The United States of America is in the process of being transformed. Marx said, “Between every Capitalist society and Communist society there is the period of the revolutionary transformation of the one (Capitalism) to the other (Communism)." It is this very transformation that Comrade Obama promised on October 30, 2008, when he proclaimed that the United States of America was five days away from being fundamentally transformed.
The United States of America was founded on the principle that our Natural Rights – among them Life, Liberty, and Property or the right to pursue happiness – are given to us by God and the only role of government is to protect those Natural Rights. This is a critical element of an individualist society as is Capitalism. It is the first society to which Marx refers. The second society to which Marx refers is the one referred to by Comrade Obama and the one now being proposed by the left or the Democrat party; a communist society. In a communist society all rights are under the control of the government and it is government that states what rights they will extend and to whom they will extend those rights. In an individualist society the right to life comes from God. Government is to protect the right to life. Under the concept of Natural Law, those who would take the life of another in a capacity other than self-defense have surrendered their right to life. Those advocating for the transformation to communism disagree with Natural Law and say that the right to life comes from the state. They are telling us that the state has the right to take the life of another if that life is determined it would be a nuisance or an inconvenience They euphemistically refer to murder as choice. In this instance, under Natural Law, the mother, the abortionist, and those assisting would have surrendered their right to life because they have voluntarily taken the life of another. In an individualist society it is paramount that the right to have the liberty of free speech is not impaired in any form. If one silences the speech or controls the thoughts of another, under Natural Law, they are surrendering their liberty of free speech and thought. Yet, in the United States today we have the regulation of free speech. Free speech is being regulated through regulation and through intimidation if certain speech is determined by the transformation movement to not be politically correct or it is determined by this same group to be hate speech. Under the rules of Natural Law, those in this transformation movement would have forfeited their Natural Right or liberty of free speech and thought. These two above examples are not isolated incidents of the violation of the fundamental principle that our Natural Rights come from God and not government, and that under Natural Law those who would restrict the Natural Rights of another have in fact forfeited their Natural Right to the same as that which they restricted. Incidents like these have become the rule and not the exception. This has happened in the Untied States of America because we the people have allowed it to happen. A free and an independent people that adheres to the God given freedoms under Natural Rights must be a people who understand this concept, value this concept, and are willing to protect this concept. We the people of the United States no longer understand this concept, value this concept, nor are we willing to protect this concept. We the people of the United States do not understand our Constitution that was drafted, signed, and ratified to protect our Natural Rights and liberties from those who wish to transform the Untied States. No where in the Constitution of the United States is government given the right to regulate any of our Natural Rights and Liberties. Throughout the entire Constitution of the United States the government is prohibited from infringing on these Natural Rights and Liberties. The Bill of Rights was made a part of the Constitution to reinforce this critical principle of freedom. Yet, we the people have allowed this critical principle to be violated. We have allowed those who wish to transform the United States to place our Natural Rights under the control of government and forsake Natural Law and replace it with the tyranny of government. Because the problem lies with we the people, the solution must become the responsibility of we the people. We the people must understand the differences between options before us. We are in the revolutionary transformation period as stated by Marx. We the people must decide if that revolutionary period is to be completed resulting in communism, or do we the people do whatever is necessary to end the revolutionary transformation and once again become a nation that adheres to the concepts upon which we were founded; governments role is to protect our Natural Rights and is not to have the right to limit or abolish such Natural Rights. If we choose the latter, there are immediate things we must do. We must resolve to understand the concept of Natural Rights, to value this concept of Natural Rights, and to protect this concept. We must resolve to elect to government positions only those who do the same and advocate for a limited government that does not expand beyond the limits imposed on it by the Constitution. Government positions would include school boards, city and county positions, all state positions, judges, and federal positions. Our next, and perhaps greatest challenge is to again have education institutions and not indoctrination centers. We will have to revamp everything to do with what we euphemistically refer to as education in the United States. Critical questions that must be answered are; what role if any should the federal government play, how to we broaden the choices parents have when it comes to their child’s education (understanding that the most important variable to great education is competition), does it improve education in any way when unions are involved, and should funds from property taxes and other sources go to the entity chosen by the parents as the educating entity for their children including having those funds going to families that home school, micro schools, private schools, charter schools, public schools, or other educational entities. We the people can solve our problem of losing our freedom and liberties if we the people will take the responsibility for these problems and understand that we can correct these problems if we so choose.
