3/31/2019 MENTALITY OF A COLLECTIVIST (MARXIST, COMMUNIST, SOCIALIST, PROGRESSIVE, DEMOCRAT-ALL VIRTUALLY THE SAME)Read NowThe collectivist knows nothing is the result of their actions or their decisions. If they are poor it is because they are the target of the selfish and greedy capitalist. If they are not accepted into the school of their choice, their choice of jobs, or do not make the team, it is because of some form of discrimination or racism. If their poor or false reporting is exposed, it is because of white privilege. The only reason things are not the way they believe they should be is they are a targeted victim of society, somebody, or something.
The rule of the collectivist has been that society, capitalism, discrimination, or something is the result of the problems of people and therefore they must be given things deserved or not. The individualist has always believed that individuals make decisions and the consequences of those decisions is their responsibility, good or bad. The individualist says show me the challenge so I can use my gifts and talents to overcome the challenges. The collectivist says I should not have to face any challenges but be given from the hard work and labor of others because I deserve it. As Marx phrased it, “from each according to their abilities to each according to their needs.” Now the infamous self-proclaimed collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat – all virtually the same) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has entered week two of her crybaby meltdown over disastrous poll numbers and so she’s blaming somebody else, namely Fox News and Breitbart News for her unpopularity. Quinnipiac is one of the most unreliable left-wing pollsters out there, so when the Q-poll has bad news for America’s Socialist “It Girl,” it is worth taking notice. Quinnipiac found AOC national favor ability rating sits at a pathetic 23 percent; her unfavorable is 36 percent, which means she is upside down by double digits — 13 whole points. But here is sweetest part of the song … only 47 percent of Democrats — Democrats, y’all — view AOC favorably. Seven percent view her unfavorably and 44 percent have no idea who she is. Among Independents, the self-proclaimed socialist is upside-down 16 points — 20 to 36 percent. AOC is even upside down with women, 27 to 30 percent. Faced with this news, the collectivist played the victim game. After posting a link to her terrible, awful, very bad polling news, she tweeted, “It’s almost as though there is a directed + concerted far-right propaganda machine with a whole cable news channel, and a dark-money internet operation propped up by the Mercers et al dedicated to maligning me & stoking nat’l division.” Of course, it has nothing to do with her actions because she has no responsibility for her decisions and actions. She is the victim. Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro, Obama, Holder, Jarret, and all other collectivists are extremely proud of her reaction. Why, remember, even Hillary blamed the “far right-wing conspiracy” for Bill’s wondering eye, hands, and other body parts. Bill was the victim, not the ladies he abused, raped, and whatever else he did. Always the victim, aren’t they?
The collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats-all virtually the same) have always asserted that children are property of the state. They have advocated that the parents should have a limited role in raising their children and that in any situation where there is a disagreement the state will reign supreme. We are now seeing this more and more in the United States. We saw the state rule against the parents when they told their child she could not have a sex change operation until she was of a legal age to make the decision herself. We have seen the state rule that they will have final authority on abortion when it comes to children under age 18 since the parents to do not have to be notified. We have seen the state rule what children must be taught in our public indoctrination system even when the parents disagree. And now this.
