosevelt took office, and the national debt of the United States was on a projection similar to the years of Obama.
The same is true with the Marxist/Progressive (Democrats) movements on so called climate change and women’s right to choose, or more accurately a woman and her abortionist murdering the woman’s child. Climate change is a hoax to bring about more and more redistribution of wealth that has always destroyed economies that have embraced redistribution. That is simply a fact that the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) ignore. Choice of a woman is murder. Now we are learning that the leader of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party, AOC, is saying she does not want to educate herself because the facts will not support her collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat, - all virtually the same) agenda. AOC foolishly called the detention facilities on our southern border concentration camps. This is an absurd accusation, but many of her fellow collectivists supported her and none would denounce the inane comment. AOC was invited to go to Poland and to tour Auschwitz and Birkenau. Here is the opening paragraph of the letter inviting her: "Dear Congresswoman Cortez We at From The Depths, would like to invite you as our guest during your summer recess from The United Congress, to join us along with Holocaust Survivor, United States Citizen and President of From The Depths, Mr. Edward Mosberg on an educational tour, specifically built for legislators, of the German Nazi Concentration Camps. The educational tour will visit Mauthausen, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek Concentration Camps, amongst many other educational sites." AOC’s response was not to bother her with facts because apparently facts are part of a right-wing conspiracy. This sounds like Hilary Clinton. This is how the collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats, - all virtually the same) have operated. They start to stifle free speech and censor anything that does not support their agenda. We in the United States are witnessing a repeat of history. The saddest part of this replay is that so many Freedom Loving Americans have buried their heads in the sand because they do not want to be the target of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) and their demeaning and accusatory attacks. People in many other nations also remained silent before they became the people sent to the concentration camps and gulags which are a part of the collectivist takeover. Congressional leaders and the Trump administration left a critical meeting on Wednesday still with no budget agreement, deadlocked over how much to raise domestic spending to avoid a fiscal calamity.
Given the lack of progress, administration officials are pitching a short-term agreement to avoid breaching the debt ceiling and blunt budget cuts from the sequester in the fall. It’s uncertain whether Democrats will agree. “We are taking sequester off the table. We are prepared to do a one-year CR with a one-year debt ceiling,” said Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. “The president has every intention of keeping the government open.” The responsible action is to break this pattern of continuing resolutions which just keep increasing spending and raising the national debt. Constantly we are given examples of waste and fraud within every department of our federal government. Estimates of $100 billion annually are minimum estimates. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) and the Republican establishment keep calling for bigger and bigger government. If this was your business President Trump, you would require a budget from every project in your company and then you would scrutinize that budget and require documented justification for the expenditures. Please do the same with the federal government. Give bonuses to those departments that cut their budgets. Congress has passed a bill that became law that requires sequestration when a resolution can not be reached. It was one of the few responsible actions congress has done recently. Let’s utilize this responsible action. If you explained it to the American people, you would have an overwhelming favorable response. We Americans believe that what we earn is ours. When the government confiscates our hard-earned income, we resent the federal government wasting what we have donated to the government and then the government asking for more and not being responsible. Waste and Fraud are rampant, and you are the only person that has been in the Oval Office with the backbone to attack it since President Reagan. Please, use sequestration, it is appropriate and it is responsible. I wish to bring to your attention that the question is “can we talk” and not “may we talk”. Are we in the United States capable of talking and perhaps even reasoning with each other? I do not think so. Some time ago I wrote about one of the major problems we face in our nation. That major problem is that we have political movements with totally different end goals. Our framers also had different political agendas, but they had one common goal. The founders common goal was to build a unified nation that adhered to rule of law, functioned with a limited government, maintained a divided government, functioned with people as sovereign and government as servant, and protect the natural rights of man given by the Creator of life, liberty, and property. Please note, I said protect and not regulate or control.
