Sometimes we just have to say enough is enough. In today’s news cycle, we are being led to believe that the ridiculous statement by Shifty Schiff has merit. Some news people are actually quoting from his “parody” as the Shift intended, LIKE it is factual. This is the state in which we find ourselves. As Joe Biden said, do not let the facts get in the way of our truth. This is happening. Pelosi announces impeachment before the statement is released and then sticks with impeachment after the statement is released, but admits she never read it. As Joe Biden said, do not let facts get in the way of our truth.
ABOUT FREEDOM Everybody promises freedom. The American Colonists said they were not free and fought a war, even though the odds were greatly stacked against them, to have freedom. Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry are perhaps the most noted to proclaim the need of freedom for the colonists. We have other great and noted people such as Thomas Jefferson, Calvin Coolidge, and Ronald Reagan proclaim the same freedom as that proclaimed by Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry. From the other side we have had calls that all should be free from oppression. Noted people to call for this freedom have been the likes of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao. Castro, Chavez, Wilson, FDR, Obama, Holder, Jarrett, Sanders, Warren, and many others. Everybody proclaims that it is their desire that all be free, yet the proposals they have are opposite of each other. Can we reach the same destination if we are traveling in opposite directions? The answer is of course no. The reality must be that freedom has a different meaning to the different sides. What our Founders meant by freedom is that people would be free from the constraints and restrictions of government. They would be free to act as individuals, seeking their own desires and being limited only by their own limitations, real or imagined. Along with this freedom came risk and responsibility. The risk was that each person could fail in any endeavor. The responsibility was that the consequences of the choices of the individual were the responsibility of the individual, be they good consequences or bad consequences. The reality of this freedom is that failure is never final, and success is never permanent. The individual, upon whom success and failure depend, is not limited except by the limitation they place upon themselves. The role of government in this scenario is very simple; it is to only protect the natural rights of the individual that have been given to each by the Creator; the rights of life, liberty, and property, or as Thomas Jefferson stated the pursuit of happiness. The freedom proclaimed by the others, or the collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats – all virtually the same) is freedom from the obligation and responsibility of the individual and to be free from risk and responsibility. The individual is free from the necessity of making choices and thus taking risks. The individual is free from any responsibility for their choices. The government will assume the responsibility for the necessities of all. The only requirement placed upon the individual is that they conform to the dictates and the demands placed on them by the government. As Marx said, you are free to pursue any and all endeavors you choose, go fishing in the morning, go and plant in the afternoon, all needs will be provided through the efforts of others. As Pelosi stated when Obamacare was passed, all are now free to pursue whatever they wish because they are no longer responsible for their healthcare. Freedom is what you make it. You can be free from the responsibilities of making your own choices, or you can be free from the constraints and restraints of government and strive to reach your dreams, whatever they might be. This is the choice we as Americans face today. Our founders faced the same choice and they chose to reach for the stars. Do we have the same courage?
God told Abraham he would destroy the evil place of Sodom. Abraham started to bargain with God and got down to if there were ten righteous in Sodom, God would not destroy Sodom. What we know is that Sodom was totally destroyed. In today’s America we must ask is there even one honest and fair-minded person left in the former Democrat Party, today the Marxist/Progressive Party. If there is, will they please stand. So far, not one has stood.
