Why do the collectivists of Europe continue to want to destroy themselves? Why do the collectivists in the United States continue to want to destroy themselves and us? Why would you allow people who have sworn to end your way of life and kill you if you do not conform to their wishes and desires into your country? Whether these people will or will not assimilate into the culture of the West has already been proven. The Muslim refugee population has refused to assimilate but has instead set up de facto states where they ignore the law of the nation in which they reside and establish their own rogue government using Sharia Law. These refugees have already proven their intent is cause as much chaos as they can through terrorist acts against all those who are not Muslim. Yet, the collectivists of Europe and the United States continue to demand more of the refugees be allowed.
Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) senators are urging President Trump to keep the door open to refugees as his administration, which has already pushed the number admitted to an historic low, weighs imposing unprecedented restrictions on the number of refugees allowed in the U.S. In a letter, the 10 Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee warned Secretary of State Mike Pompeo about possible damage to America's diplomatic clout and strategic interests around the world from any further reduction in refugee admissions. The hijrah (jihad by immigration) has roiled the continent and the refusal to address the root cause leaves France and inevitably Western Europe at the mercy (and there is none) of their invaders. Emmanuel Macron, President of France, has said funding should be withdrawn from pro-sovereignty nations reluctant to hand more power over to Brussels, and that countries which refuse to welcome third world migrants must be thrown out of the Schengen area. “Europe is not a menu à la carte, it’s a political project,” the French president declared, speaking at the end of an EU mini-summit on migration in Salzburg. At a press conference following the meeting of European leaders, Macron acknowledged there was “a crisis and tensions” over the topic but, crying out, “Who generates them?” the former investment banker launched a broadside at nations which reject asylum seekers and those which “refuse to let boats dock on its ports”. Taking aim at the ex-communist Visegrad states, which are reluctant to follow the West down the road of globalist multiculturalism, he lashed out at “the leaders who tell me… ‘[I] love Europe when it gives me money, when it makes my people prosperous, when it allows my workers to make better a living in neighboring countries,’ but at home, will not take a single migrant, not a single refugee.” “Countries that do not want more Frontex or solidarity [in housing and feeding third world migrants] will leave Schengen. Countries that don’t want more Europe will no longer [get access to] structural funds,” he told journalists. Turning the topic to EU Parliament elections, the banking protegé said next year’s vote would be “an historic fight [and] an election like no other”, as it would determine whether “the political project led by the founding fathers [of the union] … will prevail”…. The election to which Macron refers will be a historic fight. Many of the people within the borders of the European Union have voted against the policies of the EU. We have heard more and more demands that nations follow the example of Britain and leave the EU. In the United States the midterms will also be pivotal. Will the United States elect to continue the move to regain our sovereignty and keep the United States on the road to freedom and independence, or will we want to return to the road of fundamental transformation of the United States into a Marxist totalitarian state as desired by Obama and the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats)?
9/27/2018 MARXIST/PROGRESSIVE (DEMOCRAT) AGAIN PROVES THEY HATE THE CONSTITUTION AND OUR FOUNDING PRINCIPLESRead NowKarl Marx said that it is necessary to abolish all long-standing principles so that the fundamental transformation of a nation to a Marxist totalitarian state. Jeff Merkley of Oregon has said that the critical separation of powers principle upon which our nation was founded and is documented in the United States Constitution, is now an inconvenience to the MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) end goal to prevent a constitutionalist from taking a seat on the Supreme Court.
