I started to listen to CPAC coverage as I do every year. This year I found myself getting bored as opposed to engaged. There was the usual array of gifted speakers like Ted Cruz, who in my opinion is in the same class of gifted speakers as Alan Keyes. I was intrigued by Kristi Noem who gave a direct and emotional speech and was one of the few speakers who ended with a specific plan of action. And then of course we had light weight Kevin McCarthy who had all the proper condemning applause lines that carried absolutely no credibility when he has proven time after time that he is the perfect minority politician; a politician who speaks loudly but is no where to be found when a strong stand must be taken such as removing a traitor like Liz Cheney from leadership.
I did preserve, but to no avail. And then late Saturday afternoon I understood why I was mostly disgusted. Oh yes, the China Virus talks were present, the attack on our liberties and rights was present, the call to the defense of our Constitution was present, and the denunciations of China and Iran were present, but there was no discussion about the elephant in the room which was the open and blatant stealing of the election from Donald Trump and then the attitude of the left which said, “yes, we stole the election and there is nothing you WILL do about it.” The left was absolutely correct. There is nothing CPAC will do about the stolen election. That there was massive fraud, documented and proven fraud, is beyond question. Whether it was enough to have changed the election is not the question, however, well founded estimates are that in fact it was, with the estimates showing Trump had 79 to 80 million actual votes and Biden had well under 70 million actual votes. Nevertheless, just like at CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, and FOX, this topic appeared to be off limits at CPAC. There is no more important issue facing the United States today than election integrity. Election fraud has been escalating and probably did not reached its crescendo in 2020. CPAC and the many conservatives speaking at CPAC do not seem to care or do not consider this an important issue. We learned that when using Dominion machines and software, any result can be produced regardless of the actual votes cast by the public. We also learned that Democrat controlled cities like Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Madison, to name a few, can swing vote results in their state. The strategy is to determine how many votes must be created or altered to bring about the desired result. We also learned that massive mail in voting is an excellent means of fixing elections and that our judges, including the majority of the Supreme Court Justices, endorse election fraud. All the wonderful policy reforms discussed at CPAC, reforms and lines that drew thunderous applause and standing ovations, will remain applause lines only far into the future, unless the conservatives are wiling to recognize voter fraud exists and make it their top priority. That means presenting facts to the public consistently by endorsing and echoing the many brave Americans, including Mike Lindell and the Arizona Senate, as they continue to expose the election fraud. We learned that when a wrong has been committed, just like the wrongs committed by Cuomo, the continuous discussion will eventually cause even the most corrupt news organizations to mention them, so the masses become aware. Today we have talk of Cuomo being impeached as opposed to Cuomo winning an Emmy. The same would take place about election fraud. Most Americans want free and honest elections. It is essential to make the elephant in the room the number one discussed topic with all else secondary.
For to long the Republican Party has claimed to be the conservative party while clinging to big government individuals. The Republican nominees for president over the last many years have all favored big government as opposed to protecting individual rights and liberties. That would include George H. W. Bush, Bob Dole, George W. Bush, John McCain, and of course perhaps the worst of all Mitt Romney. During this same time, we have had big government McConnell lead the Senate, and big government proponents John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and Kevin McCarthy in the house.