I heard Speaker Pelosi, who did not stand, state that they must continue with their charade because President Trump has violated the United States Constitution. I believe she was referring to the same document her party has denounced as an outdated document that must be completely changed or just disregarded as an ancient document based on antiquated principles. Speaker Pelosi refrained from stating specifically what Article or section Trump was violating. Not one of the Marxist/Progressives have stated any specifics on exactly which Article or Section is being violated. The modern-day Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party is following the same format that collectivist (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats – all virtually the same) have followed from the beginning of time, and that is that the ends justify the means. Do anything you must, lie, cheat, kill, or whatever, to achieve the ultimate goal of complete control over the people so you can dictate to them your principles by placing in power what Marx referred to as the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. If you say, "Oh Don, come on kill," ask Seth Rich if killing can be a part of the means to achieve the ends. We saw the left employ this principle during the time of the Roman empire under Nero. We saw it practiced by Maximilien Robespierre in France after the overthrow of the King. We saw this same practice of anything to accomplish our goals used by many during the 20th century including Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, FDR, Obama, and so many others. Lenin in fact stated that he could not have fair minded people work for him because if we needed somebody killed, they would put right and fair mindedness before the cause of what he referred to as the party. We are seeing this same practice of any means is justified so long as we gain our ends by the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party today. We were told on November 9 of 2016 that President-elect Trump must not be allowed to take office and if he did, he must be impeached by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats). His crime was that he won the election all the polls said Clinton would win. The calls for an overthrow of that election have not subsided but have grown only louder, more ridiculous, and have been expanded to Justice Kavanaugh before his confirmation as well as after his confirmation. People with no credibility and no collaborating witnesses have made absurd claims against both Trump and Kavanaugh. Not one member of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party has stated that fairness must be applied and that we must practice that critical element of “rule of law” that the burden of proof must lie with the accuser. A person must be proven guilty and the accused does not have to prove their innocence. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have stated that rule of law only applies if the accused conforms to their dictates. Meanwhile no investigation has taken place into the destruction of subpoenaed evidence, the cover up of gun running through Benghazi, two Secretary of States enriching their families while in office, the killing of Seth Rich, the Imran Awan scandal, Hunter Biden gaining large contracts and monetary gifts while his father threatened countries they would not receive promised aid if they in fact continued to investigate, and a sitting President of the United States sending pallets of cash to an enemy and then lying about it all to aid his brothers who promote terror around the world and have sworn their hatred of America. Any fair minded individual would say that yes, we should have an honest investigation into these incidents that have documented and collaborated evidence to support the allegations. Those accused however must be proven guilty, but a credible and honest investigation should be conducted. No, during the investigation you cannot hold hearings and purposefully lie to and deceive the public with blatantly false statements under the guise of a parody nor can you ask misleading questions such as, and when did you stop beating your spouse. We said fair and honest with the goal of reaching the truth. In other words, you can not use any means to achieve your desired ends. Unfortunately, this is a foreign concept to the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats). Lenin said to fair minded people that he could not use them to bring about his desired goal of a collectivist society. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are today saying that Lenin was correct; honesty and fair mindedness is as antiquated as are the Declaration of Independence, The United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights and all must be discarded and destroyed because they are definite hindrances to the stated of goal of fundamentally transforming the United States to a collectivist society. No not one fair minded and honest Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) has arisen, because just as in Sodom there was not one righteous, there is not one honest and fair-minded Marxist/Progressive (Democrat). The United States just might be at an impasse. Impasse is defined as a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement; a deadlock. Mankind has always had disagreements. Sometimes they resulted in deadlocks and other times the disagreements were able to be resolved. As we take a few minutes to analyze why some disagreements were able to be resolved and others were not, we find that where the two parties disagreeing had an overall common goal the disagreement would be resolved and where the common goals were diametrically different, the disagreement was only resolved through the will of one side being forcibly imposed on the other.
Specifically looking at the Untied States, we learn that Great Britain and the colonists had differences that were diametrically opposed, Great Britain wanted to have total control over the lives and thoughts of the colonists and the colonists wanted liberty and freedom from such control. A war was fought. Moving forward to the time of the Civil War, one side said that the Untied States must remain a union with all people being free, and the other side said that they could no longer be a part of the union because they believed one person should be allowed to own another. The impasse became a deadlocked and a war was fought. Going back to the time when the colonists, now free from the dictates of Great Britain, had differences over how their new nation should be governed, they learned that the original idea, an idea that was formed during the Revolutionary War, was not going to accomplish what they believed it would. A convention was convened and differences on the format for this new nation were evident. Both sides however had a common goal and that goal was that their new nation would be a nation that championed individual liberty above all else. All differences were resolved, and no impasse or deadlocks prevented the goal from being achieved. Today, differences as to what that nation would be have arisen. Our nation has been a nation of