Every individual who believes in the concept that each individual has the right to life, liberty, and property, is facing a vicious assault on the fundamental principle that made the Untied States a unique nation. Our Declaration of Independence correctly tells us that these natural rights are endowed or given to us by God. That means government has no right to control, limit, or abolish those rights of life, liberty, and property, or as Thomas Jefferson stated, the pursuit of happiness.
In the United States there is a transformation movement that claims the United States must transform from a nation that professes all are entitled to life, liberty, and property, and become a nation that transforms the role of government from merely being a protector of those rights for the individual, but that the government has complete and total control to limit or abolish those rights as it believes is best. This is saying that the United States must transform from an Individualist nation where the rights of the individual are protected, to a collectivist nation where the rights of the individual are subjugated to the demands of the collective or the state. The transformation movement, a key plank in the Democrat Party platform, is proudly declaring that the United States must transform from a nation where people have freedoms and liberties protected by a constitution to a totalitarian state where the reigning sovereign dictates what if any rights or liberties an individual might have. This movement has been in place for many decades, but has gained strong momentum as our school system has been transformed from an education system to an indoctrination system, and our families are systematically being destroyed as the state insists that values taught to children are values proclaimed by the state and not the parents or the church. When you ask yourself if the struggle is worth the effort, I would propose you are asking the wrong question. I would propose the question we must ask ourselves as Individualists and Freedom Loving Americans is can we do anything but give an unfaltering effort to retain natural rights as outlined in the Declaration of Independence and freedoms and liberties as defined in the Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights. The opinion is not only my opinion, but more importantly is the same as that held by the Father of the Revolution, Samuel Adams. Samuel Adams told us: “The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought.” The Democrat party is telling people there is no value in freedom. It is our job to be about “Setting Brushfires of Freedom.” “The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.” The Democrat Party is the "false and designing men wresting from us our freedoms and liberties." We were charged that we must always be about “Setting Brushfires of Freedom.” Please declare openly and proudly that you will, along with Samuel Adams and me, be about always “Setting Brushfires of Freedom.” Do it unceasingly.
Article III. Section. 1.
The judicial Power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office. Judicial power has been defined as the authority to interpret and apply the law, adjudicate legal disputes, and otherwise administer justice. Judicial power is not the power to legislate or to administer. In fact, those powers were designated to the legislative and executive branches of government. Article III the shortest of the first three branches of government because it was always intended that the judicial branch be the weakest of the three independent branches of government. That is correct, the three branches of government were never intended to be equal, only independent. "This member of the Government (the judicial member) was at first considered as the most harmless and helpless of all its organs. But it has proved that the power of declaring what the law is, ad libitum, by sapping and mining slyly and without alarm the foundations of the Constitution, can do what open force would not dare to attempt." —Thomas Jefferson to Edward Livingston, 1825. ME 16:114 After the Marbury v Madison decision, which has been perhaps the most damaging decision ever in regard to the continuation of our Republic where the people elect representatives to perform their sovereign act of legislating, Jefferson said this: "In denying the right [the Supreme Court usurps] of exclusively explaining the Constitution, I go further than [others] do, if I understand rightly [this] quotation from the Federalist of an opinion that 'the judiciary is the last resort in relation to the other departments of the government, but not in relation to the rights of the parties to the compact under which the judiciary is derived.' If this opinion be sound, then indeed is our Constitution a complete felo de se [act of suicide]. For intending to establish three departments, coordinate and independent, that they might check and balance one another, it has given, according to this opinion, to one of them alone the right to prescribe rules for the government of the others, and to that one, too, which is unelected by and independent of the nation. For experience has already shown that the impeachment it has provided is not even a scare-crow . . . The Constitution on this hypothesis is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any form they please." —Thomas Jefferson to Spencer Roane, 1819. ME 15:212 And now these predictions