This will go unreported in the mainstream press, but it is a grave concern and validates that Obama and Jarrett wanted the Iranian deal, so they could release cash to the Iranian government to continue to aid terrorists including those who Obama and Jarrett knew would target the United States. Obama and Jarrett despised the United States. Both Obama and Jarrett are dedicated Marxists and Islamic Jihadist sympathizers whose goal is to destroy the United States as a free and independent nation.
Reported by Adam Kredo Washington Free Beacon The recent arrest of two Iranian agents alleged to have been running spy operations on U.S. soil is just “the tip of the iceberg” in terms of the Islamic Republic’s efforts to conduct intelligence operations in America that could result in a terrorist attack, according to a leading lawmaker and U.S. officials who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon about the matter. Following the arrest of two Iranian individuals charged with spying on Jewish and Israeli facilities in the California area, Rep. Peter Roskam (R., Ill.) told the Free Beacon it is likely Iran has stationed multiple regime-tied agents in the United States to conduct intelligence operations. While the arrest of the two Iranians was met with shock in the press, Roskam said he was not surprised by the arrests, which have unearthed concrete evidence of the Islamic Republic’s efforts to foment discord across the globe, including on American soil. “This is the tip of the iceberg,” Roskam said in an interview. “This is not a surprise and this is a result of the Iran regime getting financial support from the Obama administration in the Iran deal.” Iran has been emboldened by the lack of international repercussions on its malevolent behavior and may have increased its intelligence operations in America in the years since the landmark nuclear deal, he said. Iran is “acting with impunity, that deal emboldened them,” Roskam said. “This is an unmasking of that. Unfortunately it’s all too predictable. Give a malevolent regime huge amounts of cash with no restraining influence and this is what happens.” The Trump Justice Department announced last week it had arrested two Iranians and charged them with spying on behalf of the hardline regime, a discovery that has refocused attention on the Islamic Republic’s global spy operations. Lawmakers and experts have been warning for some time that Iran has stationed what some described as “sleeper cell” agents across the United States. These agents are believed to operate with impunity and could lay the groundwork for a large-scale terror attack on American soil. The two Iranian individuals—identified as Ahmadreza Mohammadi-Doostdar, a dual U.S.-Iranian citizen, and Majid Ghorbani, an Iranian citizen and resident of California—were formally charged by the Trump administration “with allegedly acting on behalf of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran by conducting covert surveillance of Israeli and Jewish facilities in the United States, and collecting identifying information about American citizens and U.S. nationals who are members of the group Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK),” an Iranian opposition group that promotes regime change in the Islamic Republic, the DOJ announced. One U.S. official, agreeing with Roskam’s assessment, told the Free Beacon Iran has been running “vast espionage and information operations in the United States” with virtual impunity. The arrest of the two recently charged Iranians denotes a significant shift in policy that could result in the capture of more agents. “If there’s anything that’s become obvious in the last few months, it’s that the Iranians are running vast espionage and information operations in the United States,” said the source, who could only discuss the situation on background. “The Trump administration has been warning since day one that some of the windfall Iran got from the nuclear deal has been going into malign cyber operations.” “The propaganda network that Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube uncovered was doubling as a hacking network that had been ramping up in the last couple of years,” the source said, referring the recent uncovering of a massive social media influence campaign believed to be organized by Iran. Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.), also a vocal critic of the Iranian regime, told the Free Beacon the recent arrest of the two Iranians is cause for major concern. “I am deeply alarmed by the Justice Department’s new indictment against alleged Iranian agents,” Rubio said. “Iran’s regime has sponsored terrorist attacks against Americans abroad and our allies, and may now be seeking to target American citizens, as well as Jewish or Israeli facilities, on U.S. soil.” Roskam, in his comment to the Free Beacon, noted that “Iran’s malevolence” toward Israel and other countries it considers an enemy is well documented. “What’s new here is a level of aggression against the United States and an impunity with which they’re operating,” the lawmaker said, referring to the spy operations on Jewish targets—a cornerstone of Iran’s global terror operations, particularly its 1994 bombing of a Jewish facility in Argentina that sent shockwaves through the global Jewish community. The operations on U.S. soil are “incredibly provocative and an indication where the Iranian regime is,” Roskam said. Iran has publicly stated multiple times over the past years that it has a vast espionage network that includes the United States. While many have dismissed these claims as posturing, Roskam said Iran should be taken at its word. “The takeaway is we can take the Iranians at face value,” he said. “They were declarative during the Iran negotiations: They were not willing to make any commitments as it relates to their state sponsorship of terror. It’s clear they haven’t. This can’t be a surprise to anyone. It is entirely consistent with what they’ve been communicating. The surprise is the idea anyone thought they were slowing down or giving up their aggressive disposition.” Congress will play a prominent role in investigating the matter in the months to come. This will include working with federal law enforcement to ensure Iranian agents are not able to coordinate terror attacks on Jewish or Israeli facilities. Earlier this year, Congress heard testimony from a panel of experts of former U.S. officials about Iran’s “sleeper cell” networks in America. Iran, through terrorists affiliated with Hezbollah, could easily launch strikes in America. “They are as good or better at explosive devices than ISIS, they are better at assassinations and developing assassination cells,” Michael Pregent, a former intelligence officer who worked to counter Iranian influence in the region, said during the April hearing. “They’re better at targeting, better at looking at things,” and they can outsource attacks to Hezbollah.