differences, but always those differences were resolved. The difference between our nation over the years and today is that our differences have reached the point where they are no longer just differences as to how to reach a common goal, but the two sides no longer have a common goal. We must always remember that the United States is truly a unique nation. When we were formed, we were founded on the basis that the law would replace a monarch, that the liberty of an individual would be sacred, that government was to be a protector of our natural rights, and that the role of government was to be very limited with its primary purpose to be protector of the nation from former enemies. This is exactly what our founding documents state. Today, we have one side that still has these principles as their goal. The other side has abandoned these principles as their goal and have adopted as their goals that the law is now to be applied in the same manner as a monarch would apply law and that is on an arbitrary basis as opposed to a “rule of law” basis. The other side believes that the liberties of the individual are not paramount but are to be totally diluted so that all people are equal, politically, economically, and socially. A society can only be totally equal when all liberties are rescinded, including those specifically protected in our founding documents. The other side has also adopted as its goal that the role of government is no longer to be limited as demanded by the United States Constitution but is to become the arbiter and means by which total equality exists within the country. The one side has determined that the powers assigned to the government within the United States Constitution are only suggestions as what the government should do but allow for the government to have any power, they deem necessary to subvert individual liberties and bring about total conformity and equality. The other side has also determined that the role of government to protect the United States from foreign enemies means that the role of government is to eliminate any borders and safeguards to protect the citizens should be forsaken and in fact the role of government is to welcome any and all people, regardless of their intent, and then to facilitate those individuals to fulfill their intentions, honorable or destructive. Two other critical areas of disagreement have also arisen. Our nation was founded on the basis that any laws would have to come from the one branch of government closest to the people, the legislative branch. The executive branch and the judicial branch could not legislate. This is no longer the goal of the other side. Their goal today is that any branch can legislate so long as what is legislated complies with their goals. Their goal is to eliminate the doctrine of divided government. The other critical area of disagreement today is that the basis on which our nation has used to transfer power is no longer acceptable to the one side. Throughout our history our executive would be elected and then peaceably assume power while the replaced executive willingly and peaceably stepped aside. The other side has clearly indicated that this unique principle of the United States is no longer acceptable. The decision of the American people as to whom they want to be our President is no longer to be a decision of the people unless it conforms to the choice of the other side. In addition, they have stated that the concept of peacefully transferring power is no longer acceptable if the transfer is to the other political party. To achieve this end, the other side has stated they will no longer accept the will of the people nor will they comply with the concept of “peaceful transfer of power.” It is clear that the two sides no longer have common goals. The one side adheres to the principles upon which our nation was founded while the other side believes those principles are in complete disagreement with their goals to eliminate individual liberty and bring about their goal of a classless society that is totally conforming and totally equal as is desired by collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats – all virtually the same.) You as an American must decide what you support, our founding principles with the liberty of the individual being paramount, or a totally equal society with the government being the arbiter of equality and the force demanding conformity to the dictates of one doctrine. We could very likely be at an impasse. We no longer have common goals. In today’s world there is no such thing as a "moderate" Democrat and there is no such thing as "fair" media.
The media is no longer a seeker of equal destruction. There was a time when the media believed it was there duty, no obligation, to investigate any and all in public life. They really did not care to which party the individual belonged. To find any sort of corruption was a feather in their cap. A few things have changed. The media today believes that only those of the right (correct side) should be investigated and those on the left must be protected. Perhaps the most troubling aspect of the new media is that facts and truth no longer apply. Rumors and accusations are reported as fact, no matter how salacious or ridiculous, and then when the lie is or sloppy reporting is revealed, the unfair and prejudiced media redefine the situation and report on an even more preposterous rumor or accusation, perhaps even one they concocted, as fact. This is damaging to a nation that is supposedly a nation with a free people who are purported to be self-governing. It is damaging because it causes the people to lose faith in the media, in the government, and as opposed to people taking a greater interest, more and more people become uninterested and uninvolved. This type of media is the type of media a tyrant demands because they can plant whatever story they want to plant to control the people. An interested and involved public is mandatory for a free people. An uninterested and uninvolved people are mandatory for a tyrannical government. An unfair and false reporting media always brings about tyranny. Moderate Democrats no longer exist. A moderate means to be somebody who is not of the extreme. The party that used to be called Democrat, has truly become the Marxist/Progressive party advocating for what would be extreme positions, even in nations that would be considered to be nations with strong leaning collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive – all virtually the same) views, such as most in the European Union. Today's Democrat party, or Marxist/Progressive party states that in order to be a part of their party you must believe in unrestricted murder of any infant, unborn for sure, and now even after birth. This same party says that the Untied States should not and can not be a nation with borders. Any and all can walk across our borders at any time and once they are here they cannot be deported, they must be shielded from prosecution for any and all crimes they commit or have committed, they must be given welfare, education, and health care and coverage. This is a party that demands all working and responsible Americans