What is the left proposing for the United States in the name of Liberty? What did Comrade Obama mean when he stated that the United States was about to be fundamentally transformed? When Freedom Loving Americans proclaim they desire Liberty, are they saying the same thing the collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat, - all virtually the same) is saying when they say they desire to provide liberty for all?
Abraham Lincoln explained this very concept in his usual clear and precise manner when he said, “The world has never had a good definition of the word liberty, and the American people, just now, are much in want of one. We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others the same word may mean for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men’s labor. Here are two, not only different, but incompatable things, called by the same name liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatable names liberty and tyranny.” Abraham Lincoln defines Individualism when he says in the above explanation of Liberty, “the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor.” Thomas Jefferson described this very concept as the concept of good government when he said, “A wise and frugal government leave to men the right to regulate their own industry and improvement, and does not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.” Lincoln and Jefferson are telling us that liberty is having a limited government which in turn requires individuals to be responsible for their own success or failure by making their own decisions about how they will pursue their own happiness. As you will recall, that is a Natural Right given to us by God which takes this liberty out of the control of government so states the Declaration of Independence. The other liberty described by Lincoln is the liberty, “that some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men’s labor.” This is the government described by Lenin when he said, “no Marxist would deny that the interest of socialism is higher than the right of a nation to self-determination. The role of government is to implement socialism.” This is the conflict in the United States today with both sides proclaiming their desire to bring liberty to the people. Those who are called the right are telling us their liberty is the liberty of people having the freedom and responsibility to pursue their own happiness. Those who are called the left are saying they wish to provide the liberty that frees people from making their own decisions and having their pursuit of happiness be defined and dictated to them by those who would do as they please with the life of others and the product of other’s labor. The left is advocating for socialism and believe as did Lenin that it is the role of government to implement socialism. When you are about “Setting Brushfires of Freedom,” it is critical you understand in which context the word liberty is being used. One context proclaims individual freedom while the other context demands tyranny by the state. 7/28/2020 TEACHER UNIONS AND BLM SIMILARITIES IN THEIR QUEST TO TRANSFORM THE UNITED STATES TO A MARXIST TOTALITARIAN STATERead NowThere are distinctive similarities between these collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat, - all virtually the same) organizations, Teacher Unions and BLM. Of course, both are advocates for the fundamental transformation promised by Comrade Obama to the American people that the United States would be transformed into a Marxist totalitarian state.
BLM is the Black Lives Movement. What we know is that this movement has absolutely no concern for Black lives or any lives, other than their own. What the BLM movement has proven time after time is that they could care less about any life unless it advances their political goal of assisting as best they can in moving the fundamental transformation of the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state as promised by Comrade Obama. Teacher Unions would have us believe they are concerned about educating the children of America. We now know the Teacher Unions could care less about the education of children, but they are dedicated to indoctrinating children to help in the fundamental transformation of the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state. The Teacher Unions have made demands that must be made before they believe schools should be reopened despite all scientific evidence and actual evidence in Europe that schools can and should be open if indeed our interest was truly the children. Despite these hard facts, the Teacher Unions have stated that schools should only be open when a moratorium on private schools has been implemented, the police have been defunded, taxes on the wealthy have been increased, Medicare for all is implemented, and the HEROES Act is passed, which would allocate an additional $116 billion in federal education (indoctrination) funding to the states. None of these demands has anything to do with the health or safety of the children. The policy platform of BLM is a Marxist platform. It calls for collective ownership of resources, banks, and businesses, a highly progressive income tax, a guaranteed minimum income, and government jobs. This comes straight from the pages of Karl Marx’s “Communist Manifesto.” They, like the “Communist Manifesto” have as a core goal to destroy the core family unit. These two Marxist organizations are in lockstep with other key Marxist organizations in the United States including but not limited to the Democrat party, Antifa, and the Main Street Media. It is this transformation movement that is the single biggest threat to individual freedom and liberty in the United States. What Samuel Adams told American Colonists is just as true for Americans today as it was when the Father of the American Revolution said, “It is now high time for the people of this country to explicitly declare whether they will be free men or slaves.”
