I understand, this is not a very eye catching headline, especially with all the highly charged headlines floating about concerning, the virus, the lock downs, sexual or really rape charges, new revelations about the KGB like tactics of the FBI, and using the virus to fundamentally change the United States. All of these are critical happenings and must be investigated and revealed. They all are a part of the major question before the United States today, and that is WILL WE REMAIN A REPUBLIC.
It is important that we take some time understanding that the United States was specifically designed to be a Republic and us being a Democracy was specifically rejected by the founding fathers. To address this is necessary because it is not taught in our schools nor is it understood by the overwhelming majority of Americans. We were founded as a Republic because a Republic protects the rights of all citizens equally, even the minority. The majority cannot vote to retain a right for certain groups and eliminate it for others. Under a Republic rule of law is honored. This means that the law must be blind to social, economic, or political status, when applying the law. The United States Constitution is the Monarch and has final say in any and all disputes. A Republic will have a constitution and our founders said our Republic would have a written constitution. A democracy is a form of dictatorship. The difference between a democracy and an autocracy is a number. The number states the size of the dictator. In an autocracy the number is one and in a democracy the number is the majority. They both hold the same power. The dictator can and does eliminate rights for any group it designates as not being worthy of a certain right. The dictator can and does determine how the law will be applied. They change the application of the law depending on factors such as social, political, or economic status of the individual or group being tried, or any other status they favor or despise. A Democracy does not have a constitution because it is the dictator that has the final say in any and all disputes. In the United States we are witnessing a concerted effort to obliterate our republic and along with it the United States Constitution. and replace it with a Democracy. This is what is meant when we are told the United States must be transformed. Those calling for transformation want to change the United States to a Democracy or a dictatorship of the majority. This is why we are having the demand for mail in voting. This is why we have such resistance to maintaining accurate voting roles. This is why we are having a call for simple and automatic registration. This is an effort to create a majority by any means necessary to achieve the ends of transforming the United States to a Democracy. Once the United States becomes a direct Democracy and the means to control the vote is in place, the dictator, or manufactured majority, can determine what rights they will extend and to whom, what the law is and how it will be applied, what is in the best interest of the community, and what can each individual achieve and what if anything can they retain. We will have transformed from an individualist society to a collectivist society where the rights and ambitions of the individual are limited by the dictator based on what the dictator determines to be in the best interest of the collective or community. This is the definition of communism. Over the last couple of months, in some states, we have had a small dose of communism. Communism cannot exist in a Republic because the rights of each individual are the same and they are protected. In a Republic, rule of law must be employed, and the ultimate law is the Constitution. Communism is always proclaimed to be a Democracy, and it has all the characteristics of a Democracy. The majority rules and dictates to others what their rights are and how the law applies to them. The majority is a manipulated and controlled majority, much like is being demanded in the Untied States today through the use of mandatory vote by mail, no regulation on voter rolls, and no voter ID of any kind. Again, I ask, WILL WE REMAIN A REPUBLIC, or will we be transformed into a Democracy. This is the same as asking if we will remain a free and independent people with liberty for all and equal protection under the law, or will we have our freedom and independence, our liberties, and how the law is applied to us dependent upon if we are in the good graces of the Dictatorship of the Majority.
More and more we are seeing an uprising of angry Americans telling the governors, mayors, and health officials that they are tired of their scare tactics. After months of public health officials telling us everybody will die unless the American public adheres to their draconian demands, and none of what they told us coming close to being true, Americans are saying enough is enough.