sacrifice on a basis that the Marxist/Progressives deem to be fair to redistribute their hard-earned rewards to those who choose not to work or to choose to engage in meaningless activity that has no value. This is a party that demands that the government dictate to all how they are to live their lives and how they are to think. It will be the government that dictates the beliefs of the individual concerning morality, religious, scientific, and social views, and achievement desires. Fair media and moderate Democrat are truly antiquated terms. Sadly, American Democrat is also a relic. To be an American has been to believe in the principles of our founding documents. The Declaration of Independence states that we will be a nation that not only protects, but promotes our natural rights given to us by our Creator. The Marxist/Progressive today says that natural rights are under the control of the government. The Marxist/Progressive today says they will determine who will live or die, and they say that “choice” overrides the natural right of life. The Marxist/Progressive says that liberty is no longer available because where liberty exists equality cannot. The Marxist/Progressive says that equal misery for all is preferred to liberty. The Marxist/Progressive says that all property, including the earnings of the individual, rightfully belongs to the government and it is they who will determine what is fair for any individual to retain. The American Democrat is also a relic because the Marxist/Progressives have abandoned the United States Constitution. Within the Constitution the “rule of law” was protected, and limited government and divided government were demanded and protected. The Marxist/Progressive party has demanded that law will be applied depending on the political beliefs of the individual. The Marxist/Progressive has said that there are no limitations as to what government can do and how much government can control the lives and thoughts of the individual. The Marxist/Progressive has stated that any branch of government can legislate and make law so long as it conforms to the collectivist ideology of the Marxist/Progressive party. The American Democrat is a relic because Marxist/Progressives have state that the Bill of Rights no longer applies. The Marxist/Progressive has stated that where “no law” is stated in the different amendments it only means “no law” unless the Marxist/Progressives determine that some law would better serve their ideology. The Marxist/Progressives have also stated that the 9th and 10th amendments are no longer applicable and that the people will only have those rights the Marxist/Progressives have determine they can have, and that government has no restrictions on its powers. In today's America, Moderate Democrat, fair media, and American Democrat are relics; they do not exist. What we know is that predictions about the end of the world have been going on since the beginning of time. What we know is that when the world does end it will not be because of anything man has done but because the Creator says, “this is the appointed time.”
Nevertheless, we continue to have prediction after prediction that because evil imperialist nations, of which we are told the United states is the evilest, is not willing to disburse its wealth around the world, climate change will bring about forces that end the world. We are not sure if this climate change is a cooling, warming, or perhaps even static change. We are led to believe that climate is a day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year, and decade by decade change. In a real world, these changes would be called weather. Of course, in most areas the long-time inhabitants will remark, “if you want different weather stick around for three hours.” Climate change advocates say you must substitute climate for weather in the above trite cliché. Perhaps if any of the dire predictions we continue to hear would ever come true we could give credence to these claims as opposed to recognizing them for what they really are; dramatic claims with no basis, but with purpose of scaring people into believing that a globalist socialist order must be established. In looking and looking, I could find no claims by these globalist advocates that some dramatic climate change (weather) is occurring that actually came true. There are lists and lists of the sky is falling claims that of course never happened or even gave any credence to the claim. Here, however, are a list of some of the most outlandish claims that enhance the claim that so called climate change is truly a hoax and nothing more than reason for globalists claim that imperialist nations, mainly the United States, must become a collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat – all virtually the same) nation. Biologist Paul Ehrlich predicted in the 1970s that: “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make,” and that “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.” In January 1970, Life reported, “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support…the following predictions: In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half….” In January 2006 Al Gore predicted that we had ten years left before the planet turned into a “total frying pan.” We made it. In 2008, a segment aired on ABC News predicted that NYC would be under water by June 2015. In 1970, ecologist Kenneth E.F. Watt predicted that “If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but 11 degrees colder by the year 2000, This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age.” In 2008, Al Gore predicted that there is a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap would be completely melted within 5-7 years. He at least hedged that prediction by giving himself “75%” certainty. On May 13th 2014 France’s foreign minister said that we only have 500 days to stop “climate chaos.” The recent Paris climate summit met 565 days after his remark. In 2009, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center head James Wassen warned that Obama only had four years left to save the earth. On the first Earth Day its sponsor warned that “in 25 years, somewhere between 75 and 80 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct.” And another Earth Day prediction from Kenneth Watt: “At the present rate of nitrogen buildup, it’s only a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere and none of our land will be usable.” And on and on and on the claims continue to come. The state of American politics has descended to lows I do not believe even George Washington would believe. Oh yes, the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have reached new lows, especially with the foolish and yes, stupid statements of the squad. We might argue that these four foolish individuals are novices and we might give them a little leeway, but they have gone beyond leeway now. AOC represents a generation of Americans who have gone through the left’s indoctrination system from early school years through a four-year degree. She has no knowledge of our founding documents or our government institutions and the history that brought their adoption.