This is the question we face today; will we be free men or will we be slaves. Put in other terms we could say; will we be an individualist nation or a collectivist nation, will we support limited government or the tyranny of big centralized government, will we choose to make our own decisions or have government make them for us. Yes, the United States faces the same situation today that we faced in the 18th century which is who will be the sovereign and who will be the servant. After much discussion and debate the American colonist determined that the people would be the sovereign determining their own fate and that those in government would be the servant. The American colonists paid a tremendous price in life, suffering, and property to establish the people as sovereign. There is a movement today, headed by the hierarchy of the Democrat party, to transform the United States so that the government will again be sovereign, and the people will be the servant. The choices before us are described clearly as are the differences between the choices, by Thomas Jefferson and Vladimir Lenin: Jefferson said, “A wise and frugal government leaves men free to regulate their own pursuit of industry and improvement and does not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned, this is the sum of good government.” Lenin disagreed with Jefferson and stated what the transformation movement is professing when he said, “No Marxist can deny the interest of socialism is higher than the rights of a nation to self-determination. It is the role of the government to implement socialism.” When people are free from the dictates of big centralized government to regulate their industry and improvement, they are free to pursue their own happiness. This is the essence of individualism where each person makes decisions and then must be responsible for the consequences of those decisions. It is not the role of the government to limit opportunity or to enhance opportunity, but the government must act as a blind and impartial servant to its sovereign. Lenin said exactly the opposite when he said the role of government is to implement socialism. Socialism, according to Marx, brings about a classless society. To have a classless society, all must advocate the same philosophy. Any that would disagree with or be different from the dictates of society must be eliminated, otherwise there would no longer be a classless society. In order to maintain a classless society, the government must be sovereign, demanding total conformity. Government must also define what equality is and then rigorously enforce any requirements to maintain that equality. This requires that a centralized government must be the all-powerful sovereign holding dictatorial power over the people who will be slaves to the state. Samuel Adams said that a nation must decide if they will be free or slaves. Will the United States choose the course set forth by Jefferson or will the United States choose the course set forth by Lenin. The choice to follow the course set forth by Lenin is clearly the choice of the hierarchy of the Democrat party. What is your choice? The BLM movement, as has been stated many times, could care less about a black life, your life, or my life. They are only concerned with bringing chaos to the streets of the United States to bring about the fundamental transformation promised by Comrade Obama when on October 30, 2008, the Comrade promised that the United States of America was about to be fundamentally transformed. His complete sentence, we now know, was fundamentally transformed into a Marxist totalitarian state.
