Throughout history we have seen tyrants use indoctrination, propaganda, and intimidation as the means toward their ends of total domination. The American left, whose end goal is to transform the United States from a republic, to democracy, to socialism, to communism, is using the same tools to achieve the same goal. They have been doing so for at least 100 years, but never so blatantly as they are currently.
Indoctrination is the process of inculcating ideas, attitudes, cognitive strategies, or a professional methodology. It is often distinguished from education by the fact that the indoctrinated person is expected not to question or critically examine the doctrine with which they have been indoctrinated. Indoctrination is telling people what to think as opposed to teaching them how to think. Censorship is a critical element of indoctrination. Our school system has been transformed from a system of education into a system of indoctrination. Indoctrination is the reason Lenin could make the claim, ““Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” Propaganda is the dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumors, half-truths, or lies—to influence public opinion. It is the effort to manipulate people’s beliefs, attitudes. Propagandists have a specified goal or set of goals. To achieve these, they deliberately select facts, arguments, and displays of symbols and present them in ways they think will have the most effect. To maximize effect, they may omit or distort pertinent facts or simply lie, and they try to divert the attention of the people from everything but their own propaganda. Primary propaganda means used by the American left today is the media and entertainment industries. Intimidation is the action of frightening or threatening someone in order to persuade them to do something that you want them to do. The intimidation could be verbal, or it could be physical. It is always excessive, and a major element of intimidation is to influence or scare others to act according to your wishes and not theirs. In the United States of America, despite our Declaration of Independence, despite our Constitution, and despite our Bill of Rights, all of these tools are being used by the American left in their effort to transform the United States. An exercise each of us must do if we value freedom over tyranny, is to identify how each of these tools are being employed by the left. Once you identify specific uses of these tools, you must be about opposing and exposing those uses. It is critical to oppose the use of these tactics if we are to keep our Republic. Challenge others you know with this same exercise. It is paramount that Americans not only understand these tactics but oppose and expose the specific uses. Evil cannot exist when it is exposed to the light.
Like so many things the Democrats do, there hatred of children does not make sense. Why do the Democrats destroy children? Children are necessary to society. People die, and if they are not replaced, society will end. Yet, the Democrats claim homosexual marriage must be ordained, even though it is impossible for men to have babies or for women to impregnate men. The Democrat’s perverted ideas are ideas that doom society.
I saw this explanation for the Democrat’s irrational policies: “Radical environmentalists regard children as enemies of the climate. Corporate elites see babies as expensive competitors for the time, attention, and creativity of professional women, which they apparently feel should belong exclusively to them. Critical race theory con men suggest that babies become racist as early as three months old. Radical feminists have built their entire brand around de-prioritizing family life and shaming happy moms as sellouts to the patriarchy.” The Democrat’s solution to the above is to pervert the children early to be used as their sexual toys and by doing so they manipulate the children into sex changes, or demand the children have their bodies mutilated so they do not reproduce. Yes, this is selfish and sick, it is narcissistic. This is mutilation of children that survive the irrational but strongly held belief that unborn babies should be murdered before they are born. The Democrats encourage teen sex and adultery. Of course, sex is how pregnancy occurs, that is sex between a naturally born male and female. Minnesota now has a bill that is almost certain to become law. This bill appears to be the most radical murder bill of children that could exist. However, do not sell Democrats short, another Democrat state will want to show they hate children even more than do the Democrats in Minnesota. The bill is called The Protect Reproductive Options Act (PROA), the first bill Democrats introduced in both the state House and Senate this session, would repeal dozens of the state’s protections for women and babies and expand legal immunity for abortions up until the moment of birth and beyond. The bill is eagerly supported by Planned Parenthood and its allies in the press and the Biden administration despite cattle and reptiles having more legal protections in Minnesota than Minnesota’s vulnerable preborn children. Legal penalties for