You are anti-American if you support the process being used by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) in their impeachment inquiry. Everything they are doing violates the very essence of what was deemed to be American and what was totally different from the rest of the world when our nation was founded.
Let us explore what I just stated. The United States, contrary to what the schools are teaching and what the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) are preaching, is a unique nation. We were founded on the principles of our natural rights coming from the Creator and not from government. We were founded on the concept of “rule of law” and not “arbitrary law” which is the difference between freedom and tyranny. It is this principle that is being changed by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats). When employing “rule of law,” fairness, total transparency, the investigation of a crime and not an individual, and the burden of proof of guilt is on the accuser and not the proof of innocence by the accused are essential. When employing “arbitrary law,” it is just the opposite. Tyrants pay no attention to fairness, all is done in secret, they accuse an individual and then find a crime, real or imagined, and the accused must prove their innocence. The Marxist/Progressives are using the tyrannical principle in their impeachment inquiry just as they did in their hearings on Judge Bork, Judge Thomas, Judge Kavanaugh, and now on President Trump. The concept of fairness means that we would use facts and not innuendo. We would not lie about and distort the known statements of the accused for which Schiff is now infamous. Everything the accuser has must be given to the accused for their defense unlike Nadler, Schiff and Mueiller did which is to conceal anything that would exonerate President Trump. A tyrant holds all proceedings in secrecy as opposed to the requirements of the United States Constitution which calls for due process and total transparency. The accused not only must know who the accuser is, but must be able to confront the accuser in open court. The accused is always given the opportunity to cross examine and to call their own witnesses. A tyrant will state that the individual is the problem and must be removed so a crime, any crime, even a concocted crime must be produced. In the situation of President Trump, it was determined by the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) that if nominated he must be impeached, if elected he must be impeached. The impeachment was declared and the hunt for a crime began. Having found no crime, other than that he was elected by the American public per the requirements of the United States Constitution, they began their search for a crime. Being able to find none, they have resorted to the champion of all tyrants, a concocted crime. When the Russian hoax failed, they resorted to the Ukraine accusations. The very crime for which they are trying to convict President Trump, we have learned that both Biden and a group of three Marxist/Progressive (Democrats) committed. Biden admitted to the crime on video and the three Senators wrote a letter that is now public knowledge. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have declared President Trump guilty without any proof of a crime, without practicing the Constitutionally protected practice of due process of law, and without even offering him the ability to present a defense. Remember the accuser must prove guilt. The accused is always given the assumption of innocence. In fact, President Trump is not even being afforded the Constitutionally protected requirement of knowing who his accuser is, knowing what the accuser is saying, and being able to cross examine the accuser. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have assumed the role of tyrant and forsaken any resemblance of “rule of law,” which includes fairness and fact finding to arrive at truth. The Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have in fact stated that truth is what ever they want it to be. This was openly stated by Biden when he said, “we never let facts get in the way of truth.” This is anti-American. YOU ARE ANTI-AMERICAN IF YOU IN ANY WAY SUPPORT THE PROCESS BEING USED BY THE MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) IN THEIR COUP TO OVERTURN A FAIR ELECTION. YOU ARE ANTI-AMERICAN IF YOU IN ANY WAY DEFEND PELOSI AND SCHIFF AS THEY LIE AND MAKE A MOCKERY OF THE CONSTITUTIONALLY MANDATED DUE PROCESS OF LAW. YOU ARE IN FACT A “USEFUL IDIOT” (as stated by Saul Alinsky) TO THE OPEN ATTEMPT TO PERVERT THE VERY UNIQUENESS OF THE UNITED STATES BY THE MARXIST/PROGRESSIVES (DEMOCRATS) IN THEIR OPEN AND DECLARED QUEST TO FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM THE UNITED STATES FROM A FREE NATION TO A MARXIST TOTALITARIAN STATE UNDER THE DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT. If you identify with the above, you are helping to pave "The Road to Tyranny." You are an accessory to the overthrow of the Constitution of the United States.
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