January 13, 2016 Prominent Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson said Wednesday he is attending a meeting with President Obama designed to help mend frayed ties between law enforcement and the communities they serve. “We are at the @WhiteHouse right now for a 3-hour convening w/ President Obama re: the recent events in #BatonRouge & across the country,” Mckesson tweeted Wednesday. February 18, 2016 “We had a conversation that lasted over 90 minutes,” BLM Packnett representative said. “The president actually extended himself because he wanted to continue the conversation. We had a lot of opportunity to elevate various strategies that are happening on the ground as far as criminal justice reform, working on police violence, and systemic educational inequities.” February 18, 2016 Comrade Obama praised young Black Lives Matter activists in the White House, taking special notice of prominent Ferguson protesters and describing the meeting as a moment to bridge differences in a younger, changing civil rights movement. “They are much better organizers than I was when I was their age, and I am confident that they are going to take America to new heights,” Obama said of Brittany Packnett, DeRay Mckesson and other young protest leaders. “The degree of focus and seriousness and constructiveness” they show reminded him of older, existing civil rights organizations, he added. We have witnessed just how well these students of Comrade Obama really are organized over the last several weeks. They continue to increase their “well organized activities” to the point Comrades Obama, Holder, and Jarrett intended, and that is shootings in the streets. The practice of stopping cars may have just finally resulted in a shooting death in Austin, Texas. BLM protesters were marching there when it appeared they surround a car. This video captures the moment where you can hear the shooting although what is happening is unclear. Several shots are audible and then everyone scatters. Not a good move. The person tried to make a right turn into the street and appeared to have been swarmed by BLM people. A BLM person allegedly approached the car with a rifle. The person in the car allegedly then fired at him, shooting him, and killing him. The driver is cooperating with police, according to the press briefing. And the justification and false stories abound as some protester witnesses claimed the car involved plowed into people or tried to run people over. Another claim floating out there was that the shooter “charged” into the crowd of protesters and shot people. But obviously neither of those scenarios is what the video shows. It is evidence of how the radical extremist will spread false stories to hype a narrative even in the death of one of their own members. The BLM person shot was reportedly Garrett Foster. Foster had previously been interviewed with his AK-47 in hand, saying that he didn’t think that the people who hated them would do anything because they were “too big p*ssies” to do anything about it. Of course, this type of incident was inevitable and will become more and more common. The question is if those who have supported the hatred fostered by Obama, Holder, and Jarrett, will continue to hold so many of the “useful idiots.” The fundamental transformation movement, or the movement to bring the United States to a Marxist totalitarian state, is dependent on those who believe the lies and contortions of these collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats – all virtually the same) to achieve their ends. Never under estimate their dedication to their maxim, “the ends always justify the means.” Make no mistake, the left which is dominated by Democrats, have as their top priority to fundamentally transform the United States from an individualist nation to a collectivist nation which means to a one party county which will be under the tyrannical rule of the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat.” Everything they are doing and saying confirms what many of us have been saying for years, while others have wanted to give the collectivist movement the benefit of the doubt.
The collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats, - all virtually the same) have made great inroads. They have transformed our schools into centers of indoctrination, they have placed the family unit in a state of serious decay in their movement to utterly destroy it, the news outlets – both national and local – are now propaganda tools for the transformation movement, we have a collectivist takeover of most cities that is encouraging the necessity of chaos, lawlessness, rioting, and intimidation of the citizenry by thugs and gangs. All of these are serious problems that must be addressed if our nation is to remain a free and independent people. The top immediate priority is the election of Donald Trump as President, retaining the Senate with more conservatives, and regaining control of the house. In addition, we need a complete revamping of school boards, local councils and boards, judgeship's, and state governors and legislatures. The top immediate priority is the election in November. It is critical we as individuals study the complete ballot and vote the complete ballot after we inform ourselves on all the races. There is a but and that but is that we not only make sure we vote the complete ballot, we also inform our families, friends, and acquaintances on the complete ballot. Remember, the left will cheat. They always do and they will again, another but, but this election will be more fraud filled than any election perhaps ever. That means it is imperative our margin be huge. If each of us does our part, it can be done. A large and meaningful victory in November is only winning a battle and not the war. Rest assured, a defeat for the left in November will make them even more vicious. Their means to achieve their ends will become even more desperate and outlandish. We must understand what our long-term priorities must be. The first priority must be to begin the process of our schools becoming centers of education and not indoctrination. The federal government must be completely removed from playing any role in education. Teacher and all public employee unions must be outlawed. School choice must be mandated in all states. The welfare system, which is the biggest reason for the decay of the family, must be revamped to require training, retraining, and job seeking as a prerequisite for receiving. The welfare program must be put on a course of totally eradicating it in any form. Charity programs of churches and other outlets should be encouraged to replace the government run welfare programs. This includes the disability program under Social Security. The most important priority is that we who are Freedom Loving Americans come to understand and then diligently implement “Setting Brushfires of Freedom.” In an individualist nation, it is the people who must be the sovereign and they must perform the role of an interested, involved, and informed sovereign. An important part of fulfilling that role of sovereign is to be about reinforcing the necessity of the individual taking responsibility for their decisions and being a good and responsible citizen. The collectivist is taught to and then required to rely on the state to make decisions for them and accepting those decisions as any slave would, without any question. Yes, this does mean that we apply ourselves to understanding our history, both the good and the bad, as well as understanding the evil of collectivism. If we are to accept our role of sovereign we must accept the responsibility to be interested, involved, and informed. Are you up to the challenge, both immediate and long term? What we are witnessing in the United States today is democracy. This is what the collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat, - all virtually the same) has always advocated. The left in the United States today is advocating democracy. Democracy is a dictatorship of the majority that quickly becomes a dictatorship of the few over the many. Democracy always leads to tyranny. This is exactly what the left (Democrats) has been advocating for the United States for years.