of judicial despotism are becoming reality. "To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions [is] a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men and not more so. They have with others the same passions for party, for power, and the privilege of their corps. Their maxim is boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem [good justice is broad jurisdiction], and their power the more dangerous as they are in office for life and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the corruptions of time and party, its members would become despots. It has more wisely made all the departments co-equal and co-sovereign within themselves." —Thomas Jefferson to William C. Jarvis, 1820. ME 15:277 "The Constitution . . . meant that its coordinate branches should be checks on each other. But the opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not, not only for themselves in their own sphere of action but for the Legislature and Executive also in their spheres, would make the Judiciary a despotic branch." —Thomas Jefferson to Abigail Adams, 1804. ME 11:51 "The question whether the judges are invested with exclusive authority to decide on the constitutionality of a law has been heretofore a subject of consideration with me in the exercise of official duties. Certainly, there is not a word in the Constitution which has given that power to them more than to the Executive or Legislative branches." —Thomas Jefferson to W. H. Torrance, 1815. ME 14:303 And now John Roberts has assumed the role of the all-powerful dictator ruling from the bench in the same assumptive role of Supreme Authority that consumed others such as Marshall, McReynolds, and Warren. Roberts played the role of Chief Justice and God when he claimed that congress meant tax and not penalty, and state and not State when he said that Obamacare was constitutional. He than ruled that paperwork must be more accurate in an executive order whose purpose was to negate an executive order that assumed that the executive had legislative authority, which it does not. Now he is ruling that a law duly passed by a legislative branch can be overturned because of a Supreme Court ruling that, according to the United States Constitution would only have the authority of an opinion and not law. The Supreme Court was given no authority to pass law, legislate, and so precedence would be no basis to override a duly passed law. THE SUPREME COURT, THE ENTIRE JUDICIAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT, IS A THREAT TO OUR REPUBLIC AND OUR FREEDOM BECAUSE IT IS ACTING IN A WAY THAT IS TOTALLY CONTRARY TO ITS CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY. YES, THE SUPREME COURT AND JUDICIARY ARE ACTING IN AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL MANNER. More than 10 million people across the globe have now been infected with the novel coronavirus, according to a Johns Hopkins University database. The global tally surpassed the 10 million mark on Sunday as countries such as the U.S. experience another surge in confirmed cases. COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, has also caused more than 499,000 deaths worldwide. The world population in 2020 is counted to be 7.8 billion people. 10,000,000 divided by 7,800,000,000 = .13% 500,000 divided by 7,800,000,000 = .007% What we know about the number of deaths is that they are counted on the basis of with China virus and not because of China virus. We also know that serious underlying health issues are prevalent in an overwhelming number of deaths attributed to the China virus. Yet, not just the American population, but the world population has closed the economic engine, and that closing has caused untold hardships with an increase in suicides, beatings, starvation's, and death due to delayed or ignored health care. The exact number will never be totaled. We are told the economic lockdowns have saved numerous lives, but that appears to be more of a statement to support the lockdowns than based on numbers of fact. We can make the statement that the policies in states like New York, Michigan, and others increased the number of deaths when they forced nursing homes to accept elderly known to have the virus. What we do know is the world population number, and that the number of deaths is an inflated number. We also know that the number of deaths caused by or with the virus were people 70 or above. We heard the inane statement, “If the lockdowns save just one life, they are worth it.” We have no reason to believe they did, but we know the lockdowns caused deaths along with untold hardships, and they are not done. Take a look at the facts, Be objective in your analysis. My conclusion is that once the collectivist movement understood the damage they could cause with an all out campaign of frightening the masses, they set about doing as much political damage as they could to those they consider a political threat without any concern for the masses. What is your objective conclusion? Individual freedom and liberty are under attack in the United States like never before. The communist movement made it a goal to gain control of at least one of the political parties in the United States. They gained control of the Democrat party many years ago and have moved it more and more to the Marxist ideology so that today it is openly declaring everything proclaimed by the Marxist movement throughout the years.
