The two primary arguments within the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party today is how clearly do we state our desire for a collectivist (Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, Democrat – all virtually the same) state and how clearly do we state our disdain for and desire to obliterate the United States Constitution and the Republic for a tyrannical Marxist state under the control of the majority of the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat.”
Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) presidential candidate Bernie Sanders had to deny that he was a communist, although every thing he says and has said would state otherwise. Apparently, Bernie believes that because his party claims you are anything you say you are, Warren said she was Indian, he, being a communist, can not be one because that is what he said. Bernie has said he is a Democratic Socialist. You can try to modify socialist anyway you want, but, as Lenin said, all socialism leads to communism. Elizabeth Warren sings from the same song book as Bernie. The only difference between them seems to be gender and age, but then they can change that, according to Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) by just saying they are something else, apparently even younger or older. What a marvelous world in which the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) live. And that takes us to Mayor Pete, who the media and others claim is a moderate. In the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) world, moderate is apparently what a Menshevik was in the Russian Communist Party compared to a Bolshevik. Both were absolute Communists, they just differed in how the revolution should take place in the rest of the world. Mayor Pete is well versed in these differences as he learned at the feet of his father who not only taught the Communist Manifesto, but defended it while singing its praises. This strong and open collectivism within the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party has many within the party concerned. We have heard from James Carville, Van Jones, Bill Maher, and now Chris Mathews. They also hear and understand that regardless of how Bernie Sanders tries to modify socialism, it is a losing proposition for their party and ultimately the country. Several weeks ago, even Islamic Jihad Sympathizer and devoted Communist, Comrade Obama said that the rhetoric was to explicit and that the outright arguments for socialism must be camouflaged better. Remember how well Comrade Obama camouflaged his call for his movement for nationalized healthcare when he knowingly lied to the American people by telling us we could keep our doctor or our healthcare plan if we liked them even though he knew it was a total lie. But telling lies was not an unusual strategy of Comrade Obama. Comrade Obama, John Kerry, and Ben Rhodes told lie after lie about the Iran Nuclear deal as they helped Iran secure the road to nuclear weapons while at the same time making it possible for Iran to promote Islamic terrorism by lifting sanctions that made huge amounts of cash available to the Iranians. Comrade Obama would also like the Americans to believe that he is not a devoted Communist. However, far too often his deep-seated love of communism and hatred for the United States seeps out. Documentary filmmaker Julia Reichert quoted the "Communist Manifesto" during her acceptance speech at the 92nd Academy Awards after she, Jeff Reichert, and Steven Bognar won Best Documentary Feature that sang the praises of communism. Reichert quoted the Communist Manifesto when she encouraged the workers of the world to unite, which is a rally cry popularized by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' infamous book. The full phrase is, "Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!" Comrades Julia and Steven Reicher won the praise and adulation of their more famous Comrade, Comrade Obama as he tweeted, “Congrats to Julia and Steven, the filmmakers behind American Factory, for telling such a complex, moving story about the very human consequences of wrenching economic change. Glad to see two talented and downright good people take home the Oscar for Higher Ground’s first release.” These Comrades, along with the Marxist/Progressives (Democrats) have as their goal, the total obliteration of the United States Constitution, which was established to protect the people from the tyranny of government, the destruction of the United States as a world economic and military power because they believe the United States to be the worst of the worst imperialist states that oppresses the people of the world, and the rebuilding of society as the Classless society called for by Karl Marx that will be totally equal and totally conforming to the collectivist ideology. Carville, Jones, and Obama were not saying to the Marxist/Progressive (Democrat) party should not move ahead with their agenda, but just to be more covert.
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