Europe is opening. New Zealand is opening. Australia is opening. Sweden never closed. South Dakota never closed. The promises by the WHO and Facui were based on terrible models. This has been known for months, and yet the call for draconian lock downs continues in states like New York, Illinois, Michigan, and California. An election is coming in November. Will the American VOTER remember how those aspiring dictators told us this was to protect the health system which we now know was never in danger except perhaps in one or two New York hospitals. In fact, the lock downs have put our health care system in danger because many hospitals are in danger of being forced to go out of business. The lock down for a virus that has proven to have the same hospitalization and death rates as does the flu virus, has caused undue hardship on the American people including unemployment, closing of small businesses, and increased suicide, child beatings, and home violence. All of this could have been avoided. It was obvious weeks ago the numbers were wrong. They are still low numbers despite states fraudulently increasing the death count. It also became obvious that the draconian lock downs continued and still continue today for purely political purposes. Will the American VOTER remember in November that the (D) behind a candidate’s name, for national, state, or local office means: (D) Destruction of country (D) Dictatorship (D) Despotic means to bring about desired ends. If you vote for the (D) candidate, you are the problem. What we have learned is that the DNC has living rules when it comes to the nomination for president. They will change the rules depending on the latest news trends, even when it comes to determining not to hold scheduled primaries. It would be extremely hard to convince anybody that New York state determining to not hold a presidential primary despite holding a statewide primary was the call of the New York Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party without the blessing of the DNC.
We saw manipulation in 2016 that drove the nomination to Hillary Clinton. There is a legitimate reason to ask if Clinton needed the help or would she have won the nomination anyway, even if she was not given the questions prior to debates. Chances are good that she would have, but the Marxist/Progressives have swung so far to the left they believe it is the party and not the voters who should decide. There is nothing that says they have to hold primaries, but they apparently believe the facade of an open primary is important to their voters. We can be assured, to the party members it is not since collectivist party members understand the importance of complete adherence to party dictates, but it is important to swing voters. We are also seeing signs that the party is becoming more and more concerned about the nominee they have apparently chosen, so much in fact that it appears there is manipulation to rid themselves of this poor choice and move to the convention, virtual or otherwise, to choose a different candidate. The reasons are obvious. Biden has proven to be an extremely poor national candidate in the past. He has shown a quick temper on the campaign trail, an inability to think quickly, and is an uninspiring and poor speaker. Now let us come to the current Joe. His limited intellect, his poor speaking ability, his gaff responses for which he is famous, and his roaming hands and nose have become even greater negatives. That Joe Biden has dementia is readily apparent, so much so that recently his wife Jill has become the on-camera spokesperson while Joe sits next to her staring into space. Joes roaming hands are becoming more and more prevalent as news items as his sexual escapades, which in some circles would be considered rape, are gaining more and more news coverage as they are given more and more validity. Hunter has still not gone away, even though nobody seems to know where he is. The question of Joe’s and Hunter’s activities in both Ukraine and China are still very much in the news, just lurking under the endless China Virus headlines. As the China Virus headlines began to take less and less news time, Joe will be given more and more news time. This has only one consequence, and that is bad news for both Joe and the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats). The real question is, where will the Marxist/Progressives turn when they dump Dementia Joe, by the way where is Hunter and where were your hands, Biden. 4/27/2020 MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) CANNOT SURVIVE FOUR MORE YEARS OF PRESIDENT TRUMPRead NowThe Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party will use every means possible to defeat President Trump and keep control of the House. It is essential for their survival as a political party. The China Virus has been a blessing to the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party because it has dominated the news cycle and given them a different reason to make false accusations against the President.