What is it that the Marxist movement desires. Karl Marx said that a society must become a one class system, and because it is a one class system it will be a classless society. In order to achieve that goal, all who did not conform to the classless ideology must be eliminated or converted. One might think he took this from the Islamic doctrine. A classless society requires total conformity and equality as defined by those in power. The Marxist has always claimed that they must have total and complete power so they can eventually establish a totally free society. Lenin said, “No Marxist can deny the interests of Socialism are higher than the rights of a nation to self-determination. The role of government is to implement socialism.” This is what is taking place today. Congress has been infiltrated by socialists whose purpose is to stall, interfere, disrupt, and create discord and gridlock in Congress. Their mission is to interfere with government and bring the system down so the Marxists behind them can gain more power. The socialists in Congress are assisted by the Marxist media, whose job is to promote false and misleading communist propaganda, like the Russian Delusion scam, and to divert our attention away from the crimes of Marxists and their useful idiots in government. Furthermore, Marxists within our government and the media have made a mockery of our Constitution and our rights under it. They turned sexual preference into gay rights and abortion into women’s rights. Everything they do is designed to undermine the Constitution, divide the population, and promote godlessness. They pit men against women, homosexuals against heterosexuals, and blacks and Latinos against whites. Divide and conquer is their preferred tactic. But make no mistake, Marxists want to control the lives of the masses, regardless of race, sex, or sexual preference. To put it into perspective, Marxists want to create a police state where they have total control over everyone and everything, including what we are allowed to say. Once Marxists gain total power, they will have the power to exterminate or imprison anyone who speaks out against them. They now use the politically correct movement to stifle free speech. What we are witnessing today is the anger and disgust of the Marxist movement against Donald Trump, who they are trying to establish as an illegitimate president, primarily because he has exposed and is disrupting the Marxist deep state solidified by Marxist and Islamic Jihadist sympathizer, Barack Obama. There is no limit to what means they will use to achieve their end goal of complete control under the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat.” Is all lost for those of us who are Americans and desire the preservation of individual freedom and liberty. The only time all is lost is when those who oppose evil accept that all is lost. This is something Samuel Adams taught us to never do. The determination to fight the tyranny of government burned to the very core of Samuel Adams. We must have the same determination. All of us must become dedicated servants to the movement that Samuel Adams labeled as “Setting Brushfires of Freedom>’ Please join me in my dedication and determination to fight that evil spectre of Marxism that is haunting the United States today by learning how and then unceasingly being one who is “Setting Brushfires of Freedom.” The people on the right (correct) side of the political spectrum are afraid to make a statement without the qualification or but segment. For instance, I hope I never hear another statement with the phrase, of course I agree that black lives matter. My response is if you said all lives matter, would that not include black lives; and people who have to qualify that comment, would they not be making a racist statement. They have stated one race, but they have ignored many other races.
We refuse to look honestly at situations. The left (incorrect) side is saying that Israel must negotiate a peaceful solution with the Palestinians. Perhaps a two-state solution is desirable and will end all hostilities and bring peace to the area. Those who argue for this solution neglect to state that the Palestinians have been very consistent in their negotiating position, and that is that the only acceptable position for them is that every Jew is killed. Apparently they are somewhat flexible in how the death occurs, although prior action would seem they prefer beheading. How would you on the left negotiate if it were your head that was demanded with no other position acceptable? We in the United States are in the same position. Those of us who support the position of freedom, individual liberties, and rule of law, are told that we must be more flexible in our compromising positions. This becomes difficult when we are shown that the only ultimate acceptable position is the total elimination of individual freedom and liberties, and the complete obliteration of the United States Constitution. We are told that the goal posts have been moved when we propose a compromise. The declaration that the United States must be fundamentally transformed is the only acceptable conclusion according to the left. We have witnessed, not only the demand, but the accomplishment that education, from nursery school on up, must indoctrinate the individual in the way of collectivism. Each child must be taught the values of the state and not the parent or church. If they are not, the child is being abused, is what they say. We have witnessed the destruction of the family, not only the black family, but all families. This has been accomplished through the demand for the legal killing of children, euphemistically called choice or abortion, through a breakdown in any and all morality, and through the acceptance and promotion of pornography and profanity. The Chinese Flu is now understood much better. It is dangerous to older people and those people with underlying conditions. It is less dangerous to the vast majority of people than is the flu. The