As outlandish as are the squad, we are witnessing just as outlandish claims made by members of the media and members of the swamp that is Washington DC and beyond. So outraged are those who bought into the belief that big government is the solution for any and all problems and have adopted the ways of the swamp, that they have become desperate in their attempts to paint President Trump, a consummate outsider, as the enemy. If President Trump had not been elected, it is safe and reasonable to state that the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, and so many other alphabet agencies would now be agencies under the full control of a political party and advancing the cause of that party as opposed to the liberty, freedom, and security of the American people. Yes, this hatred for President Trump extends beyond the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party to the big government supporting Republican establishment. Remember RINO Paul Ryan explaining that President Trump does not understand how government works. The fact is RINO Ryan, Trump understands very well how government has been working and he is trying to change it so the government operates as a servant of the people, working for the people, and not as a sovereign of the people controlling the people. RINO Romney, who is never quite sure what he believes at the time, also resents a president who understands that government left unchecked always becomes tyrannical. Republican presidential candidate Bill Weld said Monday that President Donald Trump should consider himself lucky if he doesn’t face the death penalty for allegedly asking a foreign entity to probe his political enemies. “That is treason — treason pure and simple,” Weld said, referring to Trump’s reported talks with the Ukrainian president. “The penalty for treason under the U.S. code is death. That’s the only penalty. The penalty on the Constitution is removal from office, and that might look like a pretty good alternative.” In Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, treason is specifically limited to levying war against the US, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Conviction requires two witnesses or a confession in open court. Even under the worst possible scenario, the Ukraine story does not even approach treason. Your comment, Bill Weld, is ridiculous and reveals your prejudices and your limitations. The Nadler’s and Schiff’s have exhibited how limited and intolerant the deep state has become. Even those of you who refer to yourselves as Democrats, and still claim to believe that we have natural rights such as life, liberty, and property given to us by our Creator, and you claim to believe in the principles of the United States Constitution, which protects our principles of rule of law, limited government, divided government, and sovereignty of the people, should be grateful to President Trump for exposing what we know as the government swamp. Your natural rights of life, liberty, and property also have a greater chance of remaining because somebody from outside the swamp who was willing to expose the swamp was elected. Those people like Bill Weld, Ryan, and Romney are to be feared as much, if not more, than those who openly show their disdain for our liberties and freedoms; the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats). 9/22/2019 COLLECTIVISTS ONCE AGAIN DECLARE ALL CHILDREN MUST BE INDOCTRINATED DESPITE THE WISHES OF THE PARENTRead NowCollectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats – all virtually the same) have always taken the position that all children must be indoctrinated in the cultist doctrine of the collectivist movement. This is why they have fought so hard to control the public-school systems in the United States and why they are trying to outlaw children attending other schools or even being home schooled. As Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Obama, Holder, and all other comrades have stressed, the state must have these children turned over to them for the purpose of beginning their indoctrination as early as possible. We saw another example of this indoctrination process during the so-called protest to promote the hoax called climate change.
