12/31/2019 WHAT IS IT, GLOBAL COOLING, GLOBAL WARMING, GLOBAL CHANGE, OR DOES IT MATTER SO LONG AS WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION TAKES PLACERead NowChancellor Angela Merkel used her New Year's message to warn of the dangers of global warming and declare that Germany must spare no effort to tackle them.
“Global warming is real. It is threatening,” Merkel said in the pre-recorded speech, to be broadcast Tuesday evening. "We have to do everything humanly possible to overcome this challenge for humanity. This is still possible." She added: "At 65, I am at an age at which I personally will no longer experience all the consequences of climate change that will occur if politicians do not act. It will be our children and grandchildren who have to live with the consequences of what we do or don't do today. That is why I'm using all my strength to ensure that Germany makes its contribution — ecologically, economically, socially — to getting climate change under control.” Angela Merkel said it is global warming and apparently believes she will not live to be 76 or 77, because supposedly the world will end in 11 or 12 years, right AOC. Posted Nov 11, 2017 by Martin Armstrong This year will be much colder for Europe than the last three. It will also be cold in the USA. We are in a global cooling period and all the data we have in our computer system warns that the earth is turning cold not warm. This will manifest in a commodity boom in agriculture as shortages send food prices higher. We will see the first peak in prices come 2024 after the lows are established on this cycle. Climate Change Isn't Just A Conversation Starter, It's A Real Problem with Real Consequences The world we live in is not ours to destroy. by Megi Mecolli University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Apr 18, 2019 It's no surprise to anyone that climate change has been something of a major policy battle in recent years. With new reports being drawn up and released every few months, the argument over how to approach the matter seems to intensify. However, the politics behind the problem is only making the matter worse. Climate change is not a partisan issue, it's a human one. Nor is it a new issue. The United Nations' IPCC report tells us that the next ten years are crucial to reversing the effects of climate change. That's it: ten years. If the world cannot begin to reverse the effects it instilled upon the planet, we call home, it will begin to turn inhospitable, full of powerful storms like those of Maria, Irma, and Harvey; full of drought, famine, and unyielding crops. HOW DO WE CORRECT THE INEVITABLE DESTRUCTION OF OUR PLANET DUE TO CLIMATE WARMING, CLIMATE COOLING, OR LETS JUST CALL IT CLIMATE CHANGE? AOC HAS THE ANSWER. Expert on everything, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed that fighting "white supremacy" is a fundamental part of combating climate change. She also attacked "consultants" who would encourage climate activists to focus on solar panels more than social justice. "The way we inoculate ourselves from continuing to burn up our planet at unsustainable level, triggering feedback loops that we have not even begun to comprehend, is by honoring indigenous wisdom and allowing it to guide our climate policy. The way that we preserve our systems is by transitioning to principles of universality. That means I want you clothed, I want you educated, I want you paid a living wage, no ifs ands or buts. And what that also means is directly, consciously, combatting white supremacy in the United States of America," AOC declared. The answer is so simple according to AOC and her fellow collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats – all virtually the same). We do what Marx said. We eliminate all borders, we become a classless society where all are totally equal in everything, (which is impossible but why quibble with nature) we all conform to the same ideology or Marxism (communism), and all our problems including climate warming, climate cooling, climate change, whatever, (why quibble with terminology) are gone.
2020 will be a volatile year. This is as certain as stating that Nancy Pelosi will make more incomprehensible statements, some because of her close friends, chardonnay and vodka, others simply because she is Nancy. There will be more hot air coming from Eric Swalwell, he just cannot help himself. Joe Biden will make more and more gaffes as his campaign becomes bogged down by his concerted effort to enrich his family and his perverted and creepy fondling of little girls. Sanders and Warren will become even more outlandish in their movement toward their true leanings, communism in the same mode of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Castro. That means they will go even more to the left than Hitler did. Booker will go the way Harris did while people continue to ask Castro who. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) will probably nominate Hillary Clinton on the second or subsequent ballot. She will accept with visions of billions flowing into the Clinton Foundation once again.