Every American who believes in the principles of The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States, and The Bill of Rights should demand a through and impartial investigation of the Hillary Clinton email scandal and the reasons why the FBI and DOJ failed to fairly and thoroughly investigate the Steele and FISA requests. If politics and party protection are put aside, what the evidence is starting to reveal is that there was a coordinated effort to not only control the outcome of a presidential election, but also there was a deliberate effort to have a non-violent coup overthrow the very basics of our coveted tradition of peaceful transfer of power.
After two years of trying to prove that Russia and the Trump campaign colluded to affect the outcome of the election, absolutely no evidence has been found. The Mueller probe has in fact violated the rule of law and is now investigating anybody that had even a remote connection to Trump to try to validate their existence. The Mueller probe is no longer investigating a crime but are investigating individuals to try to find a crime, so they can prosecute. This is what is done in totalitarian states, not states that adhere to rule of law. In the meantime, there is proof that many crimes were committed by Hillary Clinton while Secretary of State and that there were violations of law and violations of policies by the FBI and the DOJ should be a concern for every American who values life, liberty, and property, Natural Rights given to us by our Creator and not by government. What we have learned is that the Chinese were stealing Hillary Clinton’s emails in real time. Every email she wrote and received was being copied and sent to the Chinese, even emails with classified information. “When [the ICIG] did a very deep dive, they found in the actual metadata — the data which is at the header and footer of all the emails — that a copy, a ‘courtesy copy,’ was being sent to a third party and that third party was a known Chinese public company that was involved in collecting intelligence for China,” the former intelligence officer told TheDCNF. “The [the ICIG] believe that there was some level of phishing. But once they got into the server something was embedded,” he said. “The Chinese are notorious for embedding little surprises like this.” An FBI intelligence analyst admitted to House committees last week that bureau officials were known to leak information to the press and then use the resulting articles to help obtain surveillance warrants, according to a source with knowledge of his testimony. Members of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party have continuously fought to investigate these serious breaches. These people do not want the seriousness of these breaches made known to the American public. They do not want these serious breaches revealed because it would damage their efforts to fundamentally transform the United States. The Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party despises the principles upon which our nation was founded. They denounce the ideas of liberty and Natural Rights and embrace the principles of the collectivist (communist, socialist, progressive) movement were all rights of the individual, including life, liberty, and property are under total control of government. Two fundamental policies of this movement are steeply progressive income taxes which is paramount to the Marxist doctrine of a totally conforming and a totally equal society because it is essential for spreading the wealth from the productive to the non-productive. The other principle is that of open borders. Marx told his followers that it is essential no borders exist so the whole world can live in his classless society. What we have learned is that people who live in the classless society supported and promoted by the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party will always strive to escape the tyranny and breakdown of society and the financial system that is always the product of the policies now being promoted by the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party if these people are aware that freedom and liberty exists in an Individualist society. Marx said all individualist societies had to be destroyed. The Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party is doing everything they can, remember they practice what every Marxist has practiced that “the ends always justify the means,” and will lie, deceive and cheat to not allow the truth of what took place during the Obama regime to destroy the very core of The Declaration of Independence, The United States Constitution, and The Bill of Rights. 8/28/2018 “JUST TO BUSY TO BE BOTHERED” IS DESTROYING OUR FREEDOM AND LEADING US TO TYRANNYRead NowFor laughs people are asked questions about different aspects of our nations history and our government. Even college students who are protesting for their rights have no idea what lead to the American Revolution, how many branches of government we have and what are they, what was the document called that declared our independence, how many justices does the Constitution say must sit on the Supreme Court, how many justices sit on the court, who are the justices, what is their constitutional function, and what is their assumed function.