Along came Donald Trump who said all the same things the big government Republicans had said about closing the porous border, reducing regulations, lowering tax rates, making government smaller, exposing and draining the swamp that is Washington, and returning the sovereignty of the nation back to the people while making those in government servants again. The big difference between Donald Trump and the big government Republicans was that what Mr. Trump said, he meant and did. The big government Republicans despised Donald Trump for his truly conservative and pro people action policies almost as much as the Communists (Democrats) did. So much did the big government Republicans despise Donald Trump for his pro people policies that even though the evidence was overwhelming that the 2020 election was stolen by the Communists (Democrats), the big government Republicans echoed the same ridiculous claims the freedom hating left did. Not one big government Republican, including McCarthy, actively sought to expose the treasonous activity of the Communists (Democrats) And when the anti-Constitution, anti-freedom, and anti-American Communists (Democrats) voted to impeach Donald Trump for making a speech that was claimed to trigger a previously planned demonstration, many of the big government Republicans, including McConnell, McCarthy, Romney, and Cheney became as outspoken against Donald Trump as did the Communists (Democrats). It is claimed that the Republican party is divided. The division seems to be that the masses of conservative Republicans are divided from the big government philosophy of the Republican elites. Kevin McCarthy, a protege of Romney sycophant Paul Ryan, once again revealed his true position when he supported Liz Cheney to remain in leadership. Liz Cheney is clearly more in line with the other party than she is with the grass roots of the Republican party. To the Freedom Loving Americans who are members of the House and the Senate, you were elected to represent the masses of Freedom Loving Americans. It is high time you represented us and purged the big government proponents such as McConnell, McCarthy, and Cheney from any leadership positions. They are not leaders of the pro American Republicans but are simply “useful idiots” of the Communists (Democrats). We Freedom Loving Americans have seen that there are people who will run for office and do what they tell us they will do. We witnessed that in the person of Donald Trump, a person you, the Republican leadership or “useful idiots” would not embrace and support. We Freedom Loving Americans are no longer content with promises. We learned actions are more powerful than words. We Freedom Loving Americans are witnessing the destruction of our Constitution and the forsaking of the protections of our individual liberties and rights, and we recognize that the big government Republicans are as responsible for these reprehensible actions as they play their role as “useful idiots” to the Freedom hating Communists (Democrats). You in the house and senate who refer to yourselves as Freedom Loving Americans, must remove big government advocates from leadership or you will find yourselves removed from your representative positions. Label us as you would, but understand that above all we love individual liberty and freedom and are as determined to remain free as were our founders determined to become free. From the days of Woodrow Wilson, the left has had as their primary goals to abandon the United States Constitution and outlaw the Bible. The Equality Act, if enacted, would in a short time outlaw the Bible. The United States Constitution, even today, is totally ignored by the Communist Party of the United States (Democrats) and the “useful idiots” or RINO’s.
The purpose of the United States Constitution was to protect the people from the inevitable tyranny of government. This would be accomplished by vesting ultimate power in the people and having the proper level of government responsible for that aspect of government to which it is best suited. “The way to have good and safe government, is not to trust it all to one; but to divide it among the many, distributing to every one exactly the functions he is competent to. Let the National government be entrusted with the defence of the nation, and its foreign and federal relations; the State governments with the civil rights, laws, police and administration of what concerns the states generally; the Counties with the local concerns of the counties, and each Ward direct the interests within itself. It is by dividing and subdividing these republics from the great National one down thro’ all its subordinates, until it ends in the administration of every man’s farm and affairs by himself; by placing under every one what his own eye may superintend, that all will be done for the best.” Thomas Jefferson The founders listed the powers we the people would give to the central or federal government. Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution includes the listed powers that are vested to Congress, which are referred to as the Enumerated Powers. The 10th Amendment, or last amendment in the Bill of Rights states “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” In today’s America, the federal government has assumed power over virtually every aspect of American life including but not limited to our education or what has become indoctrination including granting of loans to college attendees, our health care, our personal economics, our social interactions, our personal relationships, and yes even proclaiming the virtues of immorality over morality. The Legislative Branch of government was the only branch that was granted power to pass new laws to which the people would have been assumed to agree to obey. In today’s America, what are view as laws, are proclaimed by the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch every day. In modern America, when congress does pass a bill, it passes an omnibus bill that states ideas and then directs the bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts of the bureaucracy to produce the regulations that will define the law. Pelosi was correct when she said, “We will have to pass the bill to learn what is in it”, because the details of the bill would be determined by the regulators. Congress is now in the process of again violating the Constitution by usurping the power specifically granted to the state legislatures to regulate all elections if H.R.1 is passed. According to the Constitution, this act should require an amendment to the Constitution and not a law to allow the federal government to take control of elections. An amendment would be improbable, so the left will pass the law and it is predictable that the Supreme Court will uphold the law under some contorted reasoning. Not only has the Tenth Amendment of the Bill of Rights been overridden, but the rights and liberties in the other amendments that are a part of the Bill of Rights have also been overridden. Today, our speech is regulated, our press has become a press of the left, our right to worship God as we choose has been infringed, as has our right to peaceably assemble. What was formally the Democrat Party, but what has become the Communist Party of the United States, continues their movement to outlaw the Bible and destroy the Constitution in their openly stated quest to transform the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state. The Biden regime is a continuation of the Obama regime, which was the installation of the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat” as the ruler of America. As a Freedom Loving American, I must ask myself, is the transformation inevitable, or is there anything I can do. Never forget that the greatest of fires began with a spark. That is what we must be a spark. Everyday we must be about “Setting Brushfires of Freedom”. We never know if we are setting a spark or fanning the flame, but we do know that avoidance will certainly extinguish the flame. So long as the desire to be free burns within us, there is always hope. We learned that in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s in Eastern Europe and I believe that the flame of freedom still burns in the United States of America. Please Democrats (Communist Party of the United States) what is it about communism that you like? Why do you dislike individual freedom and liberty?