2020 will be a volatile year. We must remember that the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) had made great inroads in their promise to fundamentally transform the United States from a nation based on freedom and liberty to a Marxist totalitarian state. This promise was made by Comrade Obama in November of 2008. He made good on his promise. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) continued their assault on the principles upon which our nation was founded. They continued to grow the government and eliminate freedoms and liberties guaranteed by the United States Constitution. They continued their assault on the principles of divided government and nominated justices and judges who legislated from the bench. We also learned that the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) grew the deep state which believed it had the right and the duty to make all policy decisions regardless of whom the people elected. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) even changed our National Security thinking in that the NSA, CIA, FBI, and DOJ believed it was their duty and their right to control the election process and guarantee that the collectivist movement would continue. There was tremendous upheaval in 2016. The people of the United States, against incredibly great odds we are now learning, said that we the people still wanted to determine the course of our nation. We the people rejected the collectivist movement and elected an individual who promised to drain the swamp of the deep state, control our borders, change our courts, and remove the burden of big government with lower taxes and fewer regulations. Donald Trump has made good on his promises. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) understood that much of their movement to fundamentally transform the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state had been reversed. The election of 2020 becomes even more important. If Donald Trump is elected again, the continued effort to reverse the fundamental transformation promised by Comrade Obama will suffer a dramatic reversal, a reversal that could then take decades to overcome. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are no different from any collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat – all virtually the same). They are vindictive, vicious, and always live by their overriding belief that “the ends always justify the means.” There is no limit to what they will attempt. We have already witnessed them attempting a coup to overthrow a duly elected president and end the age-old American practice of having a peaceful transfer of power. They abandoned any sense of fair play, even further damaged the Untied states Constitution and rule of law, and followed one lie with an even bigger lie. If you will read history, you will see many of the tactics the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are using are the same tactics used by Lenin when he successfully brought the Bolsheviks to power in Russia. He lied, he manipulated, he abandoned any sense of fair play, and he accused his opponents of doing exactly what he was doing. The summer of 1917 in Petrograd was very volatile. The people of Russia lost as the Bolsheviks won and the people of Russia suffered terribly for years, we could argue they are still suffering. The summer of 2020 will be very volatile in the Untied States. The question is, will the descendants of the Bolsheviks, the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) win. If they do, the people of the United States will suffer for decades with financial collapse, social collapse, despair, devastation, and with all hope of a better life removed. Or will freedom and liberty, the principles upon which our nation was founded, win with an overwhelming victory by Donald Trump, the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) losing the House, and having a smaller minority in the Senate. If we who love freedom and liberty will work tirelessly, and will be keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of our fellow Americans, we can bring about this result which is absolutely in the best interest of all. This result will set the United States on a course that restores individual freedom and liberty for all with the government once again becoming a servant and not the sovereign. With this result, history will record 2020, despite the vicious, vindictive and deranged efforts of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats), as one of the great victories for all Americans and all mankind. It is with the effort of all Freedom Loving Americans that delivers us from the enslavement promised by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) that we can proclaim that 2020 WAS NOT ONLY A HAPPY NEW YEAR BUT A GREAT NEW YEAR!!!!! A collectivist (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats, - all virtually the same) believes it is a group rather than an individual who is at the center of all social, political, and economic concerns, and issues. Those who are proponents of this ideology say that the interests and claims of groups, with the state being the primary group, supersede those of individuals. This is in direct contrast to the founding of the United States when our founders stated that the rights of the individual come from the Creator and not from the state.