Chinese Flu is not an economic situation but a health issue. Treat it is such. If you are sick, stay home. If you are old and afraid, or have underlying health issues, isolate. But enough of this locking down and wearing useless and silly masks. Be an adult. Freedom requires responsible adults. And remember, when people have been wrong continually, chances are good they will be wrong again, Fauci. Black Lives Matter is a foolish and racist statement. Those of you who have bought into this nonsense are exactly what Saul Alinsky meant when he said they need their “useful idiots.” The BLM movement is a self-declared Marxist group who has now become a major player in the transformation movement which includes other groups such as ANTIFA, Media Matters, and the Democrat party. These people have proven time after time they do not care what your race is, your life does not matter unless it promotes their cause. These people have proven time after time that you are a hindrance to their cause if you advocate for peaceful protesting. The breakdown of society through the breakdown of law and order is their goal and chaos is their means. Only rioters, looters, thieves, arsonists, and thugs are valued by them. When you idealists are chanting your stupid and racist slogans, understand that you are only a tool now that will have to be discarded and eliminated later. That will be your reward. This is the way of the advocates for transformation from a free and independent society to a society under the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat.” Advocates means Soros, Obama, and their comrades. In the words of Samuel Adams, “It is now high time for the people of this country to explicitly declare whether they will be free men or slaves.” That is how critical this election in 2020 is. And yet, those who are advocating for the people of the United States to become slaves to a sovereign government, appear that they will choose Joe Biden to be their candidate, yes, Dementia Joe hiding in his basement.
We hear less and less about Dementia Joe. We see less and less of Dementia Joe. Joe Biden has never been able to construct a coherent paragraph. Now he cannot construct a coherent phrase. Joe Biden has never been a person to take a stand based on principle but only on expediency. Now he switches his positions within one of his incoherent phrases. That he was suffering from insufficient intellectual capacity in the past was evident, and now that Dementia has inhibited his intellectual capacity even more, has been evident for at least a year and progressing daily. That is sad. Joe Biden has never generated national enthusiasm and is generating even less now. The above are simply statements of fact, acknowledged by other candidates for the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) campaign during the primary season, other members of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party, members of the press, and political observers. Even members of the Nazi Party acknowledged that Hitler was succumbing to the drugs that were being continuously injected so he could sleep and then awaken. Why then would the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party move forward with his nomination if they can? Much will depend on whether or not Biden can be released from the basement and actually be in public for longer than a couple of hours. If it is determined he will not be able to stand and read from a prompter his acceptance speech, some whopper will have to be contrived or reality will have to be acknowledged. Dementia Joe Biden is an ideal candidate for the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party. With him as a candidate, the party can try to portray safety with a known substance to the American public, and many will buy that concept, not because of Biden, but because of the hatred that has been manufactured against President Trump because he is draining the swamp of Washington D.C. as he promised. With the outrageous accusations and support of a press that has become the propaganda arm of the collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat, - all virtually the same) movement, the hierarchy of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party believes they can win. If that were to happen, Dementia Joe would be secluded somewhere in the White House much like Woodrow Wilson in his second term. The radical element, the same element that would be responsible for his election, would take complete control of the executive branch. The nominations for judges would be people like those nominated by Obama, people who do not believe in the Constitution and believe they have the right to make rulings based only on political principles. The deep state would be replaced so for instance, the EPA would have authority to be prosecutor, jury, and judge on environmental issues, the FBI would become the political enforcer for the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party, those of us who would voice opposition to the dictates of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party would be silenced and even eliminated. The fundamental transformation declared by Obama, the same transformation outlined by Marx, would be completed. The American people will become slaves to a sovereign government. The Untied States Constitution will be declared to be invalid because it was drafted by imperfect individuals. Of course, the imperfection of the individuals implementing the Marxist totalitarian state, will be proclaimed to be perfections, and those of us who speak truth will be silenced and eliminated. That is the choice before us. Will we be free men or slaves, even though the person we elect to protect our freedoms is an imperfect person. The Communist movement in the United States is even more vicious and real in 2020 than it was in 1919. This is an Article taken from the publication called The Communist Party of America on August 9, 1919 entitled The Lion and the Lamb. It could be June 1, 2020.