animal cruelty in Minnesota range from misdemeanor up to a felony while there is no criminal penalty for leaving a child to die on a cold metal table. The Bill: Ends protection for babies born alive; Lifts prohibitions on tax-payer funded abortions; Nullifies parental notification if a minor requests to murder her child; Halts reporting of women who die from abortions; Stops reporting abortion stats altogether; Allows the unregulated disposal of the murdered child’s body; Ends informed consent for women; Expands who can preform these murders even to unlicensed individuals. Remember, this is Minnesota, it is not California, New York, or Illinois. How will these Democrats outdo the Democrats of Minnesota? This is child sacrifice to the god of secularism. Because death is inevitable, birth must occur. Yes, we agree that pregnancy must be a choice, but it must be a choice before conception. Once conception has happened, a life has begun, and the intentional ending of that life cannot be categorized as anything other than murder. Cruelty to animals is abhorrent, but what is even more abhorrent is when a society vows to protect the animal but encourages the murder and mutilation of its children. These policies and practices encouraged by the Democrats with the support of many RINOS, will bring about the destruction of our free society. Our Declaration of Independence declares that each individual is endowed by the Creator, God, with certain unalienable rights, amongst them the right to life. Abortion is not only against the will of God, but also a denunciation of our founding principles. To proclaim that murdering and mutilating children is a right, is not only anti-American, but anti-God. It will end our freedom, but more importantly, those who do not seek the forgiveness of Christ for this horrific sin will spend eternity in Hell. When bureaucrats defy the will of the people, when bureaucrats defy congress which represents the people, when bureaucrats claim superiority, freedom is lost, and the bureaucracy has declared itself the absolute ruler. Dictatorships of all kinds have bureaucracies that are the law. They define what the rules will be in order to protect the dictatorship from outside scrutiny. The transformation promised by the Democrat party in the United States for years has come to full fruition. The bureaucracy is now dictating to the people what they will or will not do. This was exactly why the Revolutionary War happened; that the people would control the bureaucracy, that the bureaucracy was under the total control of the people’s representatives, Congress.
If a nation is to be free, the government must be totally transparent. Those in government must be fully accountable to the people they serve. In our Republic, it was intended that the government be the servant to the sovereign and the sovereign would be the people. When a sovereign requests information from the servant, the servant is obligated to produce all the material that was requested. This is no longer the case. The government now classifies information it does not want the sovereign to have. The government is now telling the people or congress that they must justify why they want material and if they, the bureaucracy agrees with their reasoning, they might consider surrendering the material. This would place the government or the bureaucrats in the role of sovereign and the people or congress as servant. House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer requested suspicious activity reports related to the Biden family earlier in January, in a letter to Sec. Yellen. Suspicious activity reports are generated by financial institutions when flagging suspicious financial moves and are submitted to the federal government. The Treasury replied, “It is important that a requesting committee specify in writing its purpose in seeking to obtain the requested information and the use it intends to make of it so that the Department can make a determination as to whether the disclosure is appropriate and consistent with longstanding Executive Branch interests, including the protection of ongoing law enforcement investigations.” The response by the Treasury is a response from a sovereign to a servant. The response by the Treasury is a response any dictator would make. The response by the Treasury is telling the people they have no right to know anything the dictator does not want them to know. The response by the Treasury is a furthering of the transformation promised by the Democrats that it is their intent to transform the United States from a republic to a democracy, to socialism, and ultimately to communism. I could ask that question this way; do you favor individual liberty and freedom, or do you favor tyrannical government? A republic supports individual liberty and freedom. In our Constitutional Republic, the United States Constitution is the Supreme Ruler of the Land. The Constitution over rules a law passed by congress and signed by the executive, it over rules an executive order or a regulation from the executive branch, it over rules a judicial opinion, even of the Supreme Court, and it over rules the majority of any body.