Karl Marx said that to bring about what he called a totally harmonious society, that society must be a classless society. Individual desires and ambitions must be eliminated, and all must dedicate all activities to doing what would be in the “best interest” of the collective. The “best interest” is defined by the elites. All would receive based, not on their production, but on their “needs”. “Needs” would be defined by the elites. In order to achieve this utopian society, those who aspire to this elitist defined society such as Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Mao, Hitler, Castro, Xi, Obama, Holder, Harris, and the many others have followed the same road map in their attempt to bring about this classless society. Marx stated that all long-standing principles, morality, and religion, must be eliminated and communist principles must replace them. All established institutions must be destroyed, and communist institutions must replace them. Marx said this transformation could only take place under the “dictatorship of the proletariat”. This dictatorship would be the political power during the transformation and out of necessity it would be a despotic political power doing whatever was necessary. Some of the necessary means would include transforming the education system into an indoctrination system, the core family unit must be destroyed so people would be more loyal to the state than to their families, complete and total control of all communication to the masses must be under the control of the state with strict censorship of media and entertainment. Healthcare must be controlled by the state. Daily decisions of the masses must be dictated by the state. The state or the “dictatorship of the proletariat” must be in total control of all activities of the people including their economic and social lives. The propagandists of the collectivists must convince the people through indoctrination and their use of propaganda that all of this is best for the people because it brings about total equality and frees the individuals from their destructive and selfish individual desires. In the United States today, we are seeing this very transformation being accomplished through political correctness, wokeness, cancel culture, rewriting of history, and the implementation of critical race theory. In order for the collectivist, (communist) to gain and maintain control, these are some of the different policies we have witnessed over the years; the one child policy, limiting the amount of time a person can travel outside the country, punishing three generation for the crime of one, saluting any passing elitist, prohibiting criticism of the government, punishment for refusing to participate in government mandated activities, only approved books and other reading material allowed, different treatment of and different consumer goods for the few elites, restricted internet information, restrictions on assembly, and persecution of Christians to name a few. Under communism, all are free to adhere strictly to the demands and commands of the state. Any who would not adhere to these demands and commands are deemed to be enemies of the state, dissidents, insurgents, and radicals and are demonized, ostracized, removed, and often eliminated. This is communism. This is what the Democrats (Communist Party of the United States) are advocating for America. Why are you people supporting this party who seeks to enslave you? We have a choice in the United States, and that choice is we can continue down this road of transformation to a communist state and become an enslaved people, or we can reverse our course and become a nation that champions individual freedom and liberty. To become slaves is the easy path. The difficult path is to reject slavery and become responsible individuals who make our own decisions and understand we are responsible for the consequences of those choices. Which road will you choose? Which road will we choose? The question every parent in the United States must ask is do I want my child to be educated to think or indoctrinated to conform.
The question many parents are asking in many states and communities today is when will our public schools open for in person school. I would suggest, if the parents are concerned about their children being educated, that is that the child is taught to read, to write, to understand math, to be taught actual history, and most importantly to think and reason, they should be asking where can I have my children educated. What we know is that the public schools are no longer institutions of education but have become centers for indoctrinating collectivism (Marxism, communism, socialism, progressive, Democrat, - all virtually the same). What we know is that public schools no longer have education as their purpose. Public schools today have been transformed to be institutions of indoctrinating all children that individualism, the ideals upon which our nation was founded, are evil and that collectivism is proper. This transformation to indoctrination centers began in earnest when the federal government became involved in granting federal aid to schools in the 1960’s. As is typical, the federal government placed more and more demands on school districts to receive the aid. If you as a parent are concerned about your child’s education, and do not view school as a babysitter and provider of breakfast and lunch, you will find an alternative. The fewer American children that attend public schools and use an alternative so they can actually be educated, that is they learn to think, the quicker the United States will again become a nation based on individual liberty and freedom. Many parents claim their children are attending the finest public schools in their community. The fact is that in the United States today, there is no public school who has education as their purpose. Every public school has as their purpose to indoctrinate. That is a requirement placed on public schools by the federal government, most state governments, most local school boards, and every Teachers Union. Yes, some individual teachers do not agree with the indoctrination agenda, but the curriculum they are forced to teach conforms to the indoctrination curriculum. The Communist Party of the United States (Democrats) again say the answer to any and all problems is more government. Freedom Loving Americans say government (bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts) creates more problems than it solves. The bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts of government have consistently proven to be far less reliable than are those in private practice. That is because those in private practice have to take responsibility for their decisions while those in government are rewarded and praised based, not on the accuracy of their decisions, but on whether or not those decisions followed the proper political sentiment.