Police knock down family's door, take their kids in overnight raid because mom didn't follow doctor's orders for child with fever The Arizona Department of Child Safety and the Chandler Police Department in Chandler, Arizona, have fallen under scrutiny, after officers conducted an overnight SWAT-team-style raid on a family's home and took the children because an unvaccinated toddler had a fever. When a 2-year-old little boy spiked a fever over 100 degrees late last month, his pregnant mother took him to the doctor around dinnertime. The physician — concerned over the fact that the child was unvaccinated and could have meningitis — told the mother to take the child to the emergency room. The mother initially agreed, but changed her mind after leaving the doctor's office, because she said the boy began laughing, playing with his siblings, and his temperature dropped to where it was close to normal, the Arizona Republic reported. Around 6:30 p.m., the mother called the doctor to explain the child was better and therefore she didn't want to take him to the emergency room. The mother also reportedly expressed fear of getting in trouble with the Department of Child Safety because the child wasn't vaccinated. The doctor assured the mother she wouldn't get in any trouble, and the mother once again agreed to take the toddler to the ER. After waiting three hours, the hospital called the doctor to report that the little boy had not shown up and his mother was not answering her phone. The doctor called DCS, and DCS called the police. At roughly 10:30 p.m., officers showed up at the family's home and knocked on the door several times, but the parents refused to open the door. The father told the police his son's "fever broke, and he was fine," according to police records. The DCS then told police they were seeking a "temporary custody notice" from a judge in order to take the sick toddler for emergency medical aid, which was granted around midnight. According to the police report, "Based upon the court order, the intent of DCS to serve the order, and exigency to ensure the health and welfare of the child, the decision was made to force entry to the home if the parents refused to respond to verbal requests." So, after 1:00 a.m., after consulting with SWAT and the police criminal investigations bureau, the officers knocked down the family's door, with guns drawn. Surveillance footage released by the father shows the officers' use of force, which the family's attorney said should only be "reserved for violent criminals.’ Police admitted there was no "criminal incident," according to the Republic. Yet, DCS also obtained temporary custody orders for the sick toddler's two siblings, and the three kids were removed from the home and placed in the care of separate foster families, where they remain. DCS is conducting a review of the kids' grandparents to see if they can be entrusted to care for the children. Neither parent was arrested, but they are being forced to undergo psychological evaluations and complete a "family reunification plan" before officials consider returning their children to them. Not one Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) had the courage to vote for the “Green New Deal” resolution despite singing its praises in the past. Either the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) proponents were playing politics when they argued for this socialist program, or they were playing politics when they refused to vote for the resolution.
Ed Markey was the sponsor of the bill. This is what he had said in the past about why he introduced the bill and why he believed it was critical. Markey said “wealth inequality” as a reason the Green New Deal is needed: Global temperatures are the highest in recorded history. Wealth inequality is at its highest point since the era of the Great Depression. The interrelationship of these ills and injustices is undeniable. But the challenge is not insurmountable. We can deliver a #GreenNewDeal. We need massive renewable energy deployment. Wind, solar, offshore wind, storage batteries. Our energy future will not be found in the dark of a mine, but in the light of the sun. We have acted on this scale before, and we must do it again. #GreenNewDeal. The sun is setting on the dirty energy of the past. Today marks the dawn of a new era of climate action. When we look back on today, this will be the moment we will be able to say that the political tide has turned on the rising seas. #GreenNewDeal. We are reclaiming our leadership of the most important issue facing humankind. This is the new climate democracy – of the people, by the people, for the planet. #GreenNewDeal. Speaking at a campaign stop in Mason City, Iowa, Booker said, “We have to deal with this. Our planet is in peril, and we need to be bold. It’s one of the reasons I signed on to the resolution.” “I co-sponsored the resolution for the Green New Deal. There’s a lot of people blowing back on the Green New Deal,” Booker said. “They’re going, ‘Oh, it’s impractical, oh it’s too expensive, oh it’s all of this.’ If we used to govern our dreams that way, we would have never gone to the moon.” This is a post of Bernie Sanders: Add your name to support the Green New Deal The U.S. is the most powerful economy on earth, and we must lead the world in the fight against climate change. We can do that by passing the Green New Deal to save the planet and create millions of new jobs. Add your name to say you support the Green New Deal to transform our energy system away from fossil fuels toward sustainable energy. And the list continues, yet not one vote in favor of the resolution. Apparently, politics trumped the inevitable end of the world in 12 years or that claim is also a hoax. Seems like the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are having their hoaxes come back to roost, if I good take the liberty to paraphrase the friend and religious leader of Comrade Obama, Reverend Jeremiah Wright. I saw this on Red State and initially thought it was another proposal from the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party. This is not so farfetched, especially since they want to have open borders with full rights to all illegal aliens including the right to vote, along with their desire to allow any child they do not abort or murder to be allowed to vote as well.