The MARXISTPROGRESSIVES (DEMCORATS) have attempted to follow their guru Karl Marx to abolish all long-standing principles, which would include the nullification of the principles of the Declaration of Independence, United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Separation of powers is now under direct attack. The United States Constitution clearly states that the president is to appoint, and the senate is to give advice and consent in the case of a potential Justice of the Supreme Court. The judicial branch is given no role. The judicial branch having no role in the process is considered to be one of the checks and balances that maintains the separation of powers. Now Jeff Merkley is saying that separation of powers and checks and balances should be ignored. The end result of this action would be the judicial branch assuming even more power than given to it by the United States Constitution. This follows the goals of the MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) to nullify or abolish all long-standing principles so they can fundamentally transform the Untied States to a Marxist totalitarian state as outlined by their guru, Karl Marx. This nullification of the above key principle, along with the nullification that the burden of proof lies with the accuser, are principles that are essential to a free society and extremely detrimental to a totalitarian state. History shows that aspiring demagogues, in their quest to transform their society into a totalitarian state, will consolidate power and will insist on the principle of the burden of proof lying with the accused. Sen. Jeff Merkley is filing suit asking a federal court to halt the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in light of the sexual misconduct allegations levied against Kavanaugh. Merkley said that the intention was to prevent the Senate from taking up Kavanaugh’s confirmation until his “full record” is available and disclosed. Merkley’s office said that the senator’s lawsuit alleges that the defendants’ handling of Kavanaugh’s nomination violated the “separation of powers and the advice and consent clause” by withholding any documentation pertaining to Kavanaugh and his background. This is the exact opposite of what Merkley is doing. But then this is to be expected. Remember, they believe the ends justify the means and Alinsky said always accuse the others of doing exactly what you are attempting. The MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) are remarkably consistent in their imposing, “the ends justify the means” and the principles of Alinsky as he outlined in “Rules for Radicals.” For the last couple of weeks, the press and the American public, or should I say the minority of the American public who pay any attention to current events, have been following the MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) attack against the United States Constitution. This should be no surprise to anyone since Marx told these people they most abolish all longstanding principles of a nation as they fundamentally transform a nation to a Marxist totalitarian state. The current attack by the MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) is the challenge of a principle within the Constitution that is essential to a free nation; that is where the responsibility of proof lies. A free society insists that the burden of proof is at the feet of the accuser. A totalitarian society, such as those headed by Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Castro, always insist that the burden of proof lies with the accused. This is exactly what the MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) are saying must be adhered to in their tortured attempts to keep Judge Kavanaugh off the Supreme Courts.
Remember, the MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) have understood that their agenda can not be completed based on the principles of the Constitution for at least the last hundred years. They have had as their primary goal to nullify those principles. The principles of the Constitution clearly state that Congress legislates, the Executive administers, and the Courts adjudicate. The MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) have been bypassing the legislature and placing lawmaking in the hands of the courts through rulings and precedent and the executive through regulations and executive orders. Judge Kavanaugh not only opposes the legalization of murder of innocent children who are deemed to be an inconvenience, he also believes in the principles of the Untied States Constitution. For these reasons the MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) say he must not be approved and will use any means they can to obtain their desired ends. In the meantime, what has been declared to be the biggest threat to American Freedom, the national debt continues to grow unchecked and the interest payments continue to grow. History shows the only way a debt can be eliminated, or at least reduced to a workable level is by a country becoming responsible, a country declaring a bankruptcy, or a country bringing about hyperinflation. Only the first option is acceptable, but the MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) and the REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT have ignored this debt, in fact have exasperated the problem, because they will not assume a responsible position for the good of the country because of the possibility that position could damage them politically. The federal government will pay more in interest on its debt than it spends on the military, Medicaid or children’s programs. More than $900 billion in interest payments will be due annually within the next 10 years, far outpacing spending on other government programs. The cost of interest is poised to hit $390 billion next year, nearly 50 percent more than in 2017, according to the Congressional Budget Office. “It’s very much something to worry about,” C. Eugene Steuerle, a fellow at the Urban Institute and a co-founder of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center in Washington, said. “Everything else is getting squeezed.” The deficit is expected to total nearly $1 trillion next year — the first time it has been that big since 2012, while annual interest payments on the national debt are expected to triple over the next decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The national debt is near or now above $21.5 trillion dollars. Congress continues to pass irresponsible spending bills. When President Trump learned of dollars not spent by certain agencies, he proposed those dollars be returned to the United States Treasury. The MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) and the REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT refused to follow the responsible course of action proposed by President Trump and insisted those dollars be spent. The above picture is even more dire than stated above. Not only is the national debt skyrocketing, but interest rates are going up as well. All socialist programs in the United States must begin the process of elimination today, or we will be another Venezuela tomorrow. Accurate history is no longer allowed to be taught in public schools in the United States. Instead of teaching accurate differences between left and right movements throughout history, our children are taught, for instance, of the goodness of the French and Russian revolutions and that racism and sexism dominated the American Revolution. This is because the American left identifies with the results of the French and Russian revolutions and despise the results of the American Revolution.