What else is happening, is that every day more and more is revealed as to just how much the Obama regime benefited the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) takeover and how much it has undermined freedom and liberty and the Constitution of the United States. If you are searching the news, you are learning that the deep state within the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, the NSA, the State Department, and really throughout the total government violated the law and was efficient as was the STASI in promoting their agenda. We have learned how the FISA procedures were abused. We just do not know how far those abuses went into the White House, but it appears they went into the Oval Office. We are learning how the deep state violated campaign laws by receiving foreign assistance per the Steele document. We are learning how this illegal action also probably went into the Oval Office. We are learning how the Mueller investigation violated the rights of citizens by falsifying and lying about evidence in all of their indictments. We are learning how the whistle blower was orchestrated at the highest levels of government including Atkinson and Schiff’s offices. The list keeps growing with time as more and more of Hillary’s emails are revealed and other documents are declassified, we see more and more desperation in the form of absurd and outlandish claims. The only reason it has taken so long for so much of this to be revealed is because of a totally compliant and subservient press. Special Prosecutor Durham has been conducting his investigation and we are led to believe indictments will be coming. As indictments happen, it is typical that plea bargains are made in exchange for information. All indications are that the revelations could run deep, yes, into Obama’s Oval Office. We will hear from the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) how our very democracy is in danger. They will be correct; the very democracy of which they dreamed will be in grave danger but the Republic that was established will become even stronger and our Natural Rights of life, liberty, and property will again be restored and not under the control of government. The Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party, who has had as their mission to transform the United States from a free and independent people to a Marxist totalitarian state under the domination of the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat”, will be exposed for their anti-American beliefs and policies. This will not just happen Freedom Loving Americans. Our fight for freedom and liberty is opposed by a desperate party who operates by their axiom, “the ends always justify the means”. If we are to restore freedom and liberty we must commit to becoming a tireless and irate minority, keen on “Setting Brushfires of Freedom” in the minds of all fellow citizens and illegals. Remember the opposition believes all illegals should be able to vote and ensures that they do. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said “much more than” the initial $400 million for a vote-by-mail initiative will be included in the next coronavirus stimulus bill to enable “every person registered to vote” to receive a ballot at home.
She continued, “Let me tell you another reason he might be against it. We have to save the lives and livelihood of the American people. We also have to save our liberty, the life of our democracy. Voting by mail is central to this in any event, but at the time of the coronavirus, very essential. We had $400 million in CARES one. We have to have much more than that in CARES two so people can vote by mail.” This is a critical issue to the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party who think government has the power to control our natural rights of live, liberty, and property, and believe we are a democracy and not a Republic. They are wrong on both. Government having power over natural rights is a dictatorship, as is a democracy. Pelosi has no idea she stated publicly she favors dictatorship, which of course is what she did, because she does. In order to ensure the dictatorship, she wants universal vote by mail. Judicial Watch has identified 378 counties nationwide where the number of registered voters exceeds the number of citizens who are eligible (old enough) to vote. They base their analysis on data released by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) in 2019 and the most recent U.S. Census Bureau’s five-year American Community Survey. The number of voter registrations exceeding the number of eligible citizens is approximately 2,5 million nationwide. In 2018, the Supreme Court upheld a massive voter roll clean up that the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) vehemently opposed. If the voter rolls were maintained properly, it would greatly curtail the massive election fraud and cheating that has been perfected by the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party. Voter harvesting, which is legalized voter fraud and cheating, would be curtailed. The drive the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are on to transform the United States into a Marxist totalitarian state under the despotic rule of the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” would be seriously challenged; probably defeated. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are adamant that every registered voter, whether dead or alive, whether living in state or out of state, or whether a duplicate or triplicate, still receive a ballot so their vote can be cast with the assistance of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party. Before you answer this question, remember that American has never meant your place of birth or your place of residency, it has meant a spirit, a spirit unique to those who built the unique nation called the United States of America. These were people who were misfits. They came to the colonies to escape from government domination, to escape from the dictates of society, and to seek their own way, understanding they were responsible for the consequences of their own choices.
After we became a nation, the lure of independence, liberty, and freedom continued to attract those who found the conformity, the political correctness, and the adherence to rules of government and society to be so stifling they could no longer endure it. These non-conformists, these protestors, and these people who understood that all governments sought to dominate the lives of people, fled to the shores where limited government was cherished and revered. Here are some quotes of Americans who described in their words what it means to be an American. “America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.” President Harry S. Truman “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” President John F. Kennedy “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” Founding Father Patrick Henry “The way to secure liberty is to place it in the people’s hands, that is, to give them the power at all times to defend it in the legislature and in the courts of justice.” President John Adams “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” Founding Father Samuel Adams “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Founding Father Benjamin Franklin “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” President Ronald Reagan “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” American Revolutionary Soldier Nathan Hale Now, go ahead and answer the question, are we still a nation of Americans, are you an American. Comrade Barack Obama endorsed his “good friend” Joe when nobody else was left. Only one of the more than two dozen candidates from perhaps the weakest field of presidential candidates ever assembled, was left standing. That candidate was Dementia Joe, by the way where is Hunter, Biden. Yes, he had been the Comrades Vice President and self-proclaimed best friend, but Comrade Barack failed to say to vote for Joe, until it was only Joe who had not dropped from the race.
