There are reasons for hope. That does not mean we who are Freedom Loving Americans can sit back and expect that the promise by the American Left to transform the United States into a Marxist totalitarian state is a phase that has passed. Unfortunately, the transformation movement, or the demand for communism will never end. Never forget that communism, or the government dictating how individuals live their lives and what their thoughts can be, has been more prevalent and for much longer than has the belief that individuals are given their liberties by God and not government and it is the responsibility of each individual to make their own choices and to have their own thoughts.
Collectivism (Marxism, communism, socialism, progressives, Democrats, all literally the same) began to show its evil self in the United States in the early 20th century and became a part of mainstream politics under the leadership of Woodrow Wilson. It took great strides during the regimes of Franklin Roosevelt and Comrade Barack Obama. It is being overtly proclaimed as the course for the United States today by the leadership and others in the Democrat party. Some Freedom Loving Americans, or Individualists, probably starting with Calvin Coolidge, began to warn of the dangers of collectivism with its big government mantra. The cry to refrain from going down “The Road to Tyranny” became louder as Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan had a national platform to warn of the inevitable loss of individual liberty if the movement toward communism continued. More and more people came to understand that the warnings of Goldwater and Reagan were substantive, and they began to sound the alarm as well. Even though more and more Americans warned of this evil ideology that proposed to place all liberties, including life, speech, assembly, due process, rule of law, and on and on, under the control of the deep state that had been developed by the American Left with the help of Comrade Lenin, it seemed our warnings and cries were not being heeded. Despite the advances the communist movement has made, such as controlling our public education, our media, the Democrat party and the RINO’s, our entertainment industry, the continued and dedicated efforts by Freedom Loving Americans seems to be having some impact. Yes, we have gone through a time where the American Left has become so transparent, that American elections are overtly determined by vote counters and not voters. This is now accepted as normal. Yes, it is now understood by what has been referred to as the silent majority, that our schools are now institutions of indoctrination and not education. Yes, it is now recognized that our media outlets no longer believe their function is to report news but instead to influence by not only slanting but intentionally falsifying. Yes, it is now understood that entertainment’s primary purpose is not to entertain but instead to influence. This has all led us to the place we are today. This has led us to the place where we Freedom Loving Americans can now be hopeful that the American public is realizing that the transformation has all the evil characteristics we Freedom Loving Americans told the people it would. The demand for vote counters to determine elections and not voters brought us the illegitimate and incompetent Biden and Harris regime. Even the indoctrinated youth are realizing that government control over their lives and their thoughts is not in their best interest. I have had two personal encounters that have made me even more confident that Samuel Adams was correct when he told us and showed us how critical it is that we always be about “Setting Brushfires of Freedom.” I was in the grocery store the other day and asked a young lady, a young lady that was dutifully wearing her mask and had other outward signs that she was a conformist to the communist ideology, for some help. After she was kind and gave me the help I requested, she looked at me and told me how happy it made her, how much hope it gave her, that I refrained from conforming to idiotic and unconstitutional demands and did not wear a mask. She asked me if I had consented to be jabbed with what is called a vaccine but has no characteristics of a vaccine. I told her no, and again she thanked me and said how I had restored her faith in American principles of liberty and freedom. The second happening was when I was talking with a very special person who told me how some acquaintances we had in common, acquaintances who had both openly declared their belief that collectivism was superior to individualism, had not only denounced that belief but apologized for many of the bombastic declarations they had made. These acquaintances explained they have seen the error of their way. The complete and total failures of collectivism under the illegitimate and incompetent Biden and Harris regime and opened their eyes. The lesson we must learn, is that we never know what might be said or what might be done to expose the lunacy and failure of collectivism. This is why we can never give up, we can never lose hope, and we must be diligent in our duty of “Setting Brushfires of Freedom.” Learn how. “Setting Brushfires of Freedom” can be ordered on my website or at Amazon or Barnes and Nobel.
1 Comment
Al Hauff
12/10/2021 09:16:12 am
Don, you are absolutely right in your assessment. Our nation is unrecognizable compared to 50 years ago, politically and spirituality.
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