Many Americans have no idea what was just stated above. This is because they have gone through grade school, high school, and even through college and have never studied the above historical happenings, or other historical happenings. American students today are being indoctrinated and not educated. They are being told to study subjects and arrive at a pre-determined conclusion as opposed to studying a topic and arrive at a logical conclusion based on their study. American institutions of indoctrination have taken it upon themselves to censor and control thought. If thought does not conform to the lefts ideological belief system, it is eliminated, and all non-conformists are banned and punished. This is the same format followed by those who were successful in achieving power in both the French and Russian revolutions. Contrasting ideas were encouraged after the American Colonists were victorious in the American Revolution. This is a basic difference between advocates for those who favor the collectivist movements, or movements of the left, and advocates for the individualist movement, or the movement identified with the right. The collectivists or the left use intimidation and punishment in their demand for conformity as we saw in the aftermath of the French and Russian revolutions, while the individualists or the right thrive on freedoms such as speech, thought, press, religion, assembly, the right to petition the government, and assembly to voce grievances. The DNA of collectivists or the left dictates that a few of the elite dictate to the masses how they are to live their lives and what their thoughts are to be because the masses are told it frees them to do all that benefits the collective. The DNA of the individualist or the right proclaims that when the individual is free to think for themselves, to achieve based on their desires, to rise above the imposed standards of the group, and to rise above the social dictates of conformity, all of humanity benefits and thus individualism should be encouraged and championed. The DNA of the collectivist or the left states that law and rules can be and should be adjusted on a circumstance basis. The DNA of the individualist strongly believes in rule of law or the same rules apply in all circumstances and are not used to promote and ideology or punish a non-conformist. A collectivist will state that I not agree with your judicial philosophy, therefore the rules are changed so that you must prove your innocence as opposed to the rule of law principle that proof always lies with the accuser or the state. This is the exact stance the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are taking in the recent Supreme Court nominee hearings. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are applying the exact formula applied by Robespierre after the French revolution and Lenin after the Russian revolution. Just like the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) of today, they could not help themselves, it is in their DNA. As frustrating as it is, those on the right such as Grassley, are going to extreme limits to be fair and be sure all sides are heard in the wild and political accusations against the judicial nominee. Even though their actions are detrimental to their political agenda, the individualist, or those on the right believe in rule of law and searching for truth, just as Washington and his fellow revolutionists did after the American Revolution. They can not help themselves, it is in their DNA. The battle for tyranny and freedom continues to rage just as it has throughout history. The collectivist, or the left, continues with their long-standing approach of the “ends justify the means” and nothing is to outrageous so long as their damaging will is imposed on all. The individualist, or the right, continues with their long-standing approach that fairness and reasonableness must be applied. Neither side can help it. It is in their DNA. Lying, conniving, and destruction was the aftermath of the French and Russian revolutions. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) in the United States today have the same DNA as did Robespierre and Lenin. Fairness and congeniality were insisted upon by Washington after the American Revolution. Freedom Loving Americans, or the right, have the same DNA as did Washington. Will she or will she not show? Dr. Ford is in a difficult situation. She gave Diane Feinstein an account that supposedly happened in high school concerning Judge Kavanaugh and herself and requested that she remain anonymous. Feinstein sat on this supposed bombshell for at least two months and only mentioned it after the Judicial Committee hearings on the Supreme Court nominee had concluded. Feinstein said she did so because she did not give the letter much credibility. Now, every other Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) says that there is no question, but the events transpired just as Dr. Ford said they did.
