Those who answer the question yes when asked if they are a Republican, must then state with which faction of the Republican party they identify. There are clearly two different Republican parties. There is the Republican party that identifies as the go along to get along faction. It is this faction that has kept the Republican party as the party that is most comfortable as the minority in congress. They also support having a Republican President who claims to be a compassionate conservative. A compassionate conservative has been identified by the left as a useful idiot. The compassionate conservative claims to oppose the transformation to communism as supported by the Democrats, but they go along with all the proposed policies by the Democrats to bring about the transformation because “it brings harmony to the country”; in other words, they are liars when they claim to be conservatives.
The useful idiot faction of the Republican party has included such notables as Governor Rockefeller, Senator Dole, Senator McCain, and currently those like Jeff Flake, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, John Boehner, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and so many others. These useful idiots inevitably support big government. Big government means that government will control the lives and the thoughts of the people; this is the common identifier of collectivism (Marxism, communism, socialism, progressives, Democrats, - all virtually the same). The other faction of the Republican party is the Freedom Loving Americans faction. This is the faction that supports and wants to restore the principles upon which America was founded such as; we are a republic, our rights and liberties come from God and not government, the people are sovereign and the government is the servant, limited government is always best, education and not indoctrination, truth and honor and not lies and propaganda, equal opportunity not equal outcome, self-reliance not government reliance, rule of law not arbitrary law, content of character and not color of skin, America first not America last, America must be that shining city on the hill for the rest of the world, and the other principles of individualism and not collectivism. Those notable Americans who represent the Freedom Loving Americans faction would be our founders such as George Washington, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and the rest. Other notables would be Presidents Coolidge and Reagan, Barry Goldwater, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and so many other great Americans. Freedom Loving Americans understand why we are a republic, why our rights come from God and not government, and most importantly why we must oppose at every turn the committed efforts of the left and the useful idiots to transform the United States from a nation committed to individual freedom and liberty to a Marxist totalitarian state. Each Republican, indeed, each American must also make the same choice. Samuel Adams gave the colonists when he said, “It is high time the people of this country explicitly declare whether they will be free, or they will be slaves.” This is the choice we must make today, free or slaves. If you chose slaves, and you are a Democrat, just keep doing what you have been doing. If you choose slaves and are a Republican that supports the go along to get along faction do what you are doing, and you will become even more of a slave to government. If you are a Freedom Loving American, your choice is to not cause waves and lose your freedoms, or become a part of the “tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of our fellow Americans.” You will no longer shrink from conversing, not arguing and debating, with those who claim they want to be free but are supporting slavery. You must understand that these people will not be convinced in one setting, but you must create a spark in their minds that will enable them to change their own minds. This is what Samuel Adams and Thomas Paine successfully did. It worked for them; it will work for us.
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