The Collectivist thus advocates, a society being a group, is considered to be superior to an individual. It is treated as some sort of super-organism over and above individuals that make it. Collectivism believes in the subjugation of the individual to the state and the individual has to sacrifice for the collective good of the people by suppressing their desire to pursue their happiness. The proponents of collectivism consider their stand to be superior to those of individualists as they are morally superior thinking of the collective good of the group or the society. The collectivist movement is not just alive and well in the United States, but it is also moving within the European Union as the EU tries to instill collectivism not only within individual states of Europe but to suppress the rights of the individual states to the demands of the group called the European Union. Great Britain has rejected this idea of abdicating their sovereignty to the EU. Other nations are revolting as well just as many individuals within the Untied States are revolting against the collectivist movement within our country. The same forces are being rejected; forced illegal and uncontrolled immigration, economic control, and control over the lives and thoughts of the individual. Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán has labelled the European Union’s mass migration-friendly policies as being one of the two gravest mistakes made by the political bloc going into 2020. The Hungarian leader made his comments earlier this week, stating that both mass migration and the current state of the eurozone economy would be major issues that the European Union member-states would have to deal with in the coming year. “Every intelligent person knows that 2020 will be a difficult year for Europe. Two serious mistakes were made in Brussels. One was the admission of migrants and the other was the disruption of European economic policy,” Mr Orbán said. “Immigration is a key issue for Europe. Not only today, this year or the next but for decades. It defines European politics and relations between European countries. In the Western countries to which they have been admitted, the Muslim population is growing year by year, and the Christian population is declining,” Orbán noted. The Hungarian leader mentioned the influence of Hungarian-American left-wing billionaire George Soros and his network of NGOs on EU migration policy, saying, “The Soros network is reaching the point where it wants to transform Europe into a mixed culture continent, possibly by eliminating nation-states. They will continue to push for this plan and will use all their tools.” The collectivists, in their thirst for control and power, will use any means necessary. They understand they must cause upheaval in a society. This will enable them to bring about their desired collectivist society. We who believe in freedom, liberty, and the rights of the individual must understand the evil of not only collectivism, but those who advocate for collectivism. They have no standards, no rules, are totally unethical, and believe that “the ends always justify the means.” We have seen how they work; Lenin and Trotsky in Russia, Hitler in Germany, Mao in China, Castro in Cuba, and Chavez in Venezuela. It is because their success always results in tyranny and failed states that people such as Orbain, Johnson, and Trump have pursued so diligently the opposite of collectivism, which is individualism. If you cherish freedom, liberty, private property, and your right to pursue your own happiness and dreams, you must understand the evil of collectivism and the freedom of individualism, and you must understand these differences beyond the bumper sticker mentality of social media. This is critical, because if collectivism is to be suppressed, it will take each of us setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of others. This is certainly a topic of discussion worth having today. We are told that Pelosi has lost control of her party and the party is today being run by the Squad. The general consensus is that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is the leader of the Squad which would make her the leader of the party. It is quite clear, I would argue, that Hillary Clinton or Chuck Schumer do not have ultimate authority, nor do any of the candidates for president. Perhaps, the most convincing argument would be that the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party is leaderless. I would disagree with that assessment as well. I would put forth the argument that today’s Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party is led by none other than Vladimir Lenin.
So much of what Lenin did and said is being done by the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party of today, including their call for socialized medicine which Lenin stated was essential because through it you could control the masses. Lenin also stated that socialism is the gateway to communism and that to disarm the public the best way to accomplish this is through licensing and registration of guns. We are also seeing the House follow their leader Lenin as they go through their coup attempt, they refer to as impeachment. “We must display determination, endurance, firmness and unanimity. We must stop at nothing. Everybody and everything must be used to save the rule of the workers and peasants, to save communism.” Lenin Pelosi, Nadler, and Schiff, along with the rest of the comrades have proven how they will stop at nothing to save the gains that were made under Comrade Obama’s regime when he made good on his promise to fundamentally transform the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state. Now Tulsi Gabbard, yes, the Democrat who had the fortitude to declare that the Dems had nothing in their Coup Articles, and voted present. I do not believe we could say that Tulsi did not understand how vicious a collectivist is. We heard Tulsi state during the debates that the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) were wrong in so many of their efforts to bring socialism and then communism to the United States. She is now being ostracized from the party as the real leader of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party said should happen to those who would step outside the dictates of the party. “The Bolsheviks could not have retained power for two and a half months, let alone two and a half years, without the most rigorous and truly iron discipline in our Party.” Lenin We have been given all types of retorts we are to use to win arguments with our Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) and RHINO family members, friends, and acquaintances. If we are consumed with winning the arguments, and not planting brushfires of freedom, we will not only lose these little wars, but we will lose our liberty and freedoms, the very thing collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats – all virtually the same) wish to take from us.