A majority of likely voters were unable to correctly name just one Supreme Court justice, according to a recent poll. The results, according to the survey: 52 percent of voters overall were unable to name one High Court justice. 48 percent of voters overall said they could or correctly named a justice. 59 percent of voters identifying as conservatives could not name a justice. 57 percent of voters identifying as liberals correctly named a justice. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the most recognizable justice; she was correctly identified by 25 percent of voters, according to the survey. The Judicial Branch has become the most powerful branch of government, even though the framers intended it to be the weakest. That is correct, the branches were never intended to be equal; independent yes but not equal. The Judicial Branch has usurped the legislative function that was given only to congress or the legislative branch. Americans mistakenly believe that rulings by the court are laws. According to the Constitution, the court can only render rulings. The court has usurped the executive branches powers by claiming the orders given by the executive are not legal because the judges also play the role of God claiming they understand the intent of the executive, ignoring the words, and override the executive. District judges are now playing the role of God as well. The Judicial Branch of government, with the Supreme Court having the final say are destroying the very document they were supposed to protect. We are quickly becoming a Judicial Tyranny with unelected judges becoming the tyrant. And Americans can not even identify these unelected individuals. The ironic part of this story is the most recognized Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, has stated that international law must be considered when making rulings and can supersede the Constitution. She also claims the Constitution is a living document, so it really does not mean what it says. The words are meaningless, so we can have the Constitution mean whatever we want. The Justices have done that and have deemed the Judicial branch of government should be the most important branch, making law, administering the law, and ruling on the law. Americans do not deem this to be important. Our nation is on “The Road To Tyranny” and Americans are to busy with other aspects of their lives to take the time to vote wisely, voting for freedom. 8/27/2018 MARXIST/PROGRESSIVE PARTY (DEMOCRATS) OPEN WAY FOR FIRST MEMBER OF THE DSA TO BE THEIR OFFICAL PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATERead NowWe know that the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party has nominated dedicated socialists to be their candidate for president. In 2008 and 2012 they nominated a dedicated Marxist (Communist) to be their presidential candidate. But never have they nominated an individual who openly declared that they were a socialist. They came close in 2016, but the party elite were able to nominate a different very flawed candidate who, if the DOJ and FBI had not become the party police protecting their members of the party but still enforcing the laws of the United States, would have been indicted and tried for violating the National Security Laws of the United States as well as being tried for using the position of Secretary of State to enrich herself and her family.
