30 Black civilians have been shot by police in the first three months of 2021. That is shot and not necessarily killed. We are being told that the police must be reimagined, reformed. What that means is that the concept of local police forces must be abandoned, and all police must be nationalized.
Al Sharpton called for nationalizing the police force at his annual National Action Network conference. Billionaire statist George Soros has been helping Obama and globalist forces to federalize control over American police forces under the guise of pushing “criminal justice reform,” hacked e-mails and documents from his shadowy Open Society “philanthropic” empire revealed. Under the guise of civil rights, President Obama is using last year’s Ferguson riots to go after police forces around the country. Last Monday he told reporters, “We have a great opportunity… to really transform how we think about community law enforcement relations.” …“We need to seize that opportunity… this is something that I’m going to stay very focused on in the months to come.” Obama then instructed the media to help him with his propaganda campaign to federalize the nation’s police forces; telling the media, “I expect our friends in the media to really focus on what’s in this report and pay attention to it.” Is the emphasis on nationalizing police, defunding police, and investigating police the proper place to receive so much attention or should the concern and attention be placed on the family; the fatherless family, the family with no discipline, the family where school is not important, the family where kids run free, the family that kids leave for the life of a gang member, a gang that is more family to them than are fathers, mothers, siblings, and relatives, a family that has never gone to Sunday School or Church? This is the family that has been created by the “War on Poverty”, by welfare programs, by rewarding single mothers for having children out of wedlock but placing no responsibility on this single mother for the behavior of the child and certainly placing no responsibility on any kind on the father. This is what the Democrat party and big government has created within different communities in primarily the inner cities as they encourage and reward an irresponsible and out of control situation in which defunding the police or nationalizing the police would only enhance. Three people were killed, and 22 others wounded in shootings across Chicago this weekend. New York City weekend bloodshed leaves 31 people shot, 6 killed. A deadly weekend took shape in Baltimore. The violence sparked when two city sanitation workers were gunned down — one fatally — Friday evening, with the shooting continuing late into the night with another person killed and a woman shot and picking back up Saturday morning when a young man was shot to death, police said. Los Angeles County sheriff’s detectives are investigating two homicides that occurred Sunday afternoon — one in Compton and the other in Lennox. The killings come less than a day after the Sheriff’s Department reported three separate homicides in Pico Rivera, near Los Angeles International Airport and in East Los Angeles. 2 killed, 12 injured in St. Louis shootings over the weekend. The 30 Black civilians shot by the police in the first three months of this year are much less than the number of Black civilians that are killed each weekend across the nation. It is a mere fraction of the number shot or stabbed. Yet, this is not a national story, it receives no attention from the so-called Reverends, Sharpton, and Jackson. It receives no attention from BLM. It receives no attention from Waters, James, Pelosi, Biden, or Harris. In fact, we might conjecture that it is heralded by these people because they use it to further their false narrative that the United States is a racist nation. They refuse to note that these shootings and killings are Black on Black; young gang members mostly who have never lived in strong traditional families. These people are not even statistics to the left despite their cries for social justice. Every single American who cares about life, should be marching in the streets demanding family reform, not more welfare, not more special programs, for sure not police reform, but school reform, less government and more individual responsibility, but most of all a return to the values and principles we find in the Bible, yes a return to Christian values which means a return to Sunday School and Church.
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