That is a question that needs to be discussed and action taken. We America First citizens must decide if we move to a totally new structure or if we spend the same effort purging the evil from within us and build by transforming the GOP to what many in GOP leadership say they support, which is a nation based on the founding principles of all rights endowed to us by God and not government and that we are a republic and not a democracy. The current GOP leadership, however, voices support for these principles, but their actions do not match their words.
The current leadership of McConnell, McCarthy, Cheney, and others like Romney, Collins, Sasse, Murkowski, have proven to be “useful idiots” to those who are transforming the Untied States into a Marxist Totalitarian State. Each one of the above mentioned would adamantly deny my statement and denounce me for stating it. However, when we look at their actions, their denials, and their denunciations ring hollow. Their commitment to surrender to the transformation movement based on the false claim that surrender is for the good of the party and the country is their old and failed proclamation. Their mindset of surrender sadly places the good of the party first and the good of the country as a distant second. They, like the Democrats, place party above county. The good of the country should always be placed first. When President Trump placed the good of the country first, it was this group that cautioned him that his policies could hurt the party. President Trump’s response was America before the Republican Party. McConnell, McCarthy, Cheney, and the rest believe Republican Party before America as much as the Democrats believe Democrats first and America way down the list. The collectivist movement within the Democrat party faced the same dilemma these last 100 years; do we build an American Communist Party or do we take over the Democrat Party. The International Communist Party had already declared that in order to transform the United States to a communist country they would have to take control of the American education system, the American entertainment industry, the American media, and one of the American major political parties. They saw that the Democrat party had a faction of their party that already supported communism and so that is where the communists concentrated. The communist movement gained a foothold in the Democrat party and continued to move it to the left until in 2008 they were able to engineer the election of a devoted Marxist, Comrade Obama. Through the efforts of Comrade Obama, the communists were able to gain full control of the Democrat Party to the point where it truly is the Communist Party of the United States supporting communism not only in the United States but throughout the world. The communists gained control by purging from their party any who did not “glory” in the transformation movement, and would not conform to the ideology. They took over the party from the bottom. They taught their supporters that they must adhere to the collectivist axiom of “the ends always justify the means.” Within the Democrat party and then to the American public, truth became whatever the party said it was. No matter how ridiculous the lie might be, the party leadership kept repeating it until it became accepted as truth. One of the most devastating lies the left told was that the United States is a democracy. They have been so successful in selling this lie that it is repeated throughout the halls of congress by all members as well as throughout the American population. The communists took over an existing party. We Freedom Loving Americans have a stronghold in the Republican Party. I dare say the vast majority of those who identify as Republicans are America First believers. No, it does not hold true for the current Republican leadership, but it does hold true for many in congress, for many in the state legislatures, for many rank and file, and I know it holds true for perhaps the most effective group of Republicans which is the Republican women groups around the nation. We America First proponents must understand that strong parties are built from the ground up. Our foundation is established, I believe. What do we do? First, we must always remember that we are first Americans and after that Republicans. We must support our strong local Republican organizations who are America First supporters. We must become members of Central Committees and purge the evil from those committees. We must become active in local politics. We must be willing to run for office. We must always remember to tell the truth because means are important, and most importantly we must always be about “Setting Brushfires of Freedom”. We can no longer be silent to protect ourselves from the hatred thrown at us by the left. The communist movement has always excelled at intimidation. That is what the politically correct and cancel culture movements are. If we believe in individual freedom and liberty over conformity and equal outcome, we must be willing to make the same commitment as did the founders when they signed the Declaration of Independence, “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” Always remember, the cost to live free from the tyranny of government is high. To be a slave to government gives you the security of a minimal existence but costs you freedom and your dignity. The America First movement sings the virtue of individual freedom and liberty while the Democrats and the RINO’s would have you believe there is respect and honor in total surrender to their tyranny. Which do you believe?? Which will you choose??
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