And yes, Dementia Joe, by the way where is Hunter, Biden became Delusional Joe. Obviously, his staff understood just how weak their candidate really is, having no policy plan, nor the ability to articulate it in any coherent manner if he did. They apparently thought that she who said our history, our way of life, and everything about the United Sates would have to be transformed, would come to his rescue. Now we receive the official word from Comrade Number One, the same Comrade who ran the nation while Comrade Barack occupied the Oval Office, Comrade Valerie Jarrett. Presumptive Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) presidential nominee Joe Biden has committed to choosing a woman as his running mate. But the Obama family confidante on Tuesday said there’s “no chance” that woman will be Michelle Obama. Comrade Valerie Jarrett, a former Obama White House senior adviser, took a hatchet to the recent speculation that the former first lady would consider joining the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) ticket with Biden, who served as her husband's vice president. “The reason why I'm being so unequivocal is that there just simply has never been a time when she's expressed an interest in running for office,” Jarrett said in an interview with The Hill. “She’s not demurring here. She’s not being hard to get. She doesn’t want the job.” What we learned during the Obama regime, was that when Comrade Valerie spoke, the Obama’s listened, and her suggestions became the rules to which everybody else adhered. Understand people, when I use Comrade, I am not using it facetiously, but I am using it literally. Self-declared communist Frank Marshall Davis directly taught Comrade Barack, and indirectly taught Comrade Valerie, and Comrade Michelle. All three have acknowledged their unwavering belief for the philosophy taught to them by Davis. This is the age-old question of Individualism vs. collectivism. Individualism is the basis upon which the United Sates was founded. The Declaration of Independence states that liberty is endowed to each individual by God and goes on to state the liberty is an inalienable right or it is unable to be taken from the individual. To protect these rights from government, the 1st Amendment says “ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Notice, it says no, and there are no exceptions including a pandemic. The founders understood that once government had infringed on a liberty, that liberty was gone.
Collectivism is the believe that individual liberties are allowed only so long as they do not endanger the authority of the collective or the state. The collective or the state has the unrestricted and ultimate authority to determine what and how much of a liberty the individual can exercise. Collectivism is an all-encompassing term that includes Marxism, communism, socialism, progressive, and the Democrat party. All of these have at their core the believe in collectivism, or the supremacy of the collective or state. Attorney General Barr said in an interview on “The Hugh Hewitt Show” that state governments in the U.S. need to “do a better job” of ensuring coronavirus restrictions are “properly targeted” and do not unnecessarily infringe on constitutional rights. He added that the country is currently facing “unprecedented burdens on civil liberties.” “When a governor acts, especially when a governor does something that intrudes upon or infringes on a fundamental right or a Constitutional right, they’re bounded by that,” the attorney general said. “And those situations are emerging around the country, to some extent.” It is the belief of many that Attorney General Barr was not strong enough. The states and cities are taking the liberty to change the word no to mean unless the governor or mayor deem the restriction on liberty to be in the best interest of the collective or the state. We, the American people have willingly sacrificed our liberties for the promise of safety and equality. The inevitable end is the total surrender of liberty to the collective and the state. This has been the open declaration of some such as Pelosi, De Blasio, Gracetti, Whitmer and so many others. Regardless of what they say, they are abolishing our liberties and we not only have the right but the obligation to rise up in mass protests. If we do not, we will be even more dominated by a bureaucratic dictatorial government completing the transformation called for by Obama and in a recent conversation between Biden and Sanders. Their ultimate goal is to install a Marxist totalitarian state under the despotic rule of the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat.” This is not hyperbole, nor is it farfetched. It is what is happening under the guise of safety. It is an old tune that we continue to hear; the left continues to put agenda and party before people and country. It has been the desire of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party to transform the United States into a collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat, - all virtually the same) state for at least 100 years. The progress they have made is truly phenomenal. Norman Thomas, (1884-1968) six-time U.S. Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America, told us how it would happen and why the Socialist Party of America was no longer necessary, but in fact a duplicate.