We are in the middle of a revolution. The stakes of the revolution were clearly stated in November of 2008 when Collectivist and Islamic Terrorist sympathizer Obama stated that he was about to fundamentally transform the United States. This was not campaign rhetoric for RHINO McCain had all but conceded defeat. Comrade Obama was making a promise. And yes, he was successful in completing much of his promise. That promise was that he would fundamentally transform the United States from a free and independent nation that championed individual liberty to a Marxist totalitarian state. He followed the pattern of another collectivist, Lenin, in Lenin’s bringing about the Marxist totalitarian state in Russia. The so-called impeachment taking place and dominating our news cycle, is not in any way an impeachment per the United States Constitution, but it is a coup attempt along the lines of many collectivist coup attempts throughout the years. The purpose of the coup is to change two fundamental principals of our nation. The first fundamental principle is that the voters, based on the electoral college, will choose the President. It is the electoral college that is a fundamental principle of a Republic as opposed to a Democracy, which the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) now desire and our founders feared. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are declaring with their coup attempt to say, if we will not become the Democracy they crave, then the House of Representatives will be able to veto the outcome of the electoral college if they so desire. The second principle is not a constitutional principle, but is a time honored tradition that began when power was transferred from George Washington to John Adams, but was truly enshrined when John Adams peacefully transferred power to Thomas Jefferson, two founders who had been very good friends but became bitter political opponents. This tradition of peaceful transfer of power continued until the election of 2016 when the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) openly stated even before Donald Trump was elected that they would not accept the peaceful transfer of power from Obama to anybody but Hillary Clinton. We are still in the throws of this attempted coup and it appears it will continue beyond the 2020 election. This is why it is so critical that control of the house be removed from the dictatorial Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party in overwhelming numbers. To set brushfires of freedom, it should not be your intent or goal to win the argument, but it should be your goal to get the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) or RHINO to start to think about what they believe they are supporting. In order to do this, you must understand completely what you believe, way beyond the ability to quote a bumper sticker, and you must understand what they believe. I would strongly suggest you read “The Road to Tyranny” and “Two Visions of America.” These books were written for the purpose of illustrating the very principles upon which our freedom and liberties are based and how the collectivists oppose these principles of freedom and liberty. You must remember that you do not think like the collectivists. The collectivists do not believe in rules and fair play, although they will claim they do. The collectivists have always and will always live by only one rule and that is that “the ends always justify the means,” to achieve their ultimate goals which is clearly stated by Lenin when he said, “The dictatorship of the proletariat, i.e., the organization of the vanguard of the oppressed as the ruling class for the purpose of suppressing the oppressors, cannot result merely in an expansion of democracy. Simultaneously with an immense expansion of democracy, which for the first time becomes democracy for the poor, democracy for the people, and not democracy for the money-bags, the dictatorship of the proletariat imposes a series of restrictions on the freedom of the oppressors, the exploiters, the capitalists.” You have heard this same goal expressed by people like Obama, Holder, Sanders, Warren, and the many in the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party. They will refer to the United States Constitution to justify their collectivist positions, but the United States Constitution is the safeguard of freedom and liberty for all regardless of some collectivist imposed class. In listening to the collectivist use the Constitution it is very clear that they have never studied the founder’s intent when drafting the Constitution and then the Bill of Rights. In fact, those of us who have studied both the Constitution and the documents that put forth the intent of the founders, legitimately question if these people have even read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. You have heard many of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) quote from the Bible, sometimes accurately and once in a while even in context. The scriptures are very clear however, that the Bible is the whole word of God and we cannot pick and chose those select versus we might want to make our point. What God tells us through his prophets of the Old Testament is as much as a part of the Bible as are the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament. When you study and learn more about the collectivists, what becomes clear is that the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States including the Bill of Rights is in direct contrast to the beliefs of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) because it supports the principles of Individualism which is in direct contrast to collectivism, the belief of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) When you study and learn more about the collectivists, what becomes clear is that the Bible, yes, the total Bible, is in direct contrast to the beliefs of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats). The Bible teaches that our first allegiance is to God and not the state. The collectivists clearly place the state, not only in first place, but the only allegiance, even forsaking family and friends for the state. Karl Marx stated that it is critical when bringing about the fundamental transformation referred to by Comrade Obama, that all long standing principles, (The Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution including the Bill of Rights) all morality, (any sense of fair play or justice) and all religion, (The Bible in its totality) must be rejected and replaced by the dictates of the state under