Our founders rejected democracy because as they explained, it is a dictatorship where the majority of some ruling body can take rights from any group it desires. Democracy always leads to tyranny. Lenin explained that democracy is indispensable to socialism and socialism is the gateway to communism. Communism is the ultimate of tyranny because it controls every aspect of society. The Democrat party has become the Communist Party of the United States. It is their desire to transform the United States to a democracy, so socialism and communism become a reality in our country. From John Whitehead, “In totalitarian regimes—a.k.a. police states—where conformity and compliance are enforced at the end of a loaded gun, the government dictates what words can and cannot be used. In countries where the police state hides behind a benevolent mask and disguises itself as tolerance, the citizens censor themselves, policing their words and thoughts to conform to the dictates of the mass mind.” Tyrants employe censorship, control of the media, and criminalize speech they oppose. So the United States would remain a free nation, the First Amendment was made a part of the Bill of Rights and added to the Constitution, which in our Constitutional Republic is the Supreme Ruler of the Land. The First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Our freedom of speech cannot be abridged. That would mean that freedom of speech is absolute. Congress is the only branch of government that has the authority to make a law and according to the Supreme Ruler of the Land, but to abridge our freedom of speech is totally of limits even to congress. In their quest to transform the United States into a communist nation, the Democrat party pays no heed to the Constitution, in fact they have at times openly said the Constitution should be rejected. Woodrow Wilson said that our traditional understanding of the U.S. Constitution should give way to what he considered the new realities of modern government. The Democrats have introduced an anti-freedom, anti-free speech, anti-First Amendment, and anti-American bill aimed at fighting “white supremacy” by attaching criminal charges to certain forms of hate speech. Its purpose is “to prevent and prosecute white supremacy inspired hate crime and conspiracy to commit white supremacy inspired hate crime.” The conspiracy addition means people who use hate speech online could face criminal charges under the legislation even if they don’t act on their threats. That includes a person who publishes “material advancing white supremacy, white supremacist ideology, antagonism based on ‘replacement theory,’ or hate speech that vilifies or is otherwise directed against any non-white person or group.” The text of the bill specifically lists social media platforms as one area where hate speech could result in criminal consequences — if that hate speech motivates another person to go out and commit a racist crime against others. Terms such as hate speech, or white supremacy are not defined. This bill proposes would be what was seen in nations like the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Communist China, Communist Albania, Communist Cuba, and on and on. The Democrats are very comfortable with this bill and want it to become law. Under our republic, it could not become a law. In a democracy it could if the “majority” approves it. Do you favor Republic or Democracy? The term right-wing extremism is used constantly by the American press and Democrat politicians. It is not defined but is a general term to connotate ideas and policies with which the left disagrees. Those of us who identify with the policies upon which our nation was founded are frequently referred to as right-wing extremists.
We right-wing extremists believe that government that governs least governs best. In Article I and Section 8 of the United States Constitution the powers of government are defined. The Tenth Amendment states that those are the only powers the federal government can have. All other powers are restricted for the states and for the people. This is today considered right-wing extremism. The left believes there is no power off limits for the government including declaring that babies can be killed and people must be jabbed even knowing the jab is far more harmful than helpful; it destroys health and kills recipients. We who disagree are labeled extreme. We right-wing extremists believe that the right to worship God, our right to speak freely, our right to redress our government, and our right to own arms to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government is sacred. The left tells us we are extreme despite the Bill of Rights declaring that these rights cannot be infringed or abridged. We right-wing extremists believe that all people, regardless of their position at birth, must be free to achieve in the field of their choice. We believe this applies to each individual and factors such as race or gender must not be a factor imposed by government or otherwise. Our Declaration of Independence says that it is self-evident that all are created equally and are entitled to liberty endowed upon them by God. The left believes that people who would support them must be given preferential treatment in all things regardless of abilities or talent. We are called right-wing extremists if we believe the government must not mandate that people be favored for factors such as race or gender. We right-wing extremists believe that the law must be applied equally to all regardless of their race or gender. We believe that “rule of law” must be stringently upheld. Our founders specifically told us that “Lady Justice” must be blindfolded, considering only the facts of the case and not consider outside factors demanded by society. The left demands arbitrary law, which favors those they believe support them and which always leads to tyranny. What we know is that we who are labeled right-wing extremists support the beliefs, policies, and practices upon which our nation was founded. We know that those who call us right-wing extremists consider the founding principle to be reprehensible. We can accurately conclude that the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and especially the Bill of Rights would have been opposed by the American Left of today. You decide if you support or oppose our founding principles. That will tell you if you are a right-wing extremist which supports individual liberty and freedom, or a collectivist which demands tyranny. That the United States is in a state of chaos is irrefutable. We spend money we do not have and the national debt continues to rise. We have no southern border and nobody knows the number nor the type of people who are entering. Crime reigns supreme in not only our cities but throughout our nation. People are told they must take shots that do not protect against the disease, but kill, disable, and harm those who have followed the advice of the government. Our courts and bureaucracy are insisting that our schools not educate our children to read and write but to bring about sexual and gender confusion. More and more people are dependent on welfare. Our families are being destroyed purposefully. Our government is non-transparent and cannot be believed. Our debt and our bureaucracy continue to grow and to dictate to all how they can live their lives, what choices they can make, what they can think and if and how they can express their thoughts. We are no longer a free people but we are now servants to the state ruled by an elite oligarchy.