Dr. Ford cannot remember the time of year, the location, how she arrived or left the location, who else was at the party, what kind of a party was it, and when she seems like she remembers different people who attended or even witnessed the event, these people have no recollection of the evening, much less the event. Yet the people who vehemently defended Clinton, Franken, and now Ellison say there is no question about the incident being claimed by Dr. Ford, even thought no evidence exists, and documented evidence exists in the incidents of Clinton, Franken, and Ellison. Of course, all Marxist/Progressives (Democrats), who despise the United States Constitution now claim that it is not Ford who must produce evidence that her claims are accurate, but it is Kavanaugh who must prove they are false. This is reminiscent of Stalin claiming a person committed acts against the government without naming the acts and telling the victim they must prove they are innocent. Of course, the victim could not prove their innocence because they had no idea what the crime was they committed nor when it supposedly took place. Stalin would then have the victim shot because they were obviously guilty. This is the state to which the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have brought our sense of fairness in the United States. The uncertainty remains whether or not the so-called hearing will take place on Thursday or will more demands be made by the Soros led attorneys for Ford. It is uncertain whether or not Dr. Ford is now over her fear of flying. It is uncertain how many more potential witnesses will be named by her. It is uncertain whether or not her alarm clock will work, and she will arrive on time. Perhaps even more critically, it is uncertain how many more red lines Grassley will draw in the sand, only to do an Obama and move the line once again. It is also uncertain how many others might have an epiphany and remember outlandish events. What we do know for certain is that the Marxist/Progressives know that the Dr. Ford story is accurate because Judge Kavanaugh will reverse Roe vs Wade, which is not even Constitutional law. Nevertheless, that makes the Judge guilty of any claim brought against him and he should be rejected. The other certainty is that Soros and his comrades will do whatever it takes to, at a minimum, delay the approval of Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment and ideally to derail it completely. What is also certain is that Grassley, while trying to prove how decisive he is, will continue to unwittingly aid the Soros led movement. When the American founders said we would be a nation where the people would be sovereign and rule themselves, they were told by the Europeans that that was impossible, because people are not capable of self-rule. That prediction is being validated as we see the circus act being played before us. 9/21/2018 MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) AGAIN UNDERMINING THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTIONRead NowKarl Marx said all long-standing principles of a nation must be eliminated as the collectivists fundamentally transform a nation to a collectivist Marxist totalitarian state as Obama promised would be done to the United States. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have always despised the Declaration of Independence, The United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights because they promote individualism, which means freedom and independence.
We are now seeing how the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are once again saying these above documents are living documents and can mean anything you want them to mean to gain your desired ends. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are saying that the idea of burden of proof lying with the state or the prosecution should be turned around, and the accused should have to prove their innocence when that scenario meets the needs of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats). This is called arbitrary law which means the law is flexible and can be changed to meet your needs. Arbitrary law is the system used when the state is presumed to be the sovereign and rule of law is the system when the people are presumed to be the sovereign; totalitarianism vs freedom. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) were committed to opposing any nominee to the Supreme Court the Executive, Donald Trump, would nominate, which is the constitutional duty of the executive. The legislative branch is to advice and consent. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have changed this to mean to oppose and destroy any Supreme Court nominee that believes the Constitution is the law of the land, it means what it says and says what it means, it cannot be changed by court rulings but only by the amendment process, and the role of the court is only to adjudicate and not legislate. We are now witnessing all the evil inherent in every movement that strives to totally control a society through any means they can, so they can force their wishes and desires on all people within that society. This is always the goal of collectivist movements (Marxist, communist, socialist, and progressive) The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are telling us in their latest attack on the United States Constitution and the Kavanaugh movement that the Constitution really does not mean what it says. The Constitution reads that the burden of proof always lies with the state or the accuser. The defendant has no burden to prove their innocence. The American public knows this concept to mean “assumed innocent until proven guilty.” The Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) movement today is saying that since Dr. Ford is a women and she believes it was Bret Kavanaugh that attempted to rape her at some party sometime while she was in high school and the people she claims were there are mistaken when they say they were not, and Judge Kavanaugh believes in the judiciary branch of government living within the confines of the Untied States Constitution, it is okay to make the Constitution a living document and place the burden of proof on the defendant, Judge Kavanaugh, because it serves the goal of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) to totally negate the long standing principles of the Untied States and fundamentally transform the United States into a Marxist totalitarian state. In other words, “the ends justify the means.” Arbitrary law is the system of law in every collectivist nation. Rule of law is an essential element in an individualist society as our founders designed and intended the United States to be. What we are witnessing today is a rebellion against the United States Constitution and an attempt to totally nullify the long-standing principles upon which we were founded as Marx said must be done. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are conducting a revolution against the foundation of our nation. These current actions taking place today, the Kavanaugh nomination, the Mueller investigation, the actions of the FBI, DOJ, and NSA, and the recently exposed collectivists undermining movement within other parts of the executive branch, are not only expected but predictable. There is a dedicated and aggressive movement to take the United States on “The Road To Tyranny” and change it from “Individualism To Collectivism.” I would strongly urge all Freedom Loving Americans, along with those Americans who just want to understand what is transpiring currently, to order immediately and then read “The Road To Tyranny, Individualism To Collectivism.” It can be ordered on Amazon or at www.mygrandchildrensamerica.com. The two overwhelming issues in the 2016 campaign were immigration and the border wall and the appointment of Supreme Court Justices. The two parties were at different ends of the spectrum on both. The Republicans campaigned on having Justices appointed who would fulfill the role of the Supreme Court as called for in the Constitution; that is to rule on cases and not legislate or make law which is the role of the legislative branch. President Trump and the Republicans have kept their promise that only people who would adhere to the Constitution would be nominated and approved.
