“A republic if you can keep it,” is a quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin when he was asked by a lady what type of government we had. It is critical that we note that Franklin did not say, a democracy if you can keep it. The founders understood the difference between a republic and a democracy. They chose a republic because they envisioned that what they had created would last for a long time. Our republic is under attack today like never before and it is being attacked by a political party, the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party, for the very reasons the founders rejected a democracy and favored a republic.
A democracy is rule by the majority. Our founders, who were students of history, governments, and philosophy, understood that democracies quickly become tyrannies. The reason this is so is because rule by the majority is always used to eliminate the rights of the minority. As rights of the minority are eliminated, those members of the minority are no longer considered a part of the political group eligible to vote. As the number considered to be a party of the political group eligible to vote becomes smaller and smaller. A tyranny is created because the demands of a very few, perhaps even one, become the rules of all. A republic is established with the intent to always protect the liberty of the individual and to always protect the rights of the minority. This is why we have the Bill of Rights. The opposition to adopte the Bill of Rights was not because those people opposed the liberties protected, but because they said the Bill of Rights would be redundant since the rights of the individual and the minority were already protected in the Constitution. Those who favored adopting the Bill of Rights stated that any redundancy to protect the liberty of the individual and the rights of the minority could not be overdone. Nancy Pelosi, her understanding of the founding and the Constitution are terribly perverted so as to ask if she has any concept as to why we revolted, what the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, or the Bill of Rights really mean and why we have them, stated in her incorrect interpretation, that the founders were against having a king. This is true in the most rudimentary form. The founders feared more than anything, the tyranny of the majority and big government that would, as Patrick Henry stated, “dominate the lives and thoughts of the people.” Today we have the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party advocating for everything the founders feared; they are advocating for a democracy and a big government that “dominates the lives and thoughts of the people.” We have seen the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party dismantle our Republic during the coup attempt against a Constitutionally elected president by totally dismissing and abolishing the rights of the minority. We have consistently heard the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party advocate for a democracy by dismantling our Republic and the rights of the minority through the obliteration of the electoral college. We are seeing the Republic being dismantled through the court system championed by the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party as they campaign for the obliteration of individual liberties by restricting the right to life of the unborn, restricting the right to worship God without state sponsored religion as they establish secularism as the state sponsored religion, we witness the curtailment of freedom of speech by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) enforcing a limitation on what they call hate speech or phrases and words they consider to be politically incorrect, and we are witnessing the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) eliminating the right of citizens to peaceably assemble by their encouragement of such hate groups as ANTIFA and BLM to disrupt assembly of groups with whom they disagree. In the next coming days or weeks, we will witness the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) attack our Constitution by their perversion of the concept of impeachment. The impeachment clause was not just some clause carelessly thrown into the Constitution, but was carefully considered and discussed. The founders feared the very thing that has just happened and that is that a rogue and irresponsible group would impeach a duly elected President because they disliked the individual and/or disagreed with the political agenda of the individual. The standard for impeachment was set very high. The current rogue and irresponsible House has just lowered that standard to dislike and disagreement, just as the founders feared. When our founders formed our nation, they understood they would also have to form a government. Make no mistake, the founders understood that any government they would form, it would be that government that would be the single biggest threat to the freedoms they had just won. To try to protect those freedoms, the founder created a republic. The Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party is proving the founders to be correct; the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are destroying the republic for a democracy, so they can bring about the tyranny of government from which we originally revolted. If you are a Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) and disagree with anything I have stated, please, not with emotion with such inane comments as Trump is a liar and racist, but with facts and rational arguments, show me where you believe me to be wrong. If you agree with what I said, I challenge you to thoroughly understand what I said. Please no bumper sticker phrases or 30 second sound bites but cogent reasons. Once you understand, you can become a freedom fighter by beginning to be an irate tireless minority that is keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of others. If you have not already done so, I would strongly suggest you get “The Road to Tyranny” and “Two Visions of America” that will clearly outline why it is critical that you join this cause and how you can effectively set brushfires of freedom.
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