How and why did this happen? It happened for many reasons and this transformation has been taking place over a long time. Thomas Jefferson told us that an uninterested, an uninformed, and an uninvolved people cannot be a free people. Our founders told us time and time again that our nation can only remain free if the populace remain a virtuous people and elect virtuous people to represent them. The most famous founding father was a virtuous individual who understood that service must be placed at the top of his priority list. Very few, if any revolutions have had such a person as George Washington at its head. Washington could have been proclaimed to be president for his lifetime. He could have greatly increased his wealth and ruled as a dictator. Washington understood how damaging that would be to the revolution he lead and refused the power and wealth for the good of his country. Washington was the exception. The fault of our chaos lies today not only with those elected to represent us but also with our citizens. We have been told that our representatives are a reflection of the population. The vast numbers of Americans are no longer interested, informed, or involved. Many do not vote and many of those who vote have no idea for whom they are voting. The candidates and the issues have become bumper stickers and 30 second sound bites. We have clearly manipulated and stolen elections that are defended by power and money hungry politicians, bureaucrats, and judges, people with no virtue or veracity. The American people are no longer a virtuous people. Virtuous people would not tolerate killing babies, assisting pedophiles in grooming children for their pleasure, protect rioters, looters, arsonists, and murderers in the name of freedom or for any other purpose. They would not promote and protect blasphemy of the Creator, electing the head of a crime family to public service, and support school boards who claim it is their duty to control the values of children as opposed to the parents and the church. The chaos in our country lies directly with we the people. When we the people determine that we truly do want to be free from the dictates of a corrupt and power driven bureaucracy, we will change it. We will do this by returning to the teachings of the Bible, and by becoming interested, informed, and involved in all aspects of our government. We will insist that individuals be responsible for their own actions and choices, both good and bad. Yes, chaos, corruption, and tyranny can be defeated, when we the people determine that is what we want, and we are willing to do it. Over time many people stop believing the lies. This is why dictatorships revert to overt intimidation of citizens. Dictatorships come into power because they lie to the public and make promises that cannot be kept. The most common promises are the ones the American Left is making today: for harmony within a society all must conform to the ideology the tyrants are supporting, and if the people will support this ideology all will be equally prosperous and live in harmony. The common thread is that if the people believe the aspiring tyrants, in this case the Democrats) conformity will bring harmony and equality. This has never happened, this cannot happen because people are different, they are individuals.
