In any battle there are two sides. Individual liberty is in a battle to survive the onslaught of collectivism in the United States today. Will the United States remain a nation where individuals are allowed to and encouraged to live their own lives and to have their own thoughts or will the forces of collectivism reign; those forces that believe that the individual must conform to the dictates of the state in both how they are to live their lives and how they are to think.
The American right is on the side of individual liberty or the side of Individualism. This side believes in the principles upon which our nation was founded and that is that we as individuals are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, amongst them the right to life, to liberty and to the pursuit of happiness or the right to private property. In a society founded on Individualism, the role of the state must be limited to protecting the rights that were endowed to us by our Creator, and to protecting the borders of the nation who from those would seek to enter the nation illegally and without permission. The American left is advocating for collectivism. Collectivism is the belief that all individuals must conform to the dictates of the state whose goal is to achieve the “greater good.” The collectivist advocates that the greater good is only achieved when all individuals are willing to conform to the same ideals and have the same thoughts. This is the foundation of communism. The state is the ultimate purveyor of truth and all who would disagree with the state are enemies of the people and those enemies must be reprogramed, or segregated, or eliminated depending on their willingness to conform. A primary advocate of collectivism or communism was Karl Marx. Marx wrote about the good of communism and also how to transform societies to communist societies. Marx was a theorist. Valdimir Lenin was the first to bring about modern communism or the first to transform a nation to a communist nation using the theories set forth by Marx. In reality, any despotic dictatorship has aspects of communism. They also demand total allegiance to the state along with conformity to dictates of the state. Principles Lenin set forth transforming Russia to a collectivist or communist nation: “Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism. Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism.” ~ Vladimir Lenin Lenin went about eliminating religion, but primarily his target was the Bible and the God of the Bible. Lenin also understood the necessity of indoctrination. “Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.” ~ Vladimir Lenin Lenin understood that propaganda is critical to maintaining as well as promoting control of a society. “The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.” ~ Vladimir Lenin Lenin understood that all must conform to the dictates of the state. Conformity as opposed to diversity is critical for communism. “Why should freedom of speech and freedom of press be allowed? Why should a government which is doing what it believes is right allow itself to be criticized? It would not allow opposition by lethal weapons. Ideas are much more fatal things than guns. Why should any man be allowed to buy a printing press and disseminate pernicious opinions calculated to embarrass the government?” ~ Vladimir Lenin The American left is using these same principles today. Indoctrination, propaganda, and intimidation are the fundamentals to transforming a society to communism as was promised by Obama on October 30, 2008. The Bible must be ridiculed and ultimately outlawed, the family must be destroyed because the kids cannot be influenced by the beliefs of the parents or the church, the schools must become indoctrination centers where social justice is placed above reading, writing, math, and thinking, and control of the press is paramount so propaganda can be properly utilized. Then the state must enforce collectivism through intimidation which means to punish in any and all ways those who oppose the transformation and reward those who embrace the transformation. That the United States is the process of being transformed is irrefutable. Those of us who oppose the transformation must understand how we can effectively oppose this movement. First, we must pray to God to heal our lands and to free us from this evil of communism. We must not only send our kids to Sunday School, but we must take them and then stay for church. We must again become the primary source for the belief system embraced by our children and create a strong family unit. Communism requires that the family unit be destroyed. Liberty requires a nation that is comprised of strong families. Second, we must take control of what is being taught to our children in whatever place they are going to learn. The public school system has become an enemy of individual liberty. Every parent must be in control of what their children are being taught. Remove your children from public schools that are communist indoctrination centers. Become a part of what is now happening in our nation and that is an uprising of parents taking control of their own local schools. Be a part of the movement to eliminate the Department of Education and remove the federal government from all education from cradle to grave. Thirdly, become a part of the movement that is “Setting Brushfires of Freedom” in the minds of our fellow citizens. Many Americans, primarily those who support the American left, but also RINO’s, have the belief that government is their friend and government is there to help. Laws, regulations, and court opinions that favor government remove individual liberty and bring about government control. Each of us who proclaim freedom must take the time to understand why our founders were so adamant that we be an individualist nation and totally refuted any and all aspects of collectivism. We must also understand the reasons people advocate for collectivism or communism. Once we understand the good of individualism and the evil of collectivism, we must begin to be a part of the those who are tireless and keen on “Setting Brushfires of Freedom.” This does not mean we “tell that commie a thing or two,” or that we argue and debate, but it means we learn to ask good and penetrating questions that will aid the indoctrinated to understand that they are currently supporting a movement that will transform the United States into a Marxist totalitarian state. Remember, people never change their minds because they were told to change their minds, but because they came to their new conclusion on their own. This is our job, to help them come to the proper conclusion, and that is that freedom and liberty are superior to conformity and obedience to the dictates of a state.
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