A society can never function as a free society where there is open and condoned calls for the breakdown of society, open disrespect and disregard for fair and transparent government, open disrespect and disregard for the maintenance of civil discourse, and open calls for hostility against public law enforcement. This is why we in America have come to the point where we “can not talk.” We have one political arm that has openly called for a complete breakdown in our government and open attacks on our law enforcement. We are witnessing the fallout of a regime that had as its goal to turn the bureaucracy into an arm of a political movement and not to operate as servants to the people, thus replacing the people as sovereign with the political movement replacing the people. This same regime openly called for attacks by militant groups, such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa, against our local and state police departments. This regime and movement now openly support the movements that would abandoned our basic principles as outlined in our founding documents, The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the Untied States, and the Bill of Rights, and replace them with total government control of the lives and thoughts of the people. The other political movement advocates for the continued adherence to our founding principles of rule of law, limited government, divided government, sovereignty of the people, and individualism. These two movements have goals that are polar opposites; one believes government operates as a servant of the people and the other believes government is the sovereign and people are the servants. No longer do we in the Untied States have a common goal with only differences in how to reach that goal. This difference is clearly shown in our treatment as a community and as a nation, a situation that exhibits the result of the prior regime calling on open hostility toward our local police forces. That this incident did not receive national attention and then be roundly denounced by every political movement and aspiring candidate for state or national office, tells us that certain political movements, the supporting press, and those who are called leaders, support along with the prior regime, a complete and total breakdown of our current society so their socially just, classless, conforming, equal, or communist society can be built. The incident about which I am speaking took place in the Capital city of what is quickly becoming a communist society, Sacramento, California. From the public statement by Sacramento PD: On June 19, 2019, the Sacramento Police Department received a call regarding a disturbance between a male and a female. Officers made contact with the involved female at a residence in the 3700 block of Esperanza Drive. Officers then responded to a residence in the 200 block of Redwood Avenue to standby while the involved female gathered some belongings from a residence. At approximately 6:10 p.m., officers on scene reported shots had been fired, and an officer was struck by gun fire. The officer who was shot, Tara Christina O'Sullivan succumbed to her injuries after being transported to the hospital. The suspect, 45-year old Adel Sambrano Ramos, was booked into the Sacramento County Main Jail on charges relating to the murder of Officer O'Sullivan. A video shows the attitude of people toward those police officers assisting the lady and then cheering because an officer had been shot. The video shows the residents taunting the cops, praising the shooting of the officer, and even threatening police with more violence. “Take that gun off. I'll whoop your little butt," one woman's voice can be heard saying. “All y'all cowards." Keep in mind those cowards were there to protect a female victim of domestic violence as she attempted to leave a bad situation. It is a miracle that the victim was not also wounded or killed by the ambush shooter. This is the behavior supported and encouraged by the previous regime. This is the behavior supported and encouraged by the political movement calling for a complete breakdown and revamping of our current free society. This the behavior supported and encouraged by current candidates seeking higher office under the banner of that political movement that has openly called for our society to become a society with a sovereign government and the people as servants to that government. Yes, the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) openly call for and demand a complete breakdown of our society, open attacks on our local and statewide police departments, a total abandoning of our principles of rule of law, limited government, divided government, sovereignty of the people, and individualism. The Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) movement is demanding our nation become a collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive - all virtually the same) movement where government dictates how each person lives their lives and what thoughts they have. Yes, the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are demanding we come under the rule of the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat." The terribly insensitive and misleading statement by AOC about concentration camps is made even worse because her fellow comrades such as Nadler and Pelosi have agreed with her and have not denounced her. This is wrong in every possible way anybody could even imagine. And the saddest part of it is that the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are now allowing their heartfelt anti-Semitic positions to be on full display along with their anti-American prejudices of placing political power above the good of the country is also on full display. These displays of poor judgement and their demand to gain power by enslaving the American citizens to the dependence of government, exhibit how false their pathetic statements are about freedom for the people.