We have seen the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) hatred for the Constitution in the latest hearing to fill the most recent vacancy to the Supreme Court. The actions of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) is reminiscent of the mockery they made of these hearings as they stooped to extreme lows in the Bork and Thomas hearings. Watching those hearings made any American ashamed that members of the Senate Judiciary Committee could stoop to the levels the Marxist/Progressives did. In watching the Kavanaugh hearings we witnessed tactics by certain members on the committee that represent the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party that exhibited their immaturity, lack of decorum, and low intellectual level. It was after the hearings we learned that Feinstein's conduct during the hearings was just a charade. The way she handled the sexual misconduct accusations made against Judge Kavanaugh was equal to or maybe even below the tactics used by her party during the Bork and Thomas hearings. And now we are seeing how these collectivists will stop at nothing to accomplish their goal of nullifying the United States Constitution and end individualism. Senator Feinstein, you should be ashamed, but of course she is not because we know, “the ends always justify the means.” It appears, however, that because her approach was so low, even the establishment Republicans will not succumb to her vile antics. It appears the establishment Republicans will keep their campaign promise. The border wall is another story. During the campaign the Republican establishment told us how critical it is to secure our borders, primarily our southern border. Yes, they said a wall made sense, at least in certain parts of the border. Yes, they said this is a priority. The Senate voted 93-7 to pass a sweeping $854 billion spending bill that includes funding for the departments of Defense, Health and Human Services, Labor, and Education, which make up the bulk of government spending. But no funding for the border wall. Only six Republican Senators voted no. The other no vote was Bernie Sanders. President Trump lashed out at Congress over the lack of funding for his border wall in the spending bill. "I want to know, where is the money for Border Security and the WALL in this ridiculous Spending Bill, and where will it come from after the Midterms?" Trump asked in a tweet. Once again, the members of the Republican establishment have broken their promise to those who elected them. Once again, the members of the Republican establishment have said they support securing the border, but just not at this time. This is the same song and dance we have heard from this group over the last at least 40 years. When will we Freedom Loving Americans say enough is enough. I would say that time is now. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have made clear that they do not want a secure border because they are replenishing their voter ranks with illegal aliens as the black voter leaves the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party. What is your reason Republican establishment members? Another promise not kept. The Republican-controlled Congress is moving to enact a Defense appropriations bill that has morphed into a multi-agency "minibus" and continuing resolution that funds Planned Parenthood and research that uses fetal tissue taken from aborted babies. We were also promised that the Republicans would cut spending and provide no funding for Planned Parenthood. Another promise not kept. We Freedom Loving Americans are speaking. The so called “elites” of the nation have been telling Freedom Loving Americans for the last many years that we do not understand just how greedy, racist, and stupid we are. These “elites” have been telling us in different ways that the nation we built is and has been destructive to the rest of the world. Obama finally verbalized that sentiment and now other so called “elites” are also verbalizing their hatred for everything that has made the United States the leader of the free world. Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) politicians, academia, Hollywood, the press, and now athletes are voicing their hatred for America’s basic principles.