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” "I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform." They have practiced the communist axiom of “the ends justify the means” to perfection. We are again seeing this in evidence as they use the China Virus to promote their agenda. As a part of their demands for the $2T stimulus to pass, they wanted a large part of the “Green New Deal” plus their means of increasing their ability to fraudulently manipulate elections by requiring universal vote by mail. Collectivist activists are proposing a “green stimulus” plan that would aim to boost the economy through the implementation of environmental reforms in various sectors. The advocates and academics behind the plan outlined their at least $2 trillion proposal that aims to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels and create “green jobs” in an open letter to Congress posted Sunday. The activist proposal aims to make changes to areas including housing, transportation, manufacturing, energy, and farming. The collectivist has had as a major goal to bring about complete financial equality. In different revolutions we have seen this is done by ridding a nation of entrepreneurs, including the small business owner. The longer the different state and cities can be on lockdown, the more and more businesses will be forced to close. The owners, the people most hated by the collectivists, will lose their equity and workers will suffer greatly. The collectivist has never cared about the people, either the owner or the worker, so long as their goal of equality is met. The president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Sunday said its latest poll shows a "terrifying" fact that one out of 10 members say they are less than a month away from permanently going out of business. Equality, under any collectivist system means that all people are equally poor. Poverty rates under socialism always greatly exceed poverty rates under capitalism. The collectivist response, including the response under collectivist Franklin Roosevelt, is all is good so long as equality is achieved, and people are more and more controlled by the state because they are more and more dependent on the state. Continue the lockdown is their cry. They will tell you it is for safety, but that is a lie, it is to bring about equality and eliminate liberty. Norman Thomas was correct when he said Americans will accept socialism and the proponent of socialism is the Democrat Party. A New Jersey woman who organized an anti-lockdown protest has been charged with violating Gov. Phil Murphy's stay-at-home orders.
Kim Pagan, from Toms River, NJ, was the organizer behind an anti-lockdown protest outside the New Jersey State House in Trenton on mid-day Friday. Approximately two dozen cars lined up outside the State House; some vehicles had signs demanding that the state re-open. New Jersey State Troopers did not stop the demonstration, but Pagan was charged with violating the Garden State's stay-at-home order. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is encouraging people to snitch on anyone who isn't abiding by social distancing guidelines and report them to the police. The Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) mayor advised New Yorkers to take photos of anyone who was not keeping a distance of six feet away from others or any businesses that were violating the social distancing rules. Mayor de Blasio released a video on Saturday that provided instructions on how people could tattle on their fellow New Yorkers. Looks like the pro-Beijing leader of Hong Kong has learned a lesson about crises: Never let them go to waste. And now she is using the city's stay-at-home practices during the coronavirus pandemic to crack down and arrest democracy advocates. Communists, whether they are in the United States or in China are communists. Karl Marx was specific when he said despotic means would be necessary during the time of majority rule or when the society was ruled by the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat.” The communists, whether in China or the United States understand that to bring about their totally harmonies society, it is necessary that the society be totally conforming. That means all people must adhere to the absolute rule of the communist dictates and accept it as being the best and safest for all. This comment was posted on Facebook and exemplifies the attitude so necessary in a communist society. I will not give the name. “I know we all want to go back to our normal life, but rushing it to go shopping or go to the beach or even to go back to work is not worth your life.” The person who said this is not in a susceptible group to the virus, but is certainly in the susceptible class for the call for conformity by the communist movement in the United States. Study after study, both in Europe and the United States have proven time after time that the lockdown has been far more detrimental than beneficial, unless you are an advocate for total state control and total conformity to the dictates of the state. Has anybody been able to differentiate between the happenings in New Jersey, New York, and Hong Kong? I did not thinks so, there are not any. |
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