French Writer Calls for Other Countries to Have the Right to Vote in US Elections One election after the next, we have seen how much the results of the US presidential vote impact not just the 50 states, but the rest of the planet too. And if the future of foreign countries is shaped to a significant extent by what goes on, on US Election Day, shouldn’t they get a say in who gets to lead the most powerful nation in the world for the next four years? In other words: shouldn’t foreign countries have a right to vote in the US presidential election? Perhaps it helps to imagine America as the pot in which tomorrow’s ideas are brewed, for better or worse. Perhaps it helps, too, to look at the more tangible signs of how US politics contribute to shaping all of our lives. The most convincing example may be global warming, and Donald Trump’s overt skepticism when it comes to climate change. In January this year, the president of the world’s most powerful nation infamously tweeted: “In the beautiful Midwest, windchill temperatures are reaching minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded. In coming days, expected to get even colder. People can’t last outside even for minutes. What the hell is going on with Global Warming? Please come back fast, we need you!” It goes without saying that whatever the US does or does not do to limit the effects of global warming impacts every single being, human or otherwise, on this planet. Except things are more complicated, and more nuanced than that. Take, for example, the idea that living in a country is a condition to having the right to vote there. Permanent residents such as myself, also known as green card holders (also known as people who aren’t US citizens but live and work in the US full-time) pay the same income tax as US citizens, but don’t get to vote. Naturally, US citizens (like citizens of many other countries) still get to vote for their president even if they permanently move to a different country. All this to say: there is an established disequilibrium between who gets to vote in the US presidential election and who arguably has the most skin in the game. I have clearly disclosed my status as a French citizen, so I know the question will be raised: how would I react if someone proposed to let other countries vote in the French presidential election? Well, France is currently about five spots behind the US in the ranking of the world’s most powerful nations, and its GDP is more than seven times lower. But sure, should France ever have the kind of political and cultural influence the US currently yields, then I’d be inclined to let others have a say. In fact, I might even vote in favor of it. We have witnessed an attack on freedom, rule of law, and our unique American traditions. Despite the total and complete exoneration of President Trump, the attacks on the freedoms so unique to the United States per our Constitution and traditions will not end. There are evil forces embedded in our media, our entertainment industry, our educational system, and the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party. Protection of freedom is never advanced when those who proclaim to be champions of freedom are willing to violate those very freedoms to gain revenge for unwarranted and unprecedented attacks.
That is why we Freedom Loving Americans must sit back, take a deep breath, clear ourselves of that human response called revenge, and move ahead based on protecting and even augmenting the very freedoms we claim to cherish. That does not mean we should not honestly reflect on the dangerous attacks we have witnessed on those fundamental mainstays of freedom: rule of law and peaceful transfer of power. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are mandatory for freedom. Therefore, we Freedom Loving Americans have a duty to expose those who have abused both freedom of speech and freedom of the press by using them to promote known falsehoods and lies. Our response to these attacks on freedom must be factual and realistic. They must be realistic in that we know that Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have no respect for freedom, and like Muslims, they believe lies and falsehoods are proper and right when they advance the cause. Remember, “the ends always justify the means.” When we expose these lies, as the Mueller Report has done, we must not try to correct these wrongs by new rules and laws that limit these freedoms but must understand that bad people will always use freedoms to promote their ideas of slavery. Our response should be to have even less restrictions on these freedoms but have greater transparency. The extended redactions of documents being released under the Freedom of Information Act must be greatly reduced to the point of elimination even though it exposes individuals, some of whom may be Freedom Loving Americans, for wrongdoing. The sacred fundamental, rule of law, has been violated, abused, and bruised. We have seen double standards employed by the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party. We have seen the same attack on this mainstay of freedom, rule of law, by those who were sworn to protect that very sacred fundamental so key to our unique system. In this endeavor to expose these violations and those who did the violating, everything must be examined. These people must be brought to justice with no regard to social, economic, or political position. This search and exposure must be done, not for the purpose of revenge, but for the purpose of employing rule of law as it was intended to be employed; that is to protect our freedoms from any and all who would violate them even if they sit within the highest echelons of our government including the FBI and the DOJ. During our history we have had people, even those who have occupied the Oval office, who have had open disdain for the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. Included in this unique but limited group would be Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, and Barack Obama. Despite their open hostility toward our sacred traditions, those who opposed their open hostility, still insisted on honoring that sacred tradition of “peaceful transition of power.” This principle was set in motion when John Adams peacefully and gracefully stepped aside when his bitter political opponent, Thomas Jefferson, won the fourth presidential election. That tradition of “peaceful transition of power” continued until the year 2017. One of the political parties, the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) had nominated a greatly flawed candidate and had an anti-freedom and liberty platform promoting many ideas that were opposed to the individualist ideals upon which our nation was founded. This flawed candidate lost the election. From even before the election had taken place, this anti-freedom movement was setting the stage to overturn the election results in the event the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) candidate lost. They had many reasons for doing this. Comrade Obama had set in place many Marxist totalitarian policies in his quest to fundamentally transform the United States. Our intelligence and law enforcement agencies had been transformed from fulfilling their intended duties to being secret police forces for the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party just as collectivists do as exemplified by forces such as the KGB and the Gestapo. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) understood that should Trump be inaugurated, their plan to subvert the Constitution of the United States had a great chance of being exposed. When the unlikely happened on that wonderful or fateful evening in November of 2016, after their initial shock, the full effort to prevent Trump from assuming full and complete Constitutional authority as President began. The goal was to subvert, not only the Constitution, but also to subvert the time-honored tradition of “peaceful transfer of power.” These are dangerous times for freedom, independence, and individualism; all fundamentals essential to our Republic. However, if we Freedom Loving Americans assume the mantle of revenge, we will in fact become agents, along with the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats), in the destruction of our Republic. We must instead, emotionally step aside, and replace that emotion with our quest to fully implement rule of law which is dependent on full and complete transparency. Those who attempted to undermine our Constitution and freedoms must be exposed, tried, and suffer the appropriate consequences. Those who practiced their freedoms such as speech and the press, must not be tried or punished simply because what they stated was different from what we now know to be truthful. TO BE A FREEDOM LOVING AMERICAN IS DIFFICULT. WE MUST PROTECT THE FREEDOMS OF ALL, EVEN THE MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) WHO OPPOSE THE PROTECTOR OF OUR FREEDOMS THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. If you vote for Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) you are voting against freedom and voting for the Marxist totalitarian state promised by Comrade Obama.
The Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party of today is anti-American freedom, anti-American liberty, anti-American Constitution, and pro totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state. As you can see by the definition of totalitarianism, this is what the modern Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party advocates. They are advocating centralizing all power in the federal government. They are supporting all power being centralized in the judicial branch, the branch of government our founders intended to be the weakest branch of government because it was the most removed from the people, and the Supreme Court having unlimited and unchallenged power. The Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party advocates subservient dedication to the Marxist and politically correct philosophy they advocate. We see these demands in every aspect of daily life. People who disagree with the lefts demand for a Marxist style welfare state, a demented idea on gender and sexual roles, murder of unborn children, society being divided based on race and other factors, and the victim hood mentality are demonized and ostracized per the Alinsky doctrine. The Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party wants to eliminate the safeguards established by our founders to preserve the freedom for which they paid such a tremendous price. These safeguards centralize around the Untied States being a Republic and not a democracy. A Republic was established to protect the rights we find in the Declaration of Independence and those enumerated in the Bill of Rights. The founders understood that a Republic protects these rights for the minority even when the majority wish to destroy all those who would disagree with them. This is why we have the electoral college, all states having two senators regardless of population, and why we had the peaceful transfer of power as a key to our continuance of freedom. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are actively campaigning for an end to all of these safeguards including the peaceful transfer of power. This is clearly demonstrated in their unprecedented and falsified attacks on President Trump. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have stated they wish to throw aside all the protections of freedom because they nominated a flawed candidate and the flawed candidate lost the election because of the short comings of the candidate and the party she represented. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) brought an investigation against Trump based on knowingly false information, information they paid to manufacture. They had nominated a flawed special prosecutor who appointed to his team individuals who openly opposed Trump and favored the Marxist philosophy. When the results were not what the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) wanted, they reacted like the children they are and swore to undermine the report. The Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party advocates for open borders just as Marx said must exist to bring about a Marxist totalitarian state. Not only do they support open borders, but they support shielding illegals who are murderers, rapists, and gang members. Their purpose for supporting these illegal aliens and all illegal aliens is to destroy the American society. Marx said the current society must be destroyed so a new communist society can be built. The facts of the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) being anti-American are never ending. These are examples. If you support the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party, you support a party that is anti-freedom, anti-Untied States Constitution, anti-individually protected freedoms, and pro Marxist totalitarian state as promised by Comrade Obama. Those of us who understand this anti-American movement and oppose it, have a duty to understand the movement and become a part of the irate, tireless minority that will set brushfires of freedom in the minds of men THAT WILL ULTIMATELY PREVAIL AND MAINTAIN THE FREEDOMS FOR WHICH SO MANY HAVE PAID THE ULTIMATE PRICE. Patrick Henry stated that the Constitution was not for the government to restrain the people but for the people to restrain the government less the government should come to dominate our lives and our thoughts. In other words, the government was not to be a totalitarian government.