Plato wrote in The Republic, “And so tyranny naturally arises out of democracy.” The Founding Fathers despised democracies. They desired democratic principles, but not a democracy. As Plato decrees above, a democracy can easily be commandeered to establish a totalitarian state. The Founders inherently understood this, and wholly rejected forming a democracy. “It has been observed by an honorable gentleman, that a pure democracy, if it were practicable, would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved, that no position in politics is more false than this. The ancient democracies, in which the people themselves deliberated, never possessed one feature of good government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity.” Alexander Hamilton The Founders never used the words" republic" and "democracy" interchangeably. They had studied various forms and systems of government from throughout history in order to establish a system of government that would best deter a tyrant, or a group of tyrants, from denying God-given rights to Americans. The Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution do not use the term democracy to describe our form of government. Furthermore, "Neither the Articles of Confederation nor the Constitution set up direct democracies." The authors of these founding documents disagreed on many points, but on one point they ALL agreed wholeheartedly: "The United States is not a democracy, never was, and never was intended to be. It is a Republic. Alexander Hamilton asserted that "We are now forming a Republican form of government. Real liberty is not found in the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments. If we incline too much to democracy we shall soon shoot into a monarchy, or some other form of a dictatorship." Thomas Jefferson declared: "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine." Benjamin Franklin had similar concerns of a democracy when he warned that “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!” After the Constitutional Convention was concluded, in 1787, a bystander inquired of Franklin: "Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?" Franklin replied, "A Republic, if you can keep it." John Adams, our second president, wrote: “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.” James Madison, the father of the Constitution wrote in Federalist Paper No. 10 that pure democracies “have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths. A Republic protects the rights of the minority and those in power. A democracy gives to government total control over all rights. This is why our founders were so insistent on declaring that our Natural Rights come from God and not from government and include but are not limited to Life, Liberty, and Property, or the right of the individual to pursue their own happiness. When government has control of Natural Rights, the right to life comes under the control of the government and government can declare for instance that if the life of an unborn child is deemed to be a nuisance or inconvenience the baby can be murdered; if speech, assembly, or religion for instance is deemed to be incompatible with those in control they have the write to limit or outlaw these liberties; if the acquisition or property including the right to pursue accomplishments and be rewarded for such is deemed to be against the greater good of the commune, collective, or state, the masses have the right to destroy and take from the achiever. This is democracy and this is what is being encouraged by the Democrats today. The purpose of the Democrats is again to transform the United States into a Marxist totalitarian state. I know, I have been saying this for years Cliff, and you have told me I am dead wrong. Do you like what is happening and do you still think I am dead wrong? That our schools have become cesspools of indoctrination is no secret. This has been a growing trend ever since the federal government became involved in our public schools along with allowing public employees to unionize, particularly the school employees. There is no doubt that our teacher unions are more concerned with advancing a Marxist agenda than they are concerned with teaching children to read, write, do math, and to think. The Los Angeles Teachers Union said schools should not be open until there is a moratorium on private schools, defunding the police, increasing taxes on the wealthy, implementing Medicare for all, and passing the HEROES Act, which allocated and additional $116 billion in federal education funding to the states. They also want charter schools eliminated. None of this has anything to do with this flu like sickness that is less severe to kids than is the flu.