the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat.” If you wish to become a part of the minority that is keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of people, you must first of all become dedicated to learning the differences between those who love freedom and liberty and those who despise freedom and liberty, and how to effectively set those brushfires. Please, please join me in this not only worthwhile but essential endeavor to safe our Republic from those who wish to transform it to a Marxist totalitarian state, the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party. I wish everybody a Merry Christmas. When you are celebrating with whomever you celebrate, remember, this is the time we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. If you do not understand why we would celebrate the birth of Jesus, I invite you to get a Bible and read what we call the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. If you are intrigued, you can go into the Old Testament and study the book of Isaiah. Jesus is consistently referenced in not only Isaiah, but throughout the Old Testament, beginning with the early chapters in Genesis.
If you will do this with an open mind and earnestly search for the answer to the question you have asked for years, “Why do we celebrate Christmas,” you will begin to understand and will never look at Christmas the same again. The Bible promises that those who seek, will find. Carols like “O Holy Night” will no longer be just a beautiful piece of music, but will become a glorious song of worship. When you sing along and sing that line “it is the night of my dear savior’s birth” you can rejoice with exceeding joy. Merry Christmas to all, and a special joyous Christmas to those who have opened and searched the scriptures for the first time. 12/22/2019 MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) JEST WHEN THEY SAY THEY ARE INVOKING AMERICAN VALUESRead NowTime after time we hear a Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) say the policies they favor are American Values. Yes, they will even say that their policies are what the founders had envisioned for our nation and they were in lockstep with them. My purpose for writing this and exposing the utter ridiculousness of these absurd and inane statements is not to persuade those who adhere to the doctrine of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) big government welfare state, and how anti American are their beliefs, but to talk to Freedom Loving Americans who will commit with me to begin to set brushfires of freedom in the minds of Americans.
If in fact, any adherent to the big government welfare state desired by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) should read this and begin to question the socialist doctrine and how anti American it is, that is just a plus. As we move along, periodically I will reveal how the socialist state in fact does exactly the opposite of what the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) state they want to do and that it is to help the “oppressed.” The welfare state always has and always will bring poverty and hardship to not only the poor of a nation, but to all within a nation except those in the upper echelons of the collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat – all virtually the same) party in power. The socialist state desired by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) has been proven to be cruel financially and socially, bringing hardship, poverty, and crime, It is imposed on societies for selfish reasons by cruel and power hungry people. For Freedom Loving Americans who wish to set brushfires of freedom, understand that when we are told big government and the welfare state are American, this is the exact opposite of what our founders desired. They understood that a big government welfare state would only lead to the loss of individual freedoms and bring about a tyrannical government dictating to the citizen how they were to live their lives and how they were to think. The founders explicitly limited the power of the federal government by enumerating the powers of the federal government within the United States Constitution. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have nevertheless used the words "general welfare" to expand the government way beyond the powers it was given so that today the federal government controls every aspect of American life that James Madison warned was not their intent. This is what James Madison, the father of the Constitution, told us could happen. “If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, everything, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America.” “The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” Thomas Jefferson “If the federal government should overpass the just bounds of its authority and make a tyrannical use of its powers, the people, whose creature it is, must appeal to the standard they have formed, and take such measures to redress the injury done to the Constitution as the exigency may suggest and prudence justify.” Alexander Hamilton The federal government has reached that point specifically stated by Alexander Hamilton. We are now at that time where we must redress the injury done to the Constitution in the most expedient and prudent way possible. Every single act mentioned by James Madison as a violation of the Untied States Constitution and directly against the intent of the founders is at the core of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) program. Where they have already violated the Constitution and the intent, they are proposing even more egregious violations. Every Freedom Loving American should question every Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) statement that claims they value the Constitution and adhere to American values. They should not only question, but they should set brushfires of freedom in the minds of Americans who would be open to understanding why and how our founders valued freedom and liberty and established the Constitution to protect freedom and liberty from the very programs promoted by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats). History was made on Wednesday when the house voted for impeachment of a duly elected President of the United States: a President who had not committed Treason or a high crime or misfeasor as required by the United States Constitution. History will also be made in November of 2020 when a president who was impeached by the House is overwhelming elected by the American public. This has never happened before.