The definition of a totalitarian government is a government that subordinates the individual to the state and strictly controls all aspects of life by coercive measures. A government that believes it is their right or duty to control the thoughts, actions, and lives of the people by using coercive methods is in fact a totalitarian government. The totalitarian government says to the people that you must think the way we think, or we will punish you. This is what Karl Marx meant when he said that society should be a classless society; society should strictly conform to a singular thought pattern. A perfect example of Marxist totalitarianism happened in San Antonio recently. The city council said you must agree with our ideas on what we determine to be proper thought and behavior, or we will punish you. Six members of the San Antonio City Council rejected the inclusion of Chick-fil-A from the new Food, Beverage and Retail Prime Concession Agreement for the Sam Antonio airport. The seven-year contract for concession management at the terminal is expected to create $2.1 million in revenue for the Texas city; the motion that passed gave the green light to food shops including Smoke Shack and Local Coffee. “With this decision, the City Council reaffirmed the work our city has done to become a champion of equality and inclusion,” Councilman Roberto Treviño said of the vote. “San Antonio is a city full of compassion, and we do not have room in our public facilities for a business with a legacy of anti-LGBTQ behavior.” “Everyone has a place here, and everyone should feel welcome when they walk through our airport,” he continued. This is Marxist totalitarianism and anti-American ideals of free thought and the exercise thereof. All totalitarian states take the same position the San Antonio city council took. This is the same position we see exercised by the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party of today; think the way we do, or we will demonize and destroy you. They are attempting this tactic against President Trump. Unlike Fox News, Trump is fighting back and defending the United States Constitution and the mandatory element of freedom; freedom of speech and thought by all even when it does not conform to the Marxist ideology. The American Revolution was fought because the American Colonist chose freedom, against great odds, over living under a large bureaucratic dictatorial government that believed it was the right of government to dictate to the people how they were to live their lives, what their thoughts were to be. The American Colonist believed freedom required a limited government that played a very limited role in the daily lives of the citizen and did not view itself as a charitable organization. The American Colonist believed that the individual should be free to make their own decisions and then reap the benefits of that decision or suffer the consequences. All people should have the opportunity to pursue their happiness. The government should have no role in who won or who lost nor was the government or anybody else responsible for the results of the decisions made by the individual good or bad.