I have been very fortunate, primarily because I have made it a priority, to have been able to travel extensively, especially throughout Europe. This has been very enlightening. I have seen poverty and third world conditions, and yes, the situations in many of our great cities like New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco resembles third world countries. I have been able to speak with people who suffered under government oppression, the same oppression advocated by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) for the United States, in places like Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Hungary, and so many more. I have had conversations with youth in many of these same countries as well as Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and more. They long for the freedom and opportunity we in the United States have. It has made me understand just how lucky we who are citizens of this country really are. Do not listen to the lies of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) how we should change just so they can have power and control our lives. I have been in places where my only response as to what was it like was that it was overwhelming. Two of those overwhelming experiences were being in actual concentration camps. The other was being in Jerusalem. The overwhelming feeling in Jerusalem was completely different from the concentration camps. To have walked the streets where Jesus walked, to be on the Mount of Olives, and to be in the Garden of Gethsemane was wonderfully overwhelming. To walk the streets of Buchenwald and observe the pictures of mans cruelty to man was very sobering, but to walk the streets of Auschwitz, to go into the buildings and see the piles of human hair, the piles of shoes, the piles of discarded clothes and toys, to be in the yards where people were shot, to go to Birkenau and see the train tracks, walk on the platform where people were separated, to walk to the gas chambers, to be in the barracks, and to hear the stories was indeed life changing. Every American should make this a priority. It is not fun or enjoyable in any manner, but it will change you. I now realize just how desperate the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) really are. I now realize that the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) will stoop to the very depths of hell to gain an inch to bring about the very social and economic system that brought about the likes of concentration camps. We Freedom Loving Americans were told that Freedom is never assured nor is it free, but it must be won by every generation because there are the likes of Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) who want to take it from us simply because they desire control and power. So many questions and so few answers. Please, both you on the left and you on the right, help this Freedom Loving American understand.
The first two question are perhaps questions to which only God knows the answer, but if anybody can give me more insight, it would be greatly appreciated. How does Earth hang in space and always at the proper distance from the sun to bring about the different seasons at the proper time in both hemispheres? How does the mind of a woman really work and how can a man understand all the nuances? Is it possible? These are questions to help this Freedom Loving American understand how the minds of those on the left come to their conclusions. Why do those on the left despise the Jewish people? What have they done to have earned this hatred? Do you on the left really fear the Jewish people? The Jewish people do not commit terrorist attacks. The Jewish people are not aggressors but will react when attacked. The Jewish people are smart and industrious. The Jewish people are good citizens of any country in which they reside. Why do you on the left despise them so? What do you on the left consider to be a lie? If I say that I believe a certain person is a good person, do you consider that to be lie or an opinion? If a person states something is a fact knowing that it is not, such as if you like your plan you can keep it, is that a lie? Why is it OK to apply different standards such as who has the burden of proof? You seem to believe the rule of law, or where the burden of proof lies is different in different situations? For instance, in the case of Kavanaugh the women were to be believed and Kavanagh had to prove his innocence, yet in the case of Clinton he was to be believed and the women had to prove their accusations. What am I missing? When I am paid for performing work, whose earnings are those, mine or the governments? Am I a racist if I believe individuals of all races are to be treated as equals and to give advantages to certain individuals because they are a member of a certain race is actually racism? Is it unfair to believe we all should have the freedom to make our decisions and that each individual is responsible for the consequences of those decision, be they good or bad? Is it unfair of me to believe that because a person made bad decisions for whatever reason, and the consequences of those decisions are not favorable, that society as a whole is the responsible party and the individual who made the bad decisions is a victim? I have so many more questions, but this should be a good start. I am really hoping that some will give me answers to these questions. The public-school system is no longer a system of education. The public-school system is an indoctrination system. We hear these people make the most foolish and outlandish statements because they have been indoctrinated to believe that freedom is bad and government enslavement is good.
