The Untied States Constitution was only ratified after the there was an agreement that a specified list of liberties would be added to the Constitution. The argument against adding this list was not that these liberties did not exist, but that to list them might limit them to only those listed. The Bill of Rights was added, but in the Bill of Rights we included the 9th amendment that states specifically liberties are not limited to those specified.
This was so crucial to the colonists because they understood that the power of government is the single biggest threat to the liberty of the citizen. The colonists understood that a certain element of the population will always use the power of government to bring about the control of the people and enslave them to the demands of the government. This is where the United States is today. We have the faction of the population that still believe control and/or enslavement of the people by the government is wrong. This faction believes that government’s role is to protect the liberties and not to control, limit, or abolish liberties. The other faction believes that ordinary people, that would be you and me, are incapable of being just and virtuous and therefore those people in government must control society by implementing their vision of justice and virtue. The conservative faction believes that people are not only capable of making their own decisions, but are also capable of electing representatives that will honor the role of government, and that role is to protect liberties and not control, limit, or abolish them. The leftist faction has believed throughout history that the community must control, limit, and if necessary abolish liberties for some or all. This group always places what they deem to be the interest of the community above the interest of the individual. This faction is called collectivists and their ideal is where all of the population conforms to one ideology, the ideology of community or communism. The Democrat party has been moving more and more to the left over the years and are now openly supporting and promoting communism for the United States. They believe the population should have liberty, but only as the elite deem is in the best interest of the individual which must conform to the dictates of the community. The Democrat party has sold its soul to the communist movement. Some in the Democrat party believe they can control the communists by appeasing them. These members of the Democrat party have not studied history. Those on the left do not compromise but keep demanding until they have achieved their goal of the classless society that is totally conforming and totally equal, that utopia that has never been achieved because it is an impossible and an undesirable society to achieve. The Democrat party has openly called for the abolition of the United States Constitution. They say they want it to be a living document so it can mean what they want it to mean. The Democrat party has said the liberties guaranteed in the constitution must be curtailed, and in some situation abolished. Included in this list would be the liberties protected in the first and second amendments. The Democrat party has stated that since they are the majority they can limit a person’s, even the president’s, right to due process. The Democrat party has said that we are no longer a Republic where liberties are protected equally for all, but we are a Democracy where the majority determines the extent liberties will be extended to groups and to individuals. Our founders rejected Democracy because they understood that democracy was rule by the mob. That the majority could and would limit liberties. That the majority could and would determine who could live and die. That the majority could and would determine what if any property people could keep and how the property taken would be redistributed. The Democrat party of today is openly stating that if they are elected in November they will institute total rule by the majority or true democracy. Democracy is dictatorship by the majority. What history has proven is that democracy quickly becomes dictatorship of the few over the many with those unwilling to conform to the demands of those in power banished or eliminated. The last twelve years have proven the Democrat party of today is truly the Communist party of today. Their words and their deeds have confirmed this. We must combat them and prevail in 2020. If we do not, the United States Constitution will be that living document they desire and will have lost all its protections, liberties will be curtailed, limited, and abolished. All pretenses of rule of law will be gone, and we will have dictatorship by the majority that will overnight become dictatorship of the few over the many. This is exactly what the elite of the far left is telling us and doing in collectivist controlled states.
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