Lies to enhance this evil ideology are eventually revealed and then the aspiring tyrants revert to intimidation. Intimidation is using force of any kind to force the masses to adhere to the dictates of the tyrant. Arresting and punishing those who disagree with the tyrants, or political prisoners such as is happening in the United States today, becomes the rule. Arbitrary law replaces rule of law. There are many lies of the Democrats that are being exposed today. To accomplish the outcomes that these lies were intended to bring, is now requiring harsher intimidation. That is why we have seen the show of force by the FBI in arresting those who oppose the policies of the Democrats. That is why we are seeing harsher and harsher punishment of people who were in Washington D.C. on January 6th or voiced any support for those who were. One of the major lies that is being exposed today is that Donald Trump was the reason for the protest in Washington on January 6. What we are learning is that this was orchestrated by Nancy Pelosi and the FBI assisted. We can now say unequivocally that the 2020 election was stolen, that the counting in at least 6 states was fraudulent and that the vote counting machines were connected to the internet and controlled by servers in other countries including China. We can now say that the China Virus was and is a contrived virus to control the population. Fauci was instrumental in both the development of the virus and the means that came about to control the population. That the jab would prevent people from contacting or transmitting the virus was a known lie, and that the jab is safe and should be taken by all was also a lie. We know now that people should not take the jab, that it kills young and old alike, and that the long term effects have no positive scenarios. We also know that Ivermectin was and is a safe treatment for the virus. This why people are resisting taking the jab, and especially resisting taking the many boosters. People have learned that the jab has no affect on whether or not they will contact or transmit the virus, but it does have a real risk to their life. That the world is in danger of being destroyed by climate warming, climate cooling, let’s just say climate change is also a lie. The claim that we must no longer use fossil fuels for energy because it will destroy the world in ten years has been made for over 70 years now. Any rational person knows that climate is not measured by 10-year cycles, that is weather. More and more the masses are understanding that this form of intimidation is being used by aspiring tyrants such as Klaus Schmidt, John Kerry, and Al Gore to have more power and control more wealth. A huge lie that is now being used by the American Left is that anything they deem to be misinformation must be censored. Any claim to justify censorship of any kind has always been necessary to intimidate any and all who would disagree with the ideology of the aspiring tyrant. What history has proven is that what is claimed to be misinformation is in fact factual information revealing the lie that is desired to be protected. If a society is to be a society where each individual is enabled to live their own life, to make their own choices, to have their own thoughts and to express those thoughts, government must be limited, free speech protected, and all indoctrination, propaganda and intimidation eliminated. This is not a lie but is a fact known by our founders and by all free people. A key element of transforming a nation from one form of government to another is to intimidate the citizens. Those seeking the transformation to a tyrannical form of government understand that some need to be made examples so the masses will fear to oppose. Different standards are used for opponents from which are used for supporters. This is a common thread of all tyrannical governments. Our founders understood that for our Republic to work properly we must always adhere to rule of law and reject arbitrary law. A key part of the transformation promised by Comrade Obama on October 30, 2008, requires a transformation from rule of law to arbitrary law.
Our founders created a republic and rejected democracy. A republic has the law as the Supreme Law of the Land, while a democracy is rule by the majority of some ruling body. It is that majority of that ruling body that determines what factors are to be used when policies are adopted or cases are decided. The Constitution of the United States is the law for our republic and thus it is the Supreme Law of the Land. The Constitution cannot, if we are to remain a republic, be overruled by any branch of government not can it be overruled by the majority of any kind. The basic principle of rule of law includes the following: Citizens are accountable to the law. Leaders are accountable to the law. The law is universally applied and fair to all citizens and therefore, it is just. Transparency/open government allows citizens to see the operations of government and ensure leaders respect the law. Laws must be enforced equally and impartially. Arbitrary law is law determined by the majority of the ruling body simply because they will it. The law could ignore the Constitution, it could be loosely based on the Constitution, or it could distort the Constitution. The basic principle of arbitrary law includes the following: Citizens of different classes are accountable to the law while others are not. The law is not applied to leaders within the majority of the ruling body. The law is applied differently to different sets of citizens, it is not fair nor is it just. There is total secrecy in government. Laws are applied differently to different groups. The majority of the ruling body determines if certain groups such as social groups, economic groups, groups determined by race, gender, or political affiliation will be treated justly or unjustly. Rule of law is essential to a republic, to a free society. Arbitrary law is essential to democracy, to a tyrannical government. You decide if the United States today is a republic or a democracy, adheres to rule of law or arbitrary law. We have heard about the rules package that was forced on new House Speaker McCarthy by the brave Conservative House members who decided to “stand in now.” What are the key elements of these new rules?