THE LION AND THE LAMB “Might shall make right the law of the world” – this was one of the beautiful phrases President Wilson concocted for the benefit of the unthinking. It is indeed a mouth-filling resonant sentence, but it is nevertheless untrue. “Might shall make right the law of the world” is untrue for might IS the law of the world. None but a fool or knave would contend otherwise. That Might is Right holds true in every walk of life, and no evidence can be brought to prove the contrary. It has been true from the very beginning of time, and it requires but a scratch to disclose that beneath the thin veneer of civilization the brute still rules modern society. It is the universal law of life that the strong shall destroy the weak, that the fittest shall survive. One has to dabble but little in the realms of biology to discover that this law applies to all forms of life. Man conquered other forms of animal life and crowned himself King of Beasts by his might. Although not endowed with natural offensive and defensive weapons, he has by cunning and mental ability succeeded in adding to his strength by the development of artificial weapons. As yet man has not succeeded in controlling the society in which he lives and has his being: its great contradictions are an unprobed mystery to the great mass of humanity. Nor did this struggle cease with the subjection of the lower forms of life. As individuals, men struggled with one another, and a society developed and groups formed, the groups struggled and always it was the strongest that survived. If a group be weak it was conquered and destroyed or enslaved by the victors. All down through the ages the sword has been the arbitrator and the cry has been: Woe to the Vanquished! Nor has that law been altered in our time. Never in its struggle with the master class in this or any other country has the working class gained any advantage which was not due to their might. In the various labor battles throughout the country the barking voice of machine guns as they spit death and destruction gives the lie to the statement that ought but might makes right. When out of their misery the workers arise and cast off the hateful yoke of the master class in their own country they find the ruling classes of the world, but lately at each other’s throats, allied against them. The question of Right does not enter into the decisions of the master class as to whom they shall support and whom they shall oppose. It is a question of which will best serve their economic interests and perpetuate their power. Veiling their deeds behind a screen of words, they strive with every means at their command to gain their ends. They prate of rights only to those whom they wish to use to further their aims. Mortal codes are bended and twisted to serve their needs. Mercy, pity, humanity – these mean nothing and are not considered in the hour of triumph. True, it is not nice – but it is a fact. It is one of the bitter realities of life, and a lesson we must learn. Power is all that counts. If the workers are ever to emancipate themselves they must secure the power that comes only as the result of education and organization. The sword is still the arbiter. When the lion and the lamb lie down together the lamb will be inside. The only crime one can commit is to fail. Kolchak is not denounced because of the death train of Siberia, or the putting to death of men, women and children who are suspected of harboring Bolsheviki sympathies, but only because he failed. He failed because he could not marshal sufficient forces to crush the Bolsheviki. His weakness proved that he was wrong. Had he been victorious he would have been right, for the victor is always right, because back of him is the power that has made possible the victory. “Might is Right!” Might has been right throughout all previous history of the world; it is right today, and it will be right in all the aeons of ages that stretch before us in the unknown future. Whatever else history may hold in its bosom for mankind, we know there will be only one wrong, and that will be failure, and only one right, and that will be might. The ruling class is beginning to recognize the fact that Bolshevism is right for Russia, because it is capable of defending itself, while it is wrong in all other countries, because it has not yet acquired sufficient power. When the workers of all countries, like those of Russia, have raised themselves to the position of the ruling class and proclaimed the Dictatorship of the Proletariat of the world, anything they do will be right, because they will have the might to enforce it. 6/21/2020 THE CAMPAIGN BEGINS AND THE OPTIONS ARE VERY CLEAR, FREE PEOPLE OR SLAVES TO GOVERNMENTRead NowYes, I know it used to be that the campaign was always thought to begin the day after Labor Day. Both of the political parties would have held their conventions and the major candidates for the president would have been known to all. As the political parties changed their format for selecting candidates from smoke filled rooms behind locked doors, to primaries that sadly most Americans believe are a part of our long term history and that this selection process is ordained and protected by the Constitution, so did the length of the process. Imagine, living in a time when the next election cycle did not start until the day after election day.