Many of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) including Maxine Waters stated bluntly that she had no facts, but she had a strong belief. This was echoed throughout the so-called debate. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) state that they believed President Trump was guilty of abuse of power and obstruction of congress. Nobody can give a finite definition of either of those manufactured impeachable offenses. What the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have stated is that they wish to overturn the United States Constitution by declaring it to be a living document so that it can mean whatever they want it to mean. Unofficially they have been operating on this premise since at least the early 20th century. If you have supported the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) agenda, you have supported the overthrow of the United States Constitution. No conjecture, just fact, unlike the coup proceedings we have witnessed over the last several months. From evil, however, can come good if we Freedom Loving Americans will rationally asses the situation. That there is a swamp and deep state is no longer speculation, but they both have been revealed. A swamp and a deep state exist for the purpose of doing what they believe to be in their best interest, despite what the American people have voiced through an election. President Trump was elected for many reasons including his promise to drain the swamp and expose the deep state. The swamp and the deep state have fought against that draining and exposure viciously. During the coup (impeachment) hearings we saw time after time where members of the swamp and the deep state justified their actions to subvert the policies of the duly elected president because they disagreed with the duly elected president. They would, time after time, declare that President Trump did not follow their recommendations or suggestions and because of that they believed he had violated protocol which they mistakenly substituted for law. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats), ignoring the Constitutionally mandated role of the President, supported the swamp and deep state members. (When listening to these Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) talk about what the constitution states, a person truly has to question whether these people have ever read the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, or Madison’s Notes on The Constitutional Convention because their bumper sticker responses are the opposite of what these would support.) The Horowitz report also reveals how deeply the deep state was embedded within the FBI, where members of the deep state obliterated the law they had sworn to uphold, for the purpose of bringing about the demise of an administration the people had elected. What is not yet known is to what degree the swamp and deep state are embedded in other agencies such as the CIA and the NSA. This coup attempt by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) has not only revealed the swamp and deep state through the totally partisan hearings and Horowitz report, but it also triggered Attorney General Barr to have Mr. Durham conduct a far reaching investigation into many different aspects of the hoax that has revealed wrong doing and crime by the swamp and deep state. AG Barr had this to say about that investigation, “He’s not just looking at the FBI,” Barr said of Durham. “He’s looking at other agencies … and also private actors, so it’s a much broader investigation.” This is critical. Fraud, bribery, money laundering, obstruction, and on and on have been revealed. The Durham investigation must be complete and must follow the rule of law, the same rule of law that was obliterated by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats). The Durham investigation must pay no attention to social, political, or financial position of those being revealed even if that investigation leads to the oval office. However, we who are Freedom Loving Americans and support the Untied States Constitution, must not only respect, but insist that in any and every case, the burden of proof must lie with the government. We must not declare guilt unless Durham can prove guilt. Unlike the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) we must accept that the accused does not have to prove innocence, in fact the accused does not even have to present a case. We must totally drain the swamp. We must totally remove members of the deep state. We must adhere to those principles that will restore our freedoms and liberties by fully and totally adhering to rule of law. Always understand that in a nation where freedom and independence reign supreme, rule of law exists. Where arbitrary law reigns, as we have been witnessing, tyranny exists. When Comrade Obama promised he would fundamentally transform the United States, we know by his actions, that he meant fundamentally transform from a free and independent nation to a Marxist tyrannical state under the domination of the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat.” That is where arbitrary law is practiced. Support President Trump, Attorney General Barr, and Mr. Durham as we drain the swamp, eliminate the deep state, but always adhere strictly to rule of law. I am an Individualist and a Conservative. I know who I am, why I hold these beliefs, and I am not offended when somebody refers to me as an individualist or a conservative. Others are collectivists and progressives. Yet, when we refer to them as such, they become offended and accuse us of referring to them in derogatory terms. My question is why??? The only plausible answer I can conjure is that the legitimate terms that define the aspects of collectivism are not politically popular or considered to be politically correct. The collectivists have stated that to refer to groups based on accurate descriptive terms, such as illegal immigrants, is hateful and wrong. How do people have honest and meaningful discussions if we refuse to speak in honest and descriptive terms?