Marxist Belief: Children Belong to The State; “Belong To The Whole Community” – Like Good Little Communist “The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother's care, shall be in state institutions.” Karl Marx “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. “Lenin “Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.” Lenin “The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.” Hitler When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already...What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time, they will know nothing else but this new community." Hitler Across the country, large numbers of students walked out of classes on Friday in order to protest what they believe is inadequate government action to combat climate change. The Pittsburgh Public School district issued a statement on the proposed protest. Their statement essentially stated that any student that wanted to participate in the protest would need to obtain signed written parent consent to attend, otherwise they would receive an unexcused absence tardy or absence. As noted in a school district's tweet, the district explicitly "support[ed] students' rights to lawfully and peacefully protest," but merely required students to obtain parental permission to skip classes for the protest in order to avoid receiving an unexcused student absence. Even this lax policy was too stringent for Pittsburgh's Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Mayor Bill Peduto, who promptly took to Twitter to promise that he would sign permission slips for any student to attend the protest that could not get their parents' permission. After all, Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) agree that it is the responsibility of the state to indoctrinate all children to become a dedicated collectivist. 9/19/2019 WHY THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION IS A TREAT TO THE MARXIST/PROGRESSIVE (DEMOCRAT) AGENDARead NowThe Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party must destroy the United States Constitution if It is to be successful in its quest to fundamentally transform the United States as promised by Comrade Obama in November of 2008. This was not a campaign promise or threat. RHINO and flip flopper John McCain had already surrendered the election to the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats). Comrade Obama was virtually assured of winning the election at the time he pronounced his intent.
His statement was a statement that set the course for his regime. One of the building blocks to this fundamental transformation was the further destruction of the United States Constitution. Comrade Obama had already stated, about seven years prior, that he believed the United States Constitution was a failed document. Our Constitution was written and ratified by people who understood that government was and always will be the biggest threat to the freedom and independence of the people. The Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) agenda is and always has been to enslave the people under a dictatorial government ruled by the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat.” Our nation was established with the intent of employing rule of law and not arbitrary law. Rule of law is mandatory for a free and independent people. Rule of law requires equal treatment of all regardless of economic, social, or political position. Arbitrary law is mandatory for a tyrannical government. It allows the government or the tyrant to employ any means it needs to keep control of the people. Laws can be changed, declared, or nullified at the behest of the tyrant to keep control. Our nation was established to be a limited government. We wrote the limited powers we wanted the government to have in the Constitution. Then in the Bill of Rights we clearly stated our intent that the powers listed were the only powers the federal government would have. Limited government is mandatory for a free and independent people. That is what freedom and independent means; free and independent from the dictates of government. The Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) agenda is to control the lives and thoughts of the people through government control and enforcement. The Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) agenda is to make all citizens dependent on the government. This gives them control. Our nation was established to be a divided government. Each branch of government was assigned specific functions. The legislative branch was the only branch that was given the power to legislate or to make law. This does not accommodate the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) agenda. It is their intent to adopt policies as law that it knows cannot meet the rigorous requirements of becoming law per the Constitution. To get around this roadblock, the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have stated that the regulations and orders of an accommodating executive are law while those of an opposing executive are not. They have adopted the same for the judiciary branch calling rulings that advance their agenda as law and those they do not as rulings. Virtually every concept in our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights, are in opposition to the agenda of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party. The founding documents protect the rights of the individual from the dictates of the collective or the government. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) believe in and promote the concept of collectivism (Marxism, communism, socialism, progressive, Democrat – all virtually the same). If you wish to live as a free individual that determines your own course in life and determines your own thoughts, you must strongly oppose this collectivist movement of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party. You must become like the American colonists who were willing to risk everything they had including their life to live as free individuals by becoming equipped to set “Brush Fires of Freedom in the Minds of Men.” In order to do this, you must understand the principles of freedom and independence that are mandatory for freedom, and you must oppose the principles and policies of the collectivist that are designed to enslave. Bumper sticker phrases will not do. After you understand both agendas, you must start to discuss, do not argue or debate, so you can set those brush fires. A great brush fire setting tool is to simply ask penetrating questions and let the other answer. Your real goal is to have the other think about the concept. I have heard so many people tell me how they told that liberal what was right and why they were wrong. You just helped the opposition solidify a supporter. 9/18/2019 REVOLUTION CLUB OF AMERICA – HATERS OF THE UNITED STATES – HAVE MUCH IN COMMON WITH MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS)Read NowA self-described group of communists burned the American flag outside of a Los Angeles hotel Tuesday as President Trump was in the city.