Freedom Loving Americans are telling these haters of freedom and liberty that we do not need them. Consequently, main stream newspapers are losing subscriptions and advertisers, and football ratings and Hollywood’s self-glorifying programs such as the Emmys and Oscars viewership is plummeting. Much of this is due to the “in your face” attitude of these industries, but some of our disdain is also due to the bad behavior of the actors and athletes. The great news is that the ratings for Week Two’s Monday Night Football game between the Chicago Bears and the Seattle Seahawks, crashed to the lowest numbers ever recorded for a Week Two Monday night game. It should be noted that the game had competition with the 2018 Emmy’s broadcast, but the 70-year-old award celebration crashed to a never-before-seen low of a 7.4 overnight rating. Indeed, the 2018 Emmy Awards registered as the lowest Emmy’s broadcast ever measured. This is wonderful news. Freedom Loving Americans have learned that they do have power. Comments I have heard from people who no longer watch the NFL is how freeing it is. They have learned they no longer have to waste, and it was a waste, their time watching rapists, wife-beaters, and thugs who despise the nation that provided the means for them to become rich, but instead can use their time more beneficially. I saw some clips from the Emmy’s. What a waste of time it would have been to watch these self-indulging talentless individuals try to be funny and profound. The clip I saw was about 90 seconds and it was a pathetic 90 seconds. It is beyond comprehension why anybody would watch these shows, even if they support the politics of the left. Keep up the great work Freedom Loving Americans. George Washington said, “There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.”
George Washington again, “All obstructions to the execution of the laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this fundamental principle, and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels and modified by mutual interests.” Fredrick Engels also saw the destructive power of politics in the Untied States when he said, “Nowhere do “politicians” form a more separate and powerful section of the nation than precisely in North America. There, each of the two major parties which alternatively succeed each other in power is itself in turn controlled by people who make a business of politics, who speculate on seats in the legislative assemblies of the Union as well as of the separate states, or who make a living by carrying on agitation for their party and on its victory are rewarded with positions. It is well known how the Americans have been trying for thirty years to shake off this yoke, which has become intolerable, and how in spite of it all they continue to sink ever deeper in this swamp of corruption. It is precisely in America that we see best how there takes place this process of the state power making itself independent in relation to society, whose mere instrument it was originally intended to be. Here there exists no dynasty, no nobility, no standing army, beyond the few men keeping watch on the Indians, no bureaucracy with permanent posts or the right to pensions. And nevertheless, we find here two great gangs of political speculators, who alternately take possession of the state power and exploit it by the most corrupt means and for the most corrupt ends – and the nation is powerless against these two great cartels of politicians, who are ostensibly its servants, but in reality, dominate and plunder it.” When party leaders place the good of the party over the good of the nation their actions prove they ultimately place party over country. Diane Feinstein did exactly this and proved by her actions that the words of both Washington and Engels were prophetic; political parties will bring about the destruction of a great nation. Great nations can only continue to flourish when those in positions of power place the nation over the political party or their own personal desire for power and riches. Diane Feinstein was not wrong to make the accusations against Judge Kavanaugh known. She was completely wrong in how she did this. She made these accusations known at the time she did for the purpose of not only destroying a life but also the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh. If Feinstein had placed nation over party, she would have completely disclosed these accusations to the Judicial committee prior to the Kavanaugh hearing so a full and complete investigation could have taken place. If they were proven to be true, Kavanaugh and the administration should have been notified understanding that this accusation would be an issue in the hearing. If the accusation was proven to be false, it would never have been a part of the hearing nor would it be an issue today. Feinstein did this disservice to the United States for political and personal reasons. The political reason was to insert politics into the court system even more than it is today. The personal reason is because she is facing a tougher race for reelection to the Senate than she anticipated. Feinstein is a hero to her far left base but is a scourge to our Nation that can only remain free when politicians play fair and place nation above party. Washington was correct and that is understandable. Engels was also correct and that is remarkable that the co-author of "The Communist Manifesto" would understand his followers in the United States (the Democrats) would use every available method to destroy our freedom and independence and bring about the tyrannical classless society of Marx and Engels. The modern left has taught people that the way to evade difficult situations is to simply call them something else. We are then told by using a euphemism the problem has been solved and all will be good. We are told that if we use the word choice the act of taking the life of a baby is simply a medical procedure. We are told if we use the word undocumented, the fact that a crime of illegal entry has been committed has never happened and the repercussions are simply an over dramatized account by racists and xenophobes. We are also told that if we view the Muslim religion as the religion of hate as opposed to the religion of peace we are Islamophobic and demonizing some manufactured per cent of those who would follow the teachings of the profit Muhammad.