The China Virus (I use China Virus because it originated in China and the origination appears to be a designed event) enhances both points. California has taken the approach to combat the China Virus by using government to regulate every aspect of life. In California, people have been told and forced to stay home, schools have been closed, people are outside alone or in their cars alone and wearing a mask, group meetings have been forbidden, restaurants have been closed, and life has been placed on hold for all but those chosen to be essential by the Communist Central Committee of the Democrats. Florida, under the leadership of a Freedom Loving American has taken the opposite approach and told the people that they must make their own decisions on how to live their lives. Florida has said the individual is more capable than are bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts of government to assess what is best for them. Florida has remained open. Florida has less cases per 100,000 population than does California. The school kids of Florida are living a normal live while the school kids in California are showing grave affects of depression including suicide and falling even more behind in academics than they were under the communist controlled Teachers Unions prior to the days of the China Virus. Florida has a 6% unemployment rate compared to California’s 9% and Florida’s GDP is exceeding that of California. People and businesses are moving into Florida and they are fleeing California. This is not only because of the draconian China Virus restrictions imposed by a dictatorship like government in California, but also because of the Communist Party of California’s excessive tax rates and restrictive regulations which have brought about high homelessness, cities in total disarray, a failing public school system, restrictions on Constitutionally guaranteed rights and liberties, which is really implementing communism that always results in poverty, misery, and crime. On the second point, incompetent people in high places in government who are dictating daily activities of individuals, Fauci is a perfect example of why big government is always bad. Fauci has not only been wrong in his initial predictions, but he has changed his decisions to accommodate the group he is addressing. In addition to his accommodating answers, no matter which direction he takes, he claims that his answer is based on science. We are never sure to which science he is referring, but it seems to be that elusive science to which all big government advocates are quoting, that science that supports their political needs. Big central government is required by a collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat, - all virtually the same) society. The communisst demand conformity to one ideology. Communists cannot tolerate diversity of thought. Communists gain power by creating chaos, by promoting division, and by limiting economic mobility. After the communists have brought about a chaotic society, they claim total government control is the only answer to the problems they have purposely created. What the communists have done in California is an example. Freedom Loving Americans understand that government creates far more problems than it solves. These Individualists understand that less government is better government, that government closest to the people is superior to centralized government, and that individual freedom and responsibility always brings more freedom and prosperity for all. The China Virus is an example that individualism is a superior solution to collectivism. Remember, the collectivist believes that people are not individuals but simply a part of the collective. Collectivist cultures emphasize the needs and goals of the group as a whole over the needs and desires of each individual. The needs and goals of the group are determined, by those in government, mostly by the bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts within the bureaucracy, and enforced by any means government determines is needed to enforce conformity to those defined needs and goals.
This is not the basis upon which the United States was founded. The basis upon which we were founded is in fact the exact opposite. Our founders specifically stated that government is not the grantor of rights and liberties but the Creator, God, is. Our founders drafted a Constitution, the supreme law of the land, that limits the government and promotes the individual. This is what the collectivists (Democrats) in the United States are trying to transform. What the collectivist seeks is to place all control of our society in the hands of government by placing all control over individual lives and thoughts under the purview of government. They believe, the individual should not have individual choices, instead choices should be the domain of the bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts that comprise the bureaucracy. What the collectivist (Democrats) seeks is total control, determining all needs and goals, and determining how each individual is to live their life, what their thoughts should be, so each conforms to the dictates of government and advances the collectivist agenda. All power must lie with government, who is deemed to be the ultimate controller of life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of individual happiness. The collectivist has no faith in individuals. Understand, the collectivist believes individuals are simply a clog filling a space and are interchangeable. The value of the individual is only measured by how that individual conforms to the dictates of the collectivist. Individual life, other than their own, has no value. What the collectivist seeks is ultimate power. The collectivist believes all power must lie within the state. The collectivist believes that the state is god. When the collectivist says that they are for the people, what they mean is that each individual must fit into the clog dictated by the collective and not seek their individual happiness. The collectivist absolutely believes the dictates of the state are superior to the desires and goals of the individual. Monarchs of yonder years believed they were the extended hand of God on earth and thus what they did and said was infallible and all must obey. The collectivist also believes that what they determine is infallible because they represent the state, and the state is god. Because God is all powerful, the collectivist says all power must lie within and be wielded by the state, or their god, which is the bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts within the bureaucracy. This is becoming the normal for our public indoctrination system. The Teachers Unions are at the forefront of this pro communist and anti-American movement. And now the story.