Again, I am an Individualist. Individualism is the idea that the individual’s life belongs to him and that he has an inalienable right to live it as he sees fit, to act on his own judgment, to keep and use the product of his effort, and to pursue the values of his choosing. It’s the idea that the individual is sovereign, an end in himself, and the fundamental unit of moral concern. This is the ideal that the American Founders set forth and sought to establish when they drafted the Declaration and the Constitution and created a country in which the individual’s rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness were to be recognized and protected. I am a Conservative. As a Conservative I believe in LIMITED GOVERNMENT. I believe that less government is always better government. We the people gave the government enumerated rights in the Constitution and in the 10th amendment said anything else was to be reserved for the people and the states. I believe the Federal government is always a threat to freedom and liberty of the people. This is why we insisted on having the Bill of Rights as a part of the Constitution that places direct limitations on the power of the Federal government. As a Conservative I do not believe any government has the right to confiscate my personal assets through taxation or any other method. I oppose an income tax and believe a progressive tax is especially an affront to my individual liberty. The Federal government was never given any authority over any form of education, my health care, the work force, certainly how I implement my belief in God, and so many other liberties. As a Conservative, I believe that we the people have been given natural rights by God and that the proper role of government is only to protect those natural rights commonly referred to but not limited to life, liberty, and property. As an individualist I believe that as MLK said, all people should be judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. I agree with MLK that when we group individuals into defined and special groups because of the color of their skin we are racists of the worst kind. Any and all should be held to the same standards and treated equally with skin color being ignored. Programs that give special privileges or place greater responsibilities on groups because of the color of their skin are discriminatory and never sanctioned by our nations foundation of natural rights. As an Individualist and Conservative I believe in capitalism, competition, unlimited opportunity, and rule of law. I oppose any and all federal government entitlement programs. I understand that any entitlement program under the false claim of equality is a limitation on liberty. Yes, you can call me an individualist or a conservative, because that is who and what I am. Collectivism is the idea that the individual’s life belongs not to him but to the group or society of which he is merely a part, that he has no rights, and that he must sacrifice his values and goals for the group’s “greater good.” According to collectivism, the group or society is the basic unit of moral concern, and the individual is of value only insofar as he serves the group. As one advocate of this idea puts it: “Man has no rights except those which society permits him to enjoy. From the day of his birth until the day of his death society allows him to enjoy certain so-called rights and deprives him of others. Collectivist is an all-encompassing term that includes Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Progressive and in the United States today Democrat. Collectivists oppose virtually everything in which I believe. They support big government with government controlling and dictating virtually every aspect of the life of the citizen including education, health, and the economy. The collectivist supports entitlements and believes that natural rights should be under the total purview of the government. Collectivists believe that to support their entitlement program all assets are the governments and it is the right of the government to determine what the individual can or cannot have. They refer to this as fair and just. Collectivists disagree with MLK. They believe it is the role of government to pick winners and losers and determine which groups, based mostly on color of skin, is to be rewarded and who is to be punished. They refer to this as social justice. The collectivist believes that capitalism is evil, greedy, and unfair because it promotes competition. The collectivist believes that the achiever or successful person has become so because they have gained at the expense of others. The collectivist believes that the individual is not responsible for their own actions but has failed or succeeded because of society and not their own choices. The collectivist believes in the supremacy of the state, that the individual is only recognized as a part of the group, and the group has the right and the responsibility to define the limits of the individual based on how they define as the good of the community, the group, or the state. Within the definition of collectivist is included the ideologies of Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Progressives, and today's Democrat. Just