A major element of the Marxist movement, which is the same as the transformation movement taking place in the United States, is to indoctrinate all kids. We are seeing the effects of that indoctrination. The transformation movement can best move forward when the values of the children are not the same as the values of the parents or the church, but are the values of the state. Marx said the education of all children from the time they can leave the care of their mother must be in state institutions. The purpose is so the children can be indoctrinated. Any parent that has their children in a public-school today is doing a disservice to that child. Your child is being taught that individual liberty and freedom as protected by the United States Constitution is wrong. The child is told that individual freedom and liberty promotes non-conformity and inequality and thus individual freedom and liberty are evil. The good that has come from the hype of this flu called the China virus is that the already indoctrinated said schools must be closed. If we would look at other countries that did not follow this foolishness, we would see how wrong it was to close our schools from a health standpoint, but from a freedom and liberty standpoint it could be incredibly good. Parents have been forced to adjust in how they continue the education of their children. On a television program the topic last week was the “growing trend” of “microschooling,” a home-based education option in which several families share the responsibilities of teaching their multi-aged children. The Microschool Coalition (MSC) is helping parents to “transform education” by assisting with learning design and resources. Parents visiting the MSC website can get help with how to open their own microschool. Just as professional sports are learning and will learn, Freedom Loving Americans will not tolerate the evil political positions of the leagues and the players. Freedom Loving Americans were interested in these sports when they were games and played for the enjoyment of playing a game. Freedom Loving Americans have learned that not only is the involvement of any kind a waste of time and money, but it was also supporting an evil that wishes to abolish all individual liberties and freedoms. We Freedom Loving Americans are not boycotting professional sports; we have walked away completely. The local public schools, and thus the teacher’s unions will soon come to learn the same thing is happening when it comes to education. The parents will and have come to learn how poorly their kids were being taught the basics of reading, writing, math, and thinking along with being indoctrinated in anti-American ideas that they too will not simply boycott public schools but will completely walk away. This will be good for the parents, and it will be even better for the children and for America. I saw this on Facebook, and it caught my eye. All this says is correct, for prior times, but is no longer enough in the America of today.
"We are the silent majority. We get no air time. We don't burn things down or tear things up. We go to work and support our families. We love America. We want to protect the unborn. We salute the flag. We sing the "Star Spangled Banner." We respect law enforcement and obey the law. We appreciate the military. We are the very backbone of this country. But we are invisible, until we vote. And you can bet that come November we will be heard. It will be deafening." This was enough when Americans had the same goal, and that goal was Freedom and Liberty. The political parties differed on ways to better achieve Freedom and Liberty. That is no longer true. It began to change in earnest with the regime of Woodrow Wilson and the change in the Democrat Party has grown to the point where they now believe and teach that Freedom and Liberty are evil and the United States must be transformed into a Marxist totalitarian state. Americans no longer have common goals. Freedom Loving Americans still advocate for freedom and liberty, but Democrats have as their goal, total government control over the lives and thoughts of the people or government tyranny. These two goals are incompatible. We who are the silent majority must be silent no longer. We must become strong advocates for freedom and liberty. Over the years we have allowed our education system to become a cesspool of indoctrination. Not only must we change this, but we must be about “Setting Brushfires of Freedom” in the minds of our fellow Americans who have been led to believe that what the Democrats now profess brings about equality. What they do not understand is that total conformity is also demanded, and that equality means equality in despair and devastation with the government elite living in opulence. This has always been the result of the “new system” advocated by the Democrats. They will tell you there new system will be different and better from the prior transformations, however, nothing they are claiming is different from what the Marxist movements of the past claimed. The Marxist has always said the “ends justify the means.” That includes fixing elections which was clearly demonstrated in California in the 2018 elections. Unless we become a part of the irate and tireless minority keen on “Setting Brushfires of Freedom,” the transformation movement will continue its onslaught to destroy our freedoms and liberties as they bring tyranny in the name of the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat.” The headline read: Veterans Put Up Flags at Portland Federal Courthouse, Try to Defend It from Antifa.