I have made the statement about AOC, somewhat in jest, that I like her because she is cute, she has great energy, and she is the gift that just keeps on giving. Her foolish statements on socialism are no different from the foolish statements made by the likes of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Barack Obama, and all the other collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats – all virtually the same), but she states them with so much more energy and in almost incomprehensible manner just as do so many of her fellow products of the public-school system. They cannot complete a thought without using “like” or “you know” at least twice. After they have completed their incomplete sentence and thought, they must explain what they “were trying to say.” Much of what AOC has said, we can dismiss as nonsense coming from a naive product of the indoctrinating public-school system. Her latest claims are examples of the lies the indoctrinating public-school system is teaching as they attempt to rewrite history. Her inane comments: Detention centers holding undocumented immigrants on the southern border are "exactly" like concentration camps, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said in an Instagram Live video. The freshman lawmaker also said President Trump is a fascist, underscoring her argument that what is happening in the United States has parallels to Nazi Germany and other fascist states. “The U.S. is running concentration camps on our southern border, and that is exactly what they are," the freshman lawmaker said. “If that doesn’t bother you ... I want to talk to the people that are concerned enough with humanity to say that ‘never again’ means something. “The fact that concentration camps are now an institutionalized practice in the ‘Home of the Free’ is extraordinarily disturbing, and we need to do something about it,” she added. “I don’t use those words lightly. I don’t use those words to just throw bombs. I use that word because that is what an administration that creates concentration camps is,” she said. “A presidency that creates concentration camps is fascist, and it’s very difficult to say that.” It is obvious this foolish young indoctrinated individual has no idea what a concentration camp is or what the policies of Hitler and the Nazi’s were. I would strongly suggest that AOC and anybody that would use concentration camps as a comparison, go to Auschwitz and walk those grounds, hear what happened, see the piles of human hair, discarded shoes, bullet holes in walls, destroyed gas chambers, and barracks where people were kept until it was their time to be killed. AOC, you are not only displaying your naivete, but you are inaccurately portraying and minimizing one of the most horrible times of man’s inhumanity to man. You also have a completely distorted picture of Hitler and his Nazi party. Hitler advocated the same polices you tout, socialist policies. Hitler took all guns from his people, he had complete control of the economic system with a ruthless central planning system, he provided free health care, he provided free education, he had an indoctrinating school system, he outlawed any speech he considered to be hateful or offensive, he declared loyalty to government must be the people’s first loyalty, even superior to God. Yes AOC, Hitler’s government was exactly what you and your other Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) want for the United States. You do have the freedom in the Untied States to make these foolish, outlandish, and inaccurate claims. In order to protect my freedom of speech, I must protect yours. I cannot demand, but I can suggest however, that you educate yourself since the public-school system did not. Go, travel, see, and learn from those who lived under the tyranny you now want for the United States. Go to Auschwitz and learn what a concentration camp is. Go to Eastern Europe, talk to the people, and learn what it was truly like to live under the type of government you want for the United States. If you will do this, I predict you will no longer make such inane comments in the future. Elizabeth Warren has proposed a sweeping new program for free college and student loan debt cancellation. Warren proposed canceling up to $50,000 worth of student loan debt for households making less than $100,000, which she estimates would wipe out educational debt entirely for more than 75% of Americans. Canceled debt would be tax-free, and the plan would be accessible for both publicly- and privately held student loan debt.
The plan also would be for the federal government to pick up part of the tab for those carrying student loan debt making over $100,000 in household income, but at a lesser rate — the plan would phase out $1 for every $3 above $100,000 in household income. There would be no debt cancellation for households with more than $250,000 in income. Get Secure Financial Aid established a guaranteed student loan program that extends loans that are federal or state funded loans for students looking to finance their college education. They are distinct from personal, private or alternative loans in that they are backed by government funds. This act effectively established a government bank for student loans. If you do not have a good credit score and are looking for loans, the best option would be to apply for federal student loans. These loans are "need-based" and require no credit check. Your income level does not affect your eligibility for a federal education loan. The loan will not be denied. The federal student loan program is what collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats – all virtually the same) have advocated since the days of Karl Marx. In the Communist Manifesto Marx called for the government to have a monopoly on all lending. This is the exact statement: Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. This is a great way to share wealth as Elizabeth Warren is advocating. Not only is she advocating for sharing the wealth, but she is advocating what all collectivists advocate which is irresponsibility. The collectivists said to students come one come all and get whatever money you want. That is irresponsible on the part of the collectivists. Now the collectivists are claiming, as you would expect, that these students are victims and the debt the collectivists extended irresponsibly, the same debt the students irresponsibly accepted, should be forgiven. This is the foolishness of the left. This is why socialism, yes Bernie even Democratic Socialism, always fails. So called “sharing the wealth” always brings about a failed society with a collapsed financial system. Practicing and advocating irresponsibility is a road to devastation, it is “The Road To Tyranny.” |
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