as Rosa Luxemberg, Trotsky, and Lenin had differences, they were all collectivists. Yet today, some of those who strongly advocate for the collectivist ideology take umbrage to being referred to as a Marxist, Communist, Socialist, Progressive and yes even Democrat. When I use these terms, I am not using them in a pejorative manner but rather in a descriptive manner. I take no umbrage whatsoever when referred to as an individualist or a conservative. That is what I am. I regret that collectivists would believe that by using the terms that describe their belief I am being insulting or divisive. I can only surmise they would take this attitude because they wish to conceal their beliefs or they understand that their beliefs, historically, have always failed bringing financial and social collapse to the societies that adopted them. It is not my intent to belittle anybody for having different views from me. It is my intent to provide a setting in which these differences can be openly and honestly discussed, not debated or argued, but discussed. I believe in the First Amendment that protects freedom of speech. It is my belief that any attempt to curtail or abridge that right in any way is detrimental to freedom and liberty. With any who feel I have disparaged you, please understand I respect your right to your beliefs and simply desire to set a civilized stage on which to openly and honestly discuss these critical issues. The question facing the United States, the United Kingdom, and really all nations is which road will be taken. One road is a road named Globalism which is the road of the left. This road is the road of collectivism where all nations and individuals become citizens of a one world government and surrender to the dictates of an elitist world government that dictates to all how they are to live their lives and how they are to think. The other road is the road of freedom and liberty for the nations as well as for the individuals. The proponents for this road believe that natural rights are the province of the Creator and not man nor government.
The voters of the United Kingdom recently showed their disdain for the road of collectivism both because they reinforced their preference to be free from the constraints and demands of the Globalist dictatorial European Union and also the socialism and anti-Semite beliefs of Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party. We are also hearing rumblings that other countries such as Poland might chose to leave the Globalist European Union while other members such as Sweden, Austria, Hungary, and Italy are openly rejecting the immigration demands of the European Union. Countries up and down the Balkans, such as Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, and Montenegro are rejecting the demands to accept refugees. In the United States, there are strong indicators that the collectivist policies of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats), including the rejection by them to accept fair elections and peaceful transfer of power, will face the same fate as their Comrades, the Labour Party of the United Kingdom. We saw the inability of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) to accept the results of the election in 2016. They are already making proclamations as to what will happen when the Senate rejects their Coup attempt as well as them anticipating the results of the 2020 election. We Freedom Loving Americans must set as our goal, not only the election of Donald Trump to be President for another four years, but we must take back the House with a sizeable majority and shoot for at least an 11-vote majority in the Senate. What we know is that the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party will continue in its attempt to overthrow the United States Constitution and continue their fundamental transformation of the United States to a Marxist tyrannical state under the domination of a “Dictatorship of the Proletariat.” Although the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) will deny that they are collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats – all virtually the same) their actions and proposals prove otherwise. Not only do they adhere to the teachings and doctrines of Karl Marx, they use the same tactics to implement them as did Lenin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Chavez and all the others. This fact cannot be emphasized enough, and that is that collectivists never quit the fight to control the lives and thoughts of all. They absolutely believe that it is critical for their elite to assume the role of dictators over the lives of the serfs. They believe that the others who tried and failed, failed not because the philosophy does not work, but for some other reason. Never forget, they are vicious, vindictive, and persistent and adhere strictly to their axiom, “The ends always justify the means.” This is why it is so critical that we who love freedom and liberty set our goals, achieve those goals, and never ever rest on our laurels, but realize we are always in a war to live free and independent from the constraining and punitive demands of the collectivist. |
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