“When our government was formed the founders understood that they were creating the single biggest threat to the freedoms they had just won.” Don Jans We know this to be true because everything they did was to limit the role government would play in the lives of the people. The founders understood that as the role of government increased in the lives of the citizen, the freedom of the citizen was reduced in an exponential amount. Here is what our founders said about government. Please note also how our founders said government was not to be a charitable organization. Our legislators are not sufficiently apprized of the rightful limits of their power; that their true office is to declare and enforce only our natural rights and duties, and to take none of them from us. Thomas Jefferson "The government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." James Madison "It is the responsibility of the patriot to protect his country from its government. “Thomas Paine "I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I travelled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer." Benjamin Franklin The role of the federal government was intended to protect the citizen for foreign enemies and foreign invaders. When the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) call for open borders they are Anti-American. The role of the federal government was to protect our natural rights; live, liberty, and property or as Jefferson said the pursuit of happiness. When the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) call for the killing of an unborn baby, control over education, control over health care, and control over the economy they are Anti-American. When the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) advocate any income or wealth redistribution (which is charity) they are Anti-American. If in fact freedom is to reign, the Anti-American movement (Marxist/Progressive – Democrat) movement must be exposed for what it is Anti-American and we who love freedom and independence, or the American way must let our voices and our reason be heard. We will be mocked, we will be demonized, and we will be ridiculed. This is the way of evil. We must rise above this evil and proclaim with even more fervor the American Way as demonstrated by our founders. A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
As I read the above words, I do not read guns, I do not read weapons of war, I do not read a specified type of arms, I read the word arms. The definition of arms is weapons and ammunition; armaments. The second amendment also reads that the purpose of the Militia is necessary for the security of a FREE state. The preservation of freedom was the reason for the Second Amendment. "What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms." Thomas Jefferson "To disarm the people...[i]s the most effectual way to enslave them." George Mason "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country. James Madison "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined.... The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able might have a gun." Patrick Henry "For it is a truth, which the experience of ages has attested, that the people are always most in danger when the means of injuring their rights are in the possession of those of whom they entertain the least suspicion." Alexander Hamilton "The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them." Joseph Story "The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." Samuel Adams THE VERY PURPOSE OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT WAS TO PROTECT OUR FREEDOM FROM THOSE WHO WOULD SEEK TO ENSLAVE US, FOR IT WOULD BE THE VERY PEOPLE WHO CALLED FOR US TO SURRENDER OUR ARMS THAT WERE THE MOST DECEITFUL AND DANGEROUS TO FREEDOM. Socialism decries the call of the individual to excel. Those who financially excel must be punished and demonized. Those who set themselves apart from the masses in any field must be punished and demonized. Those who refuse to conform to the thoughts and dictates of the socialist elites must be punished and demonized. Socialism calls for society to retrench to the lowest common denominator. Capitalism calls for society to reach to the highest level it can imagine, a level that sets new standards with new ideas. This is why a socialist society, modified by any adjective you wish to use, is destructive for society and brings about poverty and a lower standard of living for all.
Socialists are self-delusional, believing that taking from those who would achieve will bring prosperity to all. The socialist believes that wealth is finite. Wealth is only finite within a socialist society. Wealth is infinite within a capitalist society because capitalism creates, socialism stagnates. Yet. Bernie Sanders believes he and the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party can win the White House in 2020 by “explaining socialism” to Americans voters. “I think what we have to do, and I will be doing it, is to do a better job maybe in explaining what we mean by ‘socialism’ — Democratic Socialism. Obviously, my right-wing colleagues here want to paint that as authoritarianism and communism and Venezuela, and that’s nonsense,” said Sanders, who has refused to call for Venezuelan despot Nicolás Maduro to resign. Sanders insists that Americans can afford socialism because “in the wealthiest country in the history of the world, we can provide a decent standard of living for all people. That’s just the reality. That’s not Utopian dreaming; that is a reality. Health care for all can be done and we can save money in doing it.” Socialism according to Marx, is the abolition of human self-alienation, the return of man as a real human being. "It is the definitive resolution of the antagonism between man and nature, and between man and man. It is the true solution of the conflict between existence and essence, between objectification and self-affirmation, between freedom and necessity, between individual and species. It is a solution of the riddle of history and knows itself to be this solution". For Marx, socialism meant the social order which permits the return of man to himself, the identity between existence and essence, the overcoming of the separateness and antagonism between subject and object, the humanization of nature; it meant a world in which man is no longer a stranger among strangers, but is in his world, where he is at home. Lenin said that socialism should be a society where the working people control their own fate, a society organized to benefit the vast majority. This view was the foundation for Lenin’s efforts in socialist construction. The attempt to redefine Socialism has been an ongoing venture of those who would seek power and control by taking from those who would strive to excel and giving to those who believe they are victims due to their own lack of ambition and effort. You can modify socialism with the term Democratic and it still does not change the fact that socialism, by its very nature, requires an unlimited bureaucratic government that must control the individual’s as it brings about the necessary elements of socialism; total conformity to the ideology of socialism and the attempt to equalize individuals who are uniquely individual with unequal characteristics, ideas, skills, and ambitions. Socialism defies all the essentials of unique individuals and in its quest to defy human nature, it must and always does end in a society of decay and financial collapse. Yes Bernie, your socialism is socialism and Venezuela is the inevitable end. |
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