Revolution Club Los Angeles tweeted out a video Wednesday of members burning the American flag and chanting “America was never great!” Revolution Club Los Angeles describes itself as “guided by the New Communism forged by Bob Avakian.” He is the chair of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA What we are hearing from the candidates of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party sound like policies taken directly from the proposed constitution when the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA wins the revolution they promise. Regarding the Environment: The establishment of the New Socialist Republic in North America, through the defeat of the imperialist state of the USA, while it could not have occurred without the unleashing of further violent and destructive acts on the part of that outmoded imperialist state, nevertheless represents a truly gigantic stride toward the emancipation of humanity and with regard to the ability to more frontally and comprehensively confront and address the critical environmental emergency threatening humanity and the other species and ecosystems (the complex webs of interacting and interrelating life) on this earth. Regarding International Relations: The development of the United States of America as a powerful capitalist-imperialist state was, for centuries, marked by and based on expansion through slavery, conquest, domination and plunder, with genocidal dimensions to all this–spreading by this means its system of exploitation throughout much of North America and large parts of the world, with devastating consequences for those who directly fell victim to its juggernaut of oppression, and for humanity as a whole. The defeat and dismantling of the imperialist state of the USA, its far-reaching tentacles of suffocating exploitation and its massive machinery of death and destruction, will have struck a tremendous blow for the liberation of people everywhere in the world and greatly strengthened the basis for making further advances and leaps in the revolutionary struggle throughout the world toward the final goal of communism. Still, much more remains to be done to win further victories, as well as to defend what has already been won, and the New Socialist Republic in North America must meet this challenge and shoulder this responsibility. Regarding Education: Education in the New Socialist Republic in North America shall be based in accordance with, and contribute to, the principles and objectives set forth in this Constitution. All education shall be public education, provided for financially through the allocation of funds from the central government and other levels of government, under the overall direction of the Executive Council of the central government. Regarding Health and Medicine: The goal of the New Socialist Republic in North America with regard to health and medicine is to promote the all-around health and well-being of the people and, as one key dimension of this, to provide the people in society as a whole with access to medical care–at low cost and eventually free of cost–and to continually develop and improve this medical care. The government of this Republic also acts to ensure that the food and nutritional needs of the population are met. The Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party of today is absolutely a front for a “New Communism” which can also be stated as “Democratic Socialism” or as a “progressive nation.” They all fall under the heading of collectivism (Marxism, communism, socialism, progressive, Democrat – all virtually the same). They all hate the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights. Trump, United States Constitution, and Untied States haters are destroying the integrity of congress and the basis upon which a free and independent people must operate; RULE OF LAW. When the public loses respect for agencies of authority, in this instance the House of Representatives, RULE OF LAW is the victim.
This is happening today. My reading of the reports on the Lewandowski hearing is frightening. It would be less so if this was the exception as opposed to the rule. Unfortunately, it has become the rule in not only house hearings, but we saw the same circus performance by Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) members of the Senate Judiciary Kavanaugh hearings. These so-called oversight and confirmation hearings are no longer either, but have become stages for the members of the committees to make outlandish public statements as opposed to trying to learn what the truth might be. Then when these grandstanders do give a witness a chance to answer a facsimile of a question, such as, and when did you stop beating your spouse, they become irate when they do not receive the answer they wished to receive so they can claim to the newscaster that they had a gotcha moment. This is becoming the normal format of these so-called hearings. Witnesses are being badgered. Witnesses, even though they are under oath, are later being accused of perjury. Of course, no action is taken to prove perjury. These destroyers and haters of truth and justice, Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are doing nothing more than attempting to promote their own election and to plant falsehoods in the minds of the American people. They are also moving forward their main goal which is to destroy the RULE OF LAW and bring about a tyrannical Marxist state that operates on the basis of ARBITARTY LAW, as every tyrant has and must operate. In the name of oversite and confirmation, we are seeing the foundation of our nation being destroyed. No people can remain free and independent when all respect for the very agencies that have been established to protect freedom and independence have become the very means by which RULE OF LAW is being abused. If you have supported the Democrat Party of the past, please understand your party has changed and is now promoting any and all methods to destroy the United States Constitution and the United States in their quest to enslave the American population under a Marxist tyrannical state. If you believe what I have just stated is a false statement in any way, please, take a step back and review the accusations being used against such people as President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh and try to find any credible evidence what so ever that supports these outlandish claims, other than the desire to destroy them as individuals because of differing political positions. Then ask yourself if a free and independent people can remain free and independent when the accusations are viewed as truth and the accused must prove their innocence? Also, do some research and learn if this is the basis upon which our nation was founded so freedom and independence could be maintained. Ask yourself one more question and that would be, upon what basis have tyrants such as Stalin, Hitler, and Moa use to maintain their control over the people. Was it RULE OF LAW OR ARBITRARY LAW? |
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