This scuffle between the Veterans and the Marxist Anarchists is an important battle, but it is not where the war will be won. The war will only be won when the hearts and minds of American children and many adults are no longer taught that Freedom and Liberty have no value. This is exactly what is being taught in our public schools and many private schools. That Freedom and Liberty have no value is the belief held by many in the United States including but not limited to the Democrat Party, Teacher Unions, most in academia, and much of the government bureaucracy including school boards, city and county governments, state governments, and the federal governments. Those who would advocate for this evil we refer to as collectivists (an all-encompassing term for Marxism, communism, socialism, progressives, Democrats, - all virtually the same) tend to gravitate toward those positions that accommodate their belief systems. Those are positions where success or failure is viewed more as a group accomplishment as opposed to an individual accomplishment. It is also much more difficult to measure individual achievement or failure in these positions. Those who favor individualism will tend to work in fields where individual achievement and successes are easily identified and rewarded accordingly. The individualist accepts personal responsibility for their successes or failures and when successful fully expects to be rewarded for the effort and achievement. Because those who place a high value on Freedom and Liberty gravitate toward positions where Freedom and Liberty are cherished but not regulated, and those who believe in the collectivist theory gravitate toward positions where Freedom and Liberty can be limited and abolished, we have a constant attack against Freedom and Liberty with a curtailment and abolishing of these Constitutionally protected requirements for a free and independent people. Over the years our public schools have abandoned education and adopted indoctrination as their purpose. Teacher Unions (remember unions are to a Marxist society what the family unit is to a free society – that is the core unit) and government bureaucracies including but not limited to school boards have influenced a large segment of our population to believe that the very values adopted by our founders that made our nation such a unique nation were and are wrong. I have written extensively about why these values rejected by those who wish to transform the Untied States, the collectivists, are so critical to a free and independent people. If we are to win the war for freedom and independence it will not be because a group of veterans established that the flag could be flown contrary to the efforts of ANTIFA. The war will only be won when we are a society described by Samuel Adams when he said, “All men would be free if they valued freedom as it should be valued.” That means that the value of freedom and liberty must again be taught to our children. If the public schools will not do it, and there is no reason to believe they will, parents and grandparents much remove their children and grandchildren from those cesspools of indoctrination and have these children learn from educations centers which could be charter schools, private schools, home schooling, and what is becoming more and more a part of our society, group home schooling. That effort does not alone win the war. If we rely only on the necessary efforts of eradicating Teacher Unions, removing the federal government from any and all roles in education, and winning majorities of those who value freedom on local school boards, we could be a collectivist nation before we receive the proper results. Thus, the responsibility for the United States to remain an individualist nation falls exactly where it should, and that is to those of us who allowed this evil and destructive philosophy to take such a hold on our nation. That is correct, it falls on you and me. We must become an irate and tireless minority that is keen on “Setting Brushfires of Freedom.” That means we must engage those who claim to believe in the call for the transformation of the United States. To do this, we must first understand the founding principles that made our people such a driving force for good, in not only our own country, but for all people around the world. We must also understand this evil that has become a spectre haunting the United States, that evil spectre of collectivism. Once we have a good understanding, which is not a long and difficult process but an essential process, we must engage those who have been indoctrinated with the evil of collectivism, and not tell them what to believe, but through conversation, mostly by asking questions, help them come to the obvious conclusion of how collectivism obliterates freedom and liberty and individualism enhances freedom and liberty for all. WILL YOU ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE???? |
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