Students in one Philadelphia elementary school were forced to celebrate "black communism" and endure a mock Black Power rally in order to "free" Angela Davis, outspoken radical political activist, from "jail." Christopher Rufo, a contributing editor at the City Journal, detailed the activities — which he says were outlined by whistleblower documents — and said that he spoke with a school source that corroborated the details. On Friday, Rufo tweeted, "A Philadelphia elementary school forced fifth-grade students to celebrate 'black communism' and simulate a Black Power rally to 'free Angela Davis' from prison." "I've obtained exclusive whistleblower documents and photographs from the school. Here's the story," Rufo added. He continued, "Last year, a fifth-grade teacher at the William D. Kelley School designed a social-studies curriculum to celebrate the political radical Angela Davis, praising the 'black communist' for her fight against 'inequality' and telling students to 'define communist' in favorable terms." "At the end of the unit, the teacher led the ten- and eleven-year-olds into the school auditorium to 'simulate' a Black Power rally to 'free Angela Davis' from prison, where she had once been held on charges of murder. The students chanted 'Black Power!' and 'Free Angela!'" he continued. He added, "The William D. Kelley School's student population is 94 percent black and 100 percent 'economically disadvantaged.' Academically, it is one of the worst-performing schools in the state: by graduation, only 13 percent of Kelley students will have achieved basic literacy." "Despite this abysmal academic performance, administrators have gradually abandoned traditional pedagogy in favor of political radicalism," he continued. "They recently commissioned murals of Angela Davis and Huey P. Newton, who represent the Communist and Black Panther revolutionary movements." Further, Rufo pointed out that such behaviors aren't terribly surprising — as the teachers' union has publicly demanded that the country overthrow the "racist structure of capitalism" and more. "The teachers' union openly demands that the United States overthrow the 'racist structure of capitalism,' provide 'reparations for black and indigenous people,' and 'uproot white supremacy and plant the seeds for a new world,'" he wrote. He concluded, "The gap between rhetoric and reality is almost beyond comprehension: the ten-year-old’s marching for 'black communism' can barely read and write. Rather than come to terms with this failure, educators have shifted the blame to 'systemic racism' and promises of 'revolution.' ... This should be a crime. The School District of Philadelphia has 18,000 employees and a $3.4 billion annual budget—and fails, year after year, to teach basic literacy. Educators promise to "plant the seeds for a new world," but condemn their students to illiteracy and failure." Karl Marx said the oppressors must be eliminated which would bring about a one-party system and since it would be only one party, society would be a classless society. In this one-party or classless society, there would be total harmony because all would conform to one ideology and all would be totally equal. That is correct, there would be no diversity of thought or economic rewards for achievement or extra hard work. Communism has been tried many different times and many different ways. It has always failed miserably. The masses live in poverty and crime abounds. There is little to no education family members inform on other family members, friends inform on friends, and all people understand even your spouse is a threat. The bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts live in luxury and amass personal wealth. Despite knowing this, Democrats continue to call for the transformation of the United States into a Marxist totalitarian state or communist nation.
During an interview on CNN’s “Reliable Sources”, Rep. Sara Jacobs (D-CA) became the latest Democrat (communist) lawmaker to jump on the “truth and reconciliation” bandwagon, stating that America needs a “truth commission” to root out “extremist ideology” so we can all have a “common narrative” about what is true and what is not. This is insisting on total conformity to the communist or Marxist ideology. But prior to Jacobs’s call for a truth commission, it was her complete lack of self-awareness as she shared her definition of “extremist ideology “. “We describe an extremist ideology as one that is unable to take in competing ideas and reflect the truth.”, she said. Did you hear what she said. She said her truth commission would provide the means so that we could all have a “common narrative” about what is true. Sadly, this is a common theme expressed amongst all communists including the Democrats in the United States. Their comrade, Vladimir Lenin also believed in total conformity. “We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.” Vladimir Lenin “Why should freedom of speech and freedom of press be allowed? Why should a government which is doing what it believes to be right allow itself to be criticized? It would not allow opposition by lethal weapons. Ideas are much more fatal things than guns. Why should any man be allowed to buy a printing press and disseminate pernicious opinions calculated to embarrass the government?” Vladimir Lenin “Free speech is a bourgeois prejudice.” Vladimir Lenin You can erase any doubts you might have had that the Democrat party is the Communist Party of the United States. It is sad, but it is true. If you have wondered why the Democrats are so insistent that the United States become a democracy as opposed to a republic, wonder no longer. “Democracy is indispensable to socialism.” Vladimir Lenin “The goal of socialism is communism.” Vladimir Lenin If the Crown represented anything to the Founding Fathers, it was the danger of central power. So, they took pains to avoid this when drafting the new Constitution To that end, the Constitution gives broad powers to the states while intentionally limiting federal power.