I will not be one to state that elections are more vicious today than they have ever been, because It is not true. We have had many vicious campaigns including the Adams vs Jefferson and the Jackson vs Quincy Adams. The press was just as nasty, but was not as ubiquitous as it is today. This election is proving to be more vicious than the election in 2016. The left had no doubt that Hillary would win. The polls showed her to have commanding leads and the experts could find no path to victory for Donald Trump. The press and the Democrats, including Hillary, underestimated the American people. I do not believe there will be any underestimating this election, but never underestimate the narcissistic attitude of the left. The propaganda arm of the left, or the press, will certainly make salacious and unfounded claims. Biden is far less competent than was Hillary, and when you realize this incompetence is enhanced by Dementia, he will be far less visible and available. More responsibility for a win will be designated to the press. The Democrat party has moved much more to the left and now openly calls for the United States to adopt the principles of the Communist Manifesto. Many of the principle elements of the Democrat party like, Antifa, BLM, Media Matters, and other George Soros funded, and Obama promoted groups will be extremely active, doing what they do best, bringing chaos, dysfunction, and disinformation. President Trump is more of a known to them, and they understand that what Donald Trump said he would do, President Trump did it. The biggest threat to the left is that President Trump has and is dismantling the swamp, which besides acting illegally, has established a very lucrative method of enriching many. In addition, President Trump has fulfilled the promise of Donald Trump to revamp the judicial system. The judicial system is critical to the left because the judge can say anything in the confirmation hearing and then rule in the manner of the left and that is to dismantle our Constitution and rule of law. Samuel Adams told the American Colonists years ago, “It is now high time for the people of this country to explicitly declare whether they will be free men or slaves.” This is even more true today. We have a clear choice. President Trump has shown that he believes we should be free men. To be free men means that we make our own choices and control our own thoughts, but must take personal responsibility for the consequences of those choices and thoughts. To be slaves, which is what the left wants for us, is that government will make our choices and dictate our thoughts. We have no responsibility for those choices or thoughts, other than to follow the directions given to us and to enhance the power of those in control. When making your choice, and you should take part in the election, do not ask yourself if you are a Republican, a Democrat, or any other party; do not ask yourself if you like of dislike Donald Trump or Joe Biden; do not consider your race, ethnicity, sex, or religion; only ask yourself if you wish to be a free person or a slave to government. This is our choice. We can become a nation that values life, liberty, and property (pursuit of happiness) and values each individual citizen.
In order to do this, we will have to take some radical actions such as: We will have to become a nation that operates under the concept of “rule of law.” That means that the law is applied per each individual. We ignore any reference to sex, race, religion, political beliefs, or anything but charge and whether or not it violates the law. This will take a herculean effort in that any and all laws that refer to things such as sex, race, religion, political beliefs, or anything other than that the law will be as applied to individuals and not to groups will have to be rewritten. Prior court precedence referring to anything other than application of law to individuals will have to be ignored. We all, as citizens, will have to view each other as individuals. This will be much easier to accomplish when the law does not require us to make distinctions. We will have to become a nation with a limited government. The federal government will only be involved in those areas where the Constitution gives them specific powers. This will mean that departments such as Education, Health and Human Services, BLM, EPA, and so many others will have to be abandoned. This will diminish the presence of government and number of government personnel by at least 50% I would think. The states and local governments would become involved, but since they are not receiving block grants or other federal funding, they would be legislating based on the demands of the citizens of the respective state. If states wanted to legislate in the manner of New York, California, Washington, Oregon, Illinois, Connecticut, so be it. If you did not like it, you could move to other states or become involved in state affairs and work to elect people with different ideas. The right to vote would be encouraged and protected. A concerted effort would have to be made to be sure that only legal citizens could vote and could only vote once. We would have to become a nation with a divided government. By limiting the federal government from usurping the role of the states, we would automatically restore our divided government in that power is to be divided between individuals, states, and the federal government. We would also have to restore the designated duties of the different branches of government. The legislative branch would be required to assume the power and responsibility it was given, and