We the people have a responsibility to remain informed. Yes, we have a press that is biased. Frankly, there is no law against a biased press. Throughout our history our press has been biased, perhaps never more than today. Remember, our journalist schools are teaching these young aspiring journalists to hate America and hate everything for which it stands. This was initiated when the Frankfurt School was forced out of Germany and brought its collectivist beliefs to America. Lenin added to this movement to turn our journalist schools and subsequently our press into advocates for the collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat, all virtually the same) movement.
The collectivist advocates have been incredibly open about their intents. We are witnessing the results every day. Today we have the breaking story about the Biden family and how it has been operating as an international criminal family for years by selling the influence of Joe Biden. The MSM and left-wing cable news outlets refused to report on this story prior to November 3rd. People are now saying if they had known about the Biden family was involved in money laundering, selling government secrets, and other criminal activity they would not have voted for Joe Biden. Please people, do not blame the press for you not knowing but blame yourselves. Other Americans knew about this criminal activity. Many Americans actually saw the clip of Joe Biden bragging about how he used United States loans to blackmail Ukraine into dropping an investigation into the criminal activities that included the Biden Family Criminal Enterprise. If Americans did not know this, it was because they refused to accept what was obvious, or they were not interested and did not do any research. Jefferson told us that only an interested, informed, and involved people can remain free. Only governments can impose tyranny on the citizens of a nation and enslave those citizens. Only an interested, involved, and informed public can resist the inevitable attempts by government to impose tyranny. To remain free requires effort. To become slaves to a tyrannical government requires no effort, those in government who claim to have the best interest of the people at heart and are the friend of the people, will do all that is necessary to make the citizens slaves to the tyranny of government. Thomas Jefferson warned us about government tyranny when he said, “Experience has shown that even under the best forms of government, those entrusted with power, have in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” And Thomas Paine told us that to remain free required an effort when he said, “Those who expect to recap the blessings of freedom, must, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” Samuel Adams understood the sacredness of the vote and why we must be diligent in understanding the choice we are making when he told us, “Let each citizen remember at the time he is offering his vote, that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and to his country.” The reality is, and for many different reasons, Americans take the seriousness of our votes for granted. This has led to those desiring to impose tyranny upon the people through the controls of government to use this very tool that was intended to keep us free, to become a tool for certain enslavement by perfecting means of voter fraud and manipulation. Never has it been on greater display than it was in the 2020 elections. If we who are Freedom Loving Americans wish to reap the blessings of freedom, we will have to undergo the fatigue of supporting it. We will have to become totally committed in our efforts of “Setting Brushfires of Freedom.” It becomes our responsibility to be sure that all with whom we have contact are aware of the facts the MSM and other outlets are concealing. We can do this by making those facts known through our many different forms of communication. When doing this incredibly important work of helping our fellow citizens be informed, we do it through reminders, through sharing, and by leading so these people will start to have an appreciation as to why it is critical they also become interested, informed, and involved. A gentle reminder to my Fellow Freedom Loving Americans, in order to be a Samuel Adams who, set the standard for being an effective brushfire setter, you must be fully informed on the principles our founders established so we would be free, and you must be fully informed on who the collectivists are and what their goals are. We can not rely on bumper sticker or 30 second bites, but must develop deeper understandings. We must than learn to lead these people so they can reach the proper conclusion that freedom is superior to enslavement. Remember, not all desire freedom. For instance, the Obama’s, Holder, Jarrett, AOC, Sanders, and others like them strongly place enslavement over freedom. However, many in America are confused for many reasons and are seeking clarification. They are looking for you to answer questions, not to argue or debate, and not to tell them what they must think. They want to decide that for themselves.
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