The Marxist/Progressive Party (Democrats) have changed their rules under the leadership of socialists Perez and Ellison. Under the new rule, super-delegates – the members of Congress, DNC members and other top officials who made up about 15 percent of delegates that year – will not be allowed to vote on the first ballot at a contested national convention. This could dramatically change the nominee since most nominees today are nominated on the first ballot. The potential candidate will not have to beholding to the super delegates. This clearly opens the way for a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) to become the nominee of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party. Much of the base of the party is moving into the socialist camp, especially those would be primary election voters. Although the reality of who the party has become could be shocking to some voters, it would not change the party program much since the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) and DSA are really one and the same. Here is the purpose of the DSA as stated in Article II of their constitution. We are socialists because we reject an economic order based on private profit, alienated labor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based on race, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, disability status, age, religion, and national origin, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo. We are socialists because we share a vision of a humane social order based on popular control of resources and production, economic planning, equitable distribution, feminism, racial equality and non-oppressive relationships. We are socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for achieving that vision, for building a majority movement that will make democratic socialism a reality in America. We believe that such a strategy must acknowledge the class structure of American society and that this class structure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between those sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of the population. As you can read, this purpose is also the purpose of the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party. To have their nominee also be a member of the DSA would not be any change in policy, but the public acknowledgement could have a major impact on the eventual outcome. No longer would the candidate have to try to convince the public they were really capitalists while at the same time declaring to Joe the Plumber that if he is successful he will be punished because it will then be his obligation to pay much higher taxes so the results of his hard work and success could be shared with those that the candidate deems to need it more than does Joe the Plumber. Now the candidate could openly campaign on the socialist agenda of both the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party and the DSA. Even 20 years ago this would have been certain death for any political party in the United States. However, that might not be the case today. The indoctrination program of the socialists in the public schools along with the brainwashing being done through our main stream press has been ongoing and seemingly successful. We could be on “The Road To Tyranny, Individualism to Collectivism.” Freedom Loving Americans, this is a call for you to understand that the rights endowed to us by our Creator are under serious attack. You must thoroughly educate yourself on what is collectivism, the evils of collectivism, and the certain devastation socially and financially that is always the result of collectivism. Than you must, as Sam Adams said, “set brush fires of freedom in the minds of men.” I will periodically read the obituary section in the paper. I do it because it reinforces that only saints die. The individual was always the most loved most wonderful family member who loved people and brought happiness to those with whom they came into contact. I believe we can learn about the person the saint really was, the principles they held regardless of what they said, and who could really count on that person when they were really needed. I also believe that in all situations respect should be paid to the family who we know are grieving.
John McCain lost his battle to brain cancer. According to the obituaries he was indeed a saint. His friends are paying him great and, we should assume honest tributes. These tributes tell us a great deal as to the principles McCain really held. Here are some examples of what his true friends said: “He really understood in the marrow of his bones what it meant to be an American,” Hillary Clinton said. Dick Durbin paid tribute to what he called McCain’s “uncommon decency.” “I think we could do with this kind of approach to politics and we’d do well to remember John McCain and his legacy as we go forward,” Jeff Flake said. Shortly after the announcement of McCain’s death, Chuck Schumer announced his intentions to propose a resolution that would rename the Senate’s Russell office building after McCain. Nancy Pelosi said that Schumer’s proposal “would be a great tribute.” Obama said that despite their differences, McCain and he shared a “fidelity to something higher – the ideals for which generations of Americans and immigrants alike have fought, marched, and sacrificed.” Obama said they “saw our political battles, even, as a privilege, something noble, an opportunity to serve as stewards of those high ideals at home, and to advance them around the world.” When George Washington won the first presidential election and was inaugurated to become the President of the Untied States, it was done peacefully. There had been a call for Washington to assume the roll of a monarch and he rejected, even a monarch without hereditary succession. The transfer of power from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson was a peaceful transfer even after a very bitter campaign in which ridiculous and slanderous accusations were made. John Adams set a standard that had been followed by all others not elected or leaving the White House until 2016.