that is to legislate. Laws that do not legislate but are passed as a concept and then designate the executive branch to complete with regulations would have to be refused as not legitimate legislation. All laws would have to be complete before being passed to the executive branch for a signature or veto. The executive and judicial branches would have to refuse to legislate and throw it back to the legislative branch, as distasteful as that is to those in congress. The people must again assume the role of being the sovereign. This means several things. We the people would be responsible for our own decisions, including the consequences of those decisions. We could not be excused by blaming negative consequences on society nor could we be punished or demonized by government for the positive aspects of our choices. We would have to become interested, involved, and informed citizens once again. Public employee unions of any kind would have to be eliminated. This would place public service employees on a level playing field with private citizen employees and prevent political factions from taking funds from other citizens to be used to promote policies that indoctrinate and influence. School choices such as Charter schools, private schools, and home schooling would be available to all without any form of government or union interference. You might recognize these suggestions as not being suggestions that I made, but simply taking the ideas from our founders as to how they established our Republic and believed we sould continue to operate. Of course, in 1787 when our Constitution was drafted, we did not have political parties. We did have political factions. Those factions had different ideas, but they had a common goal and that goal was that liberty and freedom be preserved for all with all citizens having the freedom to live their own lives and have their own thoughts. Today, we have political parties, and one of those parties has as its goal to eliminate freedom and liberty and have government assume the role sovereign telling each individual how they are to live their lives and what thoughts they can have. The call for the transformation of the United States has been happening for a long time. Collectivists and racist Woodrow Wilson called for our system, which has the possibility of having the executive being a member of one party and the legislative branch being controlled by a different party, to become a Parliamentarian system of one-party control. When our system was established, we did not have political parties and we were warned against the danger of developing political parties.
Collectivist Franklin Roosevelt did transform the United States from a nation dedicated to having a limited government to having a bureaucratic and dictatorial federal government that would become involved in every aspect of a citizen’s life, including what they could think. On January 10, 1963, the House of Representatives and later the Senate began reviewing a document entitled 'Communist Goals for Taking Over America.' It contained an agenda of 45 separate issues (attacks and techniques) that, in hindsight, were quite shocking then and equally stunning today. 15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States. The Democrat Party was already captured by the Socialist movement. Socialist Norman Thomas was a six-time candidate for president as a Socialist but stopped running when he said the Democrat Party had become a Socialist Party. Lenin said socialism is the gateway to communism and so it was with the Democrat Party that has now become a Communist Party. 17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks. This has been done in our Public-School Systems and many private schools from nursery school through doctorate degrees. 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy." 27. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch." 29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis. 30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man." “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Barack Obama, October 30, 2008 His total regime concentrated on transforming the Democrat Party to a Communist Party and transforming the United States to a Communist Nation. What we are witnessing today is a culmination of this effort to transform the United States to a Marxist Totalitarian State. There are many people, like the Obama’s, Holder, Jarrett, and other Comrades who are following the outlines of transformation. There are many Americans, Democrats, independents, and RHINO’s who are “useful idiots” in assisting in this transformation by believing and supporting the lies they have been told. The actions I outlined here are only a small part of what has been done in this transformation effort. So many Freedom Loving Americans engage in the day by day skirmishes, but are not aware of the overall plan that has been taking place for at least 100 years. We are at or near a point of no return. If President Trump were not to be re-elected, we will have reached that point of no return. Even if President Trump wins, the campaign of the collectivist will continue. As you have seen, the collectivist will go to any ends of evil and destruction to complete their goal of transforming the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state. Our fight for freedom and liberty will continue forever. We must begin today and never stop being a part of the irate and tireless minority keen on “Setting Brushfires of Freedom.” Our freedom and liberty are and always will hang in the balance. |
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