Motion to Vacate the Chair It allows a single House member to make a “motion to vacate the chair,” meaning any member of the majority party can force a vote to remove the House speaker. It actually restores a longstanding rule. Mark Meadows used to this rule to force the removal of Boehner. Pelosi had the rule changed to ensure that only a member of party leadership could bring a “motion to vacate the chair” to the floor for a vote, with the support of the majority of the caucus to take the vote. Controlling Spending and Taxing Though it’s not in the rules package, McCarthy agreed to cap government spending at the fiscal year 2022 level for the next decade. The new rules require a separate House vote to increase the debt limit, and to allow House members to vote separately on spending bills for separate Cabinet-level departments such as Agriculture and Defense, to avoid forcing members to take up or down votes on omnibus packages such as the $1.85 trillion bill passed by Congress in December. Major Investigations The new House rules also call for a resolution to establish a select subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government, in order to look into alleged politicization of the FBI, the IRS, and other government agencies. Tackling the Swamp The rules package also reinstates the “Holman Rule” to rein in the federal bureaucracy. The rule allows amendments to spending bills to cut certain programs, reduce the salaries of federal employees, or fire specific employees. Reviewing Bills for 72 Hours The new House rules require 72 hours of notice before voting on new legislation, as a means to try to eliminate backroom deals. This also would give lawmakers time to read legislation. In May 2020, Democrats’ House majority adopted “same day authority” to force a vote on a bill the day it was introduced. There are other parts of the “rules package” but these will actually change how the House operates. Pelosi ran the House with limited input from the elected representatives. These changes return more control to the representatives. No longer having huge omnibus bills with no time to read and everything included in them should end. This alone is a major step forward. None of these changes would have happened if not for the brave 20. We owe them a huge thank you. This is a question many of us have asked. We should also ask if the transformation is accomplished? Why do we not follow the Constitution and the law? Victor Davis Hansen asks some penetrating questions that all of us must ask, even Democrats who claim they believe in and support individual liberty and freedom.
“Did someone or something seize control of the United States?”, Hanson asked, before leading readers through Biden crisis after crisis, in question form, beginning with the Biden Border Crisis?” What happened to the U.S. border? Where did it go? Who erased it? Why and how did 5 million people enter our country illegally? Did Congress secretly repeal our immigration laws? Did Joe Biden issue an executive order allowing foreign nationals to walk across the border and reside in the United States as they pleased? Next on VDH’s mind are the changing financial “rules” in America: Since when did money not have to be paid back? Who insisted that the more dollars the federal government printed, the more prosperity would follow? When did America embrace zero interest? Why do we believe $30 trillion in debt is no big deal? In the wake of the Supreme Court’s June overturn of Roe v. Wade, abortion activists threatened conservative associate justices and their families— including at their personal residences — against federal law. Hanson had several questions: Was it not against federal law to swarm the homes of Supreme Court justices, to picket and to intimidate their households in efforts to affect their rulings? How then with impunity did bullies surround the homes of Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, John Roberts, and Clarence Thomas—furious over a court decision on abortion? How could these mobs so easily throng our justices’ homes, with placards declaring “Off with their d—s”? On another front, the 2016 Russia “collusion” hoax dogged Trump for several years, yet finally, we learned that Hillary Clinton herself was to blame for attempting to subvert the campaign of Trump. And the mainstream media’s response? Crickets. VDH asked: When did we assume the FBI had the right to subvert the campaign of a candidate it disliked? Was it legal suddenly for one presidential candidate to hire a foreign ex-spy to subvert the campaign of her rival? Questions about elections: Since when did the people decide that 70 percent of voters would not cast their ballots on Election Day? Was this revolutionary change the subject of a national debate, a heated congressional session, or the votes of dozens of state legislatures? What happened to Election Night returns? Did the fact that Americans created more electronic ballots and computerized tallies make it take so much longer to tabulate the votes? Questions about draconian pandemic lockdowns, mask mandates, and vax mandates: When did the government pass a law depriving Americans of their freedom during a pandemic? In America can health officials simply cancel rental contracts or declare loan payments in suspension? How could it become illegal for mom-and-pop stores to sell flowers or shoes during a quarantine but not so for Walmart or Target? How did a virus cancel the Constitution? Did the lockdowns rob of us of our sanity? Or was it the woke hysteria that ignited our collective madness? In summary, if conservative America continues to whine about the freedoms denied or threatened by the Democrat Party without uniting against the cancer of leftism, the uncomfortable questions will answer themselves, as they metastasize throughout society — and accomplish the left’s goal of destroying America as we know it. |
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