Americans, we are at a crossroads. There is a strong communist transformation movement in the United States that has as its goal to transform the United States into a Marxist totalitarian state. The force behind this communist transformation movement is the American left. The American left is comprised of the Democrat party and their allies including but not limited to ANTIFA, BLM, and RINO’s. The American left despises individualism, the basis upon which our nation was founded, and advocates for collectivism, which is an ideology that encompasses all the evils of Marxism, communism, socialism, and progressives.
Collectivism controlled much of Eastern Europe during the 20th century. Today it controls China, Viet Nam, and other Asian nations. It also controls Cuba and Venezuela. It has gained a foothold in Honduras and is very close to capturing its main target, the United States of America. In the United States, what a few of us have been saying for the last several decades, is now being recognized by many; that is that the collectivist movement, Marxism, communism, socialism, progressives, now have full control of the Democrat party and the American left. The collectivist movement is so emboldened in the United States that they overtly stole house seats in the 2018 election and stole the election in 2020, putting a true stooge in the White House, a stooge that is easily controlled. The collectivist movement has been doing what Marx said they must, and that is to destroy institutions so they could be rebuilt. Today, our core family is in a state of serious decay, if not completely destroyed. Our local police forces in many cities are decimated. Our medical industry is now under the control of the communist transformation movement. Our armed forces are no longer trained to be a fighting machine to protect us from foreign enemies but are being trained to be woke cultural soldiers, our court system has assumed the role of making law that supports the communist transformation movement, which is contrary to their role per the Constitution, and our churches are no longer Biblical based teaching that sin and wokeness are the wide road to Hell, and that salvation only comes through Jesus Christ and what he did on the cross. Lenin set out to transform the United States when he established the Communist International. The goal of the Communist International was to gain a foothold and eventually control our education, our media, our entertainment, and a political party. All of these goals were accomplished. Despite the downfall of communism in other places in the world, it is flourishing in the United States. Each American must decide if they wish to live under a collectivist system that dictates how people can live their lives, choices they can make, and how they must think, or do they wish to live as individuals free to live their own lives, make their own choices, and think as they wish. If you choose the former, you need do nothing but continue to support the Democrat party and RINO’s. If you choose the latter there is much you must do. The first thing you must do is to understand the differences between individualism and collectivism, republic and democracy, rule of law and arbitrary law, rights endowed by God and rights controlled by the state, and liberty and slavery. Once you understand these differences, you must choose if you wish to live in freedom or in bondage. If you choose freedom, it will take effort and commitment on your part. Collectivism, communism, has been overthrown in many different countries. The people in those countries choose freedom and rejected bondage. I have stood in the square in Prague where the masses met in protest of bondage, in the streets of Budapest where the masses marched in protest, in front of the palace in Bucharest where the masses demanded freedom, in the center of Trianna where the people said bondage must go, and in other places where the people said no more will the state tell us how we must live, choices we must make, and how we must think. In all instances where collectivism, communism has been overthrown, not a shot was fired, but people took big risks. Some were destroyed by state police forces of the collectivists, as have brave freedom fighters in the United States been destroyed by the communist police forces in the Unted States, namely, our FBI, our DOJ, and the January 6th committee. The people of these other countries suffered as more restrictions were placed on them for foolish reasons just as we Americans are having restrictions placed upon us under the name of protecting us. These restrictions are said to protect us against a Fauci made virus, restrictions that have no health benefits, but are means of control. These other people, having lived under bondage to the state, the same bondage that the American left is proposing for us, said, as did our founders, “give me liberty or give me death.” These people meant it and so did our founders. Are we that committed to freedom. If we are, the masses must rise against the evil communist transformation movement that is the American left, that is the Democrat party and the RINO’s. We must refuse to wear masks. We must refuse to take health damaging shots, we must refuse to have our children receive health damaging shots, If for some reason it was necessary to receive a shot, we must refuse to comply with showing our papers, if we own businesses we must not comply with these mandates and ask people to show their papers, we must remove our children from schools that are dedicated to indoctrination and not education, we must refuse to adhere to the dictates of using politically correct language, we must refuse to conform to the demands of compromising our principles to be politically correct, and we must support our fellow Freedom Loving Americans. In addition, we must become politically active; that is attending school board meetings, city and county board meetings, and voicing our concerns. We must dedicate ourselves to becoming a virtuous nation once again. To do that we must be sure we and our children understand what virtue is. A great way to do this is to take our children to Sunday School at a Bible believing church and stay for the worship service. When we do this we will also be able to discern much better if we are or we are not supporting virtuous people to be our government representatives. We must step out of our comfort zones. We must, as Samuel Adams said, be about “Setting Brushfires of Freedom.” That means we must ask proponents of the communist transformation movement to explain their positions. Read my book, “Setting Brushfires of Freedom” to better understand. When there are mass demonstrations against tyranny, we must participate. Millions of ordinary people, people that were under the bondage of collectivism, communism, what the American left wants for us, did the above and they overthrew that evil. Some paid a dear price, some paid less of a price, but all learned what it means to live free, what it means to live your own life, make your own choices, and have your own thoughts. Are the American people dedicated enough to pay the necessary price once again to be free? The real question is, are you willing to pay the price necessary to assure that the United States of America once again becomes a free nation today and for our posterity? This movement really begins with you, with me, yes, with each individual.
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