The United States is at a tipping point. We will tip over the top to communism, as desired by the collectivists, (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats, - all virtually the same) or we will tip to liberty and freedom as desired by the Freedom Loving Americans. The call to transform the United States to a collectivist nation was made by Karl Marx when he said that the United States will not become collectivist through revolution but by transformation, in 1920 Lenin called for this transformation of the United States to a collectivist nation just as he brought a revolution to change Russia to a collectivist nation, and in 2008 Comrade Obama promised that he would fundamentally transform the United States to a collectivist nation.
What can we Freedom Loving Americans do to change the course of that transformation called for by Marx, Lenin, and Obama? We could continue to complain about what is happening by writing snarky comments on social media, we could continue to argue and “really tell them commies a thing or two,” or we could take our plight seriously and follow the lead of the Father of the Revolution, Samuel Adams. Never believe that the American Revolution just happened. Nothing just happens. Samuel Adams made the Revolution happen. Will you be one to make the transformation stop and freedom and liberty restored per our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States including the Bill of Rights. Just as the American Revolution did not just happen, the transformation of the United States to be on the edge of tipping to a collectivist nation did not just happen. It was planned and orchestrated, it continues to be planned and orchestrated by dedicated collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats, - all virtually the same.) If you are a Freedom Loving American, you can join with a minority of irate and tireless Americans who are dedicated to restoring freedom and liberty. You must take a positive step to learn what it means and how do you become a Freedom Loving American “Setting Brushfires of Freedom.” You must understand that people who love Freedom and want to live free of tyranny must always fight for that freedom. It is critical that a freedom warrior understand who and what we are, or at least were intended to be. Why were we founded based on Natural Rights given to us by the creator and not government and why is that critical to the fight we are in today? You must understand why our founders specifically rejected democracy and made us a Republic. You must understand why our founders wrote a Constitution that protects the people from government. You must understand our real heritage and why it is still critical today. None of this is being taught in our schools today and has not been taught for well over 50 years. Yes, our public schools have failed freedom and have become an indoctrination center just as called for by Marx and Lenin and promulgated by the Democrat Party. Just as important as understanding why we were established to protect the people from the tyranny of government, you must understand who those are that want the tyranny of government to prevail and why they want it. You must go beyond the bumper stickers and 30 second sound bites to understand why they despise our Declaration of Independence which established our country as the first nation to be founded on the basis of Natural Rights, why they despise the Constitution of the United States which specifically limits the power of the government, and why they despise the Bill of Rights which guarantees the same liberties to the minority it guarantees to the majority. It is critical that a Freedom Loving American who is keen on “Setting Brushfires of Freedom” understand the DNA of the die-hard collectivist. Are there any limits to what they will or will not do to attain their desired end of making decisions for all because as Comrades Marx and Lenin intimated and Comrade Obama expressly stated, “the common man is not capable of making their own decisions.” A Freedom Loving American must realize that those people, the ones Saul Alinsky called useful idiots, who have supported the collectivist movement but are doing so because of indoctrination and not because of hard core collectivist beliefs, do not care about facts and rationale arguments. They are ideologues. They cannot be told they are wrong but must be led to arrive at that decision by processing it themselves. It is for this purpose “Setting Brushfires of Freedom” was written. We who despise tyranny by government and value our Republic and Natural Rights, must begin this effort today. We must form groups and assist each other, discuss different approaches, and become as dedicated as were those many brave lovers of freedom and liberty that came before us. Freedom and liberty come with a price, are you willing to join in the war, because it is a war. “Setting Brushfires of Freedom” is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and on the website mygrandchildrensamerica.
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