This peaceful transfer of power set a standard to which the rest of the world would aspire. It is now an accepted concept throughout Europe and even becoming so in parts of Asia. It has not become accepted throughout most of Africa as of yet. The concept of a peaceful transfer of power is now under attack in the United States, the nation that brought the concept to the rest of the world. Peaceful transfer of power requires that the political elements within the country have common goals, such as the protection of freedom and independence that the United States has had over the course of our history. The political elements with the United States no longer have the preservation of individual rights above the rights of the state, that is freedom and independence of the people, which is required for a free and independent society. One of the political factions within the United States still holds the rights of the individual as Natural Rights granted by the Creator, a power that exceeds the power of the state, while the other element believes all rights are under the purview of the state. I write about this difference in “The Road To Tyranny, Individualism to Collectivism.” Collectivism believes the people are servants of the state while Individualism believes the state is a servant of the people. These two concepts are colliding in the United States today and this collision is threatening all principles necessary to freedom including the peaceful transfer of power and the rule of law. The collectivists, (communists, socialists, progressives) have played by a different set of standards throughout their history. The Collectivist has always lived by the axiom, “the ends justify the means.” The desired end of the collectivist is a society controlled by the state with the individual dependent upon and subservient to the almighty state; as Marx and Lenin believed and advocated, the state is god. Many things changed in the United States recently that has brought about this open denunciation of the traditions so unique to the United States; the peaceful transfer of power and adherence to rule of law as opposed to arbitrary law where the law is changed simply by saying it has and where the law is applied differently depending on the political goals of the so-called perpetrator. The people of the United States elected a dedicated and determined communist (Marxist) to be president. This Communist believes in strict adherence to all the collectivist ideology is. This communist changed the bureaucracy into a communist style bureaucracy that believes in all that is arbitrary law including changing the law as needed by sampling restating it to mean what you need at the time and applying the law differently to people depending on their political goals and their allegiance to the collectivist ideology. This communist elected to be president also transferred the law enforcement arms of the federal government such as the DOJ, FBI, and CIA to become arms of a political party as opposed to enforcing the law of the United States under the concept of rule of law; applying the law as written and applying it uniformly regardless of social, economic, or political status of the person under investigation. This political faction will do anything they need to do to bring about their end goal of negating The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States, The Bill of Rights, the peaceful transfer of power, the rule of law, and the abolition of all the rights of the individual as endowed to us by our Creator, to bring about their desired end of collectivism or supremacy of the state. This political faction believes anything said, anything done, and the destruction of any individual is justified so long as their goal is achieved. Freedom, peaceful transfer of power, rule of law, and all that has made the United States a unique and great nation, are the very things that must be destroyed for the collectivists to achieve their goals. The communist that occupied the White House from 2009 to 2017 will, along with his comrades, do whatever is necessary to bring about the coup they are currently orchestrating. They have become even more vicious since their plans were so rudely interrupted by the American people in November of 2016. Another criminal the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) insist on protecting murdered another American citizen. An innocent young American woman, simply jogging and minding her own business, was murdered by a criminal the Marxist/Progressives protect, even knowing they are protecting this criminal while endangering the lives of peaceful citizens. The Marxist/Progressives have their reasons for their actions. They are fully aware the odds of the criminal voting for them are extremely high while the odds of the young women in Iowa voting for them are perhaps at best 50%. Consequently, the value of the young woman’s life has far less value to the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) than does the protection of the criminal.
Criminal Anyone who breaks the law is a criminal, even if the crime is just not paying a speeding ticket. It is against the law to be in the United States if you have not followed the laws of entrance. Illegal aliens are by definition a criminal. Accessory Aiding or contributing in a secondary way or assisting in or contributing to as a subordinate. In Criminal Law, contributing to or aiding in the commission of a crime. One who, without being present at the commission of an offense, becomes guilty of such offense, not as a chief actor, but as a participant, as by command, advice, instigation, or concealment; either before or after the fact or commission. If an individual favors policy that enables people to enter the United States without following the rules of entrance, they must be considered to be accessories to any crime committed by these illegal aliens including the murder of Mollie Tibbetts. This would include fighting or preventing policies that protect our borders from those who would enter illegally. This would include fighting or preventing policies that would enable these criminals to remain in the United States. This would include providing protection to these criminals through such methods as providing any form of sanctuary to them or detracting law enforcement from caring out their duties. Marxists/Progressives (Democrats) clearly fall into the definition of being an accessory to crimes committed by illegal aliens. Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, and other members of the Republican establishment would also have to be included in the category of accessory. Even though the Republican establishment gives lip service to stronger borders and removal of these criminals, their actions support the policies advocated by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats). It is congress that must provide the money for a wall. It is congress that must pass stricter immigration laws. Congress is controlled by the Republican establishment. It is the Republican establishment that always has a reason why they cannot act to protect American citizens from these criminals at this time. It is the Republican establishment that also tries to convince the American public that those who are in the United States illegally are not really criminals. By this reasoning, the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) and the Republican establishment are stating that not only do they want to continue to be accessories to these crimes committed by these criminals they are protecting, they are also saying they do not support rule of law but choose to apply arbitrary law, which is how law is applied by tyrannical states. Rule of law includes applying the law to all who have broken the law, even if the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) and Republican establishment determine the individual is basically a good person. Applying this type of subjectivity to the application of the law, is arbitrary law; this is the dictatorial government saying because I determine you are a good person it is okay if you break the law, but because I determine you are a bad person, you will be held responsible for your criminal activity. Until the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats), and yes we must include the Republican establishment, determine they will no longer support this criminal activity of entering or remaining in the United States against our written law, they will be held responsible, as accessories, for all other criminal activity committed by these illegals, including the murder of Mollie Tibbetts. 8/21/2018 SOCIALISM NOW BEING EMBRACED BY DEMOCRATS ALWAYS ENDS IN SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL DECAYRead NowThere has never been a socialist nation that had sustained a strong and growing economy. In every country that embraced socialism corruption and crime became the norm. As the living standard deteriorated the crime statistics increased including violent crime. This is what the mainstream of the Democrat party supports and this is what the Democrat candidates for elected office and those holding office are supporting.