We are told that it is only the misguided Islamic Radical Jihadist Terrorists that want to harm anybody who does not claim allegiance to their religion. Yet, Muslims follow the teachings of the Quran or the book of Allah. The book of Allah, purportedly the eternal never-changing charter of conduct for the individual and the society at large, is singularly wanting. It emphatically and repeatedly vilifies and condemns the kefirs — all non-Muslims. A total of about three percent of the verses of the Quran seem to say something positive about non-Muslims. Yet even these few verses are immediately followed by verses that discard them. First, there was the Islam of Mecca, or the Islam of weakness. For thirteen years, Muhammad’s teachings, as recorded in the early suras of the Quran, were about hellfire and damnation, but not about punishment of the unbelievers in this world. Very few people were attracted to what he preached. In fact, the people scorned the man, harassed him, and eventually made him flee his hometown of Mecca for Medina. Then a major mutation took place: the Islam of Medina, or the “Islam of Tyranny,” arrived on the scene. The Quran’s suras of Medina are replete with exhortations of intolerance, exclusivity, and sanctioning of violence against non-Muslims. This mutation deeply appealed to the temperament of the Arab Bedouins, and they flocked to Muhammad’s beliefs. The People of the Book, Jews and Christians are subject of the Quranic approval only if they recognize that their holy books are corrupt while the Quran is the one true book. Ironically, Allah, who is claimed by Muhammad to be the creator of all, does not even bother addressing people of other faiths, such as Zoroastrians, Hindus, Buddhists, or those of no faith. Why are all these folks left out? Could it be because Muhammad did not know about them, that Muhammad had contacts only with Jews and Christians? Muslims and their apologists selectively cite the positive verses of the Quran to impress upon others its goodness and convince them that the book is indeed about peace, tolerance and the brotherhood of all people. It is in this spirit of misrepresentation that Islamic organizations in the West spend huge sums in spreading their propaganda through the media by claiming that Muslims are indeed kin of Jews and Christians; that the only three faiths Islam recognizes are members of the Abrahamic family. Acceding to Muslims, Islam was made for men. Women are playthings of men. Islam is 100% misogynist. Men are superior to women. Women are to obey men and are to be beaten when they disobey or misbehave. Islam is racist. The Quran stipulates that Arabs are superior to all others and it clearly condones slavery. It explicitly stipulates discriminatory laws for slaves. Islam denounces other belief systems and marginally recognizes the validity of only two religions, Judaism and Christianity. The nature of Islam is based on violence. It not only condones jihad, it recommends it and promises great reward for the jihadist. Here is the truth, as bitter as it may be. Islam is the culprit. Islam is anything but a religion of peace. Violence is at the very core of Islam. Violence is institutionalized in the Muslim’s holy book, the Quran, in many suras. The Quran as a Charter of Hate It is impossible to accept the Quran as a book of the loving creator of the universe, as Muslims claim. Why would the creator Allah, an all-merciful and compassionate, as the Quran calls him, vilify, despise and consider all non-Muslims as worthy of torment? Studying the Quran shows it to be a charter of hate, more than anything else. A few examples will suffice: Non-Muslims are the worse beasts (sura 8:55); Jews are despicable apes (suras 2:65) and says the Jews are like donkeys (sura 62:5); In the daily prayers that involves seventeen recitations of Al-Fatehe (sura 1), the Jews are demonized and the Christians are castigated; The Quran condones terrorism (surahs 8:12, 8:59); Killing a Jew earns the Muslim admission in Allah’s paradise (sura 9:11). Forbids asking questions about it, because one may lose his faith (sura 5:101-102); Allah is the one who leads people astray and will punish them for it (suras 5:41, 7:155, 16:53, 6:49); Satan, or the devil, can harm people only by Allah’s permission (sura 58:10). Would not this make Allah responsible for harming people? Not long ago, a rapist was acquitted by an Islamic court in the Islamic Republic of Iran for his crime by pleading that Satan made him do it. The judge ruled that he cannot punish the real culprit, Satan. The man, therefore, was found not guilty of the crime. A truly Islamic form of justice, squarely based on the Quran. Unfortunately, Islam cannot be reformed, since Islam claims it is the perfect eternal faith for mankind. Splits have occurred and will continue to occur in Islam. Yet reformation has not happened in nearly 1400 years and is not going to happen. Allah’s book is sealed. More and more Western countries are appeasing the Muslim and adhering to the hatred taught within its covers. Political correctness is saying this is the way to peace and understanding. According to the Muslim, peace can only exist when all adhere to the terms of the Quran. Understand what the politically correct term or phrase really means, or more appropriately what the term is really concealing. |
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