Tyranny comes about when power is centralized. Collectivists have understood this and go about consolidating power. The collectivist (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats, - all virtually the same) have realized this from the beginning of time. In the United States of America, in their quest to transform the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state, we have witnessed this centralizing of power by the Democrat party. To accomplish this, power must be removed from the states as well as from elected officials and it must be placed in the bureaucracy or in the hands of bureaucrats, technocrats, and experts. We have seen this centralizing of power take place over the last 100 year or more. The times centralization is at its greatest is during a crisis. The greatest accumulation of centralization has come about during World War I under Wilson, the depression and World War II under FDR, the unrest in the 1960’s under LBJ, the aftermath of 9/11 under George W Bush, the financial crisis under Bush and Obama, and now the fear of President Trump and the China Virus under a known head of an international crime family, Biden. In each and every one of these times, powers were taken from the people and the states and placed in different agencies of the federal government. As bureaucracy sprawls, nobody can say with complete authority exactly how many federal agencies exist. Many of these agencies have become their own investigators, prosecutors, judges, and juries. If you are accused by an agency, you are assumed to be guilty and must prove your innocence. This is in direct contrast to the Constitution and the founding principles. This is in direct alignment with any totalitarian regime. Today, we are witnessing many assaults on freedom. The House of Representatives is considering simply making a law that would negate a critical section of our Constitution. In Article 2 of the Constitution, it specifically states that only state legislatures can regulate elections. We saw that violated when judges, governors, secretaries of state, and other officials made massive changes to election laws that resulted in a stolen national election. And now the house is looking to say that it is the federal government who should have power over elections. Not only is this centralizing a critical power, but it is doing by law what constitutionally must be done through the amendment process. Along with centralizing power, we are seeing a concerted effort to outlaw one of the political parties and create a one-party system just like we have seen and see in every Communist nation. The Democrats have concluded that their comrade Lenin was correct when he said, “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” For years, we have effectively had a one-party nation. Yes, there were two names, Democrats and Republicans, but both of these parties had the same goal of centralizing power in the federal government. The difference between the parties was the speed at which this should be done. The Republicans had people like Nelson Rockefeller, George H W Bush, Robert Dole, George W Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, head the Republican ticket, or vie for the head of the ticket. They all leaned far to the left on the political scale. For all practical purposes, the Democrats did control the Republicans and were thus leading their opposition. This was not the case with Donald Trump. Donald Trump was and is an independent entity. He was and is not beholding to the political forces in what is now called the “deep state” or those who seek to centralize power. Trump specifically stated that it was his goal to remove power from the federal government and return it to the states and to the people. This movement, if it were to continue, would destroy everything the collectivist movement had accomplished over the past 100 plus years. It would also expose the graft, waste, and corruption that is an accepted part of a collectivist government. The hatred for Trump continued to build when the collectivists soon understood that Donald Trump was not the typical politician who would say one thing but cave under the collectivist demands like they had become accustomed to with the McConnell’s and McCarthy’s. Donald Trump was a fighter and would not be intimidated. Donald Trump was a serious threat to the collectivist movement. The Democrats understood, as did their comrades like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, and the others that those like Donald Trump and their supporters must be destroyed. This is what we are witnessing in the United States today and that is the destruction of those who oppose collectivism, centralization, and the control of the lives and thoughts of the people. Ironically, at this time, we are witnessing the exact same destruction of opposition in both Russia and Belarus. The opposition leaders and party members in both countries are being jailed, demonized, ostracized, and destroyed to maintain one-party rule. The actions of Pelosi, Schumer, and the other Democrats are no different from those of Putin and Lukashenko. |
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