There’s a change brewing on the left as a new poll suggests the Democrat Party is increasingly becoming more progressive. According to a Gallop poll released, 57-percent of Democrats view socialism favorably. In an interview, Senator Bernie Sanders echoed the findings. He said it is time for the party to transform. Progressive is the same as communist. Socialism is always the economic system of communism. Communism requires a one state society with total conformity to communist policies. The Declaration of Independence, The United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are all anti-communist and as they become less and less meaningful, the easier and easier it becomes for the Democrats to move the United States to become the communist state they desire. “What I have been trying to do, and what Alexandria (Ocasio-Cortez) is trying to do, is to transform the Democrat Party,” stated Sanders “The real issue is the ideas that we have been talking about, almost without exception, are now ideas that are mainstream ideas.” What the Democrats have been talking about since at least the days of Woodrow Wilson is to transform their party and openly call their party the Communist Party or the United States. The Communist Party of the United States endorsed Franklin Roosevelt as their candidate in the 1944 election and endorsed Obama in 2008 and 20012. The Democrat party has become more and more open about referring to themselves as communists. The policies they are endorsing and have passed, such as Obamacare and the Dodd-Frank bill that created the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, are communist policies. Progressive states, socialism, communism, and collectivism all end the same way. The semantics are inconsequential. Americans, this is happening. The first thing that is critical, if we want to remain a free and independent people, is to recognize what is happening. The second critical thing is to understand the evil that it is, and the third critical element is to fight it. The Democrat party is the Marxist/Progressive Party of America. What they propose for the United States is exactly what Lenin did for Russia, Mao did for China, Castro did for Cuba, and Chavez did for Venezuela. First it was the UK with Brexit and now we are hearing Sweden calling for Swexit. The European Union has become a dictator of former independent states, and many of these states are saying enough is enough. The forced refugee immigration policies have brought open rebellion in many states including Hungary, Poland, Austria, Italy, and others. The forced refugee immigration policies have brought about terrible domestic unrest in France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, to name a few.
Brexit has become the example to follow for Sweden Democrats (SD)’s leader Jimmie Åkesson, who urged Swedish MPs to give citizens a chance to express how they feel towards Europe. Speaking to a local newspaper he called the EU a “large web of corruption” and said in the bloc, “no one has control over anything”. Arguing Stockholm should get back control of its sovereignty and funds, he added: "We pay an enormous amount of money and get overwhelmingly little back. “But the main reason is ideological: we should not be in an ideological union." Jimmie Åkesson also said the budget black hole left by Brexit will force Sweden to further disbursements. This is not the first time a Swedish political leader called for an EU referendum. Peter Lundgren, MEP for Sweden and leading member of the SD, predicted the exit of the European Union for Sweden after Brexit one year ago. The relentless stream of Muslim migrants to Europe, sanctioned and demanded by the EU, has combined with economic troubles and rising fear of Islamic radicalism to fuel a backlash against these Muslims who refuse to assimilate into the different cultures but instead insist on setting up their own no go enclaves under Sharia law and not the law of the individual country. The simmering resentments and suspicions have driven debates across Europe about tighter controls on this forced immigration. Worries about Muslim immigration have helped buoy concerned parties throughout Europe, including Sweden. There are few places where the turn against immigrants is more surprising than Sweden. The anti-European Union sentiment seems to be growing as the European Union as different individual governments punish the natives of the different countries in favor of the politically correct appeasement of Islamic Jihad terrorism and crime. The United Kingdom started the exit movement from the European Union that is threatening to become an avalanche. 8/19/2018 YES, RAHM EMANUEL IS RIGHT BUT HAS BEEN ROUNDLY CRITICIZED BY HIS FELLOW MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS)Read NowChicago has become a war zone. Two dozen people were shot in a span of 12 hours to start the weekend in Chicago. In one weekend in Chicago, 66 people were shot, including 12 who died, police say. From Friday afternoon to early Monday, 21 people were wounded, and two people were killed, including a 14-year-old boy who was shot early Saturday while walking in the Washington Park neighborhood, according to police. Weekend toll in Chicago: 6 dead, 22 wounded. At least 72 shot, 13 killed in Chicago over violent summer weekend, police department says. These were all different week-ends in Chicago, a city with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. The black on black crime, which this is, is never discussed in polite leftist conversations. The reasons for this type of activity, not only in Chicago, but also in inner cities across the country including Baltimore, Washington DC, Los Angeles, and Oakland is buried in the mainstream media if mentioned at all. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel blamed the city's massive crime problem on a "shortage of values." Mr. Emanuel called on residents to "be a neighbor" and step forward if they knew anything about the perpetrators. Emanuel is being criticized for saying that a lack of morals in some communities is to blame for the escalating violence rocking the city this summer. “This may not be politically correct," he said, "but I know the power of what faith and family can do. … Our kids need that structure. … I am asking … that we also don’t shy away from a full discussion about the importance of family and faith helping to develop and nurture character, self-respect, a value system and a moral compass that allows kids to know good from bad and right from wrong.” He added: “If we’re going to solve this … we’ve got to have a real discussion. … Parts of the conversation cannot be off-limits because it’s not politically comfortable. … We are going to discuss issues that have been taboo in years past because they are part of the solution. … We also have a responsibility to help nurture character. It plays a role. Our kids need that moral structure in their lives. And we cannot be scared to have this conversation.” Emanuel also raised hackles by tackling the idea of a "moral community." “Everybody is pointing at somebody. The criminal, the criminal activity, the gang have to be raised, not just ‘what did the police do?’” Emanuel said then. “Legitimate questions, but not in lieu of another set of questions, not in lieu of asking where is the individual or the gang or the culture who condones rather than condemns?” The mayor continued to say that the “question of what a moral community is” needed to be addressed, along with questioning his decisions and the policies of the Police Department. Mayoral challenger Lori Lightfoot, whom Emanuel appointed to two city policing panels, has criticized the mayor’s remarks as a form of “victim shaming.” The Chicago Mayor showed a great deal of courage in saying what he did, but he should have continued with his discussion and explained that what he addressed is a direct result of the so called “war on crime” which brought about the permanent welfare system that has made slaves of many inner city inhabitants, to the state. This is exactly what happens when the Marxist mentality of “from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs” is employed. A permanent welfare system destroys the family, it destroys respect people had for themselves and for others. It brings about fatherless families. It creates a breeding mentality for the purpose of increasing welfare payments. It creates a criminal and gang infested community. A permanent welfare system has been created and endorsed by the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) Party because it creates a permanent voting block; a group of people who are now slaves to the state. Emanuel discussed the results of a system for which he has been a strong supporter. He did not discuss the reason for the break down of different communities within his city. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are dealing with the inevitable results of the society they have purposefully created for the sole purpose of power, so they can fundamentally transform the United States into a Marxist tyrannical state. Their solution to solve the problem will be a bigger welfare state and a bigger and even more dictatorial bureaucratic state. It did not work in the Soviet